Julien Pivotto 62417ca69f Remove Origin and Referer headers while proxying requests
Fix #13949
Fix #13328

Signed-off-by: Julien Pivotto <>
2018-11-08 14:57:47 +01:00

417 lines
13 KiB

package pluginproxy
import (
macaron ""
m ""
. ""
func TestDSRouteRule(t *testing.T) {
Convey("DataSourceProxy", t, func() {
Convey("Plugin with routes", func() {
plugin := &plugins.DataSourcePlugin{
Routes: []*plugins.AppPluginRoute{
Path: "api/v4/",
Url: "",
Headers: []plugins.AppPluginRouteHeader{
{Name: "x-header", Content: "my secret {{.SecureJsonData.key}}"},
Path: "api/admin",
Url: "",
ReqRole: m.ROLE_ADMIN,
Headers: []plugins.AppPluginRouteHeader{
{Name: "x-header", Content: "my secret {{.SecureJsonData.key}}"},
Path: "api/anon",
Url: "",
Headers: []plugins.AppPluginRouteHeader{
{Name: "x-header", Content: "my secret {{.SecureJsonData.key}}"},
Path: "api/common",
Url: "{{.JsonData.dynamicUrl}}",
Headers: []plugins.AppPluginRouteHeader{
{Name: "x-header", Content: "my secret {{.SecureJsonData.key}}"},
setting.SecretKey = "password"
key, _ := util.Encrypt([]byte("123"), "password")
ds := &m.DataSource{
JsonData: simplejson.NewFromAny(map[string]interface{}{
"clientId": "asd",
"dynamicUrl": "",
SecureJsonData: map[string][]byte{
"key": key,
req, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", "http://localhost/asd", nil)
ctx := &m.ReqContext{
Context: &macaron.Context{
Req: macaron.Request{Request: req},
SignedInUser: &m.SignedInUser{OrgRole: m.ROLE_EDITOR},
Convey("When matching route path", func() {
proxy := NewDataSourceProxy(ds, plugin, ctx, "api/v4/some/method")
proxy.route = plugin.Routes[0]
ApplyRoute(proxy.ctx.Req.Context(), req, proxy.proxyPath, proxy.route, proxy.ds)
Convey("should add headers and update url", func() {
So(req.URL.String(), ShouldEqual, "")
So(req.Header.Get("x-header"), ShouldEqual, "my secret 123")
Convey("When matching route path and has dynamic url", func() {
proxy := NewDataSourceProxy(ds, plugin, ctx, "api/common/some/method")
proxy.route = plugin.Routes[3]
ApplyRoute(proxy.ctx.Req.Context(), req, proxy.proxyPath, proxy.route, proxy.ds)
Convey("should add headers and interpolate the url", func() {
So(req.URL.String(), ShouldEqual, "")
So(req.Header.Get("x-header"), ShouldEqual, "my secret 123")
Convey("Validating request", func() {
Convey("plugin route with valid role", func() {
proxy := NewDataSourceProxy(ds, plugin, ctx, "api/v4/some/method")
err := proxy.validateRequest()
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
Convey("plugin route with admin role and user is editor", func() {
proxy := NewDataSourceProxy(ds, plugin, ctx, "api/admin")
err := proxy.validateRequest()
So(err, ShouldNotBeNil)
Convey("plugin route with admin role and user is admin", func() {
ctx.SignedInUser.OrgRole = m.ROLE_ADMIN
proxy := NewDataSourceProxy(ds, plugin, ctx, "api/admin")
err := proxy.validateRequest()
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
Convey("Plugin with multiple routes for token auth", func() {
plugin := &plugins.DataSourcePlugin{
Routes: []*plugins.AppPluginRoute{
Path: "pathwithtoken1",
Url: "",
TokenAuth: &plugins.JwtTokenAuth{
Url: "{{.JsonData.tenantId}}/oauth2/token",
Params: map[string]string{
"grant_type": "client_credentials",
"client_id": "{{.JsonData.clientId}}",
"client_secret": "{{.SecureJsonData.clientSecret}}",
"resource": "",
Path: "pathwithtoken2",
Url: "",
TokenAuth: &plugins.JwtTokenAuth{
Url: "{{.JsonData.tenantId}}/oauth2/token",
Params: map[string]string{
"grant_type": "client_credentials",
"client_id": "{{.JsonData.clientId}}",
"client_secret": "{{.SecureJsonData.clientSecret}}",
"resource": "",
setting.SecretKey = "password"
key, _ := util.Encrypt([]byte("123"), "password")
ds := &m.DataSource{
JsonData: simplejson.NewFromAny(map[string]interface{}{
"clientId": "asd",
"tenantId": "mytenantId",
SecureJsonData: map[string][]byte{
"clientSecret": key,
req, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", "http://localhost/asd", nil)
ctx := &m.ReqContext{
Context: &macaron.Context{
Req: macaron.Request{Request: req},
SignedInUser: &m.SignedInUser{OrgRole: m.ROLE_EDITOR},
Convey("When creating and caching access tokens", func() {
var authorizationHeaderCall1 string
var authorizationHeaderCall2 string
Convey("first call should add authorization header with access token", func() {
json, err := ioutil.ReadFile("./test-data/access-token-1.json")
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
client = newFakeHTTPClient(json)
proxy1 := NewDataSourceProxy(ds, plugin, ctx, "pathwithtoken1")
proxy1.route = plugin.Routes[0]
ApplyRoute(proxy1.ctx.Req.Context(), req, proxy1.proxyPath, proxy1.route, proxy1.ds)
authorizationHeaderCall1 = req.Header.Get("Authorization")
So(req.URL.String(), ShouldEqual, "")
So(authorizationHeaderCall1, ShouldStartWith, "Bearer eyJ0e")
Convey("second call to another route should add a different access token", func() {
json2, err := ioutil.ReadFile("./test-data/access-token-2.json")
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
req, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", "http://localhost/asd", nil)
client = newFakeHTTPClient(json2)
proxy2 := NewDataSourceProxy(ds, plugin, ctx, "pathwithtoken2")
proxy2.route = plugin.Routes[1]
ApplyRoute(proxy2.ctx.Req.Context(), req, proxy2.proxyPath, proxy2.route, proxy2.ds)
authorizationHeaderCall2 = req.Header.Get("Authorization")
So(req.URL.String(), ShouldEqual, "")
So(authorizationHeaderCall1, ShouldStartWith, "Bearer eyJ0e")
So(authorizationHeaderCall2, ShouldStartWith, "Bearer eyJ0e")
So(authorizationHeaderCall2, ShouldNotEqual, authorizationHeaderCall1)
Convey("third call to first route should add cached access token", func() {
req, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", "http://localhost/asd", nil)
client = newFakeHTTPClient([]byte{})
proxy3 := NewDataSourceProxy(ds, plugin, ctx, "pathwithtoken1")
proxy3.route = plugin.Routes[0]
ApplyRoute(proxy3.ctx.Req.Context(), req, proxy3.proxyPath, proxy3.route, proxy3.ds)
authorizationHeaderCall3 := req.Header.Get("Authorization")
So(req.URL.String(), ShouldEqual, "")
So(authorizationHeaderCall1, ShouldStartWith, "Bearer eyJ0e")
So(authorizationHeaderCall3, ShouldStartWith, "Bearer eyJ0e")
So(authorizationHeaderCall3, ShouldEqual, authorizationHeaderCall1)
Convey("When proxying graphite", func() {
setting.BuildVersion = "5.3.0"
plugin := &plugins.DataSourcePlugin{}
ds := &m.DataSource{Url: "htttp://graphite:8080", Type: m.DS_GRAPHITE}
ctx := &m.ReqContext{}
proxy := NewDataSourceProxy(ds, plugin, ctx, "/render")
req, err := http.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, "", nil)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
Convey("Can translate request url and path", func() {
So(req.URL.Host, ShouldEqual, "graphite:8080")
So(req.URL.Path, ShouldEqual, "/render")
So(req.Header.Get("User-Agent"), ShouldEqual, "Grafana/5.3.0")
Convey("When proxying InfluxDB", func() {
plugin := &plugins.DataSourcePlugin{}
ds := &m.DataSource{
Type: m.DS_INFLUXDB_08,
Url: "http://influxdb:8083",
Database: "site",
User: "user",
Password: "password",
ctx := &m.ReqContext{}
proxy := NewDataSourceProxy(ds, plugin, ctx, "")
req, err := http.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, "", nil)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
Convey("Should add db to url", func() {
So(req.URL.Path, ShouldEqual, "/db/site/")
Convey("Should add username and password", func() {
queryVals := req.URL.Query()
So(queryVals["u"][0], ShouldEqual, "user")
So(queryVals["p"][0], ShouldEqual, "password")
Convey("When proxying a data source with no keepCookies specified", func() {
plugin := &plugins.DataSourcePlugin{}
json, _ := simplejson.NewJson([]byte(`{"keepCookies": []}`))
ds := &m.DataSource{
Url: "http://graphite:8086",
JsonData: json,
ctx := &m.ReqContext{}
proxy := NewDataSourceProxy(ds, plugin, ctx, "")
requestURL, _ := url.Parse("")
req := http.Request{URL: requestURL, Header: make(http.Header)}
cookies := "grafana_user=admin; grafana_remember=99; grafana_sess=11; JSESSION_ID=test"
req.Header.Set("Cookie", cookies)
Convey("Should clear all cookies", func() {
So(req.Header.Get("Cookie"), ShouldEqual, "")
Convey("When proxying a data source with keep cookies specified", func() {
plugin := &plugins.DataSourcePlugin{}
json, _ := simplejson.NewJson([]byte(`{"keepCookies": ["JSESSION_ID"]}`))
ds := &m.DataSource{
Url: "http://graphite:8086",
JsonData: json,
ctx := &m.ReqContext{}
proxy := NewDataSourceProxy(ds, plugin, ctx, "")
requestURL, _ := url.Parse("")
req := http.Request{URL: requestURL, Header: make(http.Header)}
cookies := "grafana_user=admin; grafana_remember=99; grafana_sess=11; JSESSION_ID=test"
req.Header.Set("Cookie", cookies)
Convey("Should keep named cookies", func() {
So(req.Header.Get("Cookie"), ShouldEqual, "JSESSION_ID=test")
Convey("When proxying a data source with custom headers specified", func() {
plugin := &plugins.DataSourcePlugin{}
encryptedData, err := util.Encrypt([]byte(`Bearer xf5yhfkpsnmgo`), setting.SecretKey)
ds := &m.DataSource{
Url: "http://prometheus:9090",
JsonData: simplejson.NewFromAny(map[string]interface{}{
"httpHeaderName1": "Authorization",
SecureJsonData: map[string][]byte{
"httpHeaderValue1": encryptedData,
ctx := &m.ReqContext{}
proxy := NewDataSourceProxy(ds, plugin, ctx, "")
requestURL, _ := url.Parse("")
req := http.Request{URL: requestURL, Header: make(http.Header)}
if err != nil {
log.Fatal(4, err.Error())
Convey("Match header value after decryption", func() {
So(req.Header.Get("Authorization"), ShouldEqual, "Bearer xf5yhfkpsnmgo")
Convey("When proxying a custom datasource", func() {
plugin := &plugins.DataSourcePlugin{}
ds := &m.DataSource{
Type: "custom-datasource",
Url: "http://host/root/",
ctx := &m.ReqContext{}
proxy := NewDataSourceProxy(ds, plugin, ctx, "/path/to/folder/")
req, err := http.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, "", nil)
req.Header.Add("Origin", "")
req.Header.Add("Referer", "")
req.Header.Add("X-Canary", "stillthere")
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
Convey("Should keep user request (including trailing slash)", func() {
So(req.URL.String(), ShouldEqual, "http://host/root/path/to/folder/")
Convey("Origin and Referer headers should be dropped", func() {
So(req.Header.Get("Origin"), ShouldEqual, "")
So(req.Header.Get("Referer"), ShouldEqual, "")
So(req.Header.Get("X-Canary"), ShouldEqual, "stillthere")
type httpClientStub struct {
fakeBody []byte
func (c *httpClientStub) Do(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) {
bodyJSON, _ := simplejson.NewJson(c.fakeBody)
_, passedTokenCacheTest := bodyJSON.CheckGet("expires_on")
So(passedTokenCacheTest, ShouldBeTrue)
bodyJSON.Set("expires_on", fmt.Sprint(time.Now().Add(time.Second*60).Unix()))
body, _ := bodyJSON.MarshalJSON()
resp := &http.Response{
Body: ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewReader(body)),
return resp, nil
func newFakeHTTPClient(fakeBody []byte) httpClient {
return &httpClientStub{
fakeBody: fakeBody,