// Code generated - EDITING IS FUTILE. DO NOT EDIT. // // Generated by: // public/app/plugins/gen.go // Using jennies: // TSTypesJenny // PluginTSTypesJenny // // Run 'make gen-cue' from repository root to regenerate. import * as common from '@grafana/schema'; export type BucketAggregation = (DateHistogram | Histogram | Terms | Filters | GeoHashGrid | Nested); export type MetricAggregation = (Count | PipelineMetricAggregation | MetricAggregationWithSettings); export type BucketAggregationType = ('terms' | 'filters' | 'geohash_grid' | 'date_histogram' | 'histogram' | 'nested'); export interface BaseBucketAggregation { id: string; settings?: unknown; type: BucketAggregationType; } export interface BucketAggregationWithField extends BaseBucketAggregation { field?: string; } export interface DateHistogram extends BucketAggregationWithField { settings?: { interval?: string; min_doc_count?: string; trimEdges?: string; offset?: string; timeZone?: string; }; type: 'date_histogram'; } export interface DateHistogramSettings { interval?: string; min_doc_count?: string; offset?: string; timeZone?: string; trimEdges?: string; } export interface Histogram extends BucketAggregationWithField { settings?: { interval?: string; min_doc_count?: string; }; type: 'histogram'; } export interface HistogramSettings { interval?: string; min_doc_count?: string; } export type TermsOrder = ('desc' | 'asc'); export interface Nested extends BucketAggregationWithField { settings?: Record; type: 'nested'; } export interface Terms extends BucketAggregationWithField { settings?: { order?: TermsOrder; size?: string; min_doc_count?: string; orderBy?: string; missing?: string; }; type: 'terms'; } export interface TermsSettings { min_doc_count?: string; missing?: string; order?: TermsOrder; orderBy?: string; size?: string; } export interface Filters extends BaseBucketAggregation { settings?: { filters?: Array; }; type: 'filters'; } export type Filter = { query: string, label: string, }; export interface FiltersSettings { filters?: Array; } export const defaultFiltersSettings: Partial = { filters: [], }; export interface GeoHashGrid extends BucketAggregationWithField { settings?: { precision?: string; }; type: 'geohash_grid'; } export interface GeoHashGridSettings { precision?: string; } export type PipelineMetricAggregationType = ('moving_avg' | 'moving_fn' | 'derivative' | 'serial_diff' | 'cumulative_sum' | 'bucket_script'); export type MetricAggregationType = ('count' | 'avg' | 'sum' | 'min' | 'max' | 'extended_stats' | 'percentiles' | 'cardinality' | 'raw_document' | 'raw_data' | 'logs' | 'rate' | 'top_metrics' | PipelineMetricAggregationType); export interface BaseMetricAggregation { hide?: boolean; id: string; type: MetricAggregationType; } export interface PipelineVariable { name: string; pipelineAgg: string; } export interface MetricAggregationWithField extends BaseMetricAggregation { field?: string; } export interface MetricAggregationWithMissingSupport extends BaseMetricAggregation { settings?: { missing?: string; }; } export type InlineScript = (string | { inline?: string }); export interface MetricAggregationWithInlineScript extends BaseMetricAggregation { settings?: { script?: InlineScript; }; } export interface Count extends BaseMetricAggregation { type: 'count'; } export interface Average extends MetricAggregationWithField, MetricAggregationWithMissingSupport, MetricAggregationWithInlineScript { field?: string; settings?: { script?: InlineScript; missing?: string; }; type: 'avg'; } export interface Sum extends MetricAggregationWithField, MetricAggregationWithInlineScript { field?: string; settings?: { script?: InlineScript; missing?: string; }; type: 'sum'; } export interface Max extends MetricAggregationWithField, MetricAggregationWithInlineScript { field?: string; settings?: { script?: InlineScript; missing?: string; }; type: 'max'; } export interface Min extends MetricAggregationWithField, MetricAggregationWithInlineScript { field?: string; settings?: { script?: InlineScript; missing?: string; }; type: 'min'; } export type ExtendedStatMetaType = ('avg' | 'min' | 'max' | 'sum' | 'count' | 'std_deviation' | 'std_deviation_bounds_upper' | 'std_deviation_bounds_lower'); export interface ExtendedStat { label: string; value: ExtendedStatMetaType; } export interface ExtendedStats extends MetricAggregationWithField, MetricAggregationWithInlineScript { field?: string; meta?: Record; settings?: { script?: InlineScript; missing?: string; sigma?: string; }; type: 'extended_stats'; } export interface Percentiles extends MetricAggregationWithField, MetricAggregationWithInlineScript { field?: string; settings?: { script?: InlineScript; missing?: string; percents?: Array; }; type: 'percentiles'; } export interface UniqueCount extends MetricAggregationWithField { settings?: { precision_threshold?: string; missing?: string; }; type: 'cardinality'; } export interface RawDocument extends BaseMetricAggregation { settings?: { size?: string; }; type: 'raw_document'; } export interface RawData extends BaseMetricAggregation { settings?: { size?: string; }; type: 'raw_data'; } export interface Logs extends BaseMetricAggregation { settings?: { limit?: string; }; type: 'logs'; } export interface Rate extends MetricAggregationWithField { settings?: { unit?: string; mode?: string; }; type: 'rate'; } export interface BasePipelineMetricAggregation extends MetricAggregationWithField { pipelineAgg?: string; type: PipelineMetricAggregationType; } export interface PipelineMetricAggregationWithMultipleBucketPaths extends BaseMetricAggregation { pipelineVariables?: Array; } export const defaultPipelineMetricAggregationWithMultipleBucketPaths: Partial = { pipelineVariables: [], }; export type MovingAverageModel = ('simple' | 'linear' | 'ewma' | 'holt' | 'holt_winters'); export interface MovingAverageModelOption { label: string; value: MovingAverageModel; } export interface BaseMovingAverageModelSettings { model: MovingAverageModel; predict: string; window: string; } export interface MovingAverageSimpleModelSettings extends BaseMovingAverageModelSettings { model: 'simple'; } export interface MovingAverageLinearModelSettings extends BaseMovingAverageModelSettings { model: 'linear'; } export interface MovingAverageEWMAModelSettings extends BaseMovingAverageModelSettings { minimize: boolean; model: 'ewma'; settings?: { alpha?: string; }; } export interface MovingAverageHoltModelSettings extends BaseMovingAverageModelSettings { minimize: boolean; model: 'holt'; settings: { alpha?: string; beta?: string; }; } export interface MovingAverageHoltWintersModelSettings extends BaseMovingAverageModelSettings { minimize: boolean; model: 'holt_winters'; settings: { alpha?: string; beta?: string; gamma?: string; period?: string; pad?: boolean; }; } /** * #MovingAverage's settings are overridden in types.ts */ export interface MovingAverage extends BasePipelineMetricAggregation { settings?: Record; type: 'moving_avg'; } export interface MovingFunction extends BasePipelineMetricAggregation { settings?: { window?: string; script?: InlineScript; shift?: string; }; type: 'moving_fn'; } export interface Derivative extends BasePipelineMetricAggregation { settings?: { unit?: string; }; type: 'derivative'; } export interface SerialDiff extends BasePipelineMetricAggregation { settings?: { lag?: string; }; type: 'serial_diff'; } export interface CumulativeSum extends BasePipelineMetricAggregation { settings?: { format?: string; }; type: 'cumulative_sum'; } export interface BucketScript extends PipelineMetricAggregationWithMultipleBucketPaths { settings?: { script?: InlineScript; }; type: 'bucket_script'; } export interface TopMetrics extends BaseMetricAggregation { settings?: { order?: string; orderBy?: string; metrics?: Array; }; type: 'top_metrics'; } export type PipelineMetricAggregation = (MovingAverage | Derivative | CumulativeSum | BucketScript); export type MetricAggregationWithSettings = (BucketScript | CumulativeSum | Derivative | SerialDiff | RawData | RawDocument | UniqueCount | Percentiles | ExtendedStats | Min | Max | Sum | Average | MovingAverage | MovingFunction | Logs | Rate | TopMetrics); export interface Elasticsearch extends common.DataQuery { /** * Alias pattern */ alias?: string; /** * List of bucket aggregations */ bucketAggs?: Array; /** * List of metric aggregations */ metrics?: Array; /** * Lucene query */ query?: string; /** * Name of time field */ timeField?: string; } export const defaultElasticsearch: Partial = { bucketAggs: [], metrics: [], };