import { ArrayVector, createTheme, FieldType, ThresholdsMode, TimeRange, toDataFrame, dateTime, DataFrame, } from '@grafana/data'; import { LegendDisplayMode, VizLegendOptions } from '@grafana/schema'; import { findNextStateIndex, fmtDuration, getThresholdItems, prepareTimelineFields, prepareTimelineLegendItems, } from './utils'; const theme = createTheme(); describe('prepare timeline graph', () => { const timeRange: TimeRange = { from: dateTime(1), to: dateTime(3), raw: { from: dateTime(1), to: dateTime(3), }, }; it('errors with no time fields', () => { const frames = [ toDataFrame({ fields: [ { name: 'a', values: [1, 2, 3] }, { name: 'b', values: ['a', 'b', 'c'] }, ], }), ]; const info = prepareTimelineFields(frames, true, timeRange, theme); expect(info.warn).toEqual('Data does not have a time field'); }); it('requires a number, string, or boolean value', () => { const frames = [ toDataFrame({ fields: [ { name: 'a', type: FieldType.time, values: [1, 2, 3] }, { name: 'b', type: FieldType.other, values: [{}, {}, {}] }, ], }), ]; const info = prepareTimelineFields(frames, true, timeRange, theme); expect(info.warn).toEqual('No graphable fields'); }); it('will merge duplicate values', () => { const frames = [ toDataFrame({ fields: [ { name: 'a', type: FieldType.time, values: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7] }, { name: 'b', values: [1, 1, undefined, 1, 2, 2, null, 2, 3] }, ], }), ]; const info = prepareTimelineFields(frames, true, timeRange, theme); expect(info.warn).toBeUndefined(); const out = info.frames![0]; const field = out.fields.find((f) => === 'b'); expect(field?.values.toArray()).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` [ 1, 1, undefined, 1, 2, 2, null, 2, 3, ] `); }); it('should try to sort time fields', () => { const frames = [ toDataFrame({ fields: [ { name: 'a', type: FieldType.time, values: [4, 3, 1, 2] }, { name: 'b', values: [1, 1, 2, 2] }, ], }), ]; const result = prepareTimelineFields(frames, true, timeRange, theme); expect(result.frames?.[0].fields[0].values.toArray()).toEqual([1, 2, 3, 4]); }); }); describe('findNextStateIndex', () => { it('handles leading datapoint index', () => { const field = { name: 'time', type: FieldType.number, values: new ArrayVector([1, undefined, undefined, 2, undefined, undefined]), config: {}, }; const result = findNextStateIndex(field, 0); expect(result).toEqual(3); }); it('handles trailing datapoint index', () => { const field = { name: 'time', type: FieldType.number, values: new ArrayVector([1, undefined, undefined, 2, undefined, 3]), config: {}, }; const result = findNextStateIndex(field, 5); expect(result).toEqual(null); }); it('handles trailing undefined', () => { const field = { name: 'time', type: FieldType.number, values: new ArrayVector([1, undefined, undefined, 2, undefined, 3, undefined]), config: {}, }; const result = findNextStateIndex(field, 5); expect(result).toEqual(null); }); it('handles datapoint index inside range', () => { const field = { name: 'time', type: FieldType.number, values: new ArrayVector([ 1, undefined, undefined, 3, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, 2, undefined, undefined, ]), config: {}, }; const result = findNextStateIndex(field, 3); expect(result).toEqual(8); }); describe('single data points', () => { const field = { name: 'time', type: FieldType.number, values: new ArrayVector([1, 3, 2]), config: {}, }; test('leading', () => { const result = findNextStateIndex(field, 0); expect(result).toEqual(1); }); test('trailing', () => { const result = findNextStateIndex(field, 2); expect(result).toEqual(null); }); test('inside', () => { const result = findNextStateIndex(field, 1); expect(result).toEqual(2); }); }); }); describe('getThresholdItems', () => { it('should handle only one threshold', () => { const result = getThresholdItems( { thresholds: { mode: ThresholdsMode.Absolute, steps: [{ color: 'black', value: 0 }] } }, theme ); expect(result).toHaveLength(1); }); }); describe('prepareTimelineLegendItems', () => { it('should return legend items without crashing when single (base) threshold', () => { const frames = [ { refId: 'A', fields: [ { name: 'time', config: { color: { mode: 'thresholds', }, thresholds: { mode: 'absolute', steps: [ { color: 'green', value: null, }, ], }, }, values: new ArrayVector([ 1634092733455, 1634092763455, 1634092793455, 1634092823455, 1634092853455, 1634092883455, 1634092913455, 1634092943455, 1634092973455, 1634093003455, ]), display: (value: string) => ({ text: value, color: undefined, numeric: NaN, }), }, { name: 'A-series', config: { color: { mode: 'thresholds', }, thresholds: { mode: 'absolute', steps: [ { color: 'green', value: null, }, ], }, }, values: new ArrayVector(['< -∞', null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]), display: (value?: string) => ({ text: value || '', color: 'green', numeric: NaN, }), }, ], }, ] as unknown as DataFrame[]; const result = prepareTimelineLegendItems( frames, { displayMode: LegendDisplayMode.List } as VizLegendOptions, theme ); expect(result).toHaveLength(1); }); }); describe('duration', () => { it.each` value | expected ${-1} | ${''} ${20} | ${'20ms'} ${1000} | ${'1s'} ${1020} | ${'1s 20ms'} ${60000} | ${'1m'} ${61020} | ${'1m 1s'} ${3600000} | ${'1h'} ${6600000} | ${'1h 50m'} ${86400000} | ${'1d'} ${96640000} | ${'1d 2h'} ${604800000} | ${'1w'} ${691200000} | ${'1w 1d'} ${2419200000} | ${'4w'} ${2678400000} | ${'1mo 1d'} ${3196800000} | ${'1mo 1w'} ${3456000000} | ${'1mo 1w 3d'} ${6739200000} | ${'2mo 2w 4d'} ${31536000000} | ${'1y'} ${31968000000} | ${'1y 5d'} ${32140800000} | ${'1y 1w'} ${67910400000} | ${'2y 1mo 3w 5d'} ${40420800000} | ${'1y 3mo 1w 5d'} ${9007199254740991} | ${'285616y 5mo 1d'} `(' function should format $value ms to $expected', ({ value, expected }) => { const result = fmtDuration(value); expect(result).toEqual(expected); }); });