.PHONY: all default docs docs-build docs-shell shell checkvars # to allow `make DOCSPORT=9000 docs` DOCSPORT := 3004 DOCKER_DOCS_IMAGE := grafana/grafana-docs SOURCES_HOST_DIR := "$(shell pwd)/sources" # assuming grafana and grafana.org-repo to be checked out in the same folder DEFAULT_LAYOUTS_DIR := "$(shell pwd)/../../../../../../grafana.org/layouts" # to allow `make DOCSDIR=docs docs-shell` (to create a bind mount in docs) LAYOUTS_MOUNT := $(if $(LAYOUTS),-v $(DEFAULT_LAYOUTS_DIR):/site/layouts) DOCS_MOUNT := -v $(SOURCES_HOST_DIR):/site/content DOCKER_RUN_DOCS := docker run --rm -it $(DOCS_MOUNT) $(LAYOUTS_MOUNT) -e NOCACHE -p 3004:3004 -p 3005:3005 VERSION := $(shell head -n 1 VERSION) default: docs checkvars: ifndef ENV $(error ENV is undefined set via ENV=staging or ENV=prod as argument to make) endif docs: docs-build $(DOCKER_RUN_DOCS) $(DOCS_MOUNT) -e DOCKERHOST "$(DOCKER_DOCS_IMAGE)" /bin/bash -c "grunt --env=dev-docs && grunt connect --port=3004" watch: docs-build $(DOCKER_RUN_DOCS) $(DOCS_MOUNT) $(LAYOUTS_MOUNT) -e DOCKERHOST "$(DOCKER_DOCS_IMAGE)" /bin/bash -c "grunt --env=dev-docs && grunt connect --port=3004 & grunt watch --port=3004 --env=dev-docs" publish: checkvars docs-build $(info Publishing ENV=${ENV} and VERSION=${VERSION}) $(DOCKER_RUN_DOCS) $(DOCS_MOUNT) -e DOCKERHOST "$(DOCKER_DOCS_IMAGE)" /bin/bash -c "./publish.sh ${ENV}-docs ${VERSION}" docs-build: docker build -t "$(DOCKER_DOCS_IMAGE)" --no-cache .