import React, { SyntheticEvent } from 'react'; import { render, screen } from '@testing-library/react'; import { EventsWithValidation } from '@grafana/ui'; import { SelectableValue } from '@grafana/data'; import { getValueFromEventItem, promSettingsValidationEvents, PromSettings } from './PromSettings'; import { createDefaultConfigOptions } from './mocks'; describe('PromSettings', () => { describe('getValueFromEventItem', () => { describe('when called with undefined', () => { it('then it should return empty string', () => { const result = getValueFromEventItem( (undefined as unknown) as SyntheticEvent | SelectableValue ); expect(result).toEqual(''); }); }); describe('when called with an input event', () => { it('then it should return value from currentTarget', () => { const value = 'An input value'; const result = getValueFromEventItem({ currentTarget: { value } }); expect(result).toEqual(value); }); }); describe('when called with a select event', () => { it('then it should return value', () => { const value = 'A select value'; const result = getValueFromEventItem({ value }); expect(result).toEqual(value); }); }); }); describe('promSettingsValidationEvents', () => { const validationEvents = promSettingsValidationEvents; it('should have one event handlers', () => { expect(Object.keys(validationEvents).length).toEqual(1); }); it('should have an onBlur handler', () => { expect(validationEvents.hasOwnProperty(EventsWithValidation.onBlur)).toBe(true); }); it('should have one rule', () => { expect(validationEvents[EventsWithValidation.onBlur].length).toEqual(1); }); describe('when calling the rule with an empty string', () => { it('then it should return true', () => { expect(validationEvents[EventsWithValidation.onBlur][0].rule('')).toBe(true); }); }); it.each` value | expected ${'1ms'} | ${true} ${'1M'} | ${true} ${'1w'} | ${true} ${'1d'} | ${true} ${'1h'} | ${true} ${'1m'} | ${true} ${'1s'} | ${true} ${'1y'} | ${true} `( "when calling the rule with correct formatted value: '$value' then result should be '$expected'", ({ value, expected }) => { expect(validationEvents[EventsWithValidation.onBlur][0].rule(value)).toBe(expected); } ); it.each` value | expected ${'1 ms'} | ${false} ${'1x'} | ${false} ${' '} | ${false} ${'w'} | ${false} ${'1.0s'} | ${false} `( "when calling the rule with incorrect formatted value: '$value' then result should be '$expected'", ({ value, expected }) => { expect(validationEvents[EventsWithValidation.onBlur][0].rule(value)).toBe(expected); } ); }); describe('PromSettings component', () => { const defaultProps = createDefaultConfigOptions(); it('should show POST httpMethod if no httpMethod', () => { const options = defaultProps; options.url = ''; options.jsonData.httpMethod = ''; render(
{}} options={options} />
); expect(screen.getByText('POST')).toBeInTheDocument(); }); it('should show POST httpMethod if POST httpMethod is configured', () => { const options = defaultProps; options.url = 'test_url'; options.jsonData.httpMethod = 'POST'; render(
{}} options={options} />
); expect(screen.getByText('POST')).toBeInTheDocument(); }); it('should show GET httpMethod if GET httpMethod is configured', () => { const options = defaultProps; options.url = 'test_url'; options.jsonData.httpMethod = 'GET'; render(
{}} options={options} />
); expect(screen.getByText('GET')).toBeInTheDocument(); }); }); });