
700 lines
17 KiB

package utils
import (
metav1 ""
// Annotation keys
const AnnoKeyCreatedBy = ""
const AnnoKeyUpdatedTimestamp = ""
const AnnoKeyUpdatedBy = ""
const AnnoKeyFolder = ""
const AnnoKeySlug = ""
const AnnoKeyBlob = ""
const AnnoKeyMessage = ""
// Identify where values came from
const AnnoKeyOriginName = ""
const AnnoKeyOriginPath = ""
const AnnoKeyOriginHash = ""
const AnnoKeyOriginTimestamp = ""
// ResourceOriginInfo is saved in annotations. This is used to identify where the resource came from
// This object can model the same data as our existing provisioning table or a more general git sync
type ResourceOriginInfo struct {
// Name of the origin/provisioning source
Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
// The path within the named origin above (external_id in the existing dashboard provisioing)
Path string `json:"path,omitempty"`
// Verification/identification hash (check_sum in existing dashboard provisioning)
Hash string `json:"hash,omitempty"`
// Origin modification timestamp when the resource was saved
// This will be before the resource updated time
Timestamp *time.Time `json:"time,omitempty"`
// Avoid extending
_ any `json:"-"`
// Accessor functions for k8s objects
type GrafanaMetaAccessor interface {
GetGroupVersionKind() schema.GroupVersionKind
GetRuntimeObject() (runtime.Object, bool)
// Helper to get resource versions as int64, however this is not required
// See:
GetResourceVersionInt64() (int64, error)
GetUpdatedTimestamp() (*time.Time, error)
SetUpdatedTimestamp(v *time.Time)
SetUpdatedTimestampMillis(unix int64)
GetCreatedBy() string
SetCreatedBy(user string)
GetUpdatedBy() string
SetUpdatedBy(user string)
GetFolder() string
SetFolder(uid string)
GetMessage() string
SetMessage(msg string)
SetAnnotation(key string, val string)
GetSlug() string
SetSlug(v string)
SetBlob(v *BlobInfo)
GetBlob() *BlobInfo
GetOriginInfo() (*ResourceOriginInfo, error)
SetOriginInfo(info *ResourceOriginInfo)
GetOriginName() string
GetOriginPath() string
GetOriginHash() string
GetOriginTimestamp() (*time.Time, error)
GetSpec() (any, error)
SetSpec(any) error
GetStatus() (any, error)
// Used by the generic strategy to keep the status value unchanged on an update
// NOTE the type must match the existing value, or an error will be thrown
SetStatus(any) error
// Find a title in the object
// This will reflect the object and try to get:
// * spec.title
// *
// * title
// and return an empty string if nothing was found
FindTitle(defaultTitle string) string
var _ GrafanaMetaAccessor = (*grafanaMetaAccessor)(nil)
type grafanaMetaAccessor struct {
raw interface{} // the original object (it implements metav1.Object)
obj metav1.Object
r reflect.Value
// Accessor takes an arbitrary object pointer and returns meta.Interface.
// obj must be a pointer to an API type. An error is returned if the minimum
// required fields are missing. Fields that are not required return the default
// value and are a no-op if set.
func MetaAccessor(raw interface{}) (GrafanaMetaAccessor, error) {
obj, err := meta.Accessor(raw)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// reflection to find title and other non object properties
r := reflect.ValueOf(raw)
if r.Kind() == reflect.Ptr || r.Kind() == reflect.Interface {
r = r.Elem()
return &grafanaMetaAccessor{raw, obj, r}, nil
func (m *grafanaMetaAccessor) GetResourceVersionInt64() (int64, error) {
v := m.obj.GetResourceVersion()
if v == "" {
return 0, nil
return strconv.ParseInt(v, 10, 64)
func (m *grafanaMetaAccessor) GetRuntimeObject() (runtime.Object, bool) {
obj, ok := m.raw.(runtime.Object)
return obj, ok
func (m *grafanaMetaAccessor) SetResourceVersionInt64(rv int64) {
m.obj.SetResourceVersion(strconv.FormatInt(rv, 10))
func (m *grafanaMetaAccessor) SetAnnotation(key string, val string) {
anno := m.obj.GetAnnotations()
if val == "" {
if anno != nil {
delete(anno, key)
} else {
if anno == nil {
anno = make(map[string]string)
anno[key] = val
func (m *grafanaMetaAccessor) get(key string) string {
return m.obj.GetAnnotations()[key]
func (m *grafanaMetaAccessor) GetUpdatedTimestamp() (*time.Time, error) {
v, ok := m.obj.GetAnnotations()[AnnoKeyUpdatedTimestamp]
if !ok || v == "" {
return nil, nil
t, err := time.Parse(time.RFC3339, v)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid updated timestamp: %s", err.Error())
t = t.UTC()
return &t, nil
func (m *grafanaMetaAccessor) SetUpdatedTimestampMillis(v int64) {
if v > 0 {
t := time.UnixMilli(v)
} else {
m.SetAnnotation(AnnoKeyUpdatedTimestamp, "") // will clear the annotation
func (m *grafanaMetaAccessor) SetUpdatedTimestamp(v *time.Time) {
txt := ""
if v != nil && v.Unix() != 0 {
txt = v.UTC().Format(time.RFC3339)
m.SetAnnotation(AnnoKeyUpdatedTimestamp, txt)
func (m *grafanaMetaAccessor) GetCreatedBy() string {
return m.get(AnnoKeyCreatedBy)
func (m *grafanaMetaAccessor) SetCreatedBy(user string) {
m.SetAnnotation(AnnoKeyCreatedBy, user)
func (m *grafanaMetaAccessor) GetUpdatedBy() string {
return m.get(AnnoKeyUpdatedBy)
func (m *grafanaMetaAccessor) SetUpdatedBy(user string) {
m.SetAnnotation(AnnoKeyUpdatedBy, user)
func (m *grafanaMetaAccessor) GetBlob() *BlobInfo {
return ParseBlobInfo(m.get(AnnoKeyBlob))
func (m *grafanaMetaAccessor) SetBlob(info *BlobInfo) {
if info == nil {
m.SetAnnotation(AnnoKeyBlob, "") // delete
m.SetAnnotation(AnnoKeyBlob, info.String())
func (m *grafanaMetaAccessor) GetFolder() string {
return m.get(AnnoKeyFolder)
func (m *grafanaMetaAccessor) SetFolder(uid string) {
m.SetAnnotation(AnnoKeyFolder, uid)
func (m *grafanaMetaAccessor) GetMessage() string {
return m.get(AnnoKeyMessage)
func (m *grafanaMetaAccessor) SetMessage(uid string) {
m.SetAnnotation(AnnoKeyMessage, uid)
func (m *grafanaMetaAccessor) GetSlug() string {
return m.get(AnnoKeySlug)
func (m *grafanaMetaAccessor) SetSlug(v string) {
m.SetAnnotation(AnnoKeySlug, v)
func (m *grafanaMetaAccessor) SetOriginInfo(info *ResourceOriginInfo) {
anno := m.obj.GetAnnotations()
if anno == nil {
if info == nil {
anno = make(map[string]string, 0)
delete(anno, AnnoKeyOriginName)
delete(anno, AnnoKeyOriginPath)
delete(anno, AnnoKeyOriginHash)
delete(anno, AnnoKeyOriginTimestamp)
if info != nil && info.Name != "" {
anno[AnnoKeyOriginName] = info.Name
if info.Path != "" {
anno[AnnoKeyOriginPath] = info.Path
if info.Hash != "" {
anno[AnnoKeyOriginHash] = info.Hash
if info.Timestamp != nil {
anno[AnnoKeyOriginTimestamp] = info.Timestamp.UTC().Format(time.RFC3339)
func (m *grafanaMetaAccessor) GetOriginInfo() (*ResourceOriginInfo, error) {
v, ok := m.obj.GetAnnotations()[AnnoKeyOriginName]
if !ok {
return nil, nil
t, err := m.GetOriginTimestamp()
return &ResourceOriginInfo{
Name: v,
Path: m.GetOriginPath(),
Hash: m.GetOriginHash(),
Timestamp: t,
}, err
func (m *grafanaMetaAccessor) GetOriginName() string {
return m.get(AnnoKeyOriginName)
func (m *grafanaMetaAccessor) GetOriginPath() string {
return m.get(AnnoKeyOriginPath)
func (m *grafanaMetaAccessor) GetOriginHash() string {
return m.get(AnnoKeyOriginHash)
func (m *grafanaMetaAccessor) GetOriginTimestamp() (*time.Time, error) {
v, ok := m.obj.GetAnnotations()[AnnoKeyOriginTimestamp]
if !ok || v == "" {
return nil, nil
t, err := time.Parse(time.RFC3339, v)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid origin timestamp: %s", err.Error())
return &t, nil
// GetAnnotations implements GrafanaMetaAccessor.
func (m *grafanaMetaAccessor) GetAnnotations() map[string]string {
return m.obj.GetAnnotations()
// GetCreationTimestamp implements GrafanaMetaAccessor.
func (m *grafanaMetaAccessor) GetCreationTimestamp() metav1.Time {
return m.obj.GetCreationTimestamp()
// GetDeletionGracePeriodSeconds implements GrafanaMetaAccessor.
func (m *grafanaMetaAccessor) GetDeletionGracePeriodSeconds() *int64 {
return m.obj.GetDeletionGracePeriodSeconds()
// GetDeletionTimestamp implements GrafanaMetaAccessor.
func (m *grafanaMetaAccessor) GetDeletionTimestamp() *metav1.Time {
return m.obj.GetDeletionTimestamp()
// GetFinalizers implements GrafanaMetaAccessor.
func (m *grafanaMetaAccessor) GetFinalizers() []string {
return m.obj.GetFinalizers()
// GetGenerateName implements GrafanaMetaAccessor.
func (m *grafanaMetaAccessor) GetGenerateName() string {
return m.obj.GetGenerateName()
// GetGeneration implements GrafanaMetaAccessor.
func (m *grafanaMetaAccessor) GetGeneration() int64 {
return m.obj.GetGeneration()
// GetLabels implements GrafanaMetaAccessor.
func (m *grafanaMetaAccessor) GetLabels() map[string]string {
return m.obj.GetLabels()
// GetManagedFields implements GrafanaMetaAccessor.
func (m *grafanaMetaAccessor) GetManagedFields() []metav1.ManagedFieldsEntry {
return m.obj.GetManagedFields()
// GetName implements GrafanaMetaAccessor.
func (m *grafanaMetaAccessor) GetName() string {
return m.obj.GetName()
// GetNamespace implements GrafanaMetaAccessor.
func (m *grafanaMetaAccessor) GetNamespace() string {
return m.obj.GetNamespace()
// GetOwnerReferences implements GrafanaMetaAccessor.
func (m *grafanaMetaAccessor) GetOwnerReferences() []metav1.OwnerReference {
return m.obj.GetOwnerReferences()
// GetResourceVersion implements GrafanaMetaAccessor.
func (m *grafanaMetaAccessor) GetResourceVersion() string {
return m.obj.GetResourceVersion()
// GetSelfLink implements GrafanaMetaAccessor.
func (m *grafanaMetaAccessor) GetSelfLink() string {
return m.obj.GetSelfLink()
// GetUID implements GrafanaMetaAccessor.
func (m *grafanaMetaAccessor) GetUID() types.UID {
return m.obj.GetUID()
// SetAnnotations implements GrafanaMetaAccessor.
func (m *grafanaMetaAccessor) SetAnnotations(annotations map[string]string) {
// SetCreationTimestamp implements GrafanaMetaAccessor.
func (m *grafanaMetaAccessor) SetCreationTimestamp(timestamp metav1.Time) {
// SetDeletionGracePeriodSeconds implements GrafanaMetaAccessor.
func (m *grafanaMetaAccessor) SetDeletionGracePeriodSeconds(v *int64) {
// SetDeletionTimestamp implements GrafanaMetaAccessor.
func (m *grafanaMetaAccessor) SetDeletionTimestamp(timestamp *metav1.Time) {
// SetFinalizers implements GrafanaMetaAccessor.
func (m *grafanaMetaAccessor) SetFinalizers(finalizers []string) {
// SetGenerateName implements GrafanaMetaAccessor.
func (m *grafanaMetaAccessor) SetGenerateName(name string) {
// SetGeneration implements GrafanaMetaAccessor.
func (m *grafanaMetaAccessor) SetGeneration(generation int64) {
// SetLabels implements GrafanaMetaAccessor.
func (m *grafanaMetaAccessor) SetLabels(labels map[string]string) {
// SetManagedFields implements GrafanaMetaAccessor.
func (m *grafanaMetaAccessor) SetManagedFields(managedFields []metav1.ManagedFieldsEntry) {
// SetName implements GrafanaMetaAccessor.
func (m *grafanaMetaAccessor) SetName(name string) {
// SetNamespace implements GrafanaMetaAccessor.
func (m *grafanaMetaAccessor) SetNamespace(namespace string) {
// SetOwnerReferences implements GrafanaMetaAccessor.
func (m *grafanaMetaAccessor) SetOwnerReferences(v []metav1.OwnerReference) {
// SetResourceVersion implements GrafanaMetaAccessor.
func (m *grafanaMetaAccessor) SetResourceVersion(version string) {
// SetSelfLink implements GrafanaMetaAccessor.
func (m *grafanaMetaAccessor) SetSelfLink(selfLink string) {
// SetUID implements GrafanaMetaAccessor.
func (m *grafanaMetaAccessor) SetUID(uid types.UID) {
func (m *grafanaMetaAccessor) GetGroupVersionKind() schema.GroupVersionKind {
obj, ok := m.raw.(runtime.Object)
if ok {
return obj.GetObjectKind().GroupVersionKind()
gvk := schema.GroupVersionKind{}
apiVersion := ""
typ, ok := m.raw.(metav1.Type)
if ok {
apiVersion = typ.GetAPIVersion()
gvk.Kind = typ.GetKind()
} else {
val := m.r.FieldByName("APIVersion")
if val.IsValid() && val.Kind() == reflect.String {
apiVersion = val.String()
val = m.r.FieldByName("Kind")
if val.IsValid() && val.Kind() == reflect.String {
gvk.Kind = val.String()
if apiVersion != "" {
gv, err := schema.ParseGroupVersion(apiVersion)
if err == nil {
gvk.Group = gv.Group
gvk.Version = gv.Version
return gvk
func (m *grafanaMetaAccessor) GetSpec() (spec any, err error) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("error reading spec")
f := m.r.FieldByName("Spec")
if f.IsValid() {
spec = f.Interface()
// Unstructured
u, ok := m.raw.(*unstructured.Unstructured)
if ok {
spec, ok = u.Object["spec"]
if ok {
return // no error
err = fmt.Errorf("unable to read spec")
func (m *grafanaMetaAccessor) SetSpec(s any) (err error) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("error setting spec")
f := m.r.FieldByName("Spec")
if f.IsValid() {
// Unstructured
u, ok := m.raw.(*unstructured.Unstructured)
if ok {
u.Object["spec"] = s
} else {
err = fmt.Errorf("unable to set spec")
func (m *grafanaMetaAccessor) GetStatus() (status any, err error) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("error reading status")
f := m.r.FieldByName("Status")
if f.IsValid() {
status = f.Interface()
// Unstructured
u, ok := m.raw.(*unstructured.Unstructured)
if ok {
status, ok = u.Object["status"]
if ok {
return // no error
err = fmt.Errorf("unable to read status")
func (m *grafanaMetaAccessor) SetStatus(s any) (err error) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("error setting status")
f := m.r.FieldByName("Status")
if f.IsValid() {
// Unstructured
u, ok := m.raw.(*unstructured.Unstructured)
if ok {
u.Object["status"] = s
} else {
err = fmt.Errorf("unable to read status")
func (m *grafanaMetaAccessor) FindTitle(defaultTitle string) string {
// look for Spec.Title or Spec.Name
spec := m.r.FieldByName("Spec")
if spec.Kind() == reflect.Struct {
title := spec.FieldByName("Title")
if title.IsValid() && title.Kind() == reflect.String {
return title.String()
name := spec.FieldByName("Name")
if name.IsValid() && name.Kind() == reflect.String {
return name.String()
title := m.r.FieldByName("Title")
if title.IsValid() && title.Kind() == reflect.String {
return title.String()
return defaultTitle
type BlobInfo struct {
UID string `json:"uid"`
Size int64 `json:"size,omitempty"`
Hash string `json:"hash,omitempty"`
MimeType string `json:"mime,omitempty"`
Charset string `json:"charset,omitempty"` // content type = mime+charset
// Content type is mime + charset
func (b *BlobInfo) SetContentType(v string) {
var params map[string]string
var err error
b.Charset = ""
b.MimeType, params, err = mime.ParseMediaType(v)
if err != nil {
b.Charset = params["charset"]
// Content type is mime + charset
func (b *BlobInfo) ContentType() string {
sb := bytes.NewBufferString(b.MimeType)
if b.Charset != "" {
sb.WriteString("; charset=")
return sb.String()
func (b *BlobInfo) String() string {
sb := bytes.NewBufferString(b.UID)
if b.Size > 0 {
sb.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("; size=%d", b.Size))
if b.Hash != "" {
sb.WriteString("; hash=")
if b.MimeType != "" {
sb.WriteString("; mime=")
if b.Charset != "" {
sb.WriteString("; charset=")
return sb.String()
func ParseBlobInfo(v string) *BlobInfo {
if v == "" {
return nil
info := &BlobInfo{}
for i, part := range strings.Split(v, ";") {
if i == 0 {
info.UID = part
kv := strings.Split(strings.TrimSpace(part), "=")
if len(kv) == 2 {
val := kv[1]
switch kv[0] {
case "size":
info.Size, _ = strconv.ParseInt(val, 10, 64)
case "hash":
info.Hash = val
case "mime":
info.MimeType = val
case "charset":
info.Charset = val
return info