+++ title = "Authentication" description = "Authentication" weight = 30 +++ # User Authentication Overview Grafana provides many ways to authenticate users. Some authentication integrations also enable syncing user permissions and org memberships. Here is a table showing all supported authentication providers and the features available for them. [Team sync]({{< relref "../enterprise/team-sync.md" >}}) and [active sync]({{< relref "../enterprise/enhanced_ldap.md#active-ldap-synchronization" >}}) are only available in Grafana Enterprise. See also, [Grafana Authentication]({{< relref "grafana.md" >}}). Provider | Support | Role mapping | Team sync
*(Enterprise only)* | Active sync
*(Enterprise only)* -------- | :-----: | :----------: | :-------: | :---------: [Auth Proxy]({{< relref "auth-proxy.md" >}}) | v2.1+ | - | v6.3+ | - [Azure AD OAuth]({{< relref "azuread.md" >}}) | v6.7+ | v6.7+ | v6.7+ | - [Generic OAuth]({{< relref "generic-oauth.md" >}}) | v4.0+ | v6.5+ | - | - [GitHub OAuth]({{< relref "github.md" >}}) | v2.0+ | - | v6.3+ | - [GitLab OAuth]({{< relref "gitlab.md" >}}) | v5.3+ | - | v6.4+ | - [Google OAuth]({{< relref "google.md" >}}) | v2.0+ | - | - | - [LDAP]({{< relref "ldap.md" >}}) | v2.1+ | v2.1+ | v5.3+ | v6.3+ [Okta OAuth]({{< relref "okta.md" >}}) | v7.0+ | v7.0+ | v7.0+ | - [SAML]({{< relref "../enterprise/saml.md" >}}) (Enterprise only) | v6.3+ | v7.0+ | v7.0+ | -