module.exports = function(config) { return { // this is the only task, other than copy, that runs on the src directory, since we don't really need // the less files in the dist. Everything else runs from on temp, and require copys everything // from temp -> dist dist:{ expand: true, cwd:'<%= srcDir %>/vendor/bootstrap/less/', src: ['bootstrap.dark.less', 'bootstrap.light.less'], dest: '<%= tempDir %>/css/', }, // Compile in place when not building src:{ options: { paths: ["<%= srcDir %>/vendor/bootstrap/less", "<%= srcDir %>/css/less"], yuicompress:true }, files: { "<%= srcDir %>/css/bootstrap.dark.min.css": "<%= srcDir %>/css/less/bootstrap.dark.less", "<%= srcDir %>/css/bootstrap.light.min.css": "<%= srcDir %>/css/less/bootstrap.light.less", "<%= srcDir %>/css/bootstrap-responsive.min.css": "<%= srcDir %>/css/less/grafana-responsive.less" } } }; };