define([ 'angular', 'jquery', 'moment', 'lodash', 'app/core/utils/kbn', './graph.tooltip', 'jquery.flot', '', 'jquery.flot.selection', 'jquery.flot.time', 'jquery.flot.stack', 'jquery.flot.stackpercent', 'jquery.flot.fillbelow', 'jquery.flot.crosshair' ], function (angular, $, moment, _, kbn, GraphTooltip) { 'use strict'; var module = angular.module('grafana.directives'); module.directive('grafanaGraph', function($rootScope, timeSrv) { return { restrict: 'A', template: '
', link: function(scope, elem) { var dashboard = scope.dashboard; var data, annotations; var sortedSeries; var graphHeight; var legendSideLastValue = null; scope.crosshairEmiter = false; scope.onAppEvent('setCrosshair', function(event, info) { // do not need to to this if event is from this panel if (info.scope === scope) { return; } if(dashboard.sharedCrosshair) { var plot =; if (plot) { plot.setCrosshair({ x: info.pos.x, y: info.pos.y }); } } }); scope.onAppEvent('clearCrosshair', function() { var plot =; if (plot) { plot.clearCrosshair(); } }); // Receive render events scope.$on('render',function(event, renderData) { data = renderData || data; if (!data) { scope.get_data(); return; } annotations = data.annotations || annotations; render_panel(); }); function getLegendHeight(panelHeight) { if (! || scope.panel.legend.rightSide) { return 0; } if (scope.panel.legend.alignAsTable) { var total = 30 + (25 * data.length); return Math.min(total, Math.floor(panelHeight/2)); } else { return 26; } } function setElementHeight() { try { graphHeight = scope.height || scope.panel.height || scope.row.height; if (_.isString(graphHeight)) { graphHeight = parseInt(graphHeight.replace('px', ''), 10); } graphHeight -= 5; // padding graphHeight -= scope.panel.title ? 24 : 9; // subtract panel title bar graphHeight = graphHeight - getLegendHeight(graphHeight); // subtract one line legend elem.css('height', graphHeight + 'px'); return true; } catch(e) { // IE throws errors sometimes return false; } } function shouldAbortRender() { if (!data) { return true; } if ($rootScope.fullscreen && !scope.fullscreen) { return true; } if (!setElementHeight()) { return true; } if (_.isString(data)) { render_panel_as_graphite_png(data); return true; } if (elem.width() === 0) { return true; } } function drawHook(plot) { // Update legend values var yaxis = plot.getYAxes(); for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { var series = data[i]; var axis = yaxis[series.yaxis - 1]; var formater = kbn.valueFormats[scope.panel.y_formats[series.yaxis - 1]]; // decimal override if (_.isNumber(scope.panel.decimals)) { series.updateLegendValues(formater, scope.panel.decimals, null); } else { // auto decimals // legend and tooltip gets one more decimal precision // than graph legend ticks var tickDecimals = (axis.tickDecimals || -1) + 1; series.updateLegendValues(formater, tickDecimals, axis.scaledDecimals + 2); } if(!scope.$$phase) { scope.$digest(); } } // add left axis labels if (scope.panel.leftYAxisLabel) { var yaxisLabel = $("
") .text(scope.panel.leftYAxisLabel) .appendTo(elem); yaxisLabel.css("margin-top", yaxisLabel.width() / 2); } // add right axis labels if (scope.panel.rightYAxisLabel) { var rightLabel = $("
") .text(scope.panel.rightYAxisLabel) .appendTo(elem); rightLabel.css("margin-top", rightLabel.width() / 2); } } function processOffsetHook(plot, gridMargin) { if (scope.panel.leftYAxisLabel) { gridMargin.left = 20; } if (scope.panel.rightYAxisLabel) { gridMargin.right = 20; } } // Function for rendering panel function render_panel() { if (shouldAbortRender()) { return; } var panel = scope.panel; var stack = panel.stack ? true : null; // Populate element var options = { hooks: { draw: [drawHook], processOffset: [processOffsetHook], }, legend: { show: false }, series: { stackpercent: panel.stack ? panel.percentage : false, stack: panel.percentage ? null : stack, lines: { show: panel.lines, zero: false, fill: translateFillOption(panel.fill), lineWidth: panel.linewidth, steps: panel.steppedLine }, bars: { show: panel.bars, fill: 1, barWidth: 1, zero: false, lineWidth: 0 }, points: { show: panel.points, fill: 1, fillColor: false, radius: panel.points ? panel.pointradius : 2 // little points when highlight points }, shadowSize: 1 }, yaxes: [], xaxis: {}, grid: { minBorderMargin: 0, markings: [], backgroundColor: null, borderWidth: 0, hoverable: true, color: '#c8c8c8', margin: { left: 0, right: 0 }, }, selection: { mode: "x", color: '#666' }, crosshair: { mode: panel.tooltip.shared || dashboard.sharedCrosshair ? "x" : null } }; for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { var series = data[i]; series.applySeriesOverrides(panel.seriesOverrides); = series.getFlotPairs(panel.nullPointMode, panel.y_formats); // if hidden remove points and disable stack if (scope.hiddenSeries[series.alias]) { = []; series.stack = false; } } if (data.length && data[0].stats.timeStep) { options.series.bars.barWidth = data[0].stats.timeStep / 1.5; } addTimeAxis(options); addGridThresholds(options, panel); addAnnotations(options); configureAxisOptions(data, options); sortedSeries = _.sortBy(data, function(series) { return series.zindex; }); function callPlot(incrementRenderCounter) { try { $.plot(elem, sortedSeries, options); } catch (e) { console.log('flotcharts error', e); } if (incrementRenderCounter) { scope.panelRenderingComplete(); } } if (shouldDelayDraw(panel)) { // temp fix for legends on the side, need to render twice to get dimensions right callPlot(false); setTimeout(function() { callPlot(true); }, 50); legendSideLastValue = panel.legend.rightSide; } else { callPlot(true); } } function translateFillOption(fill) { return fill === 0 ? 0.001 : fill/10; } function shouldDelayDraw(panel) { if (panel.legend.rightSide) { return true; } if (legendSideLastValue !== null && panel.legend.rightSide !== legendSideLastValue) { return true; } } function addTimeAxis(options) { var ticks = elem.width() / 100; var min = _.isUndefined(scope.range.from) ? null : scope.range.from.valueOf(); var max = _.isUndefined( ? null :; options.xaxis = { timezone: dashboard.timezone, show: scope.panel['x-axis'], mode: "time", min: min, max: max, label: "Datetime", ticks: ticks, timeformat: time_format(scope.interval, ticks, min, max), }; } function addGridThresholds(options, panel) { if (_.isNumber(panel.grid.threshold1)) { var limit1 = panel.grid.thresholdLine ? panel.grid.threshold1 : (panel.grid.threshold2 || null); options.grid.markings.push({ yaxis: { from: panel.grid.threshold1, to: limit1 }, color: panel.grid.threshold1Color }); if (_.isNumber(panel.grid.threshold2)) { var limit2; if (panel.grid.thresholdLine) { limit2 = panel.grid.threshold2; } else { limit2 = panel.grid.threshold1 > panel.grid.threshold2 ? -Infinity : +Infinity; } options.grid.markings.push({ yaxis: { from: panel.grid.threshold2, to: limit2 }, color: panel.grid.threshold2Color }); } } } function addAnnotations(options) { if(!annotations || annotations.length === 0) { return; } var types = {}; _.each(annotations, function(event) { if (!types[]) { types[] = { level: _.keys(types).length + 1, icon: { icon: "fa fa-chevron-down", size: event.annotation.iconSize, color: event.annotation.iconColor, } }; } if (event.annotation.showLine) { options.grid.markings.push({ color: event.annotation.lineColor, lineWidth: 1, xaxis: { from: event.min, to: event.max } }); } }); = { levels: _.keys(types).length + 1, data: annotations, types: types }; } function configureAxisOptions(data, options) { var defaults = { position: 'left', show: scope.panel['y-axis'], min: scope.panel.grid.leftMin, index: 1, logBase: scope.panel.grid.leftLogBase || 1, max: scope.panel.percentage && scope.panel.stack ? 100 : scope.panel.grid.leftMax, }; options.yaxes.push(defaults); if (_.findWhere(data, {yaxis: 2})) { var secondY = _.clone(defaults); secondY.index = 2, secondY.logBase = scope.panel.grid.rightLogBase || 1, secondY.position = 'right'; secondY.min = scope.panel.grid.rightMin; secondY.max = scope.panel.percentage && scope.panel.stack ? 100 : scope.panel.grid.rightMax; options.yaxes.push(secondY); applyLogScale(options.yaxes[1], data); configureAxisMode(options.yaxes[1], scope.panel.y_formats[1]); } applyLogScale(options.yaxes[0], data); configureAxisMode(options.yaxes[0], scope.panel.y_formats[0]); } function applyLogScale(axis, data) { if (axis.logBase === 1) { return; } var series, i; var max = axis.max; if (max === null) { for (i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { series = data[i]; if (series.yaxis === axis.index) { if (max < series.stats.max) { max = series.stats.max; } } } if (max === void 0) { max = Number.MAX_VALUE; } } axis.min = axis.min !== null ? axis.min : 0; axis.ticks = [0, 1]; var nextTick = 1; while (true) { nextTick = nextTick * axis.logBase; axis.ticks.push(nextTick); if (nextTick > max) { break; } } if (axis.logBase === 10) { axis.transform = function(v) { return Math.log(v+0.1); }; axis.inverseTransform = function (v) { return Math.pow(10,v); }; } else { axis.transform = function(v) { return Math.log(v+0.1) / Math.log(axis.logBase); }; axis.inverseTransform = function (v) { return Math.pow(axis.logBase,v); }; } } function configureAxisMode(axis, format) { axis.tickFormatter = function(val, axis) { return kbn.valueFormats[format](val, axis.tickDecimals, axis.scaledDecimals); }; } function time_format(interval, ticks, min, max) { if (min && max && ticks) { var secPerTick = ((max - min) / ticks) / 1000; if (secPerTick <= 45) { return "%H:%M:%S"; } if (secPerTick <= 7200) { return "%H:%M"; } if (secPerTick <= 80000) { return "%m/%d %H:%M"; } if (secPerTick <= 2419200) { return "%m/%d"; } return "%Y-%m"; } return "%H:%M"; } function render_panel_as_graphite_png(url) { url += '&width=' + elem.width(); url += '&height=' + elem.css('height').replace('px', ''); url += '&bgcolor=1f1f1f'; // @grayDarker & @grafanaPanelBackground url += '&fgcolor=BBBFC2'; // @textColor & @grayLighter url += scope.panel.stack ? '&areaMode=stacked' : ''; url += scope.panel.fill !== 0 ? ('&areaAlpha=' + (scope.panel.fill/10).toFixed(1)) : ''; url += scope.panel.linewidth !== 0 ? '&lineWidth=' + scope.panel.linewidth : ''; url += ? '&hideLegend=false' : '&hideLegend=true'; url += scope.panel.grid.leftMin !== null ? '&yMin=' + scope.panel.grid.leftMin : ''; url += scope.panel.grid.leftMax !== null ? '&yMax=' + scope.panel.grid.leftMax : ''; url += scope.panel.grid.rightMin !== null ? '&yMin=' + scope.panel.grid.rightMin : ''; url += scope.panel.grid.rightMax !== null ? '&yMax=' + scope.panel.grid.rightMax : ''; url += scope.panel['x-axis'] ? '' : '&hideAxes=true'; url += scope.panel['y-axis'] ? '' : '&hideYAxis=true'; switch(scope.panel.y_formats[0]) { case 'bytes': url += '&yUnitSystem=binary'; break; case 'bits': url += '&yUnitSystem=binary'; break; case 'bps': url += '&yUnitSystem=si'; break; case 'pps': url += '&yUnitSystem=si'; break; case 'Bps': url += '&yUnitSystem=si'; break; case 'short': url += '&yUnitSystem=si'; break; case 'joule': url += '&yUnitSystem=si'; break; case 'watt': url += '&yUnitSystem=si'; break; case 'ev': url += '&yUnitSystem=si'; break; case 'none': url += '&yUnitSystem=none'; break; } switch(scope.panel.nullPointMode) { case 'connected': url += '&lineMode=connected'; break; case 'null': break; // graphite default lineMode case 'null as zero': url += "&drawNullAsZero=true"; break; } url += scope.panel.steppedLine ? '&lineMode=staircase' : ''; elem.html(''); } new GraphTooltip(elem, dashboard, scope, function() { return sortedSeries; }); elem.bind("plotselected", function (event, ranges) { scope.$apply(function() { timeSrv.setTime({ from : moment.utc(ranges.xaxis.from), to : moment.utc(, }); }); }); } }; }); });