// Libraries import React from 'react'; import { hot } from 'react-hot-loader'; import { css, cx } from 'emotion'; import { connect } from 'react-redux'; import AutoSizer from 'react-virtualized-auto-sizer'; import memoizeOne from 'memoize-one'; // Services & Utils import store from 'app/core/store'; import config from 'app/core/config'; // Components import { ErrorBoundaryAlert, stylesFactory, withTheme } from '@grafana/ui'; import LogsContainer from './LogsContainer'; import QueryRows from './QueryRows'; import TableContainer from './TableContainer'; import RichHistoryContainer from './RichHistory/RichHistoryContainer'; // Actions import { changeSize, initializeExplore, modifyQueries, refreshExplore, scanStart, setQueries, toggleGraph, addQueryRow, updateTimeRange, } from './state/actions'; // Types import { AbsoluteTimeRange, DataQuery, DataSourceApi, GraphSeriesXY, PanelData, RawTimeRange, TimeRange, TimeZone, LoadingState, ExploreMode, GrafanaTheme, } from '@grafana/data'; import { ExploreId, ExploreItemState, ExploreUIState, ExploreUpdateState, ExploreUrlState } from 'app/types/explore'; import { StoreState } from 'app/types'; import { DEFAULT_RANGE, DEFAULT_UI_STATE, ensureQueries, getTimeRangeFromUrl, getTimeRange, lastUsedDatasourceKeyForOrgId, getFirstNonQueryRowSpecificError, } from 'app/core/utils/explore'; import { Emitter } from 'app/core/utils/emitter'; import { ExploreToolbar } from './ExploreToolbar'; import { NoDataSourceCallToAction } from './NoDataSourceCallToAction'; import { getTimeZone } from '../profile/state/selectors'; import { ErrorContainer } from './ErrorContainer'; import { scanStopAction } from './state/actionTypes'; import { ExploreGraphPanel } from './ExploreGraphPanel'; import { TraceView } from './TraceView/TraceView'; import { SecondaryActions } from './SecondaryActions'; import { compose } from 'redux'; import { e2e } from '@grafana/e2e'; const getStyles = stylesFactory((theme: GrafanaTheme) => { return { logsMain: css` label: logsMain; // Is needed for some transition animations to work. position: relative; margin-top: 21px; `, button: css` label: button; margin: 1em 4px 0 0; `, queryContainer: css` label: queryContainer; // Need to override normal css class and don't want to count on ordering of the classes in html. height: auto !important; padding: ${theme.panelPadding}px; `, }; }); export interface ExploreProps { changeSize: typeof changeSize; datasourceInstance: DataSourceApi; datasourceMissing: boolean; exploreId: ExploreId; initializeExplore: typeof initializeExplore; initialized: boolean; modifyQueries: typeof modifyQueries; update: ExploreUpdateState; refreshExplore: typeof refreshExplore; scanning?: boolean; scanRange?: RawTimeRange; scanStart: typeof scanStart; scanStopAction: typeof scanStopAction; setQueries: typeof setQueries; split: boolean; queryKeys: string[]; initialDatasource: string; initialQueries: DataQuery[]; initialRange: TimeRange; mode: ExploreMode; initialUI: ExploreUIState; isLive: boolean; syncedTimes: boolean; updateTimeRange: typeof updateTimeRange; graphResult?: GraphSeriesXY[]; loading?: boolean; absoluteRange: AbsoluteTimeRange; showingGraph?: boolean; showingTable?: boolean; timeZone?: TimeZone; onHiddenSeriesChanged?: (hiddenSeries: string[]) => void; toggleGraph: typeof toggleGraph; queryResponse: PanelData; originPanelId: number; addQueryRow: typeof addQueryRow; theme: GrafanaTheme; } interface ExploreState { showRichHistory: boolean; } /** * Explore provides an area for quick query iteration for a given datasource. * Once a datasource is selected it populates the query section at the top. * When queries are run, their results are being displayed in the main section. * The datasource determines what kind of query editor it brings, and what kind * of results viewers it supports. The state is managed entirely in Redux. * * SPLIT VIEW * * Explore can have two Explore areas side-by-side. This is handled in `Wrapper.tsx`. * Since there can be multiple Explores (e.g., left and right) each action needs * the `exploreId` as first parameter so that the reducer knows which Explore state * is affected. * * DATASOURCE REQUESTS * * A click on Run Query creates transactions for all DataQueries for all expanded * result viewers. New runs are discarding previous runs. Upon completion a transaction * saves the result. The result viewers construct their data from the currently existing * transactions. * * The result viewers determine some of the query options sent to the datasource, e.g., * `format`, to indicate eventual transformations by the datasources' result transformers. */ export class Explore extends React.PureComponent { el: any; exploreEvents: Emitter; constructor(props: ExploreProps) { super(props); this.exploreEvents = new Emitter(); this.state = { showRichHistory: false, }; } componentDidMount() { const { initialized, exploreId, initialDatasource, initialQueries, initialRange, mode, initialUI, originPanelId, } = this.props; const width = this.el ? this.el.offsetWidth : 0; // initialize the whole explore first time we mount and if browser history contains a change in datasource if (!initialized) { this.props.initializeExplore( exploreId, initialDatasource, initialQueries, initialRange, mode, width, this.exploreEvents, initialUI, originPanelId ); } } componentWillUnmount() { this.exploreEvents.removeAllListeners(); } componentDidUpdate(prevProps: ExploreProps) { this.refreshExplore(); } getRef = (el: any) => { this.el = el; }; onChangeTime = (rawRange: RawTimeRange) => { const { updateTimeRange, exploreId } = this.props; updateTimeRange({ exploreId, rawRange }); }; // Use this in help pages to set page to a single query onClickExample = (query: DataQuery) => { this.props.setQueries(this.props.exploreId, [query]); }; onClickFilterLabel = (key: string, value: string) => { this.onModifyQueries({ type: 'ADD_FILTER', key, value }); }; onClickFilterOutLabel = (key: string, value: string) => { this.onModifyQueries({ type: 'ADD_FILTER_OUT', key, value }); }; onClickAddQueryRowButton = () => { const { exploreId, queryKeys } = this.props; this.props.addQueryRow(exploreId, queryKeys.length); }; onModifyQueries = (action: any, index?: number) => { const { datasourceInstance } = this.props; if (datasourceInstance?.modifyQuery) { const modifier = (queries: DataQuery, modification: any) => datasourceInstance.modifyQuery!(queries, modification); this.props.modifyQueries(this.props.exploreId, action, modifier, index); } }; onResize = (size: { height: number; width: number }) => { this.props.changeSize(this.props.exploreId, size); }; onStartScanning = () => { // Scanner will trigger a query this.props.scanStart(this.props.exploreId); }; onStopScanning = () => { this.props.scanStopAction({ exploreId: this.props.exploreId }); }; onToggleGraph = (showingGraph: boolean) => { const { toggleGraph, exploreId } = this.props; toggleGraph(exploreId, showingGraph); }; onUpdateTimeRange = (absoluteRange: AbsoluteTimeRange) => { const { exploreId, updateTimeRange } = this.props; updateTimeRange({ exploreId, absoluteRange }); }; toggleShowRichHistory = () => { this.setState(state => { return { showRichHistory: !state.showRichHistory, }; }); }; refreshExplore = () => { const { exploreId, update } = this.props; if (update.queries || update.ui || update.range || update.datasource || update.mode) { this.props.refreshExplore(exploreId); } }; renderEmptyState = () => { return (
); }; render() { const { datasourceInstance, datasourceMissing, exploreId, split, queryKeys, mode, graphResult, loading, absoluteRange, showingGraph, showingTable, timeZone, queryResponse, syncedTimes, isLive, theme, } = this.props; const { showRichHistory } = this.state; const exploreClass = split ? 'explore explore-split' : 'explore'; const styles = getStyles(theme); const StartPage = datasourceInstance?.components?.ExploreStartPage; const showStartPage = !queryResponse || queryResponse.state === LoadingState.NotStarted; // TEMP: Remove for 7.0 const cloudwatchLogsDisabled = datasourceInstance?.meta?.id === 'cloudwatch' && !config.featureToggles.cloudwatchLogs; // gets an error without a refID, so non-query-row-related error, like a connection error const queryErrors = queryResponse.error ? [queryResponse.error] : undefined; const queryError = getFirstNonQueryRowSpecificError(queryErrors); return (
{datasourceMissing ? this.renderEmptyState() : null} {datasourceInstance && (
{({ width }) => { if (width === 0) { return null; } return (
{showStartPage && StartPage && (
)} {!showStartPage && ( <> {mode === ExploreMode.Metrics && ( )} {mode === ExploreMode.Metrics && ( )} {mode === ExploreMode.Logs && !cloudwatchLogsDisabled && ( )} {mode === ExploreMode.Tracing && // We expect only one trace at the moment to be in the dataframe // If there is not data (like 404) we show a separate error so no need to show anything here queryResponse.series[0] && ( )} )} {showRichHistory && ( )}
); }}
); } } const ensureQueriesMemoized = memoizeOne(ensureQueries); const getTimeRangeFromUrlMemoized = memoizeOne(getTimeRangeFromUrl); function mapStateToProps(state: StoreState, { exploreId }: ExploreProps): Partial { const explore = state.explore; const { split, syncedTimes } = explore; const item: ExploreItemState = explore[exploreId]; const timeZone = getTimeZone(state.user); const { datasourceInstance, datasourceMissing, initialized, queryKeys, urlState, update, isLive, supportedModes, mode, graphResult, loading, showingGraph, showingTable, absoluteRange, queryResponse, } = item; const { datasource, queries, range: urlRange, mode: urlMode, ui, originPanelId } = (urlState || {}) as ExploreUrlState; const initialDatasource = datasource || store.get(lastUsedDatasourceKeyForOrgId(state.user.orgId)); const initialQueries: DataQuery[] = ensureQueriesMemoized(queries); const initialRange = urlRange ? getTimeRangeFromUrlMemoized(urlRange, timeZone) : getTimeRange(timeZone, DEFAULT_RANGE); let newMode: ExploreMode | undefined; if (supportedModes.length) { const urlModeIsValid = supportedModes.includes(urlMode); const modeStateIsValid = supportedModes.includes(mode); if (modeStateIsValid) { newMode = mode; } else if (urlModeIsValid) { newMode = urlMode; } else { newMode = supportedModes[0]; } } else { newMode = [ExploreMode.Metrics, ExploreMode.Logs, ExploreMode.Tracing].includes(urlMode) ? urlMode : undefined; } const initialUI = ui || DEFAULT_UI_STATE; return { datasourceInstance, datasourceMissing, initialized, split, queryKeys, update, initialDatasource, initialQueries, initialRange, mode: newMode, initialUI, isLive, graphResult, loading, showingGraph, showingTable, absoluteRange, queryResponse, originPanelId, syncedTimes, timeZone, }; } const mapDispatchToProps: Partial = { changeSize, initializeExplore, modifyQueries, refreshExplore, scanStart, scanStopAction, setQueries, updateTimeRange, toggleGraph, addQueryRow, }; export default compose( hot(module), connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps), withTheme )(Explore) as React.ComponentType<{ exploreId: ExploreId }>;