import { ArrayVector, DataFrame, Field, FieldType, formatLabels, MutableField, ScopedVars, TIME_SERIES_TIME_FIELD_NAME, TIME_SERIES_VALUE_FIELD_NAME, } from '@grafana/data'; import { FetchResponse } from '@grafana/runtime'; import { getTemplateSrv } from 'app/features/templating/template_srv'; import { isMatrixData, MatrixOrVectorResult, PromDataSuccessResponse, PromMetric, PromQuery, PromQueryRequest, PromValue, TransformOptions, } from './types'; const POSITIVE_INFINITY_SAMPLE_VALUE = '+Inf'; const NEGATIVE_INFINITY_SAMPLE_VALUE = '-Inf'; export function transform( response: FetchResponse, transformOptions: { query: PromQueryRequest; target: PromQuery; responseListLength: number; scopedVars?: ScopedVars; mixedQueries?: boolean; } ) { // Create options object from transformOptions const options: TransformOptions = { format:, step: transformOptions.query.step, legendFormat:, start: transformOptions.query.start, end: transformOptions.query.end, query: transformOptions.query.expr, responseListLength: transformOptions.responseListLength, scopedVars: transformOptions.scopedVars, refId:, valueWithRefId:, meta: { /** * Fix for showing of Prometheus results in Explore table. * We want to show result of instant query always in table and result of range query based on target.runAll; */ preferredVisualisationType: getPreferredVisualisationType( transformOptions.query.instant, transformOptions.mixedQueries ), }, }; const prometheusResult =; if (!prometheusResult.result) { return []; } // Return early if result type is scalar if (prometheusResult.resultType === 'scalar') { return [ { meta: options.meta, refId: options.refId, length: 1, fields: [getTimeField([prometheusResult.result]), getValueField([prometheusResult.result])], }, ]; } // Return early again if the format is table, this needs special transformation. if (options.format === 'table') { const tableData = transformMetricDataToTable(prometheusResult.result, options); return [tableData]; } // Process matrix and vector results to DataFrame const dataFrame: DataFrame[] = []; prometheusResult.result.forEach((data: MatrixOrVectorResult) => dataFrame.push(transformToDataFrame(data, options))); // When format is heatmap use the already created data frames and transform it more if (options.format === 'heatmap') { dataFrame.sort(sortSeriesByLabel); const seriesList = transformToHistogramOverTime(dataFrame); return seriesList; } // Return matrix or vector result as DataFrame[] return dataFrame; } function getPreferredVisualisationType(isInstantQuery?: boolean, mixedQueries?: boolean) { if (isInstantQuery) { return 'table'; } return mixedQueries ? 'graph' : undefined; } /** * Transforms matrix and vector result from Prometheus result to DataFrame */ function transformToDataFrame(data: MatrixOrVectorResult, options: TransformOptions): DataFrame { const { name } = createLabelInfo(data.metric, options); const fields: Field[] = []; if (isMatrixData(data)) { const stepMs = options.step ? options.step * 1000 : NaN; let baseTimestamp = options.start * 1000; const dps: PromValue[] = []; for (const value of data.values) { let dpValue: number | null = parseSampleValue(value[1]); if (isNaN(dpValue)) { dpValue = null; } const timestamp = value[0] * 1000; for (let t = baseTimestamp; t < timestamp; t += stepMs) { dps.push([t, null]); } baseTimestamp = timestamp + stepMs; dps.push([timestamp, dpValue]); } const endTimestamp = options.end * 1000; for (let t = baseTimestamp; t <= endTimestamp; t += stepMs) { dps.push([t, null]); } fields.push(getTimeField(dps, true)); fields.push(getValueField(dps, undefined, false)); } else { fields.push(getTimeField([data.value])); fields.push(getValueField([data.value])); } return { meta: options.meta, refId: options.refId, length: fields[0].values.length, fields, name, }; } function transformMetricDataToTable(md: MatrixOrVectorResult[], options: TransformOptions): DataFrame { if (!md || md.length === 0) { return { meta: options.meta, refId: options.refId, length: 0, fields: [], }; } const valueText = options.responseListLength > 1 || options.valueWithRefId ? `Value #${options.refId}` : 'Value'; const timeField = getTimeField([]); const metricFields = Object.keys(md.reduce((acc, series) => ({ ...acc, ...series.metric }), {})) .sort() .map(label => { return { name: label, config: { filterable: true }, type: FieldType.other, values: new ArrayVector(), }; }); const valueField = getValueField([], valueText); md.forEach(d => { if (isMatrixData(d)) { d.values.forEach(val => { timeField.values.add(val[0] * 1000); metricFields.forEach(metricField => metricField.values.add(getLabelValue(d.metric,; valueField.values.add(parseSampleValue(val[1])); }); } else { timeField.values.add(d.value[0] * 1000); metricFields.forEach(metricField => metricField.values.add(getLabelValue(d.metric,; valueField.values.add(parseSampleValue(d.value[1])); } }); return { meta: options.meta, refId: options.refId, length: timeField.values.length, fields: [timeField, ...metricFields, valueField], }; } function getLabelValue(metric: PromMetric, label: string): string | number { if (metric.hasOwnProperty(label)) { if (label === 'le') { return parseSampleValue(metric[label]); } return metric[label]; } return ''; } function getTimeField(data: PromValue[], isMs = false): MutableField { return { name: TIME_SERIES_TIME_FIELD_NAME, type: FieldType.time, config: {}, values: new ArrayVector( => (isMs ? val[0] : val[0] * 1000))), }; } function getValueField( data: PromValue[], valueName: string = TIME_SERIES_VALUE_FIELD_NAME, parseValue = true ): MutableField { return { name: valueName, type: FieldType.number, config: {}, values: new ArrayVector( => (parseValue ? parseSampleValue(val[1]) : val[1]))), }; } function createLabelInfo(labels: { [key: string]: string }, options: TransformOptions) { if (options?.legendFormat) { const title = renderTemplate(getTemplateSrv().replace(options.legendFormat, options?.scopedVars), labels); return { name: title, labels }; } const { __name__, ...labelsWithoutName } = labels; const labelPart = formatLabels(labelsWithoutName); const title = `${__name__ ?? ''}${labelPart}`; return { name: title, labels: labelsWithoutName }; } export function getOriginalMetricName(labelData: { [key: string]: string }) { const metricName = labelData.__name__ || ''; delete labelData.__name__; const labelPart = Object.entries(labelData) .map(label => `${label[0]}="${label[1]}"`) .join(','); return `${metricName}{${labelPart}}`; } export function renderTemplate(aliasPattern: string, aliasData: { [key: string]: string }) { const aliasRegex = /\{\{\s*(.+?)\s*\}\}/g; return aliasPattern.replace(aliasRegex, (_match, g1) => { if (aliasData[g1]) { return aliasData[g1]; } return ''; }); } function transformToHistogramOverTime(seriesList: DataFrame[]) { /* t1 = timestamp1, t2 = timestamp2 etc. t1 t2 t3 t1 t2 t3 le10 10 10 0 => 10 10 0 le20 20 10 30 => 10 0 30 le30 30 10 35 => 10 0 5 */ for (let i = seriesList.length - 1; i > 0; i--) { const topSeries = seriesList[i].fields.find(s => === TIME_SERIES_VALUE_FIELD_NAME); const bottomSeries = seriesList[i - 1].fields.find(s => === TIME_SERIES_VALUE_FIELD_NAME); if (!topSeries || !bottomSeries) { throw new Error('Prometheus heatmap transform error: data should be a time series'); } for (let j = 0; j < topSeries.values.length; j++) { const bottomPoint = bottomSeries.values.get(j) || [0]; topSeries.values.toArray()[j] -= bottomPoint; } } return seriesList; } function sortSeriesByLabel(s1: DataFrame, s2: DataFrame): number { let le1, le2; try { // fail if not integer. might happen with bad queries le1 = parseSampleValue( ?? ''); le2 = parseSampleValue( ?? ''); } catch (err) { console.error(err); return 0; } if (le1 > le2) { return 1; } if (le1 < le2) { return -1; } return 0; } function parseSampleValue(value: string): number { switch (value) { case POSITIVE_INFINITY_SAMPLE_VALUE: return Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY; case NEGATIVE_INFINITY_SAMPLE_VALUE: return Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; default: return parseFloat(value); } }