mirror of
synced 2025-02-25 18:55:37 -06:00
* Dashboards: Fix tests when authn broker is enabled. StarService was not configured for tests, the call was guarded by !c.IsSignedIn * Change default to be anon user to match expectations from tests * OAuth: rewrite tests to work with authn.Service * Setup template renderer by default * Extract cookie options from cfg instead of relying on global variables * Fix test to work with authn service * Middleware: rewrite auth tests * Remvoe session cookie if we cannot refresh access token
406 lines
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406 lines
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package api
import (
contextmodel "github.com/grafana/grafana/pkg/services/contexthandler/model"
loginservice "github.com/grafana/grafana/pkg/services/login"
var (
oauthLogger = log.New("oauth")
const (
OauthStateCookieName = "oauth_state"
OauthPKCECookieName = "oauth_code_verifier"
func GenStateString() (string, error) {
rnd := make([]byte, 32)
if _, err := rand.Read(rnd); err != nil {
oauthLogger.Error("failed to generate state string", "err", err)
return "", err
return base64.URLEncoding.EncodeToString(rnd), nil
// genPKCECode returns a random URL-friendly string and it's base64 URL encoded SHA256 digest.
func genPKCECode() (string, string, error) {
// IETF RFC 7636 specifies that the code verifier should be 43-128
// characters from a set of unreserved URI characters which is
// almost the same as the set of characters in base64url.
// https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7636#section-4.1
// It doesn't hurt to generate a few more bytes here, we generate
// 96 bytes which we then encode using base64url to make sure
// they're within the set of unreserved characters.
// 96 is chosen because 96*8/6 = 128, which means that we'll have
// 128 characters after it has been base64 encoded.
raw := make([]byte, 96)
_, err := rand.Read(raw)
if err != nil {
return "", "", err
ascii := make([]byte, 128)
base64.RawURLEncoding.Encode(ascii, raw)
shasum := sha256.Sum256(ascii)
pkce := base64.RawURLEncoding.EncodeToString(shasum[:])
return string(ascii), pkce, nil
func (hs *HTTPServer) OAuthLogin(reqCtx *contextmodel.ReqContext) {
name := web.Params(reqCtx.Req)[":name"]
loginInfo := loginservice.LoginInfo{AuthModule: name}
if errorParam := reqCtx.Query("error"); errorParam != "" {
errorDesc := reqCtx.Query("error_description")
oauthLogger.Error("failed to login ", "error", errorParam, "errorDesc", errorDesc)
hs.handleOAuthLoginErrorWithRedirect(reqCtx, loginInfo, login.ErrProviderDeniedRequest, "error", errorParam, "errorDesc", errorDesc)
code := reqCtx.Query("code")
if hs.Cfg.AuthBrokerEnabled {
req := &authn.Request{HTTPRequest: reqCtx.Req, Resp: reqCtx.Resp}
if code == "" {
redirect, err := hs.authnService.RedirectURL(reqCtx.Req.Context(), authn.ClientWithPrefix(name), req)
if err != nil {
reqCtx.Redirect(hs.redirectURLWithErrorCookie(reqCtx, err))
cookies.WriteCookie(reqCtx.Resp, OauthStateCookieName, redirect.Extra[authn.KeyOAuthState], hs.Cfg.OAuthCookieMaxAge, hs.CookieOptionsFromCfg)
if pkce := redirect.Extra[authn.KeyOAuthPKCE]; pkce != "" {
cookies.WriteCookie(reqCtx.Resp, OauthPKCECookieName, pkce, hs.Cfg.OAuthCookieMaxAge, hs.CookieOptionsFromCfg)
identity, err := hs.authnService.Login(reqCtx.Req.Context(), authn.ClientWithPrefix(name), req)
// NOTE: always delete these cookies, even if login failed
cookies.DeleteCookie(reqCtx.Resp, OauthStateCookieName, hs.CookieOptionsFromCfg)
cookies.DeleteCookie(reqCtx.Resp, OauthPKCECookieName, hs.CookieOptionsFromCfg)
if err != nil {
reqCtx.Redirect(hs.redirectURLWithErrorCookie(reqCtx, err))
authn.HandleLoginRedirect(reqCtx.Req, reqCtx.Resp, hs.Cfg, identity, hs.ValidateRedirectTo)
provider := hs.SocialService.GetOAuthInfoProvider(name)
if provider == nil {
hs.handleOAuthLoginErrorWithRedirect(reqCtx, loginInfo, errors.New("OAuth not enabled"))
connect, err := hs.SocialService.GetConnector(name)
if err != nil {
hs.handleOAuthLoginErrorWithRedirect(reqCtx, loginInfo, fmt.Errorf("no OAuth with name %s configured", name))
if code == "" {
var opts []oauth2.AuthCodeOption
if provider.UsePKCE {
ascii, pkce, err := genPKCECode()
if err != nil {
reqCtx.Logger.Error("Generating PKCE failed", "error", err)
hs.handleOAuthLoginError(reqCtx, loginInfo, LoginError{
HttpStatus: http.StatusInternalServerError,
PublicMessage: "An internal error occurred",
cookies.WriteCookie(reqCtx.Resp, OauthPKCECookieName, ascii, hs.Cfg.OAuthCookieMaxAge, hs.CookieOptionsFromCfg)
opts = append(opts,
oauth2.SetAuthURLParam("code_challenge", pkce),
oauth2.SetAuthURLParam("code_challenge_method", "S256"),
state, err := GenStateString()
if err != nil {
reqCtx.Logger.Error("Generating state string failed", "err", err)
hs.handleOAuthLoginError(reqCtx, loginInfo, LoginError{
HttpStatus: http.StatusInternalServerError,
PublicMessage: "An internal error occurred",
hashedState := hs.hashStatecode(state, provider.ClientSecret)
cookies.WriteCookie(reqCtx.Resp, OauthStateCookieName, hashedState, hs.Cfg.OAuthCookieMaxAge, hs.CookieOptionsFromCfg)
if provider.HostedDomain != "" {
opts = append(opts, oauth2.SetAuthURLParam("hd", provider.HostedDomain))
reqCtx.Redirect(connect.AuthCodeURL(state, opts...))
cookieState := reqCtx.GetCookie(OauthStateCookieName)
// delete cookie
cookies.DeleteCookie(reqCtx.Resp, OauthStateCookieName, hs.CookieOptionsFromCfg)
if cookieState == "" {
hs.handleOAuthLoginError(reqCtx, loginInfo, LoginError{
HttpStatus: http.StatusInternalServerError,
PublicMessage: "login.OAuthLogin(missing saved state)",
queryState := hs.hashStatecode(reqCtx.Query("state"), provider.ClientSecret)
oauthLogger.Info("state check", "queryState", queryState, "cookieState", cookieState)
if cookieState != queryState {
hs.handleOAuthLoginError(reqCtx, loginInfo, LoginError{
HttpStatus: http.StatusInternalServerError,
PublicMessage: "login.OAuthLogin(state mismatch)",
oauthClient, err := hs.SocialService.GetOAuthHttpClient(name)
if err != nil {
reqCtx.Logger.Error("Failed to create OAuth http client", "error", err)
hs.handleOAuthLoginError(reqCtx, loginInfo, LoginError{
HttpStatus: http.StatusInternalServerError,
PublicMessage: "login.OAuthLogin(" + err.Error() + ")",
ctx := reqCtx.Req.Context()
oauthCtx := context.WithValue(ctx, oauth2.HTTPClient, oauthClient)
opts := []oauth2.AuthCodeOption{}
codeVerifier := reqCtx.GetCookie(OauthPKCECookieName)
cookies.DeleteCookie(reqCtx.Resp, OauthPKCECookieName, hs.CookieOptionsFromCfg)
if codeVerifier != "" {
opts = append(opts,
oauth2.SetAuthURLParam("code_verifier", codeVerifier),
// get token from provider
token, err := connect.Exchange(oauthCtx, code, opts...)
if err != nil {
hs.handleOAuthLoginError(reqCtx, loginInfo, LoginError{
HttpStatus: http.StatusInternalServerError,
PublicMessage: "login.OAuthLogin(NewTransportWithCode)",
Err: err,
// token.TokenType was defaulting to "bearer", which is out of spec, so we explicitly set to "Bearer"
token.TokenType = "Bearer"
if hs.Cfg.Env != setting.Dev {
oauthLogger.Debug("OAuthLogin: got token",
"expiry", fmt.Sprintf("%v", token.Expiry),
"type", token.TokenType,
"has_refresh_token", token.RefreshToken != "",
} else {
oauthLogger.Debug("OAuthLogin: got token",
"expiry", fmt.Sprintf("%v", token.Expiry),
"type", token.TokenType,
"access_token", fmt.Sprintf("%v", token.AccessToken),
"refresh_token", fmt.Sprintf("%v", token.RefreshToken),
// set up oauth2 client
client := connect.Client(oauthCtx, token)
// get user info
userInfo, err := connect.UserInfo(ctx, client, token)
if err != nil {
var sErr *social.Error
if errors.As(err, &sErr) {
hs.handleOAuthLoginErrorWithRedirect(reqCtx, loginInfo, sErr)
} else {
hs.handleOAuthLoginError(reqCtx, loginInfo, LoginError{
HttpStatus: http.StatusInternalServerError,
PublicMessage: fmt.Sprintf("login.OAuthLogin(get info from %s)", name),
Err: err,
oauthLogger.Debug("OAuthLogin got user info", "userInfo", fmt.Sprintf("%v", userInfo))
// validate that we got at least an email address
if userInfo.Email == "" {
hs.handleOAuthLoginErrorWithRedirect(reqCtx, loginInfo, login.ErrNoEmail)
// validate that the email is allowed to login to grafana
if !connect.IsEmailAllowed(userInfo.Email) {
hs.handleOAuthLoginErrorWithRedirect(reqCtx, loginInfo, login.ErrEmailNotAllowed)
loginInfo.ExternalUser = *hs.buildExternalUserInfo(token, userInfo, name)
loginInfo.User, err = hs.SyncUser(reqCtx, &loginInfo.ExternalUser, connect)
if err != nil {
hs.handleOAuthLoginErrorWithRedirect(reqCtx, loginInfo, err)
// login
if err := hs.loginUserWithUser(loginInfo.User, reqCtx); err != nil {
hs.handleOAuthLoginErrorWithRedirect(reqCtx, loginInfo, err)
loginInfo.HTTPStatus = http.StatusOK
hs.HooksService.RunLoginHook(&loginInfo, reqCtx)
// buildExternalUserInfo returns a ExternalUserInfo struct from OAuth user profile
func (hs *HTTPServer) buildExternalUserInfo(token *oauth2.Token, userInfo *social.BasicUserInfo, name string) *loginservice.ExternalUserInfo {
oauthLogger.Debug("Building external user info from OAuth user info")
extUser := &loginservice.ExternalUserInfo{
AuthModule: fmt.Sprintf("oauth_%s", name),
OAuthToken: token,
AuthId: userInfo.Id,
Name: userInfo.Name,
Login: userInfo.Login,
Email: userInfo.Email,
OrgRoles: map[int64]org.RoleType{},
Groups: userInfo.Groups,
IsGrafanaAdmin: userInfo.IsGrafanaAdmin,
if userInfo.Role != "" && !hs.Cfg.OAuthSkipOrgRoleUpdateSync {
rt := userInfo.Role
if rt.IsValid() {
// The user will be assigned a role in either the auto-assigned organization or in the default one
var orgID int64
if hs.Cfg.AutoAssignOrg && hs.Cfg.AutoAssignOrgId > 0 {
orgID = int64(hs.Cfg.AutoAssignOrgId)
plog.Debug("The user has a role assignment and organization membership is auto-assigned",
"role", userInfo.Role, "orgId", orgID)
} else {
orgID = int64(1)
plog.Debug("The user has a role assignment and organization membership is not auto-assigned",
"role", userInfo.Role, "orgId", orgID)
extUser.OrgRoles[orgID] = rt
return extUser
// SyncUser syncs a Grafana user profile with the corresponding OAuth profile.
func (hs *HTTPServer) SyncUser(
ctx *contextmodel.ReqContext,
extUser *loginservice.ExternalUserInfo,
connect social.SocialConnector,
) (*user.User, error) {
oauthLogger.Debug("Syncing Grafana user with corresponding OAuth profile")
lookupParams := loginservice.UserLookupParams{}
if hs.Cfg.OAuthAllowInsecureEmailLookup {
lookupParams.Email = &extUser.Email
// add/update user in Grafana
cmd := &loginservice.UpsertUserCommand{
ReqContext: ctx,
ExternalUser: extUser,
SignupAllowed: connect.IsSignupAllowed(),
UserLookupParams: lookupParams,
upsertedUser, err := hs.Login.UpsertUser(ctx.Req.Context(), cmd)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Do not expose disabled status,
// just show incorrect user credentials error (see #17947)
if upsertedUser.IsDisabled {
oauthLogger.Warn("User is disabled", "user", upsertedUser.Login)
return nil, login.ErrInvalidCredentials
return upsertedUser, nil
func (hs *HTTPServer) hashStatecode(code, seed string) string {
hashBytes := sha256.Sum256([]byte(code + hs.Cfg.SecretKey + seed))
return hex.EncodeToString(hashBytes[:])
type LoginError struct {
HttpStatus int
PublicMessage string
Err error
func (hs *HTTPServer) handleOAuthLoginError(ctx *contextmodel.ReqContext, info loginservice.LoginInfo, err LoginError) {
ctx.Handle(hs.Cfg, err.HttpStatus, err.PublicMessage, err.Err)
// login hooks is handled by authn.Service
if !hs.Cfg.AuthBrokerEnabled {
info.Error = err.Err
if info.Error == nil {
info.Error = errors.New(err.PublicMessage)
info.HTTPStatus = err.HttpStatus
hs.HooksService.RunLoginHook(&info, ctx)
func (hs *HTTPServer) handleOAuthLoginErrorWithRedirect(ctx *contextmodel.ReqContext, info loginservice.LoginInfo, err error, v ...interface{}) {
hs.redirectWithError(ctx, err, v...)
// login hooks is handled by authn.Service
if !hs.Cfg.AuthBrokerEnabled {
info.Error = err
hs.HooksService.RunLoginHook(&info, ctx)