import { css } from '@emotion/css'; import { fromPairs } from 'lodash'; import React, { useCallback, useMemo, useState } from 'react'; import { useAsyncFn, useMount, useMountedState } from 'react-use'; import { AsyncState } from 'react-use/lib/useAsyncFn'; import { GrafanaTheme2, QueryEditorProps } from '@grafana/data'; import { ButtonCascader, CascaderOption, FileDropzone, InlineField, InlineFieldRow, RadioButtonGroup, useTheme2, QueryField, useStyles2, } from '@grafana/ui'; import { notifyApp } from 'app/core/actions'; import { createErrorNotification } from 'app/core/copy/appNotification'; import { dispatch } from 'app/store/store'; import { apiPrefix } from './constants'; import { ZipkinDatasource } from './datasource'; import { ZipkinQuery, ZipkinQueryType, ZipkinSpan } from './types'; type Props = QueryEditorProps; const getStyles = (theme: GrafanaTheme2) => { return { tracesCascader: css({ label: 'tracesCascader', marginRight: theme.spacing(1), }), }; }; export const ZipkinQueryField = ({ query, onChange, onRunQuery, datasource }: Props) => { const serviceOptions = useServices(datasource); const theme = useTheme2(); const styles = useStyles2(getStyles); const { onLoadOptions, allOptions } = useLoadOptions(datasource); const onSelectTrace = useCallback( (values: string[], selectedOptions: CascaderOption[]) => { if (selectedOptions.length === 3) { const traceID = selectedOptions[2].value; onChange({ ...query, query: traceID }); onRunQuery(); } }, [onChange, onRunQuery, query] ); const onChangeQuery = (value: string) => { const nextQuery = { ...query, query: value }; onChange(nextQuery); }; let cascaderOptions = useMapToCascaderOptions(serviceOptions, allOptions); return ( <> options={[ { value: 'traceID', label: 'TraceID' }, { value: 'upload', label: 'JSON File' }, ]} value={query.queryType || 'traceID'} onChange={(v) => onChange({ ...query, queryType: v, }) } size="md" /> {query.queryType === 'upload' ? (
{ datasource.uploadedJson = result; onRunQuery(); }} />
) : ( Traces
)} ); }; // Exported for tests export function useServices(datasource: ZipkinDatasource): AsyncState { const url = `${apiPrefix}/services`; const [servicesOptions, fetch] = useAsyncFn(async (): Promise => { try { const services: string[] | null = await datasource.metadataRequest(url); if (services) { return services.sort().map((service) => ({ label: service, value: service, isLeaf: false, })); } return []; } catch (error) { const errorToShow = error instanceof Error ? error : 'An unknown error occurred'; dispatch(notifyApp(createErrorNotification('Failed to load services from Zipkin', errorToShow))); throw error; } }, [datasource]); useMount(() => { // We should probably call this periodically to get new services after mount. fetch(); }); return servicesOptions; } type OptionsState = { [serviceName: string]: { [spanName: string]: { [traceId: string]: string; }; }; }; // Exported for tests export function useLoadOptions(datasource: ZipkinDatasource) { const isMounted = useMountedState(); const [allOptions, setAllOptions] = useState({} as OptionsState); const [, fetchSpans] = useAsyncFn( async function findSpans(service: string): Promise { const url = `${apiPrefix}/spans`; try { // The response of this should have been full ZipkinSpan objects based on API docs but is just list // of span names. // TODO: check if this is some issue of version used or something else const response: string[] = await datasource.metadataRequest(url, { serviceName: service }); if (isMounted()) { setAllOptions((state) => { const spanOptions = fromPairs( string) => [span, undefined])); return { ...state, [service]: spanOptions as any, }; }); } } catch (error) { const errorToShow = error instanceof Error ? error : 'An unknown error occurred'; dispatch(notifyApp(createErrorNotification('Failed to load spans from Zipkin', errorToShow))); throw error; } }, [datasource, allOptions] ); const [, fetchTraces] = useAsyncFn( async function findTraces(serviceName: string, spanName: string): Promise { const url = `${apiPrefix}/traces`; const search = { serviceName, spanName, // See other params and default here }; try { // This should return just root traces as there isn't any nesting const traces: ZipkinSpan[][] = await datasource.metadataRequest(url, search); if (isMounted()) { const newTraces = traces.length ? fromPairs( => { const rootSpan = trace.find((span) => !span.parentId)!; return [`${} [${Math.floor(rootSpan.duration / 1000)} ms]`, rootSpan.traceId]; }) ) : noTracesOptions; setAllOptions((state) => { const spans = state[serviceName]; return { ...state, [serviceName]: { ...spans, [spanName]: newTraces, }, }; }); } } catch (error) { const errorToShow = error instanceof Error ? error : 'An unknown error occurred'; dispatch(notifyApp(createErrorNotification('Failed to load spans from Zipkin', errorToShow))); throw error; } }, [datasource] ); const onLoadOptions = useCallback( (selectedOptions: CascaderOption[]) => { const service = selectedOptions[0].value; if (selectedOptions.length === 1) { fetchSpans(service); } else if (selectedOptions.length === 2) { const spanName = selectedOptions[1].value; fetchTraces(service, spanName); } }, [fetchSpans, fetchTraces] ); return { onLoadOptions, allOptions, }; } function useMapToCascaderOptions(services: AsyncState, allOptions: OptionsState) { return useMemo(() => { let cascaderOptions: CascaderOption[] = []; if (services.value && services.value.length) { cascaderOptions = => { return {, children: allOptions[services.value] && Object.keys(allOptions[services.value]).map((spanName) => { return { label: spanName, value: spanName, isLeaf: false, children: allOptions[services.value][spanName] && Object.keys(allOptions[services.value][spanName]).map((traceName) => { return { label: traceName, value: allOptions[services.value][spanName][traceName], }; }), }; }), }; }); } else if (services.value && !services.value.length) { cascaderOptions = noTracesFoundOptions; } return cascaderOptions; }, [services, allOptions]); } const NO_TRACES_KEY = '__NO_TRACES__'; const noTracesFoundOptions = [ { label: 'No traces found', value: 'no_traces', isLeaf: true, // Cannot be disabled because then cascader shows 'loading' for some reason. // disabled: true, }, ]; const noTracesOptions = { '[No traces in time range]': NO_TRACES_KEY, };