build_image = 'grafana/build-container:1.2.26' publish_image = 'grafana/grafana-ci-deploy:1.2.6' grafana_docker_image = 'grafana/drone-grafana-docker:0.2.0' alpine_image = 'alpine:3.12' windows_image = '' grabpl_version = '0.5.9' def pr_pipelines(edition): services = [ { 'name': 'postgres', 'image': 'postgres:12.3-alpine', 'environment': { 'POSTGRES_USER': 'grafanatest', 'POSTGRES_PASSWORD': 'grafanatest', 'POSTGRES_DB': 'grafanatest', }, }, { 'name': 'mysql', 'image': 'mysql:5.6.48', 'environment': { 'MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD': 'rootpass', 'MYSQL_DATABASE': 'grafana_tests', 'MYSQL_USER': 'grafana', 'MYSQL_PASSWORD': 'password', }, }, ] variants = ['linux-x64', 'linux-x64-musl', 'osx64', 'win64',] steps = [ lint_backend_step(edition), codespell_step(), shellcheck_step(), test_backend_step(), test_frontend_step(), build_backend_step(edition=edition, variants=variants), build_frontend_step(edition=edition), build_plugins_step(edition=edition), package_step(edition=edition, variants=variants), e2e_tests_server_step(), e2e_tests_step(), build_storybook_step(edition), build_docs_website_step(), copy_packages_for_docker_step(), build_docker_images_step(edition=edition, archs=['amd64',]), postgres_integration_tests_step(), mysql_integration_tests_step(), ] return [ pipeline( name='test-pr', edition=edition, trigger={ 'event': ['pull_request',], }, services=services, steps=steps ), ] def master_pipelines(edition): services = [ { 'name': 'postgres', 'image': 'postgres:12.3-alpine', 'environment': { 'POSTGRES_USER': 'grafanatest', 'POSTGRES_PASSWORD': 'grafanatest', 'POSTGRES_DB': 'grafanatest', }, }, { 'name': 'mysql', 'image': 'mysql:5.6.48', 'environment': { 'MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD': 'rootpass', 'MYSQL_DATABASE': 'grafana_tests', 'MYSQL_USER': 'grafana', 'MYSQL_PASSWORD': 'password', }, }, ] steps = [ lint_backend_step(edition), codespell_step(), shellcheck_step(), test_backend_step(), test_frontend_step(), frontend_metrics_step(), build_backend_step(edition=edition), build_frontend_step(edition=edition), build_plugins_step(edition=edition), package_step(edition=edition), e2e_tests_server_step(), e2e_tests_step(), build_storybook_step(edition=edition), publish_storybook_step(edition=edition), build_docs_website_step(), copy_packages_for_docker_step(), build_docker_images_step(edition=edition), build_docker_images_step(edition=edition, ubuntu=True), postgres_integration_tests_step(), mysql_integration_tests_step(), release_next_npm_packages_step(edition), publish_packages_step(edition), deploy_to_kubernetes_step(edition), ] windows_steps = [ windows_installer_step(edition), ] trigger = { 'event': ['push',], 'branch': 'master', } return [ pipeline( name='test-master', edition=edition, trigger=trigger, services=services, steps=steps ), pipeline( name='windows-installer-master', edition=edition, trigger=trigger, steps=windows_steps, platform='windows', depends_on=['test-master'], ), ] def pipeline(name, edition, trigger, steps, services=[], platform='linux', depends_on=[]): if platform != 'windows': platform_conf = { 'os': 'linux', 'arch': 'amd64', } else: platform_conf = { 'os': 'windows', 'arch': 'amd64', 'version': '1809', } pipeline = { 'kind': 'pipeline', 'type': 'docker', 'platform': platform_conf, 'name': name, 'trigger': trigger, 'services': services, 'steps': init_steps(edition, platform) + steps, 'depends_on': depends_on, } if edition == 'enterprise': # We have a custom clone step for enterprise pipeline['clone'] = { 'disable': True, } return pipeline def init_steps(edition, platform): if platform == 'windows': return [ { 'name': 'identify-runner', 'image': windows_image, 'commands': [ 'echo $Env:DRONE_RUNNER_NAME', ], }, ] identify_runner_step = { 'name': 'identify-runner', 'image': alpine_image, 'commands': [ 'echo $DRONE_RUNNER_NAME', ], } common_cmds = [ 'curl -fLO$${DOCKERIZE_VERSION}/dockerize-linux-amd64-v$${DOCKERIZE_VERSION}.tar.gz', 'tar -C bin -xzvf dockerize-linux-amd64-v$${DOCKERIZE_VERSION}.tar.gz', 'rm dockerize-linux-amd64-v$${DOCKERIZE_VERSION}.tar.gz', 'yarn install --frozen-lockfile --no-progress', ] if edition == 'enterprise': return [ identify_runner_step, { 'name': 'clone', 'image': 'alpine/git:v2.26.2', 'environment': { 'GITHUB_TOKEN': { 'from_secret': 'github_token', }, }, 'commands': [ 'git clone "https://$${GITHUB_TOKEN}"', 'cd grafana-enterprise', 'git checkout ${DRONE_COMMIT}', ], }, { 'name': 'initialize', 'image': build_image, 'environment': { 'GRABPL_VERSION': grabpl_version, 'DOCKERIZE_VERSION': '0.6.1', }, 'depends_on': [ 'clone', ], 'commands': [ 'curl -fLO$${GRABPL_VERSION}/grabpl', 'chmod +x grabpl', 'mv grabpl /tmp', 'mv grafana-enterprise /tmp/', '/tmp/grabpl init-enterprise /tmp/grafana-enterprise', 'mkdir bin', 'mv /tmp/grabpl bin/' ] + common_cmds, }, ] return [ identify_runner_step, { 'name': 'initialize', 'image': build_image, 'environment': { 'GRABPL_VERSION': grabpl_version, 'DOCKERIZE_VERSION': '0.6.1', }, 'commands': [ 'curl -fLO$${GRABPL_VERSION}/grabpl', 'chmod +x grabpl', 'mkdir -p bin', 'mv grabpl bin', ] + common_cmds, }, ] def lint_backend_step(edition): return { 'name': 'lint-backend', 'image': build_image, 'environment': { # We need CGO because of go-sqlite3 'CGO_ENABLED': '1', }, 'depends_on': [ 'initialize', ], 'commands': [ # Don't use Make since it will re-download the linters 'golangci-lint run --config scripts/go/configs/.golangci.toml ./pkg/...', 'revive -formatter stylish -config scripts/go/configs/revive.toml ./pkg/...', './scripts/revive-strict', './scripts/', ], } def build_storybook_step(edition): return { 'name': 'build-storybook', 'image': build_image, 'depends_on': [ # Best to ensure that this step doesn't mess with what's getting built and packaged 'package', ], 'commands': [ 'yarn storybook:build', ], } def publish_storybook_step(edition): if edition == 'enterprise': return None return { 'name': 'publish-storybook', 'image': publish_image, 'depends_on': [ 'build-storybook', ], 'environment': { 'GCP_KEY': { 'from_secret': 'gcp_key', }, }, 'commands': [ 'printenv GCP_KEY | base64 -d > /tmp/gcpkey.json', 'gcloud auth activate-service-account --key-file=/tmp/gcpkey.json', 'echo gsutil -m rsync -d -r ./packages/grafana-ui/dist/storybook gs://grafana-storybook/canary', ], } def build_backend_step(edition, variants=None): if variants: variants_str = ' --variants {}'.format(','.join(variants)) else: variants_str = '' return { 'name': 'build-backend', 'image': build_image, 'depends_on': [ 'initialize', 'lint-backend', 'test-backend', ], 'commands': [ # TODO: Convert number of jobs to percentage './bin/grabpl build-backend --jobs 8 --edition {} --build-id $DRONE_BUILD_NUMBER{} --no-pull-enterprise'.format( edition, variants_str ), ], } def build_frontend_step(edition): return { 'name': 'build-frontend', 'image': build_image, 'depends_on': [ 'initialize', 'test-frontend', ], 'commands': [ # TODO: Use percentage for num jobs './bin/grabpl build-frontend --jobs 8 --no-install-deps --edition {} '.format(edition) + '--build-id $DRONE_BUILD_NUMBER --no-pull-enterprise', ], } def build_plugins_step(edition): return { 'name': 'build-plugins', 'image': build_image, 'depends_on': [ 'initialize', 'lint-backend', ], 'commands': [ # TODO: Use percentage for num jobs './bin/grabpl build-plugins --jobs 8 --edition {} --no-install-deps'.format(edition), ], } def test_backend_step(): return { 'name': 'test-backend', 'image': build_image, 'depends_on': [ 'initialize', 'lint-backend', ], 'commands': [ # First execute non-integration tests in parallel, since it should be safe './bin/grabpl test-backend', # Then execute integration tests in serial './bin/grabpl integration-tests', ], } def test_frontend_step(): return { 'name': 'test-frontend', 'image': build_image, 'depends_on': [ 'initialize', ], 'environment': { 'TEST_MAX_WORKERS': '50%', }, 'commands': [ 'yarn run ci:test-frontend', ], } def frontend_metrics_step(): return { 'name': 'frontend-metrics', 'image': build_image, 'depends_on': [ 'initialize', ], 'environment': { 'GRAFANA_MISC_STATS_API_KEY': { 'from_secret': 'grafana_misc_stats_api_key', }, }, 'commands': [ './scripts/ | ./bin/grabpl publish-metrics $${GRAFANA_MISC_STATS_API_KEY}', ], } def codespell_step(): return { 'name': 'codespell', 'image': build_image, 'depends_on': [ 'initialize', ], 'commands': [ # Important: all words have to be in lowercase, and separated by "\n". 'echo -e "unknwon\nreferer\nerrorstring\neror\niam" > words_to_ignore.txt', 'codespell -I words_to_ignore.txt docs/', ], } def shellcheck_step(): return { 'name': 'shellcheck', 'image': build_image, 'depends_on': [ 'initialize', ], 'environment': { 'VERSION': '0.7.1', 'CHKSUM': 'beca3d7819a6bdcfbd044576df4fc284053b48f468b2f03428fe66f4ceb2c05d9b5411357fa15003cb0' + '311406c255084cf7283a3b8fce644c340c2f6aa910b9f', }, 'commands': [ 'curl -fLO' + 'v$${VERSION}.linux.x86_64.tar.xz', 'echo $$CHKSUM shellcheck-v$${VERSION}.linux.x86_64.tar.xz | sha512sum --check --strict --status', 'tar xf shellcheck-v$${VERSION}.linux.x86_64.tar.xz', 'mv shellcheck-v$${VERSION}/shellcheck /usr/local/bin/', 'rm -rf shellcheck-v$${VERSION}*', './bin/grabpl shellcheck', ], } def package_step(edition, variants=None): if variants: variants_str = ' --variants {}'.format(','.join(variants)) else: variants_str = '' return { 'name': 'package', 'image': build_image, 'depends_on': [ 'build-backend', 'build-frontend', 'build-plugins', 'test-backend', 'test-frontend', 'codespell', 'shellcheck', ], 'commands': [ # TODO: Use percentage for jobs '. scripts/build/ && ./bin/grabpl package --jobs 8 --edition {} '.format(edition) + '--build-id $DRONE_BUILD_NUMBER --no-pull-enterprise' + variants_str, ], } def e2e_tests_server_step(): return { 'name': 'end-to-end-tests-server', 'image': build_image, 'detach': True, 'depends_on': [ 'package', ], 'commands': [ './e2e/start-server', ], } def e2e_tests_step(): return { 'name': 'end-to-end-tests', 'image': 'grafana/ci-e2e:12.18-1', 'depends_on': [ 'end-to-end-tests-server', ], 'environment': { 'HOST': 'end-to-end-tests-server', }, 'commands': [ # Have to re-install Cypress since it insists on searching for its binary beneath /root/.cache, # even though the Yarn cache directory is beneath /usr/local/share somewhere './node_modules/.bin/cypress install', './bin/grabpl e2e-tests', ], } def build_docs_website_step(): return { 'name': 'build-docs-website', # Use latest revision here, since we want to catch if it breaks 'image': 'grafana/docs-base:latest', 'depends_on': [ 'initialize', ], 'commands': [ 'mkdir -p /hugo/content/docs/grafana', 'cp -r docs/sources /hugo/content/docs/grafana/latest', 'cd /hugo && make prod', ], } def copy_packages_for_docker_step(): return { 'name': 'copy-packages-for-docker', 'image': build_image, 'depends_on': [ 'package', ], 'commands': [ 'cp dist/*.tar.gz packaging/docker/', ], } def build_docker_images_step(edition, archs=None, ubuntu=False): sfx = '' if ubuntu: sfx = '-ubuntu' settings = { 'dry_run': True, 'edition': edition, 'ubuntu': ubuntu, } if archs: settings['archs'] = ','.join(archs) return { 'name': 'build-docker-images' + sfx, 'image': grafana_docker_image, 'depends_on': [ 'copy-packages-for-docker', ], 'settings': settings, } def postgres_integration_tests_step(): return { 'name': 'postgres-integration-tests', 'image': build_image, 'depends_on': [ 'test-backend', 'test-frontend', ], 'environment': { 'PGPASSWORD': 'grafanatest', 'GRAFANA_TEST_DB': 'postgres', 'POSTGRES_HOST': 'postgres', }, 'commands': [ 'apt-get update', 'apt-get install -yq postgresql-client', './bin/dockerize -wait tcp://postgres:5432 -timeout 120s', 'psql -p 5432 -h postgres -U grafanatest -d grafanatest -f ' + 'devenv/docker/blocks/postgres_tests/setup.sql', # Make sure that we don't use cached results for another database 'go clean -testcache', './bin/grabpl integration-tests --database postgres', ], } def mysql_integration_tests_step(): return { 'name': 'mysql-integration-tests', 'image': build_image, 'depends_on': [ 'test-backend', 'test-frontend', ], 'environment': { 'GRAFANA_TEST_DB': 'mysql', 'MYSQL_HOST': 'mysql', }, 'commands': [ 'apt-get update', 'apt-get install -yq default-mysql-client', './bin/dockerize -wait tcp://mysql:3306 -timeout 120s', 'cat devenv/docker/blocks/mysql_tests/setup.sql | mysql -h mysql -P 3306 -u root -prootpass', # Make sure that we don't use cached results for another database 'go clean -testcache', './bin/grabpl integration-tests --database mysql', ], } def release_next_npm_packages_step(edition): if edition == 'enterprise': return None return { 'name': 'release-next-npm-packages', 'image': build_image, 'depends_on': [ 'end-to-end-tests', ], 'environment': { 'NPM_TOKEN': { 'from_secret': 'npm_token', }, }, 'commands': [ 'npx lerna bootstrap', 'echo "//$${NPM_TOKEN}" >> ~/.npmrc', # TODO: Enable 'echo ./scripts/', ], } def deploy_to_kubernetes_step(edition): if edition != 'enterprise': return None return { 'name': 'deploy-to-kubernetes', 'image': alpine_image, 'depends_on': [ 'build-docker-images', ], 'commands': [ # TODO: Enable 'echo ./bin/grabpl deploy-to-k8s', ], } def publish_packages_step(edition): return { 'name': 'publish-packages', 'image': publish_image, 'depends_on': [ 'package', 'end-to-end-tests', 'mysql-integration-tests', 'postgres-integration-tests', ], 'commands': [ # TODO: Enable 'echo ./bin/grabpl publish-packages --edition {}'.format(edition), ], } def windows_installer_step(edition): sfx = '' if edition == 'enterprise': sfx = '-enterprise' return { 'name': 'build-windows-installer', 'image': 'grafana/ci-wix:0.1.1', 'environment': { 'GCP_KEY': { 'from_secret': 'gcp_key', }, }, 'commands': [ '$$gcpKey = $$env:GCP_KEY', '[System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString([System.Convert]::FromBase64String($$gcpKey)) > gcpkey.json', # gcloud fails to read the file unless converted with dos2unix 'dos2unix gcpkey.json', 'gcloud auth activate-service-account --key-file=gcpkey.json', 'rm gcpkey.json', '$$ProgressPreference = "SilentlyContinue"', 'Invoke-WebRequest{}/windows/grabpl.exe -OutFile grabpl.exe'.format(grabpl_version), # TODO: Infer correct Grafana version 'Invoke-WebRequest{}/master/grafana{} -OutFile'.format(edition, sfx), 'cp C:\\App\\ .', './grabpl.exe windows-installer --edition {}'.format(edition), '$$fname = ((Get-Childitem grafana*.msi -name) -split "`n")[0]', 'echo "gsutil cp $$fname gs://grafana-downloads/{}/master/"'.format(edition), 'echo "gsutil cp $$fname.sha256 gs://grafana-downloads/{}/master/"'.format(edition), ], }