
327 lines
9.3 KiB

package azuremonitor
import (
// ApplicationInsightsDatasource calls the application insights query API.
type ApplicationInsightsDatasource struct {
httpClient *http.Client
dsInfo *models.DataSource
pluginManager plugins.Manager
// ApplicationInsightsQuery is the model that holds the information
// needed to make a metrics query to Application Insights, and the information
// used to parse the response.
type ApplicationInsightsQuery struct {
RefID string
// Text based raw query options.
ApiURL string
Params url.Values
Alias string
Target string
// These fields are used when parsing the response.
metricName string
dimensions []string
aggregation string
// nolint:staticcheck // plugins.DataQueryResult deprecated
func (e *ApplicationInsightsDatasource) executeTimeSeriesQuery(ctx context.Context,
originalQueries []plugins.DataSubQuery,
timeRange plugins.DataTimeRange) (plugins.DataResponse, error) {
result := plugins.DataResponse{
Results: map[string]plugins.DataQueryResult{},
queries, err := e.buildQueries(originalQueries, timeRange)
if err != nil {
return plugins.DataResponse{}, err
for _, query := range queries {
queryRes, err := e.executeQuery(ctx, query)
if err != nil {
return plugins.DataResponse{}, err
result.Results[query.RefID] = queryRes
return result, nil
func (e *ApplicationInsightsDatasource) buildQueries(queries []plugins.DataSubQuery,
timeRange plugins.DataTimeRange) ([]*ApplicationInsightsQuery, error) {
applicationInsightsQueries := []*ApplicationInsightsQuery{}
startTime, err := timeRange.ParseFrom()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
endTime, err := timeRange.ParseTo()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, query := range queries {
queryBytes, err := query.Model.Encode()
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to re-encode the Azure Application Insights query into JSON: %w", err)
queryJSONModel := insightsJSONQuery{}
err = json.Unmarshal(queryBytes, &queryJSONModel)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to decode the Azure Application Insights query object from JSON: %w", err)
insightsJSONModel := queryJSONModel.AppInsights
azlog.Debug("Application Insights", "target", insightsJSONModel)
azureURL := fmt.Sprintf("metrics/%s", insightsJSONModel.MetricName)
timeGrain := insightsJSONModel.TimeGrain
timeGrains := insightsJSONModel.AllowedTimeGrainsMs
// Previous versions of the query model don't specify a time grain, so we
// need to fallback to a default value
if timeGrain == "auto" || timeGrain == "" {
timeGrain, err = setAutoTimeGrain(query.IntervalMS, timeGrains)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
params := url.Values{}
params.Add("timespan", fmt.Sprintf("%v/%v", startTime.UTC().Format(time.RFC3339), endTime.UTC().Format(time.RFC3339)))
if timeGrain != "none" {
params.Add("interval", timeGrain)
params.Add("aggregation", insightsJSONModel.Aggregation)
dimensionFilter := strings.TrimSpace(insightsJSONModel.DimensionFilter)
if dimensionFilter != "" {
params.Add("filter", dimensionFilter)
if len(insightsJSONModel.Dimensions) != 0 {
params.Add("segment", strings.Join(insightsJSONModel.Dimensions, ","))
applicationInsightsQueries = append(applicationInsightsQueries, &ApplicationInsightsQuery{
RefID: query.RefID,
ApiURL: azureURL,
Params: params,
Alias: insightsJSONModel.Alias,
Target: params.Encode(),
metricName: insightsJSONModel.MetricName,
aggregation: insightsJSONModel.Aggregation,
dimensions: insightsJSONModel.Dimensions,
return applicationInsightsQueries, nil
// nolint:staticcheck // plugins.DataQueryResult deprecated
func (e *ApplicationInsightsDatasource) executeQuery(ctx context.Context, query *ApplicationInsightsQuery) (
plugins.DataQueryResult, error) {
queryResult := plugins.DataQueryResult{Meta: simplejson.New(), RefID: query.RefID}
req, err := e.createRequest(ctx, e.dsInfo)
if err != nil {
queryResult.Error = err
return queryResult, nil
req.URL.Path = path.Join(req.URL.Path, query.ApiURL)
req.URL.RawQuery = query.Params.Encode()
span, ctx := opentracing.StartSpanFromContext(ctx, "application insights query")
span.SetTag("target", query.Target)
span.SetTag("datasource_id", e.dsInfo.Id)
span.SetTag("org_id", e.dsInfo.OrgId)
defer span.Finish()
err = opentracing.GlobalTracer().Inject(
if err != nil {
azlog.Warn("failed to inject global tracer")
azlog.Debug("ApplicationInsights", "Request URL", req.URL.String())
res, err := ctxhttp.Do(ctx, e.httpClient, req)
if err != nil {
queryResult.Error = err
return queryResult, nil
body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(res.Body)
defer func() {
if err := res.Body.Close(); err != nil {
azlog.Warn("Failed to close response body", "err", err)
if err != nil {
return plugins.DataQueryResult{}, err
if res.StatusCode/100 != 2 {
azlog.Debug("Request failed", "status", res.Status, "body", string(body))
return plugins.DataQueryResult{}, fmt.Errorf("request failed, status: %s", res.Status)
mr := MetricsResult{}
err = json.Unmarshal(body, &mr)
if err != nil {
return plugins.DataQueryResult{}, err
frame, err := InsightsMetricsResultToFrame(mr, query.metricName, query.aggregation, query.dimensions)
if err != nil {
queryResult.Error = err
return queryResult, nil
applyInsightsMetricAlias(frame, query.Alias)
queryResult.Dataframes = plugins.NewDecodedDataFrames(data.Frames{frame})
return queryResult, nil
func (e *ApplicationInsightsDatasource) createRequest(ctx context.Context, dsInfo *models.DataSource) (*http.Request, error) {
// find plugin
plugin := e.pluginManager.GetDataSource(dsInfo.Type)
if plugin == nil {
return nil, errors.New("unable to find datasource plugin Azure Application Insights")
cloudName := dsInfo.JsonData.Get("cloudName").MustString("azuremonitor")
appInsightsRoute, pluginRouteName, err := e.getPluginRoute(plugin, cloudName)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
appInsightsAppID := dsInfo.JsonData.Get("appInsightsAppId").MustString()
proxyPass := fmt.Sprintf("%s/v1/apps/%s", pluginRouteName, appInsightsAppID)
u, err := url.Parse(dsInfo.Url)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
u.Path = path.Join(u.Path, fmt.Sprintf("/v1/apps/%s", appInsightsAppID))
req, err := http.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, u.String(), nil)
if err != nil {
azlog.Debug("Failed to create request", "error", err)
return nil, errutil.Wrap("Failed to create request", err)
req.Header.Set("User-Agent", fmt.Sprintf("Grafana/%s", setting.BuildVersion))
pluginproxy.ApplyRoute(ctx, req, proxyPass, appInsightsRoute, dsInfo)
return req, nil
func (e *ApplicationInsightsDatasource) getPluginRoute(plugin *plugins.DataSourcePlugin, cloudName string) (
*plugins.AppPluginRoute, string, error) {
pluginRouteName := "appinsights"
if cloudName == "chinaazuremonitor" {
pluginRouteName = "chinaappinsights"
var pluginRoute *plugins.AppPluginRoute
for _, route := range plugin.Routes {
if route.Path == pluginRouteName {
pluginRoute = route
return pluginRoute, pluginRouteName, nil
// formatApplicationInsightsLegendKey builds the legend key or timeseries name
// Alias patterns like {{metric}} are replaced with the appropriate data values.
func formatApplicationInsightsLegendKey(alias string, metricName string, labels data.Labels) string {
// Could be a collision problem if there were two keys that varied only in case, but I don't think that would happen in azure.
lowerLabels := data.Labels{}
for k, v := range labels {
lowerLabels[strings.ToLower(k)] = v
keys := make([]string, 0, len(labels))
for k := range lowerLabels {
keys = append(keys, k)
keys = sort.StringSlice(keys)
result := legendKeyFormat.ReplaceAllFunc([]byte(alias), func(in []byte) []byte {
metaPartName := strings.Replace(string(in), "{{", "", 1)
metaPartName = strings.Replace(metaPartName, "}}", "", 1)
metaPartName = strings.ToLower(strings.TrimSpace(metaPartName))
switch metaPartName {
case "metric":
return []byte(metricName)
case "dimensionname", "groupbyname":
return []byte(keys[0])
case "dimensionvalue", "groupbyvalue":
return []byte(lowerLabels[keys[0]])
if v, ok := lowerLabels[metaPartName]; ok {
return []byte(v)
return in
return string(result)
func applyInsightsMetricAlias(frame *data.Frame, alias string) {
if alias == "" {
for _, field := range frame.Fields {
if field.Type() == data.FieldTypeTime || field.Type() == data.FieldTypeNullableTime {
displayName := formatApplicationInsightsLegendKey(alias, field.Name, field.Labels)
if field.Config == nil {
field.Config = &data.FieldConfig{}
field.Config.DisplayName = displayName