import { render, act, waitFor } from '@testing-library/react'; import React from 'react'; import { Provider } from 'react-redux'; import { Router } from 'react-router-dom'; import { byTestId } from 'testing-library-selector'; import { DataSourceApi } from '@grafana/data'; import { locationService, setDataSourceSrv } from '@grafana/runtime'; import { ExpressionDatasourceRef } from '@grafana/runtime/src/utils/DataSourceWithBackend'; import { DashboardModel, PanelModel } from 'app/features/dashboard/state'; import { getDatasourceSrv } from 'app/features/plugins/datasource_srv'; import { toggleOption } from 'app/features/variables/pickers/OptionsPicker/reducer'; import { toKeyedAction } from 'app/features/variables/state/keyedVariablesReducer'; import { PrometheusDatasource } from 'app/plugins/datasource/prometheus/datasource'; import { PromOptions } from 'app/plugins/datasource/prometheus/types'; import { configureStore } from 'app/store/configureStore'; import { PanelAlertTabContent } from './PanelAlertTabContent'; import { fetchRules } from './api/prometheus'; import { fetchRulerRules } from './api/ruler'; import { disableRBAC, mockDataSource, MockDataSourceSrv, mockPromAlertingRule, mockPromRuleGroup, mockPromRuleNamespace, mockRulerGrafanaRule, } from './mocks'; import { getAllDataSources } from './utils/config'; import { Annotation } from './utils/constants'; import { DataSourceType, GRAFANA_RULES_SOURCE_NAME } from './utils/datasource'; import * as ruleFormUtils from './utils/rule-form'; jest.mock('./api/prometheus'); jest.mock('./api/ruler'); jest.mock('./utils/config'); const dataSources = { prometheus: mockDataSource({ name: 'Prometheus', type: DataSourceType.Prometheus, isDefault: false, }), default: mockDataSource({ name: 'Default', type: DataSourceType.Prometheus, isDefault: true, }), }; dataSources.prometheus.meta.alerting = true; dataSources.default.meta.alerting = true; const mocks = { getAllDataSources: jest.mocked(getAllDataSources), api: { fetchRules: jest.mocked(fetchRules), fetchRulerRules: jest.mocked(fetchRulerRules), }, }; const renderAlertTabContent = ( dashboard: DashboardModel, panel: PanelModel, initialStore?: ReturnType ) => { const store = initialStore ?? configureStore(); return act(async () => { render( ); }); }; const rules = [ mockPromRuleNamespace({ name: 'default', groups: [ mockPromRuleGroup({ name: 'mygroup', rules: [ mockPromAlertingRule({ name: 'dashboardrule1', annotations: { [Annotation.dashboardUID]: '12', [Annotation.panelID]: '34', }, }), ], }), mockPromRuleGroup({ name: 'othergroup', rules: [ mockPromAlertingRule({ name: 'dashboardrule2', annotations: { [Annotation.dashboardUID]: '121', [Annotation.panelID]: '341', }, }), ], }), ], }), ]; const rulerRules = { default: [ { name: 'mygroup', rules: [ mockRulerGrafanaRule( { annotations: { [Annotation.dashboardUID]: '12', [Annotation.panelID]: '34', }, }, { title: 'dashboardrule1', } ), ], }, { name: 'othergroup', rules: [ mockRulerGrafanaRule( { annotations: { [Annotation.dashboardUID]: '121', [Annotation.panelID]: '341', }, }, { title: 'dashboardrule2', } ), ], }, ], }; const dashboard = { uid: '12', time: { from: 'now-6h', to: 'now', }, meta: { canSave: true, folderId: 1, folderTitle: 'super folder', }, } as DashboardModel; const panel = new PanelModel({ datasource: { type: 'prometheus', uid: dataSources.prometheus.uid, }, title: 'mypanel', id: 34, targets: [ { expr: 'sum(some_metric [$__interval])) by (app)', refId: 'A', }, ], }); const ui = { row: byTestId('row'), createButton: byTestId('create-alert-rule-button'), }; describe('PanelAlertTabContent', () => { beforeEach(() => { jest.resetAllMocks(); mocks.getAllDataSources.mockReturnValue(Object.values(dataSources)); const dsService = new MockDataSourceSrv(dataSources); dsService.datasources[dataSources.prometheus.uid] = new PrometheusDatasource( dataSources.prometheus ) as DataSourceApi; dsService.datasources[dataSources.default.uid] = new PrometheusDatasource(dataSources.default) as DataSourceApi< any, any >; setDataSourceSrv(dsService); disableRBAC(); }); it('Will take into account panel maxDataPoints', async () => { await renderAlertTabContent( dashboard, new PanelModel({ ...panel, maxDataPoints: 100, interval: '10s', }) ); const button = await ui.createButton.find(); const href = button.href; const match = href.match(/alerting\/new\?defaults=(.*)&returnTo=/); expect(match).toHaveLength(2); const defaults = JSON.parse(decodeURIComponent(match![1])); expect(defaults.queries[0].model).toEqual({ expr: 'sum(some_metric [5m])) by (app)', refId: 'A', datasource: { type: 'prometheus', uid: 'mock-ds-2', }, interval: '', intervalMs: 300000, maxDataPoints: 100, }); }); it('Will work with default datasource', async () => { await renderAlertTabContent( dashboard, new PanelModel({ ...panel, datasource: undefined, maxDataPoints: 100, interval: '10s', }) ); const button = await ui.createButton.find(); const href = button.href; const match = href.match(/alerting\/new\?defaults=(.*)&returnTo=/); expect(match).toHaveLength(2); const defaults = JSON.parse(decodeURIComponent(match![1])); expect(defaults.queries[0].model).toEqual({ expr: 'sum(some_metric [5m])) by (app)', refId: 'A', datasource: { type: 'prometheus', uid: 'mock-ds-3', }, interval: '', intervalMs: 300000, maxDataPoints: 100, }); }); it('Will take into account datasource minInterval', async () => { (getDatasourceSrv() as any as MockDataSourceSrv).datasources[dataSources.prometheus.uid].interval = '7m'; await renderAlertTabContent( dashboard, new PanelModel({ ...panel, maxDataPoints: 100, }) ); const button = await ui.createButton.find(); const href = button.href; const match = href.match(/alerting\/new\?defaults=(.*)&returnTo=/); expect(match).toHaveLength(2); const defaults = JSON.parse(decodeURIComponent(match![1])); expect(defaults.queries[0].model).toEqual({ expr: 'sum(some_metric [7m])) by (app)', refId: 'A', datasource: { type: 'prometheus', uid: 'mock-ds-2', }, interval: '', intervalMs: 420000, maxDataPoints: 100, }); }); it('Will render alerts belonging to panel and a button to create alert from panel queries', async () => { mocks.api.fetchRules.mockResolvedValue(rules); mocks.api.fetchRulerRules.mockResolvedValue(rulerRules); await renderAlertTabContent(dashboard, panel); const rows = await ui.row.findAll(); expect(rows).toHaveLength(1); expect(rows[0]).toHaveTextContent(/dashboardrule1/); expect(rows[0]).not.toHaveTextContent(/dashboardrule2/); const button = await ui.createButton.find(); const href = button.href; const match = href.match(/alerting\/new\?defaults=(.*)&returnTo=/); expect(match).toHaveLength(2); const defaults = JSON.parse(decodeURIComponent(match![1])); expect(defaults).toEqual({ type: 'grafana', folder: { id: 1, title: 'super folder' }, queries: [ { refId: 'A', queryType: '', relativeTimeRange: { from: 21600, to: 0 }, datasourceUid: 'mock-ds-2', model: { expr: 'sum(some_metric [15s])) by (app)', refId: 'A', datasource: { type: 'prometheus', uid: 'mock-ds-2', }, interval: '', intervalMs: 15000, }, }, { refId: 'B', datasourceUid: '-100', queryType: '', model: { refId: 'B', hide: false, expression: 'A', type: 'classic_conditions', datasource: { type: ExpressionDatasourceRef.type, uid: '-100', }, conditions: [ { type: 'query', evaluator: { params: [3], type: 'gt' }, operator: { type: 'and' }, query: { params: ['A'] }, reducer: { params: [], type: 'last' }, }, ], }, }, ], name: 'mypanel', condition: 'B', annotations: [ { key: '__dashboardUid__', value: '12' }, { key: '__panelId__', value: '34' }, ], }); expect(mocks.api.fetchRulerRules).toHaveBeenCalledWith( { dataSourceName: GRAFANA_RULES_SOURCE_NAME, apiVersion: 'legacy' }, { dashboardUID: dashboard.uid, panelId:, } ); expect(mocks.api.fetchRules).toHaveBeenCalledWith(GRAFANA_RULES_SOURCE_NAME, { dashboardUID: dashboard.uid, panelId:, }); }); it('Update NewRuleFromPanel button url when template changes', async () => { const panelToRuleValuesSpy = jest.spyOn(ruleFormUtils, 'panelToRuleFormValues'); const store = configureStore(); await renderAlertTabContent(dashboard, panel, store); store.dispatch( toKeyedAction( 'optionKey', toggleOption({ option: { value: 'optionValue', selected: true, text: 'Option' }, clearOthers: false, forceSelect: false, }) ) ); await waitFor(() => expect(panelToRuleValuesSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2)); }); });