import { isArray, isEqual } from 'lodash'; import { LegacyMetricFindQueryOptions, ScopedVars, UrlQueryMap, UrlQueryValue, VariableType, VariableRefresh, VariableWithOptions, QueryVariableModel, } from '@grafana/data'; import { getTemplateSrv, locationService } from '@grafana/runtime'; import { safeStringifyValue } from 'app/core/utils/explore'; import { getState } from '../../store/store'; import { StoreState } from '../../types'; import { TimeSrv } from '../dashboard/services/TimeSrv'; import { variableAdapters } from './adapters'; import { ALL_VARIABLE_TEXT, ALL_VARIABLE_VALUE, VARIABLE_PREFIX } from './constants'; import { getVariablesState } from './state/selectors'; import { KeyedVariableIdentifier, VariableIdentifier, VariablePayload } from './state/types'; import { TransactionStatus, VariableModel } from './types'; /* * This regex matches 3 types of variable reference with an optional format specifier * There are 6 capture groups that replace will return * \$(\w+) $var1 * \[\[(\w+?)(?::(\w+))?\]\] [[var2]] or [[var2:fmt2]] * \${(\w+)(?:\.([^:^\}]+))?(?::([^\}]+))?} ${var3} or ${var3.fieldPath} or ${var3:fmt3} (or ${var3.fieldPath:fmt3} but that is not a separate capture group) */ export const variableRegex = /\$(\w+)|\[\[(\w+?)(?::(\w+))?\]\]|\${(\w+)(?:\.([^:^\}]+))?(?::([^\}]+))?}/g; // Helper function since lastIndex is not reset export const variableRegexExec = (variableString: string) => { variableRegex.lastIndex = 0; return variableRegex.exec(variableString); }; export function containsVariable(...args: any[]) { const variableName = args[args.length - 1]; args[0] = typeof args[0] === 'string' ? args[0] : safeStringifyValue(args[0]); const variableString = args.slice(0, -1).join(' '); const matches = variableString.match(variableRegex); const isMatchingVariable = matches !== null ? matches.find((match) => { const varMatch = variableRegexExec(match); return varMatch !== null && varMatch.indexOf(variableName) > -1; }) : false; return !!isMatchingVariable; } export const isAllVariable = (variable: any): boolean => { if (!variable) { return false; } if (!variable.current) { return false; } if (variable.current.value) { const isArray = Array.isArray(variable.current.value); if (isArray && variable.current.value.length && variable.current.value[0] === ALL_VARIABLE_VALUE) { return true; } if (!isArray && variable.current.value === ALL_VARIABLE_VALUE) { return true; } } if (variable.current.text) { const isArray = Array.isArray(variable.current.text); if (isArray && variable.current.text.length && variable.current.text[0] === ALL_VARIABLE_TEXT) { return true; } if (!isArray && variable.current.text === ALL_VARIABLE_TEXT) { return true; } } return false; }; export const getCurrentText = (variable: any): string => { if (!variable) { return ''; } if (!variable.current) { return ''; } if (!variable.current.text) { return ''; } if (Array.isArray(variable.current.text)) { return variable.current.text.toString(); } if (typeof variable.current.text !== 'string') { return ''; } return variable.current.text; }; export const getCurrentValue = (variable: VariableWithOptions): string | null => { if (!variable || !variable.current || variable.current.value === undefined || variable.current.value === null) { return null; } if (Array.isArray(variable.current.value)) { return variable.current.value.toString(); } if (typeof variable.current.value !== 'string') { return null; } return variable.current.value; }; export function getTemplatedRegex(variable: QueryVariableModel, templateSrv = getTemplateSrv()): string { if (!variable) { return ''; } if (!variable.regex) { return ''; } return templateSrv.replace(variable.regex, {}, 'regex'); } export function getLegacyQueryOptions( variable: QueryVariableModel, searchFilter: string | undefined, timeSrv: TimeSrv, scopedVars: ScopedVars | undefined ): LegacyMetricFindQueryOptions { const queryOptions: LegacyMetricFindQueryOptions = { range: undefined, variable, searchFilter, scopedVars }; if (variable.refresh === VariableRefresh.onTimeRangeChanged || variable.refresh === VariableRefresh.onDashboardLoad) { queryOptions.range = timeSrv.timeRange(); } return queryOptions; } export function getVariableRefresh(variable: VariableModel): VariableRefresh { if (variable?.type === 'custom') { return VariableRefresh.onDashboardLoad; } if ( !variable || !('refresh' in variable) || (variable.refresh !== VariableRefresh.onTimeRangeChanged && variable.refresh !== VariableRefresh.onDashboardLoad) ) { return VariableRefresh.never; } return variable.refresh; } export function getVariableTypes(): Array<{ label: string; value: VariableType }> { return variableAdapters .list() .filter((v) => !== 'system') .map(({ id, name, description }) => ({ label: name, value: id, description, })); } function getUrlValueForComparison(value: unknown) { if (isArray(value)) { if (value.length === 0) { value = undefined; } else if (value.length === 1) { value = value[0]; } } return value; } export interface UrlQueryType { value: UrlQueryValue; removed?: boolean; } export interface ExtendedUrlQueryMap extends Record {} export function findTemplateVarChanges(query: UrlQueryMap, old: UrlQueryMap): ExtendedUrlQueryMap | undefined { let count = 0; const changes: ExtendedUrlQueryMap = {}; for (const key in query) { if (!key.startsWith(VARIABLE_PREFIX)) { continue; } let oldValue = getUrlValueForComparison(old[key]); let newValue = getUrlValueForComparison(query[key]); if (!isEqual(newValue, oldValue)) { changes[key] = { value: query[key] }; count++; } } for (const key in old) { if (!key.startsWith(VARIABLE_PREFIX)) { continue; } const value = old[key]; // ignore empty array values if (isArray(value) && value.length === 0) { continue; } if (!query.hasOwnProperty(key)) { changes[key] = { value: '', removed: true }; // removed count++; } } return count ? changes : undefined; } export function ensureStringValues(value: unknown | unknown[]): string | string[] { if (Array.isArray(value)) { return; } if (value === null || value === undefined) { return ''; } if (typeof value === 'number') { return value.toString(10); } if (typeof value === 'string') { return value; } if (typeof value === 'boolean') { return value.toString(); } return ''; } export function hasOngoingTransaction(key: string, state: StoreState = getState()): boolean { return getVariablesState(key, state).transaction.status !== TransactionStatus.NotStarted; } export function toStateKey(key: string | null | undefined): string { return String(key); } export const toKeyedVariableIdentifier = (variable: VariableModel): KeyedVariableIdentifier => { if (!variable.rootStateKey) { throw new Error(`rootStateKey not found for variable with id:${}`); } return { type: variable.type, id:, rootStateKey: variable.rootStateKey }; }; export function toVariablePayload( identifier: VariableIdentifier, data?: T ): VariablePayload; export function toVariablePayload(model: VariableModel, data?: T): VariablePayload; export function toVariablePayload( obj: VariableIdentifier | VariableModel, data?: T ): VariablePayload { return { type: obj.type, id:, data: data as T }; } export function getVariablesFromUrl() { const variables = getTemplateSrv().getVariables(); const queryParams = locationService.getSearchObject(); return Object.keys(queryParams) .filter( (key) => key.indexOf(VARIABLE_PREFIX) !== -1 && variables.some((v) => === key.replace(VARIABLE_PREFIX, '')) ) .reduce((obj, key) => { const variableName = key.replace(VARIABLE_PREFIX, ''); obj[variableName] = queryParams[key]; return obj; }, {}); }