Dan Cech 5dfe4cf407
Storage: Watch tests (#85496)
* basic watch tests working

* refactor to read previous event within poller

* add watch test files

* cleanup

* watch tests passing

* debug cleanup

* special handling for canceled context

* cleanup

* fix wire

* fix sqlite_sequence cleanup issue

* move watch tests to integration, wait for provisioned dashboards

* handle context deadline exceeded and eof errors

* add comment about sleep
2024-04-08 11:42:12 -04:00

454 lines
10 KiB
Protocol Buffer

syntax = "proto3";
package entity;
option go_package = "";
// The canonical entity/document data -- this represents the raw bytes and storage level metadata
message Entity {
// Globally unique ID set by the system. This can not be set explicitly
string guid = 1;
// The resource version, this is a snowflake id controlled by storage
int64 resource_version = 2;
// group
string group = 24;
// kind resource
string resource = 25;
// namespace
string namespace = 26;
// k8s name
string name = 27;
// subresource
string subresource = 28;
// group version
string group_version = 23;
// k8s key value (TODO remove -- it is duplicate of group+resource+version)
string key = 22;
// The folder k8s name
string folder = 4;
// Raw meta from k8s
bytes meta = 5;
// Raw bytes of the storage entity. The kind will determine what is a valid payload
bytes body = 6;
// k8s style status (ignored for now)
bytes status = 7;
// the friendly name of the entity
string title = 8;
// Content Length
int64 size = 9;
// MD5 digest of the body
string ETag = 10;
// Time in epoch milliseconds that the entity was created
int64 created_at = 11;
// Who created the entity
string created_by = 12;
// Time in epoch milliseconds that the entity was updated
int64 updated_at = 13;
// Who updated the entity
string updated_by = 14;
// External location info
EntityOriginInfo origin = 15;
// human-readable description of the entity
string description = 16;
// URL safe version of the name. It will be unique within the folder
string slug = 17;
// Commit message (optional)
string message = 18;
// Key value pairs. Tags are are represented as keys with empty values
map<string,string> labels = 19;
// Optional field values. The schema will define and document possible values for a given kind
map<string, string> fields = 20;
// When errors exist
repeated EntityErrorInfo errors = 21;
// Action code
Action action = 3;
// Status enumeration
enum Action {
ERROR = 4;
// This stores additional metadata for items entities that were synced from external systmes
message EntityOriginInfo {
// identify the external source (plugin, git instance, etc)
string source = 1;
// Key in the upstream system (git hash, file path, etc)
string key = 2;
// Time in epoch milliseconds that the entity was last synced with an external system (provisioning/git)
int64 time = 3;
// Report error while working with entitys
// NOTE: real systems at scale will contain errors.
message EntityErrorInfo {
// Match an error code registry?
int64 code = 1;
// Simple error display
string message = 2;
// Details encoded in JSON
bytes details_json = 3;
// Get request/response
message ReadEntityRequest {
// Entity identifier
string key = 1;
// Fetch an explicit version (default is latest)
int64 resource_version = 2;
// Include the full body
bool with_body = 4;
// Include the status
bool with_status = 5;
// Create request/response
message CreateEntityRequest {
// Entity details
Entity entity = 1;
message CreateEntityResponse {
// Error info -- if exists, the save did not happen
EntityErrorInfo error = 1;
// Entity details
Entity entity = 2;
// Status code
Status status = 3;
// Status enumeration
enum Status {
ERROR = 0;
// Update request/response
message UpdateEntityRequest {
// Entity details
Entity entity = 1;
// Used for optimistic locking. If missing, the previous version will be replaced regardless
int64 previous_version = 2;
message UpdateEntityResponse {
// Error info -- if exists, the save did not happen
EntityErrorInfo error = 1;
// Entity details
Entity entity = 2;
// Status code
Status status = 3;
// Status enumeration
enum Status {
ERROR = 0;
// Delete request/response
message DeleteEntityRequest {
// Entity identifier
string key = 1;
// Used for optimistic locking. If missing, the current version will be deleted regardless
int64 previous_version = 2;
message DeleteEntityResponse {
// Error info -- if exists, the delete did not happen
EntityErrorInfo error = 1;
// Entity details
Entity entity = 2;
// Status code
Status status = 3;
// Status enumeration
enum Status {
ERROR = 0;
// History request/response
message EntityHistoryRequest {
// Entity identifier
string key = 1;
// return the history from before this version
int64 before = 2;
// Maximum number of items to return
int64 limit = 3;
// guid of the entity
string guid = 4;
// Starting from the requested page
string next_page_token = 5;
// Sorting instructions `field ASC/DESC`
repeated string sort = 7;
// Return the full body in each payload
bool with_body = 8;
// Return the status in each payload
bool with_status = 10;
message EntityHistoryResponse {
// Entity identifier
string key = 1;
// Entity metadata without the raw bytes
repeated Entity versions = 2;
// More results exist... pass this in the next request
string next_page_token = 3;
// Resource version of the response
int64 resource_version = 4;
// List request/response
message EntityListRequest {
// Starting from the requested page (other query parameters must match!)
string next_page_token = 1;
// Maximum number of items to return
int64 limit = 2;
// Free text query string -- mileage may vary :)
string query = 3;
// limit to a specific group (empty is all)
repeated string group = 9;
// limit to a specific resource (empty is all)
repeated string resource = 4;
// limit to a specific key
repeated string key = 11;
// Limit results to items in a specific folder
string folder = 5;
// Must match all labels
map<string,string> labels = 6;
// Sorting instructions `field ASC/DESC`
repeated string sort = 7;
// Return the full body in each payload
bool with_body = 8;
// Return the full body in each payload
bool with_status = 10;
// list deleted entities instead of active ones
bool deleted = 12;
message ReferenceRequest {
// Starting from the requested page (other query parameters must match!)
string next_page_token = 1;
// Maximum number of items to return
int64 limit = 2;
// Free text query string -- mileage may vary :)
string namespace = 5;
string group = 6;
string resource = 3;
// Free text query string -- mileage may vary :)
string name = 4;
message EntityListResponse {
repeated Entity results = 1;
// More results exist... pass this in the next request
string next_page_token = 2;
// ResourceVersion of the list response
int64 resource_version = 3;
// Watch request/response
message EntityWatchRequest {
enum WatchAction {
START = 0;
STOP = 1;
// Start or stop the watch
WatchAction action = 8;
// ResourceVersion of last changes. Empty will default to full history
int64 since = 1;
// Watch specific entities
repeated string key = 2;
// limit to a specific resource (empty is all)
repeated string resource = 3;
// Limit results to items in a specific folder
string folder = 4;
// Must match all labels
map<string,string> labels = 5;
// Return the full body in each payload
bool with_body = 6;
// Return the full status in each payload
bool with_status = 7;
// Return initial events
bool send_initial_events = 9;
bool allow_watch_bookmarks = 10;
message EntityWatchResponse {
// Timestamp the event was sent
int64 timestamp = 1;
// Entity that was created, updated, or deleted
Entity entity = 2;
// previous version of the entity
Entity previous = 3;
message EntitySummary {
string UID = 1;
string kind = 2;
string name = 3;
string description = 4;
// Key value pairs. Tags are are represented as keys with empty values
map<string,string> labels = 5;
// Parent folder UID
string folder = 6;
// URL safe version of the name. It will be unique within the folder
string slug = 7;
// When errors exist
EntityErrorInfo error = 8;
// Optional field values. The schema will define and document possible values for a given kind
map<string, string> fields = 9;
// eg: panels within dashboard
repeated EntitySummary nested = 10;
// Optional references to external things
repeated EntityExternalReference references = 11;
message EntityExternalReference {
// Category of dependency
// eg: datasource, plugin, runtime
string family = 1;
// datasource > prometheus|influx|...
// plugin > panel | datasource
// runtime > transformer
string type = 2;
// datasource > UID
// plugin > plugin identifier
// runtime > name lookup
string identifier = 3;
// Storage interface
// The entity store provides a basic CRUD (+watch eventually) interface for generic entitys
service EntityStore {
rpc Read(ReadEntityRequest) returns (Entity);
rpc Create(CreateEntityRequest) returns (CreateEntityResponse);
rpc Update(UpdateEntityRequest) returns (UpdateEntityResponse);
rpc Delete(DeleteEntityRequest) returns (DeleteEntityResponse);
rpc History(EntityHistoryRequest) returns (EntityHistoryResponse);
rpc List(EntityListRequest) returns (EntityListResponse);
rpc Watch(stream EntityWatchRequest) returns (stream EntityWatchResponse);