Sofia Papagiannaki 0eac9aff7f
Nested Folders: Fix fetching a folder by title (#74725)
Modify folder store Get() to consider folder parent
2023-10-04 11:19:22 +03:00

47 lines
2.2 KiB

package folder
import (
type Service interface {
// GetChildren returns an array containing all child folders.
GetChildren(ctx context.Context, cmd *GetChildrenQuery) ([]*Folder, error)
// GetParents returns an array containing add parent folders if nested folders are enabled
// otherwise it returns an empty array
GetParents(ctx context.Context, q GetParentsQuery) ([]*Folder, error)
Create(ctx context.Context, cmd *CreateFolderCommand) (*Folder, error)
// GetFolder takes a GetFolderCommand and returns a folder matching the
// request. One of ID, UID, or Title must be included. If multiple values
// are included in the request, Grafana will select one in order of
// specificity (UID, ID,Title).
// If Title is set, it will fetch the folder in the root folder.
// If nested folders are enabled, callers can additionally set the ParentUID field
// to fetch a folder by title under a specific folder.
Get(ctx context.Context, cmd *GetFolderQuery) (*Folder, error)
// Update is used to update a folder's UID, Title and Description. To change
// a folder's parent folder, use Move.
Update(ctx context.Context, cmd *UpdateFolderCommand) (*Folder, error)
Delete(ctx context.Context, cmd *DeleteFolderCommand) error
// Move changes a folder's parent folder to the requested new parent.
Move(ctx context.Context, cmd *MoveFolderCommand) (*Folder, error)
RegisterService(service RegistryService) error
GetDescendantCounts(ctx context.Context, cmd *GetDescendantCountsQuery) (DescendantCounts, error)
// FolderStore is a folder store.
//go:generate mockery --name FolderStore --structname FakeFolderStore --outpkg foldertest --output foldertest --filename folder_store_mock.go
type FolderStore interface {
// GetFolderByTitle retrieves a folder by its title
GetFolderByTitle(ctx context.Context, orgID int64, title string) (*Folder, error)
// GetFolderByUID retrieves a folder by its UID
GetFolderByUID(ctx context.Context, orgID int64, uid string) (*Folder, error)
// GetFolderByID retrieves a folder by its ID
GetFolderByID(ctx context.Context, orgID int64, id int64) (*Folder, error)
// GetFolders returns all folders for the given orgID and UIDs.
GetFolders(ctx context.Context, orgID int64, uids []string) (map[string]*Folder, error)