package query import ( "context" "fmt" "time" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) const ( HeaderPluginID = "X-Plugin-Id" // can be used for routing HeaderDatasourceUID = "X-Datasource-Uid" // can be used for routing/ load balancing HeaderDashboardUID = "X-Dashboard-Uid" // mainly useful for debuging slow queries HeaderPanelID = "X-Panel-Id" // mainly useful for debuging slow queries HeaderQueryGroupID = "X-Query-Group-Id" // mainly useful for finding related queries with query chunking HeaderFromExpression = "X-Grafana-From-Expr" // used by datasources to identify expression queries ) func ProvideService( cfg *setting.Cfg, dataSourceCache datasources.CacheService, expressionService *expr.Service, pluginRequestValidator validations.PluginRequestValidator, dataSourceService datasources.DataSourceService, pluginClient plugins.Client, ) *ServiceImpl { g := &ServiceImpl{ cfg: cfg, dataSourceCache: dataSourceCache, expressionService: expressionService, pluginRequestValidator: pluginRequestValidator, dataSourceService: dataSourceService, pluginClient: pluginClient, log: log.New("query_data"), } g.log.Info("Query Service initialization") return g } //go:generate mockery --name Service --structname FakeQueryService --inpackage --filename query_service_mock.go type Service interface { Run(ctx context.Context) error QueryData(ctx context.Context, user *user.SignedInUser, skipDSCache bool, reqDTO dtos.MetricRequest) (*backend.QueryDataResponse, error) } // Gives us compile time error if the service does not adhere to the contract of the interface var _ Service = (*ServiceImpl)(nil) type ServiceImpl struct { cfg *setting.Cfg dataSourceCache datasources.CacheService expressionService *expr.Service pluginRequestValidator validations.PluginRequestValidator dataSourceService datasources.DataSourceService pluginClient plugins.Client log log.Logger } // Run ServiceImpl. func (s *ServiceImpl) Run(ctx context.Context) error { <-ctx.Done() return ctx.Err() } // QueryData processes queries and returns query responses. It handles queries to single or mixed datasources, as well as expressions. func (s *ServiceImpl) QueryData(ctx context.Context, user *user.SignedInUser, skipDSCache bool, reqDTO dtos.MetricRequest) (*backend.QueryDataResponse, error) { // Parse the request into parsed queries grouped by datasource uid parsedReq, err := s.parseMetricRequest(ctx, user, skipDSCache, reqDTO) if err != nil { return nil, err } // If there are expressions, handle them and return if parsedReq.hasExpression { return s.handleExpressions(ctx, user, parsedReq) } // If there is only one datasource, query it and return if len(parsedReq.parsedQueries) == 1 { return s.handleQuerySingleDatasource(ctx, user, parsedReq) } // If there are multiple datasources, handle their queries concurrently and return the aggregate result return s.executeConcurrentQueries(ctx, user, skipDSCache, reqDTO, parsedReq.parsedQueries) } // executeConcurrentQueries executes queries to multiple datasources concurrently and returns the aggregate result. func (s *ServiceImpl) executeConcurrentQueries(ctx context.Context, user *user.SignedInUser, skipDSCache bool, reqDTO dtos.MetricRequest, queriesbyDs map[string][]parsedQuery) (*backend.QueryDataResponse, error) { g, ctx := errgroup.WithContext(ctx) // TODO: Temporarily limiting concurrency here to 1 to avoid concurrent map writes in the plugin middleware that crash the app // This is a workaround to mitigate the security issue. We will implement a more thread-safe way of handling concurrent queries as a next step. g.SetLimit(1) // g.SetLimit(8) // arbitrary limit to prevent too many concurrent requests rchan := make(chan backend.Responses, len(queriesbyDs)) // Create panic recovery function for loop below recoveryFn := func(queries []*simplejson.Json) { if r := recover(); r != nil { var err error s.log.Error("query datasource panic", "error", r, "stack", log.Stack(1)) if theErr, ok := r.(error); ok { err = theErr } else if theErrString, ok := r.(string); ok { err = fmt.Errorf(theErrString) } else { err = fmt.Errorf("unexpected error, see the server log for details") } // Due to the panic, there is no valid response for any query for this datasource. Append an error for each one. rchan <- buildErrorResponses(err, queries) } } // Query each datasource concurrently for _, queries := range queriesbyDs { rawQueries := make([]*simplejson.Json, len(queries)) for i := 0; i < len(queries); i++ { rawQueries[i] = queries[i].rawQuery } g.Go(func() error { subDTO := reqDTO.CloneWithQueries(rawQueries) // Handle panics in the datasource qery defer recoveryFn(subDTO.Queries) subResp, err := s.QueryData(ctx, user, skipDSCache, subDTO) if err == nil { rchan <- subResp.Responses } else { // If there was an error, return an error response for each query for this datasource rchan <- buildErrorResponses(err, subDTO.Queries) } return nil }) } if err := g.Wait(); err != nil { return nil, err } close(rchan) resp := backend.NewQueryDataResponse() for result := range rchan { for refId, dataResponse := range result { resp.Responses[refId] = dataResponse } } return resp, nil } // buildErrorResponses applies the provided error to each query response in the list. These queries should all belong to the same datasource. func buildErrorResponses(err error, queries []*simplejson.Json) backend.Responses { er := backend.Responses{} for _, query := range queries { er[query.Get("refId").MustString("A")] = backend.DataResponse{ Error: err, } } return er } // handleExpressions handles POST /api/ds/query when there is an expression. func (s *ServiceImpl) handleExpressions(ctx context.Context, user *user.SignedInUser, parsedReq *parsedRequest) (*backend.QueryDataResponse, error) { exprReq := expr.Request{ Queries: []expr.Query{}, } if user != nil { // for passthrough authentication, SSE does not authenticate exprReq.User = adapters.BackendUserFromSignedInUser(user) exprReq.OrgId = user.OrgID } for _, pq := range parsedReq.getFlattenedQueries() { if pq.datasource == nil { return nil, ErrMissingDataSourceInfo.Build(errutil.TemplateData{ Public: map[string]interface{}{ "RefId": pq.query.RefID, }, }) } exprReq.Queries = append(exprReq.Queries, expr.Query{ JSON: pq.query.JSON, Interval: pq.query.Interval, RefID: pq.query.RefID, MaxDataPoints: pq.query.MaxDataPoints, QueryType: pq.query.QueryType, DataSource: pq.datasource, TimeRange: expr.AbsoluteTimeRange{ From: pq.query.TimeRange.From, To: pq.query.TimeRange.To, }, }) } qdr, err := s.expressionService.TransformData(ctx, time.Now(), &exprReq) // use time now because all queries have absolute time range if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("expression request error: %w", err) } return qdr, nil } // handleQuerySingleDatasource handles one or more queries to a single datasource func (s *ServiceImpl) handleQuerySingleDatasource(ctx context.Context, user *user.SignedInUser, parsedReq *parsedRequest) (*backend.QueryDataResponse, error) { queries := parsedReq.getFlattenedQueries() ds := queries[0].datasource if err := s.pluginRequestValidator.Validate(ds.URL, nil); err != nil { return nil, datasources.ErrDataSourceAccessDenied } // ensure that each query passed to this function has the same datasource for _, pq := range queries { if ds.UID != pq.datasource.UID { return nil, fmt.Errorf("all queries must have the same datasource - found %s and %s", ds.UID, pq.datasource.UID) } } instanceSettings, err := adapters.ModelToInstanceSettings(ds, s.decryptSecureJsonDataFn(ctx)) if err != nil { return nil, err } req := &backend.QueryDataRequest{ PluginContext: backend.PluginContext{ OrgID: ds.OrgID, PluginID: ds.Type, User: adapters.BackendUserFromSignedInUser(user), DataSourceInstanceSettings: instanceSettings, }, Headers: map[string]string{}, Queries: []backend.DataQuery{}, } for _, q := range queries { req.Queries = append(req.Queries, q.query) } return s.pluginClient.QueryData(ctx, req) } // parseRequest parses a request into parsed queries grouped by datasource uid func (s *ServiceImpl) parseMetricRequest(ctx context.Context, user *user.SignedInUser, skipDSCache bool, reqDTO dtos.MetricRequest) (*parsedRequest, error) { if len(reqDTO.Queries) == 0 { return nil, ErrNoQueriesFound } timeRange := legacydata.NewDataTimeRange(reqDTO.From, reqDTO.To) req := &parsedRequest{ hasExpression: false, parsedQueries: make(map[string][]parsedQuery), dsTypes: make(map[string]bool), } // Parse the queries and store them by datasource datasourcesByUid := map[string]*datasources.DataSource{} for _, query := range reqDTO.Queries { ds, err := s.getDataSourceFromQuery(ctx, user, skipDSCache, query, datasourcesByUid) if err != nil { return nil, err } if ds == nil { return nil, ErrInvalidDatasourceID } datasourcesByUid[ds.UID] = ds if expr.IsDataSource(ds.UID) { req.hasExpression = true } else { req.dsTypes[ds.Type] = true } if _, ok := req.parsedQueries[ds.UID]; !ok { req.parsedQueries[ds.UID] = []parsedQuery{} } s.log.Debug("Processing metrics query", "query", query) modelJSON, err := query.MarshalJSON() if err != nil { return nil, err } req.parsedQueries[ds.UID] = append(req.parsedQueries[ds.UID], parsedQuery{ datasource: ds, query: backend.DataQuery{ TimeRange: backend.TimeRange{ From: timeRange.GetFromAsTimeUTC(), To: timeRange.GetToAsTimeUTC(), }, RefID: query.Get("refId").MustString("A"), MaxDataPoints: query.Get("maxDataPoints").MustInt64(100), Interval: time.Duration(query.Get("intervalMs").MustInt64(1000)) * time.Millisecond, QueryType: query.Get("queryType").MustString(""), JSON: modelJSON, }, rawQuery: query, }) } return req, req.validateRequest(ctx) } func (s *ServiceImpl) getDataSourceFromQuery(ctx context.Context, user *user.SignedInUser, skipDSCache bool, query *simplejson.Json, history map[string]*datasources.DataSource) (*datasources.DataSource, error) { var err error uid := query.Get("datasource").Get("uid").MustString() // before 8.3 special types could be sent as datasource (expr) if uid == "" { uid = query.Get("datasource").MustString() } // check cache value ds, ok := history[uid] if ok { return ds, nil } if expr.IsDataSource(uid) { return expr.DataSourceModel(), nil } if uid == grafanads.DatasourceUID { return grafanads.DataSourceModel(user.OrgID), nil } if uid != "" { ds, err = s.dataSourceCache.GetDatasourceByUID(ctx, uid, user, skipDSCache) if err != nil { return nil, err } return ds, nil } // use datasourceId if it exists id := query.Get("datasourceId").MustInt64(0) if id > 0 { ds, err = s.dataSourceCache.GetDatasource(ctx, id, user, skipDSCache) if err != nil { return nil, err } return ds, nil } return nil, ErrInvalidDatasourceID } func (s *ServiceImpl) decryptSecureJsonDataFn(ctx context.Context) func(ds *datasources.DataSource) (map[string]string, error) { return func(ds *datasources.DataSource) (map[string]string, error) { return s.dataSourceService.DecryptedValues(ctx, ds) } }