Gabriel MABILLE 193ec8de2b
AuthN: Move oauthserver to extsvcauth (#75972)
* AuthN: Move oauthserver to extsvcauth

* Codeowners
2023-10-04 16:53:17 +02:00

490 lines
17 KiB

package oasimpl
import (
ac ""
const (
cacheExpirationTime = 5 * time.Minute
cacheCleanupInterval = 5 * time.Minute
type OAuth2ServiceImpl struct {
cache *localcache.CacheService
memstore *storage.MemoryStore
cfg *setting.Cfg
sqlstore oauthserver.Store
oauthProvider fosite.OAuth2Provider
logger log.Logger
accessControl ac.AccessControl
acService ac.Service
saService serviceaccounts.Service
userService user.Service
teamService team.Service
publicKey any
func ProvideService(router routing.RouteRegister, db db.DB, cfg *setting.Cfg,
svcAccSvc serviceaccounts.Service, accessControl ac.AccessControl, acSvc ac.Service, userSvc user.Service,
teamSvc team.Service, keySvc signingkeys.Service, fmgmt *featuremgmt.FeatureManager) (*OAuth2ServiceImpl, error) {
if !fmgmt.IsEnabled(featuremgmt.FlagExternalServiceAuth) {
return nil, nil
config := &fosite.Config{
AccessTokenLifespan: cfg.OAuth2ServerAccessTokenLifespan,
TokenURL: fmt.Sprintf("%voauth2/token", cfg.AppURL),
AccessTokenIssuer: cfg.AppURL,
IDTokenIssuer: cfg.AppURL,
ScopeStrategy: fosite.WildcardScopeStrategy,
s := &OAuth2ServiceImpl{
cache: localcache.New(cacheExpirationTime, cacheCleanupInterval),
cfg: cfg,
accessControl: accessControl,
acService: acSvc,
memstore: storage.NewMemoryStore(),
sqlstore: store.NewStore(db),
logger: log.New("oauthserver"),
userService: userSvc,
saService: svcAccSvc,
teamService: teamSvc,
api := api.NewAPI(router, s)
s.oauthProvider = newProvider(config, s, keySvc)
return s, nil
func newProvider(config *fosite.Config, storage any, signingKeyService signingkeys.Service) fosite.OAuth2Provider {
keyGetter := func(ctx context.Context) (any, error) {
_, key, err := signingKeyService.GetOrCreatePrivateKey(ctx, signingkeys.ServerPrivateKeyID, jose.ES256)
return key, err
return compose.Compose(
CoreStrategy: compose.NewOAuth2JWTStrategy(keyGetter, compose.NewOAuth2HMACStrategy(config), config),
Signer: &jwt.DefaultSigner{GetPrivateKey: keyGetter},
// GetExternalService retrieves an external service from store by client_id. It populates the SelfPermissions and
// SignedInUser from the associated service account.
// For performance reason, the service uses caching.
func (s *OAuth2ServiceImpl) GetExternalService(ctx context.Context, id string) (*oauthserver.ExternalService, error) {
entry, ok := s.cache.Get(id)
if ok {
client, ok := entry.(oauthserver.ExternalService)
if ok {
s.logger.Debug("GetExternalService: cache hit", "id", id)
return &client, nil
client, err := s.sqlstore.GetExternalService(ctx, id)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Handle the case where the external service has no service account
if client.ServiceAccountID == oauthserver.NoServiceAccountID {
s.logger.Debug("GetExternalService: service has no service account, hence no permission", "id", id, "name", client.Name)
// Create a signed in user with no role and no permissions
client.SignedInUser = &user.SignedInUser{
UserID: oauthserver.NoServiceAccountID,
OrgID: oauthserver.TmpOrgID,
Name: client.Name,
Permissions: map[int64]map[string][]string{oauthserver.TmpOrgID: {}},
s.cache.Set(id, *client, cacheExpirationTime)
return client, nil
// Retrieve self permissions and generate a signed in user
s.logger.Debug("GetExternalService: fetch permissions", "client id", id)
sa, err := s.saService.RetrieveServiceAccount(ctx, oauthserver.TmpOrgID, client.ServiceAccountID)
if err != nil {
s.logger.Error("GetExternalService: error fetching service account", "id", id, "error", err)
return nil, err
client.SignedInUser = &user.SignedInUser{
UserID: sa.Id,
OrgID: oauthserver.TmpOrgID,
OrgRole: org.RoleType(sa.Role), // Need this to compute the permissions in OSS
Login: sa.Login,
Name: sa.Name,
Permissions: map[int64]map[string][]string{},
client.SelfPermissions, err = s.acService.GetUserPermissions(ctx, client.SignedInUser, ac.Options{})
if err != nil {
s.logger.Error("GetExternalService: error fetching permissions", "id", id, "error", err)
return nil, err
client.SignedInUser.Permissions[oauthserver.TmpOrgID] = ac.GroupScopesByAction(client.SelfPermissions)
s.cache.Set(id, *client, cacheExpirationTime)
return client, nil
// SaveExternalService creates or updates an external service in the database, it generates client_id and secrets and
// it ensures that the associated service account has the correct permissions.
// Database consistency is not guaranteed, consider changing this in the future.
func (s *OAuth2ServiceImpl) SaveExternalService(ctx context.Context, registration *oauthserver.ExternalServiceRegistration) (*oauthserver.ExternalServiceDTO, error) {
if registration == nil {
s.logger.Warn("RegisterExternalService called without registration")
return nil, nil
s.logger.Info("Registering external service", "external service name", registration.Name)
// Check if the client already exists in store
client, errFetchExtSvc := s.sqlstore.GetExternalServiceByName(ctx, registration.Name)
if errFetchExtSvc != nil {
var srcError errutil.Error
if errors.As(errFetchExtSvc, &srcError) {
if srcError.MessageID != oauthserver.ErrClientNotFoundMessageID {
s.logger.Error("Error fetching service", "external service", registration.Name, "error", errFetchExtSvc)
return nil, errFetchExtSvc
// Otherwise, create a new client
if client == nil {
s.logger.Debug("External service does not yet exist", "external service name", registration.Name)
client = &oauthserver.ExternalService{
Name: registration.Name,
ServiceAccountID: oauthserver.NoServiceAccountID,
Audiences: s.cfg.AppURL,
// Parse registration form to compute required permissions for the client
client.SelfPermissions, client.ImpersonatePermissions = s.handleRegistrationPermissions(registration)
if registration.RedirectURI != nil {
client.RedirectURI = *registration.RedirectURI
var errGenCred error
client.ClientID, client.Secret, errGenCred = s.genCredentials()
if errGenCred != nil {
s.logger.Error("Error generating credentials", "client", client.LogID(), "error", errGenCred)
return nil, errGenCred
s.logger.Debug("Save service account")
saID, errSaveServiceAccount := s.saveServiceAccount(ctx, client.Name, client.ServiceAccountID, client.SelfPermissions)
if errSaveServiceAccount != nil {
return nil, errSaveServiceAccount
client.ServiceAccountID = saID
grantTypes := s.computeGrantTypes(registration.Self.Enabled, registration.Impersonation.Enabled)
client.GrantTypes = strings.Join(grantTypes, ",")
// Handle key options
s.logger.Debug("Handle key options")
keys, err := s.handleKeyOptions(ctx, registration.Key)
if err != nil {
s.logger.Error("Error handling key options", "client", client.LogID(), "error", err)
return nil, err
if keys != nil {
client.PublicPem = []byte(keys.PublicPem)
dto := client.ToDTO()
dto.KeyResult = keys
hashedSecret, err := bcrypt.GenerateFromPassword([]byte(client.Secret), bcrypt.DefaultCost)
if err != nil {
s.logger.Error("Error hashing secret", "client", client.LogID(), "error", err)
return nil, err
client.Secret = string(hashedSecret)
err = s.sqlstore.SaveExternalService(ctx, client)
if err != nil {
s.logger.Error("Error saving external service", "client", client.LogID(), "error", err)
return nil, err
s.logger.Debug("Registered", "client", client.LogID())
return dto, nil
// randString generates a a cryptographically secure random string of n bytes
func (s *OAuth2ServiceImpl) randString(n int) (string, error) {
res := make([]byte, n)
if _, err := rand.Read(res); err != nil {
return "", err
return base64.RawURLEncoding.EncodeToString(res), nil
func (s *OAuth2ServiceImpl) genCredentials() (string, string, error) {
id, err := s.randString(20)
if err != nil {
return "", "", err
// client_secret must be at least 32 bytes long
secret, err := s.randString(32)
if err != nil {
return "", "", err
return id, secret, err
func (s *OAuth2ServiceImpl) computeGrantTypes(selfAccessEnabled, impersonationEnabled bool) []string {
grantTypes := []string{}
if selfAccessEnabled {
grantTypes = append(grantTypes, string(fosite.GrantTypeClientCredentials))
if impersonationEnabled {
grantTypes = append(grantTypes, string(fosite.GrantTypeJWTBearer))
return grantTypes
func (s *OAuth2ServiceImpl) handleKeyOptions(ctx context.Context, keyOption *oauthserver.KeyOption) (*oauthserver.KeyResult, error) {
if keyOption == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("keyOption is nil")
var publicPem, privatePem string
if keyOption.Generate {
switch s.cfg.OAuth2ServerGeneratedKeyTypeForClient {
case "RSA":
privateKey, err := rsa.GenerateKey(rand.Reader, 2048)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
publicPem = string(pem.EncodeToMemory(&pem.Block{
Bytes: x509.MarshalPKCS1PublicKey(&privateKey.PublicKey),
privatePem = string(pem.EncodeToMemory(&pem.Block{
Bytes: x509.MarshalPKCS1PrivateKey(privateKey),
s.logger.Debug("RSA key has been generated")
default: // default to ECDSA
privateKey, err := ecdsa.GenerateKey(elliptic.P256(), rand.Reader)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
publicDer, err := x509.MarshalPKIXPublicKey(&privateKey.PublicKey)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
privateDer, err := x509.MarshalPKCS8PrivateKey(privateKey)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
publicPem = string(pem.EncodeToMemory(&pem.Block{
Bytes: publicDer,
privatePem = string(pem.EncodeToMemory(&pem.Block{
Bytes: privateDer,
s.logger.Debug("ECDSA key has been generated")
return &oauthserver.KeyResult{
PrivatePem: privatePem,
PublicPem: publicPem,
Generated: true,
}, nil
// TODO MVP allow specifying a URL to get the public key
// if registration.Key.URL != "" {
// return &oauthserver.KeyResult{
// URL: registration.Key.URL,
// }, nil
// }
if keyOption.PublicPEM != "" {
pemEncoded, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(keyOption.PublicPEM)
if err != nil {
s.logger.Error("Cannot decode base64 encoded PEM string", "error", err)
_, err = utils.ParsePublicKeyPem(pemEncoded)
if err != nil {
s.logger.Error("Cannot parse PEM encoded string", "error", err)
return nil, err
return &oauthserver.KeyResult{
PublicPem: string(pemEncoded),
}, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("at least one key option must be specified")
// saveServiceAccount creates a service account if the service account ID is NoServiceAccountID, otherwise it updates the service account's permissions
func (s *OAuth2ServiceImpl) saveServiceAccount(ctx context.Context, extSvcName string, saID int64, permissions []ac.Permission) (int64, error) {
if saID == oauthserver.NoServiceAccountID {
// Create a service account
s.logger.Debug("Create service account", "external service name", extSvcName)
return s.createServiceAccount(ctx, extSvcName, permissions)
// check if the service account exists
s.logger.Debug("Update service account", "external service name", extSvcName)
sa, err := s.saService.RetrieveServiceAccount(ctx, oauthserver.TmpOrgID, saID)
if err != nil {
s.logger.Error("Error retrieving service account", "external service name", extSvcName, "error", err)
return oauthserver.NoServiceAccountID, err
// update the service account's permissions
if len(permissions) > 0 {
s.logger.Debug("Update role permissions", "external service name", extSvcName, "saID", saID)
if err := s.acService.SaveExternalServiceRole(ctx, ac.SaveExternalServiceRoleCommand{
OrgID: ac.GlobalOrgID,
Global: true,
ExternalServiceID: extSvcName,
ServiceAccountID: sa.Id,
Permissions: permissions,
}); err != nil {
return oauthserver.NoServiceAccountID, err
return saID, nil
// remove the service account
errDelete := s.deleteServiceAccount(ctx, extSvcName, sa.Id)
return oauthserver.NoServiceAccountID, errDelete
// deleteServiceAccount deletes a service account by ID and removes its associated role
func (s *OAuth2ServiceImpl) deleteServiceAccount(ctx context.Context, extSvcName string, saID int64) error {
s.logger.Debug("Delete service account", "external service name", extSvcName, "saID", saID)
if err := s.saService.DeleteServiceAccount(ctx, oauthserver.TmpOrgID, saID); err != nil {
return err
return s.acService.DeleteExternalServiceRole(ctx, extSvcName)
// createServiceAccount creates a service account with the given permissions and returns the ID of the service account
// When no permission is given, the account isn't created and NoServiceAccountID is returned
// This first design does not use a single transaction for the whole service account creation process => database consistency is not guaranteed.
// Consider changing this in the future.
func (s *OAuth2ServiceImpl) createServiceAccount(ctx context.Context, extSvcName string, permissions []ac.Permission) (int64, error) {
if len(permissions) == 0 {
// No permission, no service account
s.logger.Debug("No permission, no service account", "external service name", extSvcName)
return oauthserver.NoServiceAccountID, nil
newRole := func(r roletype.RoleType) *roletype.RoleType {
return &r
newBool := func(b bool) *bool {
return &b
slug := slugify.Slugify(extSvcName)
s.logger.Debug("Generate service account", "external service name", extSvcName, "orgID", oauthserver.TmpOrgID, "name", slug)
sa, err := s.saService.CreateServiceAccount(ctx, oauthserver.TmpOrgID, &serviceaccounts.CreateServiceAccountForm{
Name: slug,
Role: newRole(roletype.RoleViewer), // FIXME: Use empty role
IsDisabled: newBool(false),
if err != nil {
return oauthserver.NoServiceAccountID, err
s.logger.Debug("Create tailored role for service account", "external service name", extSvcName, "name", slug, "service_account_id", sa.Id, "permissions", permissions)
if err := s.acService.SaveExternalServiceRole(ctx, ac.SaveExternalServiceRoleCommand{
OrgID: ac.GlobalOrgID,
Global: true,
ExternalServiceID: slug,
ServiceAccountID: sa.Id,
Permissions: permissions,
}); err != nil {
return oauthserver.NoServiceAccountID, err
return sa.Id, nil
// handleRegistrationPermissions parses the registration form to retrieve requested permissions and adds default
// permissions when impersonation is requested
func (*OAuth2ServiceImpl) handleRegistrationPermissions(registration *oauthserver.ExternalServiceRegistration) ([]ac.Permission, []ac.Permission) {
selfPermissions := []ac.Permission{}
impersonatePermissions := []ac.Permission{}
if registration.Self.Enabled {
selfPermissions = append(selfPermissions, registration.Self.Permissions...)
if registration.Impersonation.Enabled {
requiredForToken := []ac.Permission{
{Action: ac.ActionUsersRead, Scope: oauthserver.ScopeGlobalUsersSelf},
{Action: ac.ActionUsersPermissionsRead, Scope: oauthserver.ScopeUsersSelf},
if registration.Impersonation.Groups {
requiredForToken = append(requiredForToken, ac.Permission{Action: ac.ActionTeamsRead, Scope: oauthserver.ScopeTeamsSelf})
impersonatePermissions = append(requiredForToken, registration.Impersonation.Permissions...)
selfPermissions = append(selfPermissions, ac.Permission{Action: ac.ActionUsersImpersonate, Scope: ac.ScopeUsersAll})
return selfPermissions, impersonatePermissions