package cloudmigrationimpl import ( "context" cryptoRand "crypto/rand" "encoding/json" "fmt" "os" "path/filepath" "slices" "sort" "time" snapshot "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" libraryelements "" "" "" "" ) func (s *Service) getMigrationDataJSON(ctx context.Context, signedInUser *user.SignedInUser) (*cloudmigration.MigrateDataRequest, error) { // Data sources dataSources, err := s.getDataSourceCommands(ctx) if err != nil { s.log.Error("Failed to get datasources", "err", err) return nil, err } // Dashboards and folders are linked via the schema, so we need to get both dashs, folders, err := s.getDashboardAndFolderCommands(ctx, signedInUser) if err != nil { s.log.Error("Failed to get dashboards and folders", "err", err) return nil, err } libraryElements, err := s.getLibraryElementsCommands(ctx, signedInUser) if err != nil { s.log.Error("Failed to get library elements", "err", err) return nil, err } migrationDataSlice := make( []cloudmigration.MigrateDataRequestItem, 0, len(dataSources)+len(dashs)+len(folders)+len(libraryElements), ) for _, ds := range dataSources { migrationDataSlice = append(migrationDataSlice, cloudmigration.MigrateDataRequestItem{ Type: cloudmigration.DatasourceDataType, RefID: ds.UID, Name: ds.Name, Data: ds, }) } for _, dashboard := range dashs { dashboard.Data.Del("id") migrationDataSlice = append(migrationDataSlice, cloudmigration.MigrateDataRequestItem{ Type: cloudmigration.DashboardDataType, RefID: dashboard.UID, Name: dashboard.Title, Data: dashboards.SaveDashboardCommand{ Dashboard: dashboard.Data, Overwrite: true, // currently only intended to be a push, not a sync; revisit during the preview Message: fmt.Sprintf("Created via the Grafana Cloud Migration Assistant by on-prem user \"%s\"", signedInUser.Login), IsFolder: false, FolderUID: dashboard.FolderUID, }, }) } folders = sortFolders(folders) for _, f := range folders { migrationDataSlice = append(migrationDataSlice, cloudmigration.MigrateDataRequestItem{ Type: cloudmigration.FolderDataType, RefID: f.UID, Name: f.Title, Data: f, }) } for _, libraryElement := range libraryElements { migrationDataSlice = append(migrationDataSlice, cloudmigration.MigrateDataRequestItem{ Type: cloudmigration.LibraryElementDataType, RefID: libraryElement.UID, Name: libraryElement.Name, Data: libraryElement, }) } migrationData := &cloudmigration.MigrateDataRequest{ Items: migrationDataSlice, } return migrationData, nil } func (s *Service) getDataSourceCommands(ctx context.Context) ([]datasources.AddDataSourceCommand, error) { dataSources, err := s.dsService.GetAllDataSources(ctx, &datasources.GetAllDataSourcesQuery{}) if err != nil { s.log.Error("Failed to get all datasources", "err", err) return nil, err } result := []datasources.AddDataSourceCommand{} for _, dataSource := range dataSources { // Decrypt secure json to send raw credentials decryptedData, err := s.secretsService.DecryptJsonData(ctx, dataSource.SecureJsonData) if err != nil { s.log.Error("Failed to decrypt secure json data", "err", err) return nil, err } dataSourceCmd := datasources.AddDataSourceCommand{ OrgID: dataSource.OrgID, Name: dataSource.Name, Type: dataSource.Type, Access: dataSource.Access, URL: dataSource.URL, User: dataSource.User, Database: dataSource.Database, BasicAuth: dataSource.BasicAuth, BasicAuthUser: dataSource.BasicAuthUser, WithCredentials: dataSource.WithCredentials, IsDefault: dataSource.IsDefault, JsonData: dataSource.JsonData, SecureJsonData: decryptedData, ReadOnly: dataSource.ReadOnly, UID: dataSource.UID, } result = append(result, dataSourceCmd) } return result, err } // getDashboardAndFolderCommands returns the json payloads required by the dashboard and folder creation APIs func (s *Service) getDashboardAndFolderCommands(ctx context.Context, signedInUser *user.SignedInUser) ([]dashboards.Dashboard, []folder.CreateFolderCommand, error) { dashs, err := s.dashboardService.GetAllDashboards(ctx) if err != nil { return nil, nil, err } dashboardCmds := make([]dashboards.Dashboard, 0) folderUids := make([]string, 0) softDeleteEnabled := s.features.IsEnabledGlobally(featuremgmt.FlagDashboardRestore) // Folders need to be fetched by UID in a separate step, separate dashboards from folders // If any result is in the trash bin, don't migrate it for _, d := range dashs { if softDeleteEnabled && !d.Deleted.IsZero() { continue } if d.IsFolder { folderUids = append(folderUids, d.UID) } else { dashboardCmds = append(dashboardCmds, *d) } } folders, err := s.folderService.GetFolders(ctx, folder.GetFoldersQuery{ UIDs: folderUids, SignedInUser: signedInUser, WithFullpathUIDs: true, }) if err != nil { return nil, nil, err } folderCmds := make([]folder.CreateFolderCommand, len(folders)) for i, f := range folders { folderCmds[i] = folder.CreateFolderCommand{ UID: f.UID, Title: f.Title, Description: f.Description, ParentUID: f.ParentUID, } } return dashboardCmds, folderCmds, nil } type libraryElement struct { FolderUID *string `json:"folderUid"` Name string `json:"name"` UID string `json:"uid"` Model json.RawMessage `json:"model"` Kind int64 `json:"kind"` } // getLibraryElementsCommands returns the json payloads required by the library elements creation API func (s *Service) getLibraryElementsCommands(ctx context.Context, signedInUser *user.SignedInUser) ([]libraryElement, error) { const perPage = 100 cmds := make([]libraryElement, 0) page := 1 count := 0 for { query := libraryelements.SearchLibraryElementsQuery{ PerPage: perPage, Page: page, } libraryElements, err := s.libraryElementsService.GetAllElements(ctx, signedInUser, query) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to get all library elements: %w", err) } for _, element := range libraryElements.Elements { var folderUID *string if len(element.FolderUID) > 0 { folderUID = &element.FolderUID } cmds = append(cmds, libraryElement{ FolderUID: folderUID, Name: element.Name, Model: element.Model, Kind: element.Kind, UID: element.UID, }) } page += 1 count += libraryElements.PerPage if len(libraryElements.Elements) == 0 || count >= int(libraryElements.TotalCount) { break } } return cmds, nil } // asynchronous process for writing the snapshot to the filesystem and updating the snapshot status func (s *Service) buildSnapshot(ctx context.Context, signedInUser *user.SignedInUser, maxItemsPerPartition uint32, metadata []byte, snapshotMeta cloudmigration.CloudMigrationSnapshot) error { // TODO -- make sure we can only build one snapshot at a time s.buildSnapshotMutex.Lock() defer s.buildSnapshotMutex.Unlock() start := time.Now() defer func() { s.log.Debug(fmt.Sprintf("buildSnapshot: method completed in %d ms", time.Since(start).Milliseconds())) }() publicKey, privateKey, err := box.GenerateKey(cryptoRand.Reader) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("nacl: generating public and private key: %w", err) } s.log.Debug(fmt.Sprintf("buildSnapshot: generated keys in %d ms", time.Since(start).Milliseconds())) // Use GMS public key + the grafana generated private key to encrypt snapshot files. snapshotWriter, err := snapshot.NewSnapshotWriter(contracts.AssymetricKeys{ Public: snapshotMeta.EncryptionKey, Private: privateKey[:], }, crypto.NewNacl(), snapshotMeta.LocalDir, ) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("instantiating snapshot writer: %w", err) } s.log.Debug(fmt.Sprintf("buildSnapshot: created snapshot writing in %d ms", time.Since(start).Milliseconds())) migrationData, err := s.getMigrationDataJSON(ctx, signedInUser) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("fetching migration data: %w", err) } s.log.Debug(fmt.Sprintf("buildSnapshot: got migration data json in %d ms", time.Since(start).Milliseconds())) localSnapshotResource := make([]cloudmigration.CloudMigrationResource, len(migrationData.Items)) resourcesGroupedByType := make(map[cloudmigration.MigrateDataType][]snapshot.MigrateDataRequestItemDTO, 0) for i, item := range migrationData.Items { resourcesGroupedByType[item.Type] = append(resourcesGroupedByType[item.Type], snapshot.MigrateDataRequestItemDTO{ Name: item.Name, Type: snapshot.MigrateDataType(item.Type), RefID: item.RefID, Data: item.Data, }) localSnapshotResource[i] = cloudmigration.CloudMigrationResource{ Name: item.Name, Type: item.Type, RefID: item.RefID, Status: cloudmigration.ItemStatusPending, } } for _, resourceType := range []cloudmigration.MigrateDataType{ cloudmigration.DatasourceDataType, cloudmigration.FolderDataType, cloudmigration.LibraryElementDataType, cloudmigration.DashboardDataType, } { for chunk := range slices.Chunk(resourcesGroupedByType[resourceType], int(maxItemsPerPartition)) { if err := snapshotWriter.Write(string(resourceType), chunk); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("writing resources to snapshot writer: resourceType=%s %w", resourceType, err) } } } s.log.Debug(fmt.Sprintf("buildSnapshot: wrote data files in %d ms", time.Since(start).Milliseconds())) // Add the grafana generated public key to the index file so gms can use it to decrypt the snapshot files later. // This works because the snapshot files are being encrypted with // the grafana generated private key + the gms public key. if _, err := snapshotWriter.Finish(snapshot.FinishInput{ SenderPublicKey: publicKey[:], Metadata: metadata, }); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("finishing writing snapshot files and generating index file: %w", err) } s.log.Debug(fmt.Sprintf("buildSnapshot: finished snapshot in %d ms", time.Since(start).Milliseconds())) // update snapshot status to pending upload with retries if err := s.updateSnapshotWithRetries(ctx, cloudmigration.UpdateSnapshotCmd{ UID: snapshotMeta.UID, SessionID: snapshotMeta.SessionUID, Status: cloudmigration.SnapshotStatusPendingUpload, Resources: localSnapshotResource, }); err != nil { return err } return nil } // asynchronous process for and updating the snapshot status func (s *Service) uploadSnapshot(ctx context.Context, session *cloudmigration.CloudMigrationSession, snapshotMeta *cloudmigration.CloudMigrationSnapshot, uploadUrl string) (err error) { // TODO -- make sure we can only upload one snapshot at a time s.buildSnapshotMutex.Lock() defer s.buildSnapshotMutex.Unlock() start := time.Now() defer func() { s.log.Debug(fmt.Sprintf("uploadSnapshot: method completed in %d ms", time.Since(start).Milliseconds())) }() indexFilePath := filepath.Join(snapshotMeta.LocalDir, "index.json") // LocalDir can be set in the configuration, therefore the file path can be set to any path. // nolint:gosec indexFile, err := os.Open(indexFilePath) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("opening index files: %w", err) } defer func() { if closeErr := indexFile.Close(); closeErr != nil { s.log.Error("closing index file", "err", closeErr.Error()) } }() index, err := snapshot.ReadIndex(indexFile) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("reading index from file: %w", err) } s.log.Debug(fmt.Sprintf("uploadSnapshot: read index file in %d ms", time.Since(start).Milliseconds())) // Upload the data files. for _, fileNames := range index.Items { for _, fileName := range fileNames { filePath := filepath.Join(snapshotMeta.LocalDir, fileName) key := fmt.Sprintf("%d/snapshots/%s/%s", session.StackID, snapshotMeta.GMSSnapshotUID, fileName) if err := s.uploadUsingPresignedURL(ctx, uploadUrl, key, filePath); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("uploading snapshot file using presigned url: %w", err) } s.log.Debug(fmt.Sprintf("uploadSnapshot: uploaded %s in %d ms", fileName, time.Since(start).Milliseconds())) } } s.log.Debug(fmt.Sprintf("uploadSnapshot: uploaded all data files in %d ms", time.Since(start).Milliseconds())) // Upload the index file. Must be done after uploading the data files. key := fmt.Sprintf("%d/snapshots/%s/%s", session.StackID, snapshotMeta.GMSSnapshotUID, "index.json") if _, err := indexFile.Seek(0, 0); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("seeking to beginning of index file: %w", err) } if err := s.objectStorage.PresignedURLUpload(ctx, uploadUrl, key, indexFile); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("uploading file using presigned url: %w", err) } s.log.Debug(fmt.Sprintf("uploadSnapshot: uploaded index file in %d ms", time.Since(start).Milliseconds())) s.log.Info("successfully uploaded snapshot", "snapshotUid", snapshotMeta.UID, "cloud_snapshotUid", snapshotMeta.GMSSnapshotUID) // update snapshot status to processing with retries if err := s.updateSnapshotWithRetries(ctx, cloudmigration.UpdateSnapshotCmd{ UID: snapshotMeta.UID, SessionID: snapshotMeta.SessionUID, Status: cloudmigration.SnapshotStatusProcessing, }); err != nil { return err } return nil } func (s *Service) uploadUsingPresignedURL(ctx context.Context, uploadURL, key string, filePath string) (err error) { // The directory that contains the file can set in the configuration, therefore the directory can be any directory. // nolint:gosec file, err := os.Open(filePath) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("opening snapshot file: path=%s %w", filePath, err) } defer func() { if closeErr := file.Close(); closeErr != nil { s.log.Error("closing file", "path", filePath, "err", closeErr) } }() if err = s.objectStorage.PresignedURLUpload(ctx, uploadURL, key, file); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("uploading file using presigned url: %w", err) } return nil } func (s *Service) updateSnapshotWithRetries(ctx context.Context, cmd cloudmigration.UpdateSnapshotCmd) (err error) { maxRetries := 10 retries := 0 if err := retryer.Retry(func() (retryer.RetrySignal, error) { if err :=, cmd); err != nil { s.log.Error("updating snapshot in retry loop", "error", err.Error()) retries++ if retries > maxRetries { return retryer.FuncError, err } return retryer.FuncFailure, nil } return retryer.FuncComplete, nil }, maxRetries, time.Millisecond*10, time.Second*5); err != nil { s.log.Error("failed to update snapshot status", "snapshotUid", cmd.UID, "status", cmd.Status, "num_resources", len(cmd.Resources), "error", err.Error()) return fmt.Errorf("failed to update snapshot status: %w", err) } return nil } // sortFolders implements a sort such that parent folders always come before their children // Implementation inspired by ChatGPT, OpenAI's language model. func sortFolders(input []folder.CreateFolderCommand) []folder.CreateFolderCommand { // Map from UID to the corresponding folder for quick lookup folderMap := make(map[string]folder.CreateFolderCommand) for _, folder := range input { folderMap[folder.UID] = folder } // Dynamic map of folderUID to depth depthMap := make(map[string]int) // Function to get the depth of a folder based on its parent hierarchy var getDepth func(uid string) int getDepth = func(uid string) int { if uid == "" { return 0 } if d, ok := depthMap[uid]; ok { return d } folder, exists := folderMap[uid] if !exists || folder.ParentUID == "" { return 1 } return 1 + getDepth(folder.ParentUID) } // Calculate the depth of each folder for _, folder := range input { depthMap[folder.UID] = getDepth(folder.UID) } // Sort folders by their depth, ensuring a stable sort sort.SliceStable(input, func(i, j int) bool { return depthMap[input[i].UID] < depthMap[input[j].UID] }) return input }