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synced 2025-02-25 18:55:37 -06:00
Use the ConvertSqlTimeColumnToEpochMs function to convert any native datetime data type or epoch time (millisecond precision). Additional tests and update of existing due to timezone issues running MSSQL on UTC and dev environment on non-utc. Update stored procedures test to handle more parameters. Update test dashboard.
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324 lines
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package mssql
import (
_ "github.com/denisenkom/go-mssqldb"
type MssqlQueryEndpoint struct {
sqlEngine tsdb.SqlEngine
log log.Logger
func init() {
tsdb.RegisterTsdbQueryEndpoint("mssql", NewMssqlQueryEndpoint)
func NewMssqlQueryEndpoint(datasource *models.DataSource) (tsdb.TsdbQueryEndpoint, error) {
endpoint := &MssqlQueryEndpoint{
log: log.New("tsdb.mssql"),
endpoint.sqlEngine = &tsdb.DefaultSqlEngine{
MacroEngine: NewMssqlMacroEngine(),
cnnstr := generateConnectionString(datasource)
endpoint.log.Debug("getEngine", "connection", cnnstr)
if err := endpoint.sqlEngine.InitEngine("mssql", datasource, cnnstr); err != nil {
return nil, err
return endpoint, nil
func generateConnectionString(datasource *models.DataSource) string {
password := ""
for key, value := range datasource.SecureJsonData.Decrypt() {
if key == "password" {
password = value
hostParts := strings.Split(datasource.Url, ":")
if len(hostParts) < 2 {
hostParts = append(hostParts, "1433")
server, port := hostParts[0], hostParts[1]
return fmt.Sprintf("server=%s;port=%s;database=%s;user id=%s;password=%s;",
// Query is the main function for the MssqlQueryEndpoint
func (e *MssqlQueryEndpoint) Query(ctx context.Context, dsInfo *models.DataSource, tsdbQuery *tsdb.TsdbQuery) (*tsdb.Response, error) {
return e.sqlEngine.Query(ctx, dsInfo, tsdbQuery, e.transformToTimeSeries, e.transformToTable)
func (e MssqlQueryEndpoint) transformToTable(query *tsdb.Query, rows *core.Rows, result *tsdb.QueryResult, tsdbQuery *tsdb.TsdbQuery) error {
columnNames, err := rows.Columns()
columnCount := len(columnNames)
if err != nil {
return err
rowLimit := 1000000
rowCount := 0
timeIndex := -1
table := &tsdb.Table{
Columns: make([]tsdb.TableColumn, columnCount),
Rows: make([]tsdb.RowValues, 0),
for i, name := range columnNames {
table.Columns[i].Text = name
// check if there is a column named time
switch name {
case "time":
timeIndex = i
columnTypes, err := rows.ColumnTypes()
if err != nil {
return err
for ; rows.Next(); rowCount++ {
if rowCount > rowLimit {
return fmt.Errorf("MsSQL query row limit exceeded, limit %d", rowLimit)
values, err := e.getTypedRowData(columnTypes, rows)
if err != nil {
return err
// converts column named time to unix timestamp in milliseconds
// to make native mssql datetime types and epoch dates work in
// annotation and table queries.
tsdb.ConvertSqlTimeColumnToEpochMs(values, timeIndex)
table.Rows = append(table.Rows, values)
result.Tables = append(result.Tables, table)
result.Meta.Set("rowCount", rowCount)
return nil
func (e MssqlQueryEndpoint) getTypedRowData(types []*sql.ColumnType, rows *core.Rows) (tsdb.RowValues, error) {
values := make([]interface{}, len(types))
valuePtrs := make([]interface{}, len(types))
for i, stype := range types {
e.log.Debug("type", "type", stype)
valuePtrs[i] = &values[i]
if err := rows.Scan(valuePtrs...); err != nil {
return nil, err
// convert types not handled by denisenkom/go-mssqldb
// unhandled types are returned as []byte
for i := 0; i < len(types); i++ {
if value, ok := values[i].([]byte); ok == true {
switch types[i].DatabaseTypeName() {
if v, err := strconv.ParseFloat(string(value), 64); err == nil {
values[i] = v
} else {
e.log.Debug("Rows", "Error converting numeric to float", value)
e.log.Debug("Rows", "Unknown database type", types[i].DatabaseTypeName(), "value", value)
values[i] = string(value)
return values, nil
func (e MssqlQueryEndpoint) transformToTimeSeries(query *tsdb.Query, rows *core.Rows, result *tsdb.QueryResult, tsdbQuery *tsdb.TsdbQuery) error {
pointsBySeries := make(map[string]*tsdb.TimeSeries)
seriesByQueryOrder := list.New()
columnNames, err := rows.Columns()
if err != nil {
return err
columnTypes, err := rows.ColumnTypes()
if err != nil {
return err
rowLimit := 1000000
rowCount := 0
timeIndex := -1
metricIndex := -1
// check columns of resultset: a column named time is mandatory
// the first text column is treated as metric name unless a column named metric is present
for i, col := range columnNames {
switch col {
case "time":
timeIndex = i
case "metric":
metricIndex = i
if metricIndex == -1 {
switch columnTypes[i].DatabaseTypeName() {
metricIndex = i
if timeIndex == -1 {
return fmt.Errorf("Found no column named time")
fillMissing := query.Model.Get("fill").MustBool(false)
var fillInterval float64
fillValue := null.Float{}
if fillMissing {
fillInterval = query.Model.Get("fillInterval").MustFloat64() * 1000
if query.Model.Get("fillNull").MustBool(false) == false {
fillValue.Float64 = query.Model.Get("fillValue").MustFloat64()
fillValue.Valid = true
for rows.Next() {
var timestamp float64
var value null.Float
var metric string
if rowCount > rowLimit {
return fmt.Errorf("MSSQL query row limit exceeded, limit %d", rowLimit)
values, err := e.getTypedRowData(columnTypes, rows)
if err != nil {
return err
switch columnValue := values[timeIndex].(type) {
case int64:
timestamp = float64(columnValue * 1000)
case float64:
timestamp = columnValue * 1000
case time.Time:
timestamp = (float64(columnValue.Unix()) * 1000) + float64(columnValue.Nanosecond()/1e6) // in case someone is trying to map times beyond 2262 :D
return fmt.Errorf("Invalid type for column time, must be of type timestamp or unix timestamp")
if metricIndex >= 0 {
if columnValue, ok := values[metricIndex].(string); ok == true {
metric = columnValue
} else {
return fmt.Errorf("Column metric must be of type CHAR, VARCHAR, NCHAR or NVARCHAR. metric column name: %s type: %s but datatype is %T", columnNames[metricIndex], columnTypes[metricIndex].DatabaseTypeName(), values[metricIndex])
for i, col := range columnNames {
if i == timeIndex || i == metricIndex {
switch columnValue := values[i].(type) {
case int64:
value = null.FloatFrom(float64(columnValue))
case float64:
value = null.FloatFrom(columnValue)
case nil:
value.Valid = false
return fmt.Errorf("Value column must have numeric datatype, column: %s type: %T value: %v", col, columnValue, columnValue)
if metricIndex == -1 {
metric = col
series, exist := pointsBySeries[metric]
if exist == false {
series = &tsdb.TimeSeries{Name: metric}
pointsBySeries[metric] = series
if fillMissing {
var intervalStart float64
if exist == false {
intervalStart = float64(tsdbQuery.TimeRange.MustGetFrom().UnixNano() / 1e6)
} else {
intervalStart = series.Points[len(series.Points)-1][1].Float64 + fillInterval
// align interval start
intervalStart = math.Floor(intervalStart/fillInterval) * fillInterval
for i := intervalStart; i < timestamp; i += fillInterval {
series.Points = append(series.Points, tsdb.TimePoint{fillValue, null.FloatFrom(i)})
series.Points = append(series.Points, tsdb.TimePoint{value, null.FloatFrom(timestamp)})
e.log.Debug("Rows", "metric", metric, "time", timestamp, "value", value)
for elem := seriesByQueryOrder.Front(); elem != nil; elem = elem.Next() {
key := elem.Value.(string)
result.Series = append(result.Series, pointsBySeries[key])
if fillMissing {
series := pointsBySeries[key]
// fill in values from last fetched value till interval end
intervalStart := series.Points[len(series.Points)-1][1].Float64
intervalEnd := float64(tsdbQuery.TimeRange.MustGetTo().UnixNano() / 1e6)
// align interval start
intervalStart = math.Floor(intervalStart/fillInterval) * fillInterval
for i := intervalStart + fillInterval; i < intervalEnd; i += fillInterval {
series.Points = append(series.Points, tsdb.TimePoint{fillValue, null.FloatFrom(i)})
result.Meta.Set("rowCount", rowCount)
return nil