import { countBy, chain } from 'lodash'; import { LogLevel, LogRowModel, LogLabelStatsModel, LogsModel, LogsSortOrder } from '@grafana/data'; import { getDataframeFields } from './components/logParser'; /** * Returns the log level of a log line. * Parse the line for level words. If no level is found, it returns `LogLevel.unknown`. * * Example: `getLogLevel('WARN 1999-12-31 this is great') // LogLevel.warn` */ export function getLogLevel(line: string): LogLevel { if (!line) { return LogLevel.unknown; } let level = LogLevel.unknown; let currentIndex: number | undefined = undefined; for (const key of Object.keys(LogLevel)) { const regexp = new RegExp(`\\b${key}\\b`, 'i'); const result = regexp.exec(line); if (result) { if (currentIndex === undefined || result.index < currentIndex) { level = (LogLevel as any)[key]; currentIndex = result.index; } } } return level; } export function getLogLevelFromKey(key: string | number): LogLevel { const level = (LogLevel as any)[key.toString().toLowerCase()]; if (level) { return level; } return LogLevel.unknown; } export function calculateLogsLabelStats(rows: LogRowModel[], label: string): LogLabelStatsModel[] { // Consider only rows that have the given label const rowsWithLabel = rows.filter((row) => row.labels[label] !== undefined); const rowCount = rowsWithLabel.length; // Get label value counts for eligible rows const countsByValue = countBy(rowsWithLabel, (row) => (row as LogRowModel).labels[label]); return getSortedCounts(countsByValue, rowCount); } export function calculateStats(values: unknown[]): LogLabelStatsModel[] { const nonEmptyValues = values.filter((value) => value !== undefined && value !== null); const countsByValue = countBy(nonEmptyValues); return getSortedCounts(countsByValue, nonEmptyValues.length); } const getSortedCounts = (countsByValue: { [value: string]: number }, rowCount: number) => { return chain(countsByValue) .map((count, value) => ({ count, value, proportion: count / rowCount })) .sortBy('count') .reverse() .value(); }; export const sortInAscendingOrder = (a: LogRowModel, b: LogRowModel) => { // compare milliseconds if (a.timeEpochMs < b.timeEpochMs) { return -1; } if (a.timeEpochMs > b.timeEpochMs) { return 1; } // if milliseconds are equal, compare nanoseconds if (a.timeEpochNs < b.timeEpochNs) { return -1; } if (a.timeEpochNs > b.timeEpochNs) { return 1; } return 0; }; export const sortInDescendingOrder = (a: LogRowModel, b: LogRowModel) => { // compare milliseconds if (a.timeEpochMs > b.timeEpochMs) { return -1; } if (a.timeEpochMs < b.timeEpochMs) { return 1; } // if milliseconds are equal, compare nanoseconds if (a.timeEpochNs > b.timeEpochNs) { return -1; } if (a.timeEpochNs < b.timeEpochNs) { return 1; } return 0; }; export const sortLogsResult = (logsResult: LogsModel | null, sortOrder: LogsSortOrder): LogsModel => { const rows = logsResult ? sortLogRows(logsResult.rows, sortOrder) : []; return logsResult ? { ...logsResult, rows } : { hasUniqueLabels: false, rows }; }; export const sortLogRows = (logRows: LogRowModel[], sortOrder: LogsSortOrder) => sortOrder === LogsSortOrder.Ascending ? logRows.sort(sortInAscendingOrder) : logRows.sort(sortInDescendingOrder); // Currently supports only error condition in Loki logs export const checkLogsError = (logRow: LogRowModel): { hasError: boolean; errorMessage?: string } => { if (logRow.labels.__error__) { return { hasError: true, errorMessage: logRow.labels.__error__, }; } return { hasError: false, }; }; export const escapeUnescapedString = (string: string) => string.replace(/\\r\\n|\\n|\\t|\\r/g, (match: string) => (match.slice(1) === 't' ? '\t' : '\n')); export function logRowsToReadableJson(logs: LogRowModel[]) { return => { const fields = getDataframeFields(log).reduce>((acc, field) => { acc[field.key] = field.value; return acc; }, {}); return { line: log.entry, timestamp: log.timeEpochNs, fields: { ...fields, ...log.labels, }, }; }); }