define([ 'angular', 'lodash', ], function (angular, _) { 'use strict'; var module = angular.module('grafana.controllers'); module.controller('TemplateEditorCtrl', function($scope, datasourceSrv, templateSrv, templateValuesSrv, alertSrv) { var replacementDefaults = { type: 'query', datasource: null, refresh_on_load: false, name: '', options: [], includeAll: false, allFormat: 'glob', }; $scope.init = function() { $scope.editor = { index: 0 }; $scope.datasources = datasourceSrv.getMetricSources(); $scope.variables = templateSrv.variables; $scope.reset(); $scope.$watch('editor.index', function(index) { if ($scope.currentIsNew === false && index === 1) { $scope.reset(); } }); }; $scope.add = function() { if ($scope.isValid()) { $scope.variables.push($scope.current); $scope.update(); $scope.updateSubmenuVisibility(); } }; $scope.isValid = function() { if (!$ { $scope.appEvent('alert-warning', ['Validation', 'Template variable requires a name']); return false; } if (!$^\w+$/)) { $scope.appEvent('alert-warning', ['Validation', 'Only word and digit characters are allowed in variable names']); return false; } var sameName = _.findWhere($scope.variables, { name: $ }); if (sameName && sameName !== $scope.current) { $scope.appEvent('alert-warning', ['Validation', 'Variable with the same name already exists']); return false; } return true; }; $scope.runQuery = function() { return templateValuesSrv.updateOptions($scope.current).then(function() { }, function(err) { alertSrv.set('Templating', 'Failed to run query for variable values: ' + err.message, 'error'); }); }; $scope.edit = function(variable) { $scope.current = variable; $scope.currentIsNew = false; $scope.editor.index = 2; if ($scope.current.datasource === void 0) { $scope.current.datasource = null; $scope.current.type = 'query'; $scope.current.allFormat = 'Glob'; } }; $scope.update = function() { if ($scope.isValid()) { $scope.runQuery().then(function() { $scope.reset(); $scope.editor.index = 0; }); } }; $scope.reset = function() { $scope.currentIsNew = true; $scope.current = angular.copy(replacementDefaults); }; $scope.typeChanged = function () { if ($scope.current.type === 'interval') { $scope.current.query = '1m,10m,30m,1h,6h,12h,1d,7d,14d,30d'; } if ($scope.current.type === 'query') { $scope.current.query = ''; } }; $scope.removeVariable = function(variable) { var index = _.indexOf($scope.variables, variable); $scope.variables.splice(index, 1); $scope.updateSubmenuVisibility(); }; }); });