/** * Flot plugin for adding 'events' to the plot. * * Events are small icons drawn onto the graph that represent something happening at that time. * * This plugin adds the following options to flot: * * options = { * events: { * levels: int // number of hierarchy levels * data: [], // array of event objects * types: [] // array of icons * xaxis: int // the x axis to attach events to * } * }; * * * An event is a javascript object in the following form: * * { * min: startTime, * max: endTime, * eventType: "type", * title: "event title", * description: "event description" * } * * Types is an array of javascript objects in the following form: * * types: [ * { * eventType: "eventType", * level: hierarchicalLevel, * icon: { image: "eventImage1.png", * width: 10, * height: 10 * } * } * ] * * @author Joel Oughton */ (function($){ function init(plot){ var DEFAULT_ICON = { icon: "icon-caret-up", size: 20, width: 19, height: 10 }; var _events = [], _types, _eventsEnabled = false, lastRange; plot.getEvents = function(){ return _events; }; plot.hideEvents = function(levelRange){ $.each(_events, function(index, event){ if (_withinHierarchy(event.level(), levelRange)) { event.visual().getObject().hide(); } }); }; plot.showEvents = function(levelRange){ plot.hideEvents(); $.each(_events, function(index, event){ if (!_withinHierarchy(event.level(), levelRange)) { event.hide(); } }); _drawEvents(); }; plot.hooks.processOptions.push(function(plot, options){ // enable the plugin if (options.events.data != null) { _eventsEnabled = true; } }); plot.hooks.draw.push(function(plot, canvascontext){ var options = plot.getOptions(); var xaxis = plot.getXAxes()[options.events.xaxis - 1]; if (_eventsEnabled) { // check for first run if (_events.length < 1) { _lastRange = xaxis.max - xaxis.min; // check for clustering if (options.events.clustering) { var ed = _clusterEvents(options.events.types, options.events.data, xaxis.max - xaxis.min); _types = ed.types; _setupEvents(ed.data); } else { _types = options.events.types; _setupEvents(options.events.data); } } else { /*if (options.events.clustering) { _clearEvents(); var ed = _clusterEvents(options.events.types, options.events.data, xaxis.max - xaxis.min); _types = ed.types; _setupEvents(ed.data); }*/ _updateEvents(); } } _drawEvents(); }); var _drawEvents = function() { var o = plot.getPlotOffset(); var pleft = o.left, pright = plot.width() - o.right; $.each(_events, function(index, event){ // check event is inside the graph range and inside the hierarchy level if (_insidePlot(event.getOptions().min) && !event.isHidden()) { event.visual().draw(); } else { event.visual().getObject().hide(); } }); _identicalStarts(); _overlaps(); }; var _withinHierarchy = function(level, levelRange){ var range = {}; if (!levelRange) { range.start = 0; range.end = _events.length - 1; } else { range.start = (levelRange.min == undefined) ? 0 : levelRange.min; range.end = (levelRange.max == undefined) ? _events.length - 1 : levelRange.max; } if (level >= range.start && level <= range.end) { return true; } return false; }; var _clearEvents = function(){ $.each(_events, function(index, val) { val.visual().clear(); }); _events = []; }; var _updateEvents = function() { var o = plot.getPlotOffset(), left, top; var xaxis = plot.getXAxes()[plot.getOptions().events.xaxis - 1]; $.each(_events, function(index, event) { top = o.top + plot.height() - event.visual().height(); left = xaxis.p2c(event.getOptions().min) + o.left - event.visual().width() / 2; event.visual().moveTo({ top: top, left: left }); }); }; var _showTooltip = function(x, y, event){ /* var tooltip = $('
').appendTo('body').fadeIn(200); $('
' + event.title + '
').appendTo(tooltip); $('
Type: ' + event.eventType + '
').appendTo(tooltip); $('
' + event.description + '
').appendTo(tooltip); tooltip.css({ top: y - tooltip.height() - 5, left: x }); console.log(tooltip); */ // @rashidkpc - hack to work with our normal tooltip placer var $tooltip = $('
'); if (event) { $tooltip .html(event.description) .place_tt(x, y, { offset: 10 }); } else { $tooltip.remove(); } }; var _setupEvents = function(events){ $.each(events, function(index, event){ var level = (plot.getOptions().events.levels == null || !_types || !_types[event.eventType]) ? 0 : _types[event.eventType].level; if (level > plot.getOptions().events.levels) { throw "A type's level has exceeded the maximum. Level=" + level + ", Max levels:" + (plot.getOptions().events.levels); } _events.push(new VisualEvent(event, _buildDiv(event), level)); }); _events.sort(compareEvents); }; var _identicalStarts = function() { var ranges = [], range = {}, event, prev, offset = 0; $.each(_events, function(index, val) { if (prev) { if (val.getOptions().min == prev.getOptions().min) { if (!range.min) { range.min = index; } range.max = index; } else { if (range.min) { ranges.push(range); range = {}; } } } prev = val; }); if (range.min) { ranges.push(range); } $.each(ranges, function(index, val) { var removed = _events.splice(val.min - offset, val.max - val.min + 1); $.each(removed, function(index, val) { val.visual().clear(); }); offset += val.max - val.min + 1; }); }; var _overlaps = function() { var xaxis = plot.getXAxes()[plot.getOptions().events.xaxis - 1]; var range, diff, cmid, pmid, left = 0, right = -1; pright = plot.width() - plot.getPlotOffset().right; // coverts a clump of events into a single vertical line var processClump = function() { // find the middle x value pmid = _events[right].getOptions().min - (_events[right].getOptions().min - _events[left].getOptions().min) / 2; cmid = xaxis.p2c(pmid); // hide the events between the discovered range while (left <= right) { _events[left++].visual().getObject().hide(); } // draw a vertical line in the middle of where they are if (_insidePlot(pmid)) { _drawLine('#000', 1, { x: cmid, y: 0 }, { x: cmid, y: plot.height() }); } }; if (xaxis.min && xaxis.max) { range = xaxis.max - xaxis.min; for (var i = 1; i < _events.length; i++) { diff = _events[i].getOptions().min - _events[i - 1].getOptions().min; if (diff / range > 0.007) { //enough variance // has a clump has been found if (right != -1) { //processClump(); } right = -1; left = i; } else { // not enough variance right = i; // handle to final case if (i == _events.length - 1) { //processClump(); } } } } }; var _buildDiv = function(event){ //var po = plot.pointOffset({ x: 450, y: 1}); var container = plot.getPlaceholder(), o = plot.getPlotOffset(), yaxis, xaxis = plot.getXAxes()[plot.getOptions().events.xaxis - 1], axes = plot.getAxes(); var top, left, div, icon, level, drawableEvent; // determine the y axis used if (axes.yaxis && axes.yaxis.used) yaxis = axes.yaxis; if (axes.yaxis2 && axes.yaxis2.used) yaxis = axes.yaxis2; // use the default icon and level if (_types == null || !_types[event.eventType] || !_types[event.eventType].icon) { icon = DEFAULT_ICON; level = 0; } else { icon = _types[event.eventType].icon; level = _types[event.eventType].level; } div = $('').appendTo(container); top = o.top + plot.height() - icon.size + 1; left = xaxis.p2c(event.min) + o.left - icon.size / 2; div.css({ left: left + 'px', top: top, color: icon.color, "text-shadow" : "1px 1px "+icon.outline+", -1px -1px "+icon.outline+", -1px 1px "+icon.outline+", 1px -1px "+icon.outline, 'font-size': icon['size']+'px', }); div.hide(); div.data({ "event": event }); div.hover( // mouseenter function(){ var pos = $(this).offset(); _showTooltip(pos.left + $(this).width() / 2, pos.top, $(this).data("event")); }, // mouseleave function(){ //$(this).data("bouncing", false); $('#tooltip').remove(); plot.clearSelection(); }); drawableEvent = new DrawableEvent( div, function(obj){ obj.show(); }, function(obj){ obj.remove(); }, function(obj, position){ obj.css({ top: position.top, left: position.left }); }, left, top, div.width(), div.height()); return drawableEvent; }; var _getEventsAtPos = function(x, y){ var found = [], left, top, width, height; $.each(_events, function(index, val){ left = val.div.offset().left; top = val.div.offset().top; width = val.div.width(); height = val.div.height(); if (x >= left && x <= left + width && y >= top && y <= top + height) { found.push(val); } return found; }); }; var _insidePlot = function(x) { var xaxis = plot.getXAxes()[plot.getOptions().events.xaxis - 1]; var xc = xaxis.p2c(x); return xc > 0 && xc < xaxis.p2c(xaxis.max); }; var _drawLine = function(color, lineWidth, from, to) { var ctx = plot.getCanvas().getContext("2d"); var plotOffset = plot.getPlotOffset(); ctx.save(); ctx.translate(plotOffset.left, plotOffset.top); ctx.beginPath(); ctx.strokeStyle = color; ctx.lineWidth = lineWidth; ctx.moveTo(from.x, from.y); ctx.lineTo(to.x, to.y); ctx.stroke(); ctx.restore(); }; /** * Runs over the given 2d array of event objects and returns an object * containing: * * { * types {}, // An array containing all the different event types * data [], // An array of the clustered events * } * * @param {Object} types * an object containing event types * @param {Object} events * an array of event to cluster * @param {Object} range * the current graph range */ var _clusterEvents = function(types, events, range) { //TODO: support custom types var groups, clusters = [], newEvents = []; // split into same evenType groups groups = _groupEvents(events); $.each(groups.eventTypes, function(index, val) { clusters.push(_varianceAlgorithm(groups.groupedEvents[val], 1, range)); }); // summarise clusters $.each(clusters, function(index, eventType) { // each cluser of each event type $.each(eventType, function(index, cluster) { var newEvent = { min: cluster[0].min, max: cluster[cluster.length - 1].min, //TODO: needs to be max of end event if it exists eventType: cluster[0].eventType + ",cluster", title: "Cluster of: " + cluster[0].title, description: cluster[0].description + ", Number of events in the cluster: " + cluster.length }; newEvents.push(newEvent); }); }); return { types: types, data: newEvents }; }; /** * Runs over the given 2d array of event objects and returns an object * containing: * * { * eventTypes [], // An array containing all the different event types * groupedEvents {}, // An object containing all the grouped events * } * * @param {Object} events * an array of event objects */ var _groupEvents = function(events) { var eventTypes = [], groupedEvents = {}; $.each(events, function(index, val) { if (!groupedEvents[val.eventType]) { groupedEvents[val.eventType] = []; eventTypes.push(val.eventType); } groupedEvents[val.eventType].push(val); }); return { eventTypes: eventTypes, groupedEvents: groupedEvents }; }; /** * Runs over the given 2d array of event objects and returns a 3d array of * the same events,but clustered into groups with similar x deltas. * * This function assumes that the events are related. So it must be run on * each set of related events. * * @param {Object} events * an array of event objects * @param {Object} sens * a measure of the level of grouping tolerance * @param {Object} space * the size of the space we have to place clusters within */ var _varianceAlgorithm = function(events, sens, space) { var cluster, clusters = [], sum = 0, avg, density; // find the average x delta for (var i = 1; i < events.length - 1; i++) { sum += events[i].min - events[i - 1].min; } avg = sum / (events.length - 2); // first point cluster = [ events[0] ]; // middle points for (var i = 1; i < events.length; i++) { var leftDiff = events[i].min - events[i - 1].min; density = leftDiff / space; if (leftDiff > avg * sens && density > 0.05) { clusters.push(cluster); cluster = [ events[i] ]; } else { cluster.push(events[i]); } } clusters.push(cluster); return clusters; }; } var options = { events: { levels: null, data: null, types: null, xaxis: 1, clustering: false } }; $.plot.plugins.push({ init: init, options: options, name: "events", version: "0.20" }); /** * A class that allows for the drawing an remove of some object * * @param {Object} object * the drawable object * @param {Object} drawFunc * the draw function * @param {Object} clearFunc * the clear function */ function DrawableEvent(object, drawFunc, clearFunc, moveFunc, left, top, width, height){ var _object = object, _drawFunc = drawFunc, _clearFunc = clearFunc, _moveFunc = moveFunc, _position = { left: left, top: top }, _width = width, _height = height; this.width = function() { return _width; }; this.height = function() { return _height }; this.position = function() { return _position; }; this.draw = function() { _drawFunc(_object); }; this.clear = function() { _clearFunc(_object); }; this.getObject = function() { return _object; }; this.moveTo = function(position) { _position = position; _moveFunc(_object, _position); }; } /** * Event class that stores options (eventType, min, max, title, description) and the object to draw. * * @param {Object} options * @param {Object} drawableEvent */ function VisualEvent(options, drawableEvent, level){ var _parent, _options = options, _drawableEvent = drawableEvent, _level = level, _hidden = false; this.visual = function() { return _drawableEvent; } this.level = function() { return _level; }; this.getOptions = function() { return _options; }; this.getParent = function() { return _parent; }; this.isHidden = function() { return _hidden; }; this.hide = function() { _hidden = true; }; this.unhide = function() { _hidden = false; }; } function compareEvents(a, b) { var ao = a.getOptions(), bo = b.getOptions(); if (ao.min > bo.min) return 1; if (ao.min < bo.min) return -1; return 0; }; })(jQuery);