mirror of
synced 2025-02-15 01:53:33 -06:00
* Revert "FeatureToggles: register all enterprise feature toggles (#44336)" This reverts commitf53b3fb007
. * Revert "FeatureFlags: manage feature flags outside of settings.Cfg (#43692)" This reverts commitf94c0decbd
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package manager
import (
func TestPluginManager_int_init(t *testing.T) {
staticRootPath, err := filepath.Abs("../../../public/")
require.NoError(t, err)
bundledPluginsPath, err := filepath.Abs("../../../plugins-bundled/internal")
require.NoError(t, err)
cfg := &setting.Cfg{
Raw: ini.Empty(),
Env: setting.Prod,
StaticRootPath: staticRootPath,
BundledPluginsPath: bundledPluginsPath,
PluginSettings: map[string]map[string]string{
"plugin.datasource-id": {
"path": "testdata/test-app",
tracer := &fakeTracer{}
license := &licensing.OSSLicensingService{
Cfg: cfg,
hcp := httpclient.NewProvider()
am := azuremonitor.ProvideService(cfg, hcp, tracer)
cw := cloudwatch.ProvideService(cfg, hcp)
cm := cloudmonitoring.ProvideService(hcp, tracer)
es := elasticsearch.ProvideService(hcp)
grap := graphite.ProvideService(hcp, tracer)
idb := influxdb.ProvideService(hcp)
lk := loki.ProvideService(hcp, tracer)
otsdb := opentsdb.ProvideService(hcp)
pr := prometheus.ProvideService(hcp, tracer)
tmpo := tempo.ProvideService(hcp)
td := testdatasource.ProvideService(cfg)
pg := postgres.ProvideService(cfg)
my := mysql.ProvideService(cfg, hcp)
ms := mssql.ProvideService(cfg)
graf := grafanads.ProvideService(cfg)
coreRegistry := coreplugin.ProvideCoreRegistry(am, cw, cm, es, grap, idb, lk, otsdb, pr, tmpo, td, pg, my, ms, graf)
pmCfg := plugins.FromGrafanaCfg(cfg)
pm, err := ProvideService(cfg, nil, loader.New(pmCfg, license,
&signature.UnsignedPluginAuthorizer{Cfg: pmCfg}, provider.ProvideService(coreRegistry)), nil)
require.NoError(t, err)
verifyCorePluginCatalogue(t, pm)
verifyBundledPlugins(t, pm)
verifyPluginStaticRoutes(t, pm)
func verifyCorePluginCatalogue(t *testing.T, pm *PluginManager) {
expPanels := map[string]struct{}{
"alertGroups": {},
"alertlist": {},
"annolist": {},
"barchart": {},
"bargauge": {},
"canvas": {},
"dashlist": {},
"debug": {},
"gauge": {},
"geomap": {},
"gettingstarted": {},
"graph": {},
"heatmap": {},
"histogram": {},
"icon": {},
"live": {},
"logs": {},
"candlestick": {},
"news": {},
"nodeGraph": {},
"piechart": {},
"pluginlist": {},
"stat": {},
"state-timeline": {},
"status-history": {},
"table": {},
"table-old": {},
"text": {},
"timeseries": {},
"welcome": {},
"xychart": {},
expDataSources := map[string]struct{}{
"cloudwatch": {},
"stackdriver": {},
"grafana-azure-monitor-datasource": {},
"elasticsearch": {},
"graphite": {},
"influxdb": {},
"loki": {},
"opentsdb": {},
"prometheus": {},
"tempo": {},
"testdata": {},
"postgres": {},
"mysql": {},
"mssql": {},
"grafana": {},
"alertmanager": {},
"dashboard": {},
"input": {},
"jaeger": {},
"mixed": {},
"zipkin": {},
expApps := map[string]struct{}{
"test-app": {},
panels := pm.Plugins(context.Background(), plugins.Panel)
assert.Equal(t, len(expPanels), len(panels))
for _, p := range panels {
p, exists := pm.Plugin(context.Background(), p.ID)
require.NotEqual(t, plugins.PluginDTO{}, p)
assert.True(t, exists)
assert.Contains(t, expPanels, p.ID)
assert.Contains(t, pm.registeredPlugins(), p.ID)
dataSources := pm.Plugins(context.Background(), plugins.DataSource)
assert.Equal(t, len(expDataSources), len(dataSources))
for _, ds := range dataSources {
p, exists := pm.Plugin(context.Background(), ds.ID)
require.NotEqual(t, plugins.PluginDTO{}, p)
assert.True(t, exists)
assert.Contains(t, expDataSources, ds.ID)
assert.Contains(t, pm.registeredPlugins(), ds.ID)
apps := pm.Plugins(context.Background(), plugins.App)
assert.Equal(t, len(expApps), len(apps))
for _, app := range apps {
p, exists := pm.Plugin(context.Background(), app.ID)
require.NotEqual(t, plugins.PluginDTO{}, p)
assert.True(t, exists)
assert.Contains(t, expApps, app.ID)
assert.Contains(t, pm.registeredPlugins(), app.ID)
assert.Equal(t, len(expPanels)+len(expDataSources)+len(expApps), len(pm.Plugins(context.Background())))
func verifyBundledPlugins(t *testing.T, pm *PluginManager) {
dsPlugins := make(map[string]struct{})
for _, p := range pm.Plugins(context.Background(), plugins.DataSource) {
dsPlugins[p.ID] = struct{}{}
pluginRoutes := make(map[string]*plugins.StaticRoute)
for _, r := range pm.Routes() {
pluginRoutes[r.PluginID] = r
inputPlugin, exists := pm.Plugin(context.Background(), "input")
require.NotEqual(t, plugins.PluginDTO{}, inputPlugin)
assert.True(t, exists)
assert.NotNil(t, dsPlugins["input"])
for _, pluginID := range []string{"input"} {
assert.Contains(t, pluginRoutes, pluginID)
assert.True(t, strings.HasPrefix(pluginRoutes[pluginID].Directory, inputPlugin.PluginDir))
func verifyPluginStaticRoutes(t *testing.T, pm *PluginManager) {
routes := make(map[string]*plugins.StaticRoute)
for _, route := range pm.Routes() {
routes[route.PluginID] = route
assert.Len(t, routes, 2)
inputPlugin, _ := pm.Plugin(context.Background(), "input")
assert.NotNil(t, routes["input"])
assert.Equal(t, routes["input"].Directory, inputPlugin.PluginDir)
testAppPlugin, _ := pm.Plugin(context.Background(), "test-app")
assert.Contains(t, routes, "test-app")
assert.Equal(t, routes["test-app"].Directory, testAppPlugin.PluginDir)
type fakeTracer struct {
func (ft *fakeTracer) Run(context.Context) error {
return nil
func (ft *fakeTracer) Start(ctx context.Context, _ string, _ ...trace.SpanStartOption) (context.Context, tracing.Span) {
return ctx, nil
func (ft *fakeTracer) Inject(context.Context, http.Header, tracing.Span) {