Kristina 165de515cd
Explore: Default synced to true, only show synced status if panes are split (#77759)
* Default synced to true, only show synced status if panes are split

* Don’t default sync to true until split happens, handle syncing when init or history change sync happens

* Sync times if origin pane and new pane have the same range
2023-11-21 07:55:01 -06:00

429 lines
17 KiB

import { identity, isEmpty, isEqual, isObject, mapValues, omitBy } from 'lodash';
import { useEffect, useRef } from 'react';
import { CoreApp, ExploreUrlState, DataSourceApi, toURLRange, EventBusSrv } from '@grafana/data';
import { DataQuery, DataSourceRef } from '@grafana/schema';
import { useGrafana } from 'app/core/context/GrafanaContext';
import { useAppNotification } from 'app/core/copy/appNotification';
import { clearQueryKeys, getLastUsedDatasourceUID } from 'app/core/utils/explore';
import { getDatasourceSrv } from 'app/features/plugins/datasource_srv';
import { MIXED_DATASOURCE_NAME } from 'app/plugins/datasource/mixed/MixedDataSource';
import { addListener, ExploreItemState, ExploreQueryParams, useDispatch, useSelector } from 'app/types';
import { changeDatasource } from '../../state/datasource';
import { changePanelsStateAction, initializeExplore } from '../../state/explorePane';
import { clearPanes, splitClose, splitOpen, syncTimesAction } from '../../state/main';
import { runQueries, setQueriesAction } from '../../state/query';
import { selectPanes } from '../../state/selectors';
import { changeRangeAction, updateTime } from '../../state/time';
import { DEFAULT_RANGE, fromURLRange } from '../../state/utils';
import { withUniqueRefIds } from '../../utils/queries';
import { isFulfilled } from '../utils';
import { parseURL } from './parseURL';
* Bi-directionally syncs URL changes with Explore's state.
export function useStateSync(params: ExploreQueryParams) {
const { location } = useGrafana();
const dispatch = useDispatch();
const panesState = useSelector(selectPanes);
const orgId = useSelector((state) => state.user.orgId);
const prevParams = useRef(params);
const initState = useRef<'notstarted' | 'pending' | 'done'>('notstarted');
const { warning } = useAppNotification();
useEffect(() => {
// This happens when the user navigates to an explore "empty page" while within Explore.
// ie. by clicking on the explore when explore is active.
if (!params.panes) {
initState.current = 'notstarted';
prevParams.current = params;
}, [params]);
useEffect(() => {
const unsubscribe = dispatch(
predicate: (action) =>
// We want to update the URL when:
// - a pane is opened or closed
// - a query is run
// - range is changed
// - panel state is updated
effect: async (_, { cancelActiveListeners, delay, getState }) => {
// The following 2 lines will throttle updates to avoid creating history entries when rapid changes
// are committed to the store.
await delay(200);
const panesQueryParams = Object.entries(getState().explore.panes).reduce((acc, [id, paneState]) => {
if (!paneState) {
return acc;
return {
[id]: getUrlStateFromPaneState(paneState),
}, {});
if (!isEqual(prevParams.current.panes, JSON.stringify(panesQueryParams))) {
// If there's no previous state it means we are mounting explore for the first time,
// in this case we want to replace the URL instead of pushing a new entry to the history.
// If the init state is 'pending' it means explore still hasn't finished initializing. in that case we skip
// pushing a new entry in the history as the first entry will be pushed after initialization.
const replace =
(!!prevParams.current.panes && Object.values(prevParams.current.panes).filter(Boolean).length === 0) ||
initState.current === 'pending';
prevParams.current = {
panes: JSON.stringify(panesQueryParams),
location.partial({ panes: prevParams.current.panes }, replace);
// @ts-expect-error the return type of addListener is actually callable, but dispatch is not middleware-aware
return () => unsubscribe();
}, [dispatch, location]);
useEffect(() => {
const isURLOutOfSync = prevParams.current?.panes !== params.panes;
const [urlState, hasParseError] = parseURL(params);
hasParseError &&
'Could not parse Explore URL',
'The requested URL contains invalid parameters, a default Explore state has been loaded.'
async function sync() {
// if navigating the history causes one of the time range to not being equal to all the other ones,
// we set syncedTimes to false to avoid inconsistent UI state.
// Ideally `syncedTimes` should be saved in the URL.
const paneArray = Object.values(urlState.panes);
if (paneArray.length > 1) {
const paneTimesUnequal = paneArray.some(({ range }, _, [{ range: firstRange }]) => !isEqual(range, firstRange));
dispatch(syncTimesAction({ syncedTimes: !paneTimesUnequal })); // if all time ranges are equal, keep them synced
Object.entries(urlState.panes).forEach(([exploreId, urlPane], i) => {
const { datasource, queries, range, panelsState } = urlPane;
const paneState = panesState[exploreId];
if (paneState !== undefined) {
const update = urlDiff(urlPane, getUrlStateFromPaneState(paneState));
.then(async () => {
if (update.datasource && datasource) {
await dispatch(changeDatasource(exploreId, datasource));
.then(() => {
if (update.range) {
dispatch(updateTime({ exploreId, rawRange: fromURLRange(range) }));
if (update.queries) {
dispatch(setQueriesAction({ exploreId, queries: withUniqueRefIds(queries) }));
if (update.queries || update.range) {
dispatch(runQueries({ exploreId }));
if (update.panelsState && panelsState) {
dispatch(changePanelsStateAction({ exploreId, panelsState }));
} else {
// This happens when browser history is used to navigate.
// In this case we want to initialize the pane with the data from the URL
// if it's not present in the store. This may happen if the user has navigated
// from split view to non-split view and then back to split view.
datasource: datasource || '',
queries: withUniqueRefIds(queries),
range: fromURLRange(range),
position: i,
eventBridge: new EventBusSrv(),
// Close all the panes that are not in the URL but are still in the store
// ie. because the user has navigated back after opening the split view.
.filter((keyInStore) => !Object.keys(urlState.panes).includes(keyInStore))
.forEach((paneId) => dispatch(splitClose(paneId)));
// This happens when the user first navigates to explore.
// Here we want to initialize each pane initial data, wether it comes
// from the url or as a result of migrations.
if (!isURLOutOfSync && initState.current === 'notstarted') {
initState.current = 'pending';
// Clear all the panes in the store first to avoid stale data.
Object.entries(urlState.panes).map(([exploreId, { datasource, queries, range, panelsState }]) => {
return getPaneDatasource(datasource, queries, orgId).then((paneDatasource) => {
return Promise.resolve(
// Given the Grafana datasource will always be present, this should always be defined.
? queries.length
? // if we have queries in the URL, we use them
// but filter out the ones that are not compatible with the pane datasource
? identity<DataQuery>
: (query) => ({ ...query, datasource: paneDatasource.getRef() })
: getDatasourceSrv()
// otherwise we get a default query from the pane datasource or from the default datasource if the pane datasource is mixed
.get(isMixedDatasource(paneDatasource) ? undefined : paneDatasource.getRef())
.then((ds) => [getDefaultQuery(ds)])
: []
).then(async (queries) => {
// we remove queries that have an invalid datasources
let validQueries = await removeQueriesWithInvalidDatasource(queries);
if (!validQueries.length && paneDatasource) {
// and in case there's no query left we add a default one.
validQueries = [
getDefaultQuery(isMixedDatasource(paneDatasource) ? await getDatasourceSrv().get() : paneDatasource),
return { exploreId, range, panelsState, queries: validQueries, datasource: paneDatasource };
).then(async (panes) => {
const initializedPanes = await Promise.all({ exploreId, range, panelsState, queries, datasource }) => {
return dispatch(
range: fromURLRange(range),
eventBridge: new EventBusSrv(),
if (initializedPanes.length > 1) {
const paneTimesUnequal = initializedPanes.some(
({ state }, _, [{ state: firstState }]) => !isEqual(state.range.raw, firstState.range.raw)
dispatch(syncTimesAction({ syncedTimes: !paneTimesUnequal })); // if all time ranges are equal, keep them synced
const panesObj = initializedPanes.reduce((acc, { exploreId, state }) => {
return {
[exploreId]: getUrlStateFromPaneState(state),
}, {});
// we need to use partial here beacuse replace doesn't encode the query params.
const oldQuery = location.getSearchObject();
// we create the default query params from the current URL, omitting all the properties we know should be in the final url.
// This includes params from previous schema versions and 'schemaVersion', 'panes', 'orgId' as we want to replace those.
let defaults: Record<string, unknown> = {};
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(oldQuery).filter(
([key]) => !['schemaVersion', 'panes', 'orgId', 'left', 'right'].includes(key)
)) {
defaults[key] = value;
const searchParams = new URLSearchParams({
// we set the schemaVersion as the first parameter so that when URLs are truncated the schemaVersion is more likely to be present.
schemaVersion: `${urlState.schemaVersion}`,
panes: JSON.stringify(panesObj),
orgId: `${orgId}`,
pathname: location.getLocation().pathname,
search: searchParams.toString(),
initState.current = 'done';
prevParams.current = params;
isURLOutOfSync && initState.current === 'done' && sync();
}, [dispatch, panesState, orgId, location, params, warning]);
function getDefaultQuery(ds: DataSourceApi) {
return { ...ds.getDefaultQuery?.(CoreApp.Explore), refId: 'A', datasource: ds.getRef() };
function isMixedDatasource(datasource: DataSourceApi) {
function getQueryFilter(datasource?: DataSourceApi) {
// if the root datasource is mixed, filter out queries that don't have a datasource.
if (datasource && isMixedDatasource(datasource)) {
return (q: DataQuery) => !!q.datasource;
} else {
// else filter out queries that have a datasource different from the root one.
// Queries may not have a datasource, if so, it's assumed they are using the root datasource
return (q: DataQuery) => {
if (!q.datasource) {
return true;
// Due to legacy URLs, `datasource` in queries may be a string. This logic should probably be in the migration
if (typeof q.datasource === 'string') {
return q.datasource === datasource?.uid;
return q.datasource.uid === datasource?.uid;
async function removeQueriesWithInvalidDatasource(queries: DataQuery[]) {
const results = await Promise.allSettled( => {
return getDatasourceSrv()
.then((ds) => ({
return results.filter(isFulfilled).map(({ value }) => value.query);
* Returns the datasource that an explore pane should be using.
* If the URL specifies a datasource and that datasource exists, it will be used unless said datasource is mixed.
* Otherwise the datasource will be extracetd from the the first query specifying a valid datasource.
* If there's no datasource in the queries, the last used datasource will be used.
* if there's no last used datasource, the default datasource will be used.
* @param rootDatasource the top-level datasource specified in the URL
* @param queries the queries in the pane
* @param orgId the orgId of the user
* @returns the datasource UID that the pane should use, undefined if no suitable datasource is found
async function getPaneDatasource(
rootDatasource: DataSourceRef | string | null | undefined,
queries: DataQuery[],
orgId: number
) {
// If there's a root datasource, use it unless it's unavailable
if (rootDatasource) {
try {
return await getDatasourceSrv().get(rootDatasource);
} catch (_) {}
// TODO: if queries have multiple datasources we should return mixed datasource
// Else we try to find a datasource in the queries, returning the first one that exists
const queriesWithDS = queries.filter((q) => q.datasource);
for (const query of queriesWithDS) {
try {
return await getDatasourceSrv().get(query.datasource);
} catch (_) {}
// If none of the queries specify a avalid datasource, we use the last used one
const lastUsedDSUID = getLastUsedDatasourceUID(orgId);
return (
// Or the default one
.catch(() => getDatasourceSrv().get())
.catch(() => undefined)
* Compare 2 explore urls and return a map of what changed. Used to update the local state with all the
* side effects needed.
const urlDiff = (
oldUrlState: ExploreUrlState | undefined,
currentUrlState: ExploreUrlState | undefined
): {
datasource: boolean;
queries: boolean;
range: boolean;
panelsState: boolean;
} => {
const datasource = !isEqual(currentUrlState?.datasource, oldUrlState?.datasource);
const queries = !isEqual(currentUrlState?.queries, oldUrlState?.queries);
const range = !isEqual(currentUrlState?.range || DEFAULT_RANGE, oldUrlState?.range || DEFAULT_RANGE);
const panelsState = !isEqual(currentUrlState?.panelsState, oldUrlState?.panelsState);
return {
export function getUrlStateFromPaneState(pane: ExploreItemState): ExploreUrlState {
return {
// datasourceInstance should not be undefined anymore here but in case there is some path for it to be undefined
// lets just fallback instead of crashing.
datasource: pane.datasourceInstance?.uid || '',
range: toURLRange(pane.range.raw),
// don't include panelsState in the url unless a piece of state is actually set
panelsState: pruneObject(pane.panelsState),
* recursively walks an object, removing keys where the value is undefined
* if the resulting object is empty, returns undefined
function pruneObject(obj: object): object | undefined {
let pruned = mapValues(obj, (value) => (isObject(value) ? pruneObject(value) : value));
pruned = omitBy<typeof pruned>(pruned, isEmpty);
if (isEmpty(pruned)) {
return undefined;
return pruned;