import { DataQuery, DataSourceApi, dateTime, ExploreMode, LoadingState, LogsDedupStrategy, RawTimeRange, UrlQueryMap, ExploreUrlState, } from '@grafana/data'; import { createEmptyQueryResponse, exploreReducer, initialExploreState, itemReducer, makeExploreItemState, makeInitialUpdateState, } from './reducers'; import { ExploreId, ExploreItemState, ExploreState } from 'app/types/explore'; import { reducerTester } from 'test/core/redux/reducerTester'; import { changeRangeAction, changeRefreshIntervalAction, scanStartAction, scanStopAction, splitCloseAction, splitOpenAction, updateDatasourceInstanceAction, addQueryRowAction, removeQueryRowAction, } from './actionTypes'; import { updateLocation } from '../../../core/actions'; import { serializeStateToUrlParam } from '@grafana/data/src/utils/url'; const QUERY_KEY_REGEX = /Q-(?:[a-z0-9]+-){5}(?:[0-9]+)/; describe('Explore item reducer', () => { describe('scanning', () => { it('should start scanning', () => { const initialState = { ...makeExploreItemState(), scanning: false, }; reducerTester() .givenReducer(itemReducer, initialState) .whenActionIsDispatched(scanStartAction({ exploreId: ExploreId.left })) .thenStateShouldEqual({ ...makeExploreItemState(), scanning: true, }); }); it('should stop scanning', () => { const initialState = { ...makeExploreItemState(), scanning: true, scanRange: {} as RawTimeRange, }; reducerTester() .givenReducer(itemReducer, initialState) .whenActionIsDispatched(scanStopAction({ exploreId: ExploreId.left })) .thenStateShouldEqual({ ...makeExploreItemState(), scanning: false, scanRange: undefined, }); }); }); describe('changing datasource', () => { describe('when updateDatasourceInstanceAction is dispatched', () => { describe('and datasourceInstance supports graph, logs, table and has a startpage', () => { it('then it should set correct state', () => { const StartPage = {}; const datasourceInstance = { meta: { metrics: true, logs: true, }, components: { ExploreStartPage: StartPage, }, } as DataSourceApi; const queries: DataQuery[] = []; const queryKeys: string[] = []; const initialState: ExploreItemState = ({ datasourceInstance: null, queries, queryKeys, } as unknown) as ExploreItemState; const expectedState: any = { datasourceInstance, queries, queryKeys, graphResult: null, logsResult: null, tableResult: null, supportedModes: [ExploreMode.Metrics, ExploreMode.Logs], latency: 0, loading: false, queryResponse: createEmptyQueryResponse(), }; reducerTester() .givenReducer(itemReducer, initialState) .whenActionIsDispatched(updateDatasourceInstanceAction({ exploreId: ExploreId.left, datasourceInstance })) .thenStateShouldEqual(expectedState); }); }); }); }); describe('changing refresh intervals', () => { it("should result in 'streaming' state, when live-tailing is active", () => { const initialState = makeExploreItemState(); const expectedState = { ...makeExploreItemState(), refreshInterval: 'LIVE', isLive: true, loading: true, logsResult: { hasUniqueLabels: false, rows: [] as any[], }, queryResponse: { ...makeExploreItemState().queryResponse, state: LoadingState.Streaming, }, }; reducerTester() .givenReducer(itemReducer, initialState) .whenActionIsDispatched(changeRefreshIntervalAction({ exploreId: ExploreId.left, refreshInterval: 'LIVE' })) .thenStateShouldEqual(expectedState); }); it("should result in 'done' state, when live-tailing is stopped", () => { const initialState = makeExploreItemState(); const expectedState = { ...makeExploreItemState(), refreshInterval: '', logsResult: { hasUniqueLabels: false, rows: [] as any[], }, queryResponse: { ...makeExploreItemState().queryResponse, state: LoadingState.Done, }, }; reducerTester() .givenReducer(itemReducer, initialState) .whenActionIsDispatched(changeRefreshIntervalAction({ exploreId: ExploreId.left, refreshInterval: '' })) .thenStateShouldEqual(expectedState); }); }); describe('changing range', () => { describe('when changeRangeAction is dispatched', () => { it('then it should set correct state', () => { reducerTester() .givenReducer(itemReducer, ({ update: { ...makeInitialUpdateState(), range: true }, range: null, absoluteRange: null, } as unknown) as ExploreItemState) .whenActionIsDispatched( changeRangeAction({ exploreId: ExploreId.left, absoluteRange: { from: 1546297200000, to: 1546383600000 }, range: { from: dateTime('2019-01-01'), to: dateTime('2019-01-02'), raw: { from: 'now-1d', to: 'now' } }, }) ) .thenStateShouldEqual(({ update: { ...makeInitialUpdateState(), range: false }, absoluteRange: { from: 1546297200000, to: 1546383600000 }, range: { from: dateTime('2019-01-01'), to: dateTime('2019-01-02'), raw: { from: 'now-1d', to: 'now' } }, } as unknown) as ExploreItemState); }); }); }); describe('query rows', () => { it('adds a new query row', () => { reducerTester() .givenReducer(itemReducer, ({ queries: [], } as unknown) as ExploreItemState) .whenActionIsDispatched( addQueryRowAction({ exploreId: ExploreId.left, query: { refId: 'A', key: 'mockKey' }, index: 0, }) ) .thenStateShouldEqual(({ queries: [{ refId: 'A', key: 'mockKey' }], queryKeys: ['mockKey-0'], } as unknown) as ExploreItemState); }); it('removes a query row', () => { reducerTester() .givenReducer(itemReducer, ({ queries: [ { refId: 'A', key: 'mockKey' }, { refId: 'B', key: 'mockKey' }, ], queryKeys: ['mockKey-0', 'mockKey-1'], } as unknown) as ExploreItemState) .whenActionIsDispatched( removeQueryRowAction({ exploreId: ExploreId.left, index: 0, }) ) .thenStatePredicateShouldEqual((resultingState: ExploreItemState) => { expect(resultingState.queries.length).toBe(1); expect(resultingState.queries[0].refId).toBe('A'); expect(resultingState.queries[0].key).toMatch(QUERY_KEY_REGEX); expect(resultingState.queryKeys[0]).toMatch(QUERY_KEY_REGEX); return true; }); }); it('reassigns query refId after removing a query to keep queries in order', () => { reducerTester() .givenReducer(itemReducer, ({ queries: [{ refId: 'A' }, { refId: 'B' }, { refId: 'C' }], queryKeys: ['undefined-0', 'undefined-1', 'undefined-2'], } as unknown) as ExploreItemState) .whenActionIsDispatched( removeQueryRowAction({ exploreId: ExploreId.left, index: 0, }) ) .thenStatePredicateShouldEqual((resultingState: ExploreItemState) => { expect(resultingState.queries.length).toBe(2); const queriesRefIds = => query.refId); const queriesKeys = => query.key); expect(queriesRefIds).toEqual(['A', 'B']); queriesKeys.forEach(queryKey => { expect(queryKey).toMatch(QUERY_KEY_REGEX); }); resultingState.queryKeys.forEach(queryKey => { expect(queryKey).toMatch(QUERY_KEY_REGEX); }); return true; }); }); }); }); export const setup = (urlStateOverrides?: any) => { const update = makeInitialUpdateState(); const urlStateDefaults: ExploreUrlState = { datasource: 'some-datasource', queries: [], range: { from: '', to: '', }, ui: { dedupStrategy: LogsDedupStrategy.none, showingGraph: false, showingTable: false, showingLogs: false, }, }; const urlState: ExploreUrlState = { ...urlStateDefaults, ...urlStateOverrides }; const serializedUrlState = serializeStateToUrlParam(urlState); const initialState = ({ split: false, left: { urlState, update }, right: { urlState, update }, } as unknown) as ExploreState; return { initialState, serializedUrlState, }; }; describe('Explore reducer', () => { describe('split view', () => { it("should make right pane a duplicate of the given item's state on split open", () => { const leftItemMock = ({ containerWidth: 100, } as unknown) as ExploreItemState; const initialState = ({ split: null, left: leftItemMock as ExploreItemState, right: makeExploreItemState(), } as unknown) as ExploreState; reducerTester() .givenReducer(exploreReducer, initialState) .whenActionIsDispatched(splitOpenAction({ itemState: leftItemMock })) .thenStateShouldEqual(({ split: true, left: leftItemMock, right: leftItemMock, } as unknown) as ExploreState); }); describe('split close', () => { it('should keep right pane as left when left is closed', () => { const leftItemMock = ({ containerWidth: 100, } as unknown) as ExploreItemState; const rightItemMock = ({ containerWidth: 200, } as unknown) as ExploreItemState; const initialState = ({ split: null, left: leftItemMock, right: rightItemMock, } as unknown) as ExploreState; // closing left item reducerTester() .givenReducer(exploreReducer, initialState) .whenActionIsDispatched(splitCloseAction({ itemId: ExploreId.left })) .thenStateShouldEqual(({ split: false, left: rightItemMock, right: initialExploreState.right, } as unknown) as ExploreState); }); it('should reset right pane when it is closed ', () => { const leftItemMock = ({ containerWidth: 100, } as unknown) as ExploreItemState; const rightItemMock = ({ containerWidth: 200, } as unknown) as ExploreItemState; const initialState = ({ split: null, left: leftItemMock, right: rightItemMock, } as unknown) as ExploreState; // closing left item reducerTester() .givenReducer(exploreReducer, initialState) .whenActionIsDispatched(splitCloseAction({ itemId: ExploreId.right })) .thenStateShouldEqual(({ split: false, left: leftItemMock, right: initialExploreState.right, } as unknown) as ExploreState); }); }); }); describe('when updateLocation is dispatched', () => { describe('and payload does not contain a query', () => { it('then it should just return state', () => { reducerTester() .givenReducer(exploreReducer, ({} as unknown) as ExploreState) .whenActionIsDispatched(updateLocation({ query: (null as unknown) as UrlQueryMap })) .thenStateShouldEqual(({} as unknown) as ExploreState); }); }); describe('and payload contains a query', () => { describe("but does not contain 'left'", () => { it('then it should just return state', () => { reducerTester() .givenReducer(exploreReducer, ({} as unknown) as ExploreState) .whenActionIsDispatched(updateLocation({ query: {} })) .thenStateShouldEqual(({} as unknown) as ExploreState); }); }); describe("and query contains a 'right'", () => { it('then it should add split in state', () => { const { initialState, serializedUrlState } = setup(); const expectedState = { ...initialState, split: true }; reducerTester() .givenReducer(exploreReducer, initialState) .whenActionIsDispatched( updateLocation({ query: { left: serializedUrlState, right: serializedUrlState, }, }) ) .thenStateShouldEqual(expectedState); }); }); describe("and query contains a 'left'", () => { describe('but urlState is not set in state', () => { it('then it should just add urlState and update in state', () => { const { initialState, serializedUrlState } = setup(); const urlState: ExploreUrlState = (null as unknown) as ExploreUrlState; const stateWithoutUrlState = ({ ...initialState, left: { urlState } } as unknown) as ExploreState; const expectedState = { ...initialState }; reducerTester() .givenReducer(exploreReducer, stateWithoutUrlState) .whenActionIsDispatched( updateLocation({ query: { left: serializedUrlState, }, path: '/explore', }) ) .thenStateShouldEqual(expectedState); }); }); describe("but '/explore' is missing in path", () => { it('then it should just add urlState and update in state', () => { const { initialState, serializedUrlState } = setup(); const expectedState = { ...initialState }; reducerTester() .givenReducer(exploreReducer, initialState) .whenActionIsDispatched( updateLocation({ query: { left: serializedUrlState, }, path: '/dashboard', }) ) .thenStateShouldEqual(expectedState); }); }); describe("and '/explore' is in path", () => { describe('and datasource differs', () => { it('then it should return update datasource', () => { const { initialState, serializedUrlState } = setup(); const expectedState = { ...initialState, left: { ...initialState.left, update: { ...initialState.left.update, datasource: true, }, }, }; const stateWithDifferentDataSource: any = { ...initialState, left: { ...initialState.left, urlState: { ...initialState.left.urlState, datasource: 'different datasource', }, }, }; reducerTester() .givenReducer(exploreReducer, stateWithDifferentDataSource) .whenActionIsDispatched( updateLocation({ query: { left: serializedUrlState, }, path: '/explore', }) ) .thenStateShouldEqual(expectedState); }); }); describe('and range differs', () => { it('then it should return update range', () => { const { initialState, serializedUrlState } = setup(); const expectedState = { ...initialState, left: { ...initialState.left, update: { ...initialState.left.update, range: true, }, }, }; const stateWithDifferentDataSource: any = { ...initialState, left: { ...initialState.left, urlState: { ...initialState.left.urlState, range: { from: 'now', to: 'now-6h', }, }, }, }; reducerTester() .givenReducer(exploreReducer, stateWithDifferentDataSource) .whenActionIsDispatched( updateLocation({ query: { left: serializedUrlState, }, path: '/explore', }) ) .thenStateShouldEqual(expectedState); }); }); describe('and queries differs', () => { it('then it should return update queries', () => { const { initialState, serializedUrlState } = setup(); const expectedState = { ...initialState, left: { ...initialState.left, update: { ...initialState.left.update, queries: true, }, }, }; const stateWithDifferentDataSource: any = { ...initialState, left: { ...initialState.left, urlState: { ...initialState.left.urlState, queries: [{ expr: '{__filename__="some.log"}' }], }, }, }; reducerTester() .givenReducer(exploreReducer, stateWithDifferentDataSource) .whenActionIsDispatched( updateLocation({ query: { left: serializedUrlState, }, path: '/explore', }) ) .thenStateShouldEqual(expectedState); }); }); describe('and ui differs', () => { it('then it should return update ui', () => { const { initialState, serializedUrlState } = setup(); const expectedState = { ...initialState, left: { ...initialState.left, update: { ...initialState.left.update, ui: true, }, }, }; const stateWithDifferentDataSource: any = { ...initialState, left: { ...initialState.left, urlState: { ...initialState.left.urlState, ui: { ...initialState.left.urlState!.ui, showingGraph: true, }, }, }, }; reducerTester() .givenReducer(exploreReducer, stateWithDifferentDataSource) .whenActionIsDispatched( updateLocation({ query: { left: serializedUrlState, }, path: '/explore', }) ) .thenStateShouldEqual(expectedState); }); }); describe('and nothing differs', () => { it('then it should return update ui', () => { const { initialState, serializedUrlState } = setup(); const expectedState = { ...initialState }; reducerTester() .givenReducer(exploreReducer, initialState) .whenActionIsDispatched( updateLocation({ query: { left: serializedUrlState, }, path: '/explore', }) ) .thenStateShouldEqual(expectedState); }); }); }); }); }); }); });