# Auto generated binary variables helper managed by https://github.com/bwplotka/bingo v0.9. DO NOT EDIT. # All tools are designed to be build inside $GOBIN. # Those variables will work only until 'bingo get' was invoked, or if tools were installed via Makefile's Variables.mk. GOBIN=${GOBIN:=$(go env GOBIN)} if [ -z "$GOBIN" ]; then GOBIN="$(go env GOPATH)/bin" fi BRA="${GOBIN}/bra-v0.0.0-20200517080246-1e3013ecaff8" CUE="${GOBIN}/cue-v0.5.0" DRONE="${GOBIN}/drone-v1.5.0" GOLANGCI_LINT="${GOBIN}/golangci-lint-v1.57.1" JB="${GOBIN}/jb-v0.5.1" LEFTHOOK="${GOBIN}/lefthook-v1.4.8" SWAGGER="${GOBIN}/swagger-v0.30.6-0.20240310114303-db51e79a0e37"