mirror of
synced 2025-02-25 18:55:37 -06:00
* Add export for all muteTimings and a single muteTiming * Add test * Fix snapshot * Fix test * Add mute timing name in file name when exporting single mute timing
260 lines
8.2 KiB
260 lines
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import { RelativeTimeRange } from '@grafana/data';
import { Matcher } from 'app/plugins/datasource/alertmanager/types';
import { RuleIdentifier, RuleNamespace, RulerDataSourceConfig } from 'app/types/unified-alerting';
import {
} from 'app/types/unified-alerting-dto';
import { ExportFormats } from '../components/export/providers';
import { Folder } from '../components/rule-editor/RuleFolderPicker';
import { getDatasourceAPIUid, GRAFANA_RULES_SOURCE_NAME } from '../utils/datasource';
import { arrayKeyValuesToObject } from '../utils/labels';
import { isCloudRuleIdentifier, isPrometheusRuleIdentifier } from '../utils/rules';
import { alertingApi } from './alertingApi';
import {
} from './prometheus';
import { FetchRulerRulesFilter, rulerUrlBuilder } from './ruler';
export type ResponseLabels = {
labels: AlertInstances[];
export type PreviewResponse = ResponseLabels[];
export interface Datasource {
type: string;
uid: string;
export const PREVIEW_URL = '/api/v1/rule/test/grafana';
export const PROM_RULES_URL = 'api/prometheus/grafana/api/v1/rules';
export interface Data {
refId: string;
relativeTimeRange: RelativeTimeRange;
queryType: string;
datasourceUid: string;
model: AlertQuery;
export interface GrafanaAlert {
data?: Data;
condition: string;
no_data_state: GrafanaAlertStateDecision;
title: string;
export interface Rule {
grafana_alert: GrafanaAlert;
for: string;
labels: Labels;
annotations: Annotations;
export type AlertInstances = Record<string, string>;
interface ExportRulesParams {
format: ExportFormats;
folderUid?: string;
group?: string;
ruleUid?: string;
export interface ModifyExportPayload {
rules: Array<RulerAlertingRuleDTO | RulerRecordingRuleDTO | PostableRuleGrafanaRuleDTO>;
name: string;
interval?: string | undefined;
source_tenants?: string[] | undefined;
export const alertRuleApi = alertingApi.injectEndpoints({
endpoints: (build) => ({
preview: build.mutation<
alertQueries: AlertQuery[];
condition: string;
folder: Folder;
customLabels: Array<{
key: string;
value: string;
alertName?: string;
alertUid?: string;
query: ({ alertQueries, condition, customLabels, folder, alertName, alertUid }) => ({
data: {
rule: {
grafana_alert: {
data: alertQueries,
condition: condition,
no_data_state: 'Alerting',
title: alertName,
uid: alertUid ?? 'N/A',
for: '0s',
labels: arrayKeyValuesToObject(customLabels),
annotations: {},
folderUid: folder.uid,
folderTitle: folder.title,
method: 'POST',
prometheusRulesByNamespace: build.query<
limitAlerts?: number;
identifier?: RuleIdentifier;
filter?: FetchPromRulesFilter;
state?: string[];
matcher?: Matcher[];
query: ({ limitAlerts, identifier, filter, state, matcher }) => {
const searchParams = new URLSearchParams();
// if we're fetching for Grafana managed rules, we should add a limit to the number of alert instances
// we do this because the response is large otherwise and we don't show all of them in the UI anyway.
if (limitAlerts) {
searchParams.set('limit_alerts', String(limitAlerts));
if (identifier && (isPrometheusRuleIdentifier(identifier) || isCloudRuleIdentifier(identifier))) {
searchParams.set('file', identifier.namespace);
searchParams.set('rule_group', identifier.groupName);
const params = prepareRulesFilterQueryParams(searchParams, filter);
return { url: PROM_RULES_URL, params: paramsWithMatcherAndState(params, state, matcher) };
transformResponse: (response: PromRulesResponse): RuleNamespace[] => {
return groupRulesByFileName(response.data.groups, GRAFANA_RULES_SOURCE_NAME);
prometheusRuleNamespaces: build.query<
{ ruleSourceName: string; namespace?: string; groupName?: string; ruleName?: string }
query: ({ ruleSourceName, namespace, groupName, ruleName }) => {
const queryParams: Record<string, string | undefined> = {};
// if (isPrometheusRuleIdentifier(ruleIdentifier) || isCloudRuleIdentifier(ruleIdentifier)) {
queryParams['file'] = namespace;
queryParams['rule_group'] = groupName;
queryParams['rule_name'] = ruleName;
// }
return {
url: `api/prometheus/${getDatasourceAPIUid(ruleSourceName)}/api/v1/rules`,
params: queryParams,
transformResponse: (response: PromRulesResponse, _, args): RuleNamespace[] => {
return groupRulesByFileName(response.data.groups, args.ruleSourceName);
rulerRules: build.query<
{ rulerConfig: RulerDataSourceConfig; filter?: FetchRulerRulesFilter }
query: ({ rulerConfig, filter }) => {
const { path, params } = rulerUrlBuilder(rulerConfig).rules(filter);
return { url: path, params };
// TODO This should be probably a separate ruler API file
rulerRuleGroup: build.query<
{ rulerConfig: RulerDataSourceConfig; namespace: string; group: string }
query: ({ rulerConfig, namespace, group }) => {
const { path, params } = rulerUrlBuilder(rulerConfig).namespaceGroup(namespace, group);
return { url: path, params };
exportRules: build.query<string, ExportRulesParams>({
query: ({ format, folderUid, group, ruleUid }) => ({
url: `/api/ruler/grafana/api/v1/export/rules`,
params: { format: format, folderUid: folderUid, group: group, ruleUid: ruleUid },
responseType: 'text',
keepUnusedDataFor: 0,
exportReceiver: build.query<string, { receiverName: string; decrypt: boolean; format: ExportFormats }>({
query: ({ receiverName, decrypt, format }) => ({
url: `/api/v1/provisioning/contact-points/export/`,
params: { format: format, decrypt: decrypt, name: receiverName },
responseType: 'text',
keepUnusedDataFor: 0,
exportReceivers: build.query<string, { decrypt: boolean; format: ExportFormats }>({
query: ({ decrypt, format }) => ({
url: `/api/v1/provisioning/contact-points/export/`,
params: { format: format, decrypt: decrypt },
responseType: 'text',
keepUnusedDataFor: 0,
exportPolicies: build.query<string, { format: ExportFormats }>({
query: ({ format }) => ({
url: `/api/v1/provisioning/policies/export/`,
params: { format: format },
responseType: 'text',
keepUnusedDataFor: 0,
exportModifiedRuleGroup: build.mutation<
{ payload: ModifyExportPayload; format: ExportFormats; nameSpace: string }
query: ({ payload, format, nameSpace }) => ({
url: `/api/ruler/grafana/api/v1/rules/${nameSpace}/export/`,
params: { format: format },
responseType: 'text',
data: payload,
method: 'POST',
exportMuteTimings: build.query<string, { format: ExportFormats }>({
query: ({ format }) => ({
url: `/api/v1/provisioning/mute-timings/export/`,
params: { format: format },
responseType: 'text',
keepUnusedDataFor: 0,
exportMuteTiming: build.query<string, { format: ExportFormats; muteTiming: string }>({
query: ({ format, muteTiming }) => ({
url: `/api/v1/provisioning/mute-timings/${muteTiming}/export/`,
params: { format: format },
responseType: 'text',
keepUnusedDataFor: 0,