ying-jeanne bd66c8dde3
SQL data sources: Convert to return data frames (#32257)
Convert SQL data sources to return data frames.

Co-authored-by: Marcus Efraimsson <>
Co-authored-by: Arve Knudsen <>
Co-authored-by: Will Browne <>
Co-authored-by: Hugo Häggmark <>
2021-05-05 16:46:07 +02:00

938 lines
27 KiB

package sqleng
import (
// MetaKeyExecutedQueryString is the key where the executed query should get stored
const MetaKeyExecutedQueryString = "executedQueryString"
var ErrConnectionFailed = errors.New("failed to connect to server - please inspect Grafana server log for details")
// SQLMacroEngine interpolates macros into sql. It takes in the Query to have access to query context and
// timeRange to be able to generate queries that use from and to.
type SQLMacroEngine interface {
Interpolate(query plugins.DataSubQuery, timeRange plugins.DataTimeRange, sql string) (string, error)
// SqlQueryResultTransformer transforms a query result row to RowValues with proper types.
type SqlQueryResultTransformer interface {
// TransformQueryError transforms a query error.
TransformQueryError(err error) error
GetConverterList() []sqlutil.StringConverter
type engineCacheType struct {
cache map[int64]*xorm.Engine
versions map[int64]int
var engineCache = engineCacheType{
cache: make(map[int64]*xorm.Engine),
versions: make(map[int64]int),
var sqlIntervalCalculator = interval.NewCalculator()
// NewXormEngine is an xorm.Engine factory, that can be stubbed by tests.
var NewXormEngine = func(driverName string, connectionString string) (*xorm.Engine, error) {
return xorm.NewEngine(driverName, connectionString)
type dataPlugin struct {
macroEngine SQLMacroEngine
queryResultTransformer SqlQueryResultTransformer
engine *xorm.Engine
timeColumnNames []string
metricColumnTypes []string
log log.Logger
type DataPluginConfiguration struct {
DriverName string
Datasource *models.DataSource
ConnectionString string
TimeColumnNames []string
MetricColumnTypes []string
func (e *dataPlugin) transformQueryError(err error) error {
// OpError is the error type usually returned by functions in the net
// package. It describes the operation, network type, and address of
// an error. We log this error rather than return it to the client
// for security purposes.
var opErr *net.OpError
if errors.As(err, &opErr) {
e.log.Error("query error", "err", err)
return ErrConnectionFailed
return e.queryResultTransformer.TransformQueryError(err)
// NewDataPlugin returns a new plugins.DataPlugin
//nolint: staticcheck // plugins.DataPlugin deprecated
func NewDataPlugin(config DataPluginConfiguration, queryResultTransformer SqlQueryResultTransformer,
macroEngine SQLMacroEngine, log log.Logger) (plugins.DataPlugin, error) {
plugin := dataPlugin{
queryResultTransformer: queryResultTransformer,
macroEngine: macroEngine,
timeColumnNames: []string{"time"},
log: log,
if len(config.TimeColumnNames) > 0 {
plugin.timeColumnNames = config.TimeColumnNames
if len(config.MetricColumnTypes) > 0 {
plugin.metricColumnTypes = config.MetricColumnTypes
defer engineCache.Unlock()
if engine, present := engineCache.cache[config.Datasource.Id]; present {
if version := engineCache.versions[config.Datasource.Id]; version == config.Datasource.Version {
plugin.engine = engine
return &plugin, nil
engine, err := NewXormEngine(config.DriverName, config.ConnectionString)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
maxOpenConns := config.Datasource.JsonData.Get("maxOpenConns").MustInt(0)
maxIdleConns := config.Datasource.JsonData.Get("maxIdleConns").MustInt(2)
connMaxLifetime := config.Datasource.JsonData.Get("connMaxLifetime").MustInt(14400)
engine.SetConnMaxLifetime(time.Duration(connMaxLifetime) * time.Second)
engineCache.versions[config.Datasource.Id] = config.Datasource.Version
engineCache.cache[config.Datasource.Id] = engine
plugin.engine = engine
return &plugin, nil
const rowLimit = 1000000
// DataQuery queries for data.
//nolint: staticcheck // plugins.DataPlugin deprecated
func (e *dataPlugin) DataQuery(ctx context.Context, dsInfo *models.DataSource,
queryContext plugins.DataQuery) (plugins.DataResponse, error) {
ch := make(chan plugins.DataQueryResult, len(queryContext.Queries))
var wg sync.WaitGroup
// Execute each query in a goroutine and wait for them to finish afterwards
for _, query := range queryContext.Queries {
if query.Model.Get("rawSql").MustString() == "" {
go e.executeQuery(query, &wg, queryContext, ch)
// Read results from channels
result := plugins.DataResponse{
Results: make(map[string]plugins.DataQueryResult),
for queryResult := range ch {
result.Results[queryResult.RefID] = queryResult
return result, nil
//nolint: staticcheck // plugins.DataQueryResult deprecated
func (e *dataPlugin) executeQuery(query plugins.DataSubQuery, wg *sync.WaitGroup, queryContext plugins.DataQuery,
ch chan plugins.DataQueryResult) {
defer wg.Done()
queryResult := plugins.DataQueryResult{
Meta: simplejson.New(),
RefID: query.RefID,
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
e.log.Error("executeQuery panic", "error", r, "stack", log.Stack(1))
if theErr, ok := r.(error); ok {
queryResult.Error = theErr
} else if theErrString, ok := r.(string); ok {
queryResult.Error = fmt.Errorf(theErrString)
} else {
queryResult.Error = fmt.Errorf("unexpected error, see the server log for details")
ch <- queryResult
rawSQL := query.Model.Get("rawSql").MustString()
if rawSQL == "" {
panic("Query model property rawSql should not be empty at this point")
var timeRange plugins.DataTimeRange
if queryContext.TimeRange != nil {
timeRange = *queryContext.TimeRange
// global substitutions
interpolatedQuery, err := Interpolate(query, timeRange, rawSQL)
if err != nil {
queryResult.Error = err
ch <- queryResult
// data source specific substitutions
interpolatedQuery, err = e.macroEngine.Interpolate(query, timeRange, interpolatedQuery)
if err != nil {
queryResult.Error = err
ch <- queryResult
errAppendDebug := func(frameErr string, err error) {
var emptyFrame data.Frame
ExecutedQueryString: interpolatedQuery,
queryResult.Error = fmt.Errorf("%s: %w", frameErr, err)
queryResult.Dataframes = plugins.NewDecodedDataFrames(data.Frames{&emptyFrame})
ch <- queryResult
session := e.engine.NewSession()
defer session.Close()
db := session.DB()
rows, err := db.Query(interpolatedQuery)
if err != nil {
errAppendDebug("db query error", e.transformQueryError(err))
defer func() {
if err := rows.Close(); err != nil {
e.log.Warn("Failed to close rows", "err", err)
qm, err := e.newProcessCfg(query, queryContext, rows, interpolatedQuery)
if err != nil {
errAppendDebug("failed to get configurations", err)
// Convert row.Rows to dataframe
myCs := e.queryResultTransformer.GetConverterList()
frame, _, err := sqlutil.FrameFromRows(rows.Rows, rowLimit, myCs...)
if err != nil {
errAppendDebug("convert frame from rows error", err)
ExecutedQueryString: interpolatedQuery,
// If no rows were returned, no point checking anything else.
if frame.Rows() == 0 {
if qm.timeIndex != -1 {
if err := convertSQLTimeColumnToEpochMS(frame, qm.timeIndex); err != nil {
errAppendDebug("db convert time column failed", err)
if qm.Format == dataQueryFormatSeries {
// time series has to have time column
if qm.timeIndex == -1 {
errAppendDebug("db has no time column", errors.New("no time column found"))
for i := range qm.columnNames {
if i == qm.timeIndex || i == qm.metricIndex {
var err error
if frame, err = convertSQLValueColumnToFloat(frame, i); err != nil {
errAppendDebug("convert value to float failed", err)
tsSchema := frame.TimeSeriesSchema()
if tsSchema.Type == data.TimeSeriesTypeLong {
var err error
frame, err = data.LongToWide(frame, qm.FillMissing)
if err != nil {
errAppendDebug("failed to convert long to wide series when converting from dataframe", err)
if qm.FillMissing != nil {
var err error
frame, err = resample(frame, *qm)
if err != nil {
e.log.Error("Failed to resample dataframe", "err", err)
frame.AppendNotices(data.Notice{Text: "Failed to resample dataframe", Severity: data.NoticeSeverityWarning})
if err := trim(frame, *qm); err != nil {
e.log.Error("Failed to trim dataframe", "err", err)
frame.AppendNotices(data.Notice{Text: "Failed to trim dataframe", Severity: data.NoticeSeverityWarning})
queryResult.Dataframes = plugins.NewDecodedDataFrames(data.Frames{frame})
ch <- queryResult
// Interpolate provides global macros/substitutions for all sql datasources.
var Interpolate = func(query plugins.DataSubQuery, timeRange plugins.DataTimeRange, sql string) (string, error) {
minInterval, err := interval.GetIntervalFrom(query.DataSource, query.Model, time.Second*60)
if err != nil {
return "", err
interval := sqlIntervalCalculator.Calculate(timeRange, minInterval)
sql = strings.ReplaceAll(sql, "$__interval_ms", strconv.FormatInt(interval.Milliseconds(), 10))
sql = strings.ReplaceAll(sql, "$__interval", interval.Text)
sql = strings.ReplaceAll(sql, "$__unixEpochFrom()", fmt.Sprintf("%d", timeRange.GetFromAsSecondsEpoch()))
sql = strings.ReplaceAll(sql, "$__unixEpochTo()", fmt.Sprintf("%d", timeRange.GetToAsSecondsEpoch()))
return sql, nil
//nolint: staticcheck // plugins.DataPlugin deprecated
func (e *dataPlugin) newProcessCfg(query plugins.DataSubQuery, queryContext plugins.DataQuery,
rows *core.Rows, interpolatedQuery string) (*dataQueryModel, error) {
columnNames, err := rows.Columns()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
columnTypes, err := rows.ColumnTypes()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
qm := &dataQueryModel{
columnTypes: columnTypes,
columnNames: columnNames,
rows: rows,
timeIndex: -1,
metricIndex: -1,
metricPrefix: false,
queryContext: queryContext,
if query.Model.Get("fill").MustBool(false) {
qm.FillMissing = &data.FillMissing{}
qm.Interval = time.Duration(query.Model.Get("fillInterval").MustFloat64() * float64(time.Second))
switch strings.ToLower(query.Model.Get("fillMode").MustString()) {
case "null":
qm.FillMissing.Mode = data.FillModeNull
case "previous":
qm.FillMissing.Mode = data.FillModePrevious
case "value":
qm.FillMissing.Mode = data.FillModeValue
qm.FillMissing.Value = query.Model.Get("fillValue").MustFloat64()
//nolint: staticcheck // plugins.DataPlugin deprecated
if queryContext.TimeRange != nil {
qm.TimeRange.From = queryContext.TimeRange.GetFromAsTimeUTC()
qm.TimeRange.To = queryContext.TimeRange.GetToAsTimeUTC()
format := query.Model.Get("format").MustString("time_series")
switch format {
case "time_series":
qm.Format = dataQueryFormatSeries
case "table":
qm.Format = dataQueryFormatTable
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Unrecognized query model format: %q", format))
for i, col := range qm.columnNames {
for _, tc := range e.timeColumnNames {
if col == tc {
qm.timeIndex = i
switch col {
case "metric":
qm.metricIndex = i
if qm.metricIndex == -1 {
columnType := qm.columnTypes[i].DatabaseTypeName()
for _, mct := range e.metricColumnTypes {
if columnType == mct {
qm.metricIndex = i
qm.InterpolatedQuery = interpolatedQuery
return qm, nil
// dataQueryFormat is the type of query.
type dataQueryFormat string
const (
// dataQueryFormatTable identifies a table query (default).
dataQueryFormatTable dataQueryFormat = "table"
// dataQueryFormatSeries identifies a time series query.
dataQueryFormatSeries dataQueryFormat = "time_series"
type dataQueryModel struct {
InterpolatedQuery string // property not set until after Interpolate()
Format dataQueryFormat
TimeRange backend.TimeRange
FillMissing *data.FillMissing // property not set until after Interpolate()
Interval time.Duration
columnNames []string
columnTypes []*sql.ColumnType
timeIndex int
metricIndex int
rows *core.Rows
metricPrefix bool
queryContext plugins.DataQuery
func convertInt64ToFloat64(origin *data.Field, newField *data.Field) {
valueLength := origin.Len()
for i := 0; i < valueLength; i++ {
value := float64(origin.At(i).(int64))
func convertNullableInt64ToFloat64(origin *data.Field, newField *data.Field) {
valueLength := origin.Len()
for i := 0; i < valueLength; i++ {
iv := origin.At(i).(*int64)
if iv == nil {
} else {
value := float64(*iv)
func convertUInt64ToFloat64(origin *data.Field, newField *data.Field) {
valueLength := origin.Len()
for i := 0; i < valueLength; i++ {
value := float64(origin.At(i).(uint64))
func convertNullableUInt64ToFloat64(origin *data.Field, newField *data.Field) {
valueLength := origin.Len()
for i := 0; i < valueLength; i++ {
iv := origin.At(i).(*uint64)
if iv == nil {
} else {
value := float64(*iv)
func convertInt32ToFloat64(origin *data.Field, newField *data.Field) {
valueLength := origin.Len()
for i := 0; i < valueLength; i++ {
value := float64(origin.At(i).(int32))
func convertNullableInt32ToFloat64(origin *data.Field, newField *data.Field) {
valueLength := origin.Len()
for i := 0; i < valueLength; i++ {
iv := origin.At(i).(*int32)
if iv == nil {
} else {
value := float64(*iv)
func convertUInt32ToFloat64(origin *data.Field, newField *data.Field) {
valueLength := origin.Len()
for i := 0; i < valueLength; i++ {
value := float64(origin.At(i).(uint32))
func convertNullableUInt32ToFloat64(origin *data.Field, newField *data.Field) {
valueLength := origin.Len()
for i := 0; i < valueLength; i++ {
iv := origin.At(i).(*uint32)
if iv == nil {
} else {
value := float64(*iv)
func convertInt16ToFloat64(origin *data.Field, newField *data.Field) {
valueLength := origin.Len()
for i := 0; i < valueLength; i++ {
value := float64(origin.At(i).(int16))
func convertNullableInt16ToFloat64(origin *data.Field, newField *data.Field) {
valueLength := origin.Len()
for i := 0; i < valueLength; i++ {
iv := origin.At(i).(*int16)
if iv == nil {
} else {
value := float64(*iv)
func convertUInt16ToFloat64(origin *data.Field, newField *data.Field) {
valueLength := origin.Len()
for i := 0; i < valueLength; i++ {
value := float64(origin.At(i).(uint16))
func convertNullableUInt16ToFloat64(origin *data.Field, newField *data.Field) {
valueLength := origin.Len()
for i := 0; i < valueLength; i++ {
iv := origin.At(i).(*uint16)
if iv == nil {
} else {
value := float64(*iv)
func convertInt8ToFloat64(origin *data.Field, newField *data.Field) {
valueLength := origin.Len()
for i := 0; i < valueLength; i++ {
value := float64(origin.At(i).(int8))
func convertNullableInt8ToFloat64(origin *data.Field, newField *data.Field) {
valueLength := origin.Len()
for i := 0; i < valueLength; i++ {
iv := origin.At(i).(*int8)
if iv == nil {
} else {
value := float64(*iv)
func convertUInt8ToFloat64(origin *data.Field, newField *data.Field) {
valueLength := origin.Len()
for i := 0; i < valueLength; i++ {
value := float64(origin.At(i).(uint8))
func convertNullableUInt8ToFloat64(origin *data.Field, newField *data.Field) {
valueLength := origin.Len()
for i := 0; i < valueLength; i++ {
iv := origin.At(i).(*uint8)
if iv == nil {
} else {
value := float64(*iv)
func convertUnknownToZero(origin *data.Field, newField *data.Field) {
valueLength := origin.Len()
for i := 0; i < valueLength; i++ {
value := float64(0)
func convertNullableFloat32ToFloat64(origin *data.Field, newField *data.Field) {
valueLength := origin.Len()
for i := 0; i < valueLength; i++ {
iv := origin.At(i).(*float32)
if iv == nil {
} else {
value := float64(*iv)
func convertFloat32ToFloat64(origin *data.Field, newField *data.Field) {
valueLength := origin.Len()
for i := 0; i < valueLength; i++ {
value := float64(origin.At(i).(float32))
func convertInt64ToEpochMS(origin *data.Field, newField *data.Field) {
valueLength := origin.Len()
for i := 0; i < valueLength; i++ {
value := time.Unix(0, int64(epochPrecisionToMS(float64(origin.At(i).(int64))))*int64(time.Millisecond))
func convertNullableInt64ToEpochMS(origin *data.Field, newField *data.Field) {
valueLength := origin.Len()
for i := 0; i < valueLength; i++ {
iv := origin.At(i).(*int64)
if iv == nil {
} else {
value := time.Unix(0, int64(epochPrecisionToMS(float64(*iv)))*int64(time.Millisecond))
func convertUInt64ToEpochMS(origin *data.Field, newField *data.Field) {
valueLength := origin.Len()
for i := 0; i < valueLength; i++ {
value := time.Unix(0, int64(epochPrecisionToMS(float64(origin.At(i).(uint64))))*int64(time.Millisecond))
func convertNullableUInt64ToEpochMS(origin *data.Field, newField *data.Field) {
valueLength := origin.Len()
for i := 0; i < valueLength; i++ {
iv := origin.At(i).(*uint64)
if iv == nil {
} else {
value := time.Unix(0, int64(epochPrecisionToMS(float64(*iv)))*int64(time.Millisecond))
func convertInt32ToEpochMS(origin *data.Field, newField *data.Field) {
valueLength := origin.Len()
for i := 0; i < valueLength; i++ {
value := time.Unix(0, int64(epochPrecisionToMS(float64(origin.At(i).(int32))))*int64(time.Millisecond))
func convertNullableInt32ToEpochMS(origin *data.Field, newField *data.Field) {
valueLength := origin.Len()
for i := 0; i < valueLength; i++ {
iv := origin.At(i).(*int32)
if iv == nil {
} else {
value := time.Unix(0, int64(epochPrecisionToMS(float64(*iv)))*int64(time.Millisecond))
func convertUInt32ToEpochMS(origin *data.Field, newField *data.Field) {
valueLength := origin.Len()
for i := 0; i < valueLength; i++ {
value := time.Unix(0, int64(epochPrecisionToMS(float64(origin.At(i).(uint32))))*int64(time.Millisecond))
func convertNullableUInt32ToEpochMS(origin *data.Field, newField *data.Field) {
valueLength := origin.Len()
for i := 0; i < valueLength; i++ {
iv := origin.At(i).(*uint32)
if iv == nil {
} else {
value := time.Unix(0, int64(epochPrecisionToMS(float64(*iv)))*int64(time.Millisecond))
func convertFloat64ToEpochMS(origin *data.Field, newField *data.Field) {
valueLength := origin.Len()
for i := 0; i < valueLength; i++ {
value := time.Unix(0, int64(epochPrecisionToMS(origin.At(i).(float64)))*int64(time.Millisecond))
func convertNullableFloat64ToEpochMS(origin *data.Field, newField *data.Field) {
valueLength := origin.Len()
for i := 0; i < valueLength; i++ {
iv := origin.At(i).(*float64)
if iv == nil {
} else {
value := time.Unix(0, int64(epochPrecisionToMS(*iv))*int64(time.Millisecond))
func convertFloat32ToEpochMS(origin *data.Field, newField *data.Field) {
valueLength := origin.Len()
for i := 0; i < valueLength; i++ {
value := time.Unix(0, int64(epochPrecisionToMS(float64(origin.At(i).(float32))))*int64(time.Millisecond))
func convertNullableFloat32ToEpochMS(origin *data.Field, newField *data.Field) {
valueLength := origin.Len()
for i := 0; i < valueLength; i++ {
iv := origin.At(i).(*float32)
if iv == nil {
} else {
value := time.Unix(0, int64(epochPrecisionToMS(float64(*iv)))*int64(time.Millisecond))
// convertSQLTimeColumnToEpochMS converts column named time to unix timestamp in milliseconds
// to make native datetime types and epoch dates work in annotation and table queries.
func convertSQLTimeColumnToEpochMS(frame *data.Frame, timeIndex int) error {
if timeIndex < 0 || timeIndex >= len(frame.Fields) {
return fmt.Errorf("timeIndex %d is out of range", timeIndex)
origin := frame.Fields[timeIndex]
valueType := origin.Type()
if valueType == data.FieldTypeTime || valueType == data.FieldTypeNullableTime {
return nil
newField := data.NewFieldFromFieldType(data.FieldTypeNullableTime, 0)
newField.Name = origin.Name
newField.Labels = origin.Labels
switch valueType {
case data.FieldTypeInt64:
convertInt64ToEpochMS(frame.Fields[timeIndex], newField)
case data.FieldTypeNullableInt64:
convertNullableInt64ToEpochMS(frame.Fields[timeIndex], newField)
case data.FieldTypeUint64:
convertUInt64ToEpochMS(frame.Fields[timeIndex], newField)
case data.FieldTypeNullableUint64:
convertNullableUInt64ToEpochMS(frame.Fields[timeIndex], newField)
case data.FieldTypeInt32:
convertInt32ToEpochMS(frame.Fields[timeIndex], newField)
case data.FieldTypeNullableInt32:
convertNullableInt32ToEpochMS(frame.Fields[timeIndex], newField)
case data.FieldTypeUint32:
convertUInt32ToEpochMS(frame.Fields[timeIndex], newField)
case data.FieldTypeNullableUint32:
convertNullableUInt32ToEpochMS(frame.Fields[timeIndex], newField)
case data.FieldTypeFloat64:
convertFloat64ToEpochMS(frame.Fields[timeIndex], newField)
case data.FieldTypeNullableFloat64:
convertNullableFloat64ToEpochMS(frame.Fields[timeIndex], newField)
case data.FieldTypeFloat32:
convertFloat32ToEpochMS(frame.Fields[timeIndex], newField)
case data.FieldTypeNullableFloat32:
convertNullableFloat32ToEpochMS(frame.Fields[timeIndex], newField)
return fmt.Errorf("column type %q is not convertible to time.Time", valueType)
frame.Fields[timeIndex] = newField
return nil
// convertSQLValueColumnToFloat converts timeseries value column to float.
//nolint: gocyclo
func convertSQLValueColumnToFloat(frame *data.Frame, Index int) (*data.Frame, error) {
if Index < 0 || Index >= len(frame.Fields) {
return frame, fmt.Errorf("metricIndex %d is out of range", Index)
origin := frame.Fields[Index]
valueType := origin.Type()
if valueType == data.FieldTypeFloat64 || valueType == data.FieldTypeNullableFloat64 {
return frame, nil
newField := data.NewFieldFromFieldType(data.FieldTypeNullableFloat64, 0)
newField.Name = origin.Name
newField.Labels = origin.Labels
switch valueType {
case data.FieldTypeInt64:
convertInt64ToFloat64(frame.Fields[Index], newField)
case data.FieldTypeNullableInt64:
convertNullableInt64ToFloat64(frame.Fields[Index], newField)
case data.FieldTypeUint64:
convertUInt64ToFloat64(frame.Fields[Index], newField)
case data.FieldTypeNullableUint64:
convertNullableUInt64ToFloat64(frame.Fields[Index], newField)
case data.FieldTypeInt32:
convertInt32ToFloat64(frame.Fields[Index], newField)
case data.FieldTypeNullableInt32:
convertNullableInt32ToFloat64(frame.Fields[Index], newField)
case data.FieldTypeUint32:
convertUInt32ToFloat64(frame.Fields[Index], newField)
case data.FieldTypeNullableUint32:
convertNullableUInt32ToFloat64(frame.Fields[Index], newField)
case data.FieldTypeInt16:
convertInt16ToFloat64(frame.Fields[Index], newField)
case data.FieldTypeNullableInt16:
convertNullableInt16ToFloat64(frame.Fields[Index], newField)
case data.FieldTypeUint16:
convertUInt16ToFloat64(frame.Fields[Index], newField)
case data.FieldTypeNullableUint16:
convertNullableUInt16ToFloat64(frame.Fields[Index], newField)
case data.FieldTypeInt8:
convertInt8ToFloat64(frame.Fields[Index], newField)
case data.FieldTypeNullableInt8:
convertNullableInt8ToFloat64(frame.Fields[Index], newField)
case data.FieldTypeUint8:
convertUInt8ToFloat64(frame.Fields[Index], newField)
case data.FieldTypeNullableUint8:
convertNullableUInt8ToFloat64(frame.Fields[Index], newField)
case data.FieldTypeFloat32:
convertFloat32ToFloat64(frame.Fields[Index], newField)
case data.FieldTypeNullableFloat32:
convertNullableFloat32ToFloat64(frame.Fields[Index], newField)
convertUnknownToZero(frame.Fields[Index], newField)
frame.Fields[Index] = newField
return frame, fmt.Errorf("metricIndex %d type can't be converted to float", Index)
frame.Fields[Index] = newField
return frame, nil
func SetupFillmode(query plugins.DataSubQuery, interval time.Duration, fillmode string) error {
query.Model.Set("fill", true)
query.Model.Set("fillInterval", interval.Seconds())
switch fillmode {
case "NULL":
query.Model.Set("fillMode", "null")
case "previous":
query.Model.Set("fillMode", "previous")
query.Model.Set("fillMode", "value")
floatVal, err := strconv.ParseFloat(fillmode, 64)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error parsing fill value %v", fillmode)
query.Model.Set("fillValue", floatVal)
return nil
type SQLMacroEngineBase struct{}
func NewSQLMacroEngineBase() *SQLMacroEngineBase {
return &SQLMacroEngineBase{}
func (m *SQLMacroEngineBase) ReplaceAllStringSubmatchFunc(re *regexp.Regexp, str string, repl func([]string) string) string {
result := ""
lastIndex := 0
for _, v := range re.FindAllSubmatchIndex([]byte(str), -1) {
groups := []string{}
for i := 0; i < len(v); i += 2 {
groups = append(groups, str[v[i]:v[i+1]])
result += str[lastIndex:v[0]] + repl(groups)
lastIndex = v[1]
return result + str[lastIndex:]
// epochPrecisionToMS converts epoch precision to millisecond, if needed.
// Only seconds to milliseconds supported right now
func epochPrecisionToMS(value float64) float64 {
s := strconv.FormatFloat(value, 'e', -1, 64)
if strings.HasSuffix(s, "e+09") {
return value * float64(1e3)
if strings.HasSuffix(s, "e+18") {
return value / float64(time.Millisecond)
return value