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synced 2025-02-25 18:55:37 -06:00
This commit adds support for concurrent queries when saving alert instances to the database. This is an experimental feature in response to some customers experiencing delays between rule evaluation and sending alerts to Alertmanager, resulting in flapping. It is disabled by default.
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package state
import (
ngModels "github.com/grafana/grafana/pkg/services/ngalert/models"
history_model "github.com/grafana/grafana/pkg/services/ngalert/state/historian/model"
var (
ResendDelay = 30 * time.Second
MetricsScrapeInterval = 15 * time.Second // TODO: parameterize? // Setting to a reasonable default scrape interval for Prometheus.
// AlertInstanceManager defines the interface for querying the current alert instances.
type AlertInstanceManager interface {
GetAll(orgID int64) []*State
GetStatesForRuleUID(orgID int64, alertRuleUID string) []*State
type Manager struct {
log log.Logger
metrics *metrics.State
clock clock.Clock
cache *cache
ResendDelay time.Duration
instanceStore InstanceStore
images ImageCapturer
historian Historian
externalURL *url.URL
doNotSaveNormalState bool
maxStateSaveConcurrency int
type ManagerCfg struct {
Metrics *metrics.State
ExternalURL *url.URL
InstanceStore InstanceStore
Images ImageCapturer
Clock clock.Clock
Historian Historian
// DoNotSaveNormalState controls whether eval.Normal state is persisted to the database and returned by get methods
DoNotSaveNormalState bool
// MaxStateSaveConcurrency controls the number of goroutines (per rule) that can save alert state in parallel.
MaxStateSaveConcurrency int
func NewManager(cfg ManagerCfg) *Manager {
return &Manager{
cache: newCache(),
ResendDelay: ResendDelay, // TODO: make this configurable
log: log.New("ngalert.state.manager"),
metrics: cfg.Metrics,
instanceStore: cfg.InstanceStore,
images: cfg.Images,
historian: cfg.Historian,
clock: cfg.Clock,
externalURL: cfg.ExternalURL,
doNotSaveNormalState: cfg.DoNotSaveNormalState,
maxStateSaveConcurrency: cfg.MaxStateSaveConcurrency,
func (st *Manager) Run(ctx context.Context) error {
ticker := st.clock.Ticker(MetricsScrapeInterval)
for {
select {
case <-ticker.C:
st.log.Debug("Recording state cache metrics", "now", st.clock.Now())
case <-ctx.Done():
return ctx.Err()
func (st *Manager) Warm(ctx context.Context, rulesReader RuleReader) {
if st.instanceStore == nil {
st.log.Info("Skip warming the state because instance store is not configured")
startTime := time.Now()
st.log.Info("Warming state cache for startup")
orgIds, err := st.instanceStore.FetchOrgIds(ctx)
if err != nil {
st.log.Error("Unable to fetch orgIds", "error", err)
statesCount := 0
states := make(map[int64]map[string]*ruleStates, len(orgIds))
for _, orgId := range orgIds {
// Get Rules
ruleCmd := ngModels.ListAlertRulesQuery{
OrgID: orgId,
alertRules, err := rulesReader.ListAlertRules(ctx, &ruleCmd)
if err != nil {
st.log.Error("Unable to fetch previous state", "error", err)
ruleByUID := make(map[string]*ngModels.AlertRule, len(alertRules))
for _, rule := range alertRules {
ruleByUID[rule.UID] = rule
orgStates := make(map[string]*ruleStates, len(ruleByUID))
states[orgId] = orgStates
// Get Instances
cmd := ngModels.ListAlertInstancesQuery{
RuleOrgID: orgId,
alertInstances, err := st.instanceStore.ListAlertInstances(ctx, &cmd)
if err != nil {
st.log.Error("Unable to fetch previous state", "error", err)
for _, entry := range alertInstances {
ruleForEntry, ok := ruleByUID[entry.RuleUID]
if !ok {
// TODO Should we delete the orphaned state from the db?
rulesStates, ok := orgStates[entry.RuleUID]
if !ok {
rulesStates = &ruleStates{states: make(map[string]*State)}
orgStates[entry.RuleUID] = rulesStates
lbs := map[string]string(entry.Labels)
cacheID, err := entry.Labels.StringKey()
if err != nil {
st.log.Error("Error getting cacheId for entry", "error", err)
rulesStates.states[cacheID] = &State{
AlertRuleUID: entry.RuleUID,
OrgID: entry.RuleOrgID,
CacheID: cacheID,
Labels: lbs,
State: translateInstanceState(entry.CurrentState),
StateReason: entry.CurrentReason,
LastEvaluationString: "",
StartsAt: entry.CurrentStateSince,
EndsAt: entry.CurrentStateEnd,
LastEvaluationTime: entry.LastEvalTime,
Annotations: ruleForEntry.Annotations,
st.log.Info("State cache has been initialized", "states", statesCount, "duration", time.Since(startTime))
func (st *Manager) Get(orgID int64, alertRuleUID, stateId string) *State {
return st.cache.get(orgID, alertRuleUID, stateId)
// DeleteStateByRuleUID removes the rule instances from cache and instanceStore. A closed channel is returned to be able
// to gracefully handle the clear state step in scheduler in case we do not need to use the historian to save state
// history.
func (st *Manager) DeleteStateByRuleUID(ctx context.Context, ruleKey ngModels.AlertRuleKey, reason string) []StateTransition {
logger := st.log.FromContext(ctx)
logger.Debug("Resetting state of the rule")
states := st.cache.removeByRuleUID(ruleKey.OrgID, ruleKey.UID)
if len(states) == 0 {
return nil
now := st.clock.Now()
transitions := make([]StateTransition, 0, len(states))
for _, s := range states {
oldState := s.State
oldReason := s.StateReason
startsAt := s.StartsAt
if s.State != eval.Normal {
startsAt = now
s.SetNormal(reason, startsAt, now)
// Set Resolved property so the scheduler knows to send a postable alert
// to Alertmanager.
s.Resolved = oldState == eval.Alerting
s.LastEvaluationTime = now
s.Values = map[string]float64{}
transitions = append(transitions, StateTransition{
State: s,
PreviousState: oldState,
PreviousStateReason: oldReason,
if st.instanceStore != nil {
err := st.instanceStore.DeleteAlertInstancesByRule(ctx, ruleKey)
if err != nil {
logger.Error("Failed to delete states that belong to a rule from database", "error", err)
logger.Info("Rules state was reset", "states", len(states))
return transitions
// ResetStateByRuleUID removes the rule instances from cache and instanceStore and saves state history. If the state
// history has to be saved, rule must not be nil.
func (st *Manager) ResetStateByRuleUID(ctx context.Context, rule *ngModels.AlertRule, reason string) []StateTransition {
ruleKey := rule.GetKey()
transitions := st.DeleteStateByRuleUID(ctx, ruleKey, reason)
if rule == nil || st.historian == nil || len(transitions) == 0 {
return transitions
ruleMeta := history_model.NewRuleMeta(rule, st.log)
errCh := st.historian.Record(ctx, ruleMeta, transitions)
go func() {
err := <-errCh
if err != nil {
st.log.FromContext(ctx).Error("Error updating historian state reset transitions", append(ruleKey.LogContext(), "reason", reason, "error", err)...)
return transitions
// ProcessEvalResults updates the current states that belong to a rule with the evaluation results.
// if extraLabels is not empty, those labels will be added to every state. The extraLabels take precedence over rule labels and result labels
func (st *Manager) ProcessEvalResults(ctx context.Context, evaluatedAt time.Time, alertRule *ngModels.AlertRule, results eval.Results, extraLabels data.Labels) []StateTransition {
logger := st.log.FromContext(ctx)
logger.Debug("State manager processing evaluation results", "resultCount", len(results))
states := make([]StateTransition, 0, len(results))
for _, result := range results {
s := st.setNextState(ctx, alertRule, result, extraLabels, logger)
states = append(states, s)
staleStates := st.deleteStaleStatesFromCache(ctx, logger, evaluatedAt, alertRule)
st.deleteAlertStates(ctx, logger, staleStates)
st.saveAlertStates(ctx, logger, states...)
allChanges := append(states, staleStates...)
if st.historian != nil {
st.historian.Record(ctx, history_model.NewRuleMeta(alertRule, logger), allChanges)
return allChanges
// Set the current state based on evaluation results
func (st *Manager) setNextState(ctx context.Context, alertRule *ngModels.AlertRule, result eval.Result, extraLabels data.Labels, logger log.Logger) StateTransition {
currentState := st.cache.getOrCreate(ctx, logger, alertRule, result, extraLabels, st.externalURL)
currentState.LastEvaluationTime = result.EvaluatedAt
currentState.EvaluationDuration = result.EvaluationDuration
currentState.Results = append(currentState.Results, Evaluation{
EvaluationTime: result.EvaluatedAt,
EvaluationState: result.State,
Values: NewEvaluationValues(result.Values),
Condition: alertRule.Condition,
currentState.LastEvaluationString = result.EvaluationString
oldState := currentState.State
oldReason := currentState.StateReason
// Add the instance to the log context to help correlate log lines for a state
logger = logger.New("instance", result.Instance)
switch result.State {
case eval.Normal:
logger.Debug("Setting next state", "handler", "resultNormal")
resultNormal(currentState, alertRule, result, logger)
case eval.Alerting:
logger.Debug("Setting next state", "handler", "resultAlerting")
resultAlerting(currentState, alertRule, result, logger)
case eval.Error:
logger.Debug("Setting next state", "handler", "resultError")
resultError(currentState, alertRule, result, logger)
case eval.NoData:
logger.Debug("Setting next state", "handler", "resultNoData")
resultNoData(currentState, alertRule, result, logger)
case eval.Pending: // we do not emit results with this state
logger.Debug("Ignoring set next state as result is pending")
// Set reason iff: result and state are different, reason is not Alerting or Normal
currentState.StateReason = ""
if currentState.State != result.State &&
result.State != eval.Normal &&
result.State != eval.Alerting {
currentState.StateReason = result.State.String()
// Set Resolved property so the scheduler knows to send a postable alert
// to Alertmanager.
currentState.Resolved = oldState == eval.Alerting && currentState.State == eval.Normal
if shouldTakeImage(currentState.State, oldState, currentState.Image, currentState.Resolved) {
image, err := takeImage(ctx, st.images, alertRule)
if err != nil {
logger.Warn("Failed to take an image",
"dashboard", alertRule.GetDashboardUID(),
"panel", alertRule.GetPanelID(),
"error", err)
} else if image != nil {
currentState.Image = image
nextState := StateTransition{
State: currentState,
PreviousState: oldState,
PreviousStateReason: oldReason,
return nextState
func (st *Manager) GetAll(orgID int64) []*State {
allStates := st.cache.getAll(orgID, st.doNotSaveNormalState)
return allStates
func (st *Manager) GetStatesForRuleUID(orgID int64, alertRuleUID string) []*State {
return st.cache.getStatesForRuleUID(orgID, alertRuleUID, st.doNotSaveNormalState)
func (st *Manager) Put(states []*State) {
for _, s := range states {
// TODO: Is the `State` type necessary? Should it embed the instance?
func (st *Manager) saveAlertStates(ctx context.Context, logger log.Logger, states ...StateTransition) {
if st.instanceStore == nil || len(states) == 0 {
saveState := func(ctx context.Context, idx int) error {
s := states[idx]
// Do not save normal state to database and remove transition to Normal state but keep mapped states
if st.doNotSaveNormalState && IsNormalStateWithNoReason(s.State) && !s.Changed() {
return nil
key, err := s.GetAlertInstanceKey()
if err != nil {
logger.Error("Failed to create a key for alert state to save it to database. The state will be ignored ", "cacheID", s.CacheID, "error", err, "labels", s.Labels.String())
return nil
instance := ngModels.AlertInstance{
AlertInstanceKey: key,
Labels: ngModels.InstanceLabels(s.Labels),
CurrentState: ngModels.InstanceStateType(s.State.State.String()),
CurrentReason: s.StateReason,
LastEvalTime: s.LastEvaluationTime,
CurrentStateSince: s.StartsAt,
CurrentStateEnd: s.EndsAt,
err = st.instanceStore.SaveAlertInstance(ctx, instance)
if err != nil {
logger.Error("Failed to save alert state", "labels", s.Labels.String(), "state", s.State, "error", err)
return nil
return nil
logger.Debug("Saving alert states", "count", len(states), "max_state_save_concurrency", st.maxStateSaveConcurrency)
_ = concurrency.ForEachJob(ctx, len(states), st.maxStateSaveConcurrency, saveState)
logger.Debug("Saving alert states done", "count", len(states), "max_state_save_concurrency", st.maxStateSaveConcurrency)
func (st *Manager) deleteAlertStates(ctx context.Context, logger log.Logger, states []StateTransition) {
if st.instanceStore == nil || len(states) == 0 {
logger.Debug("Deleting alert states", "count", len(states))
toDelete := make([]ngModels.AlertInstanceKey, 0, len(states))
for _, s := range states {
key, err := s.GetAlertInstanceKey()
if err != nil {
logger.Error("Failed to delete alert instance with invalid labels", "cacheID", s.CacheID, "error", err)
toDelete = append(toDelete, key)
err := st.instanceStore.DeleteAlertInstances(ctx, toDelete...)
if err != nil {
logger.Error("Failed to delete stale states", "error", err)
func translateInstanceState(state ngModels.InstanceStateType) eval.State {
switch state {
case ngModels.InstanceStateFiring:
return eval.Alerting
case ngModels.InstanceStateNormal:
return eval.Normal
case ngModels.InstanceStateError:
return eval.Error
case ngModels.InstanceStateNoData:
return eval.NoData
case ngModels.InstanceStatePending:
return eval.Pending
return eval.Error
func (st *Manager) deleteStaleStatesFromCache(ctx context.Context, logger log.Logger, evaluatedAt time.Time, alertRule *ngModels.AlertRule) []StateTransition {
// If we are removing two or more stale series it makes sense to share the resolved image as the alert rule is the same.
// TODO: We will need to change this when we support images without screenshots as each series will have a different image
staleStates := st.cache.deleteRuleStates(alertRule.GetKey(), func(s *State) bool {
return stateIsStale(evaluatedAt, s.LastEvaluationTime, alertRule.IntervalSeconds)
resolvedStates := make([]StateTransition, 0, len(staleStates))
for _, s := range staleStates {
logger.Info("Detected stale state entry", "cacheID", s.CacheID, "state", s.State, "reason", s.StateReason)
oldState := s.State
oldReason := s.StateReason
s.State = eval.Normal
s.StateReason = ngModels.StateReasonMissingSeries
s.EndsAt = evaluatedAt
s.LastEvaluationTime = evaluatedAt
if oldState == eval.Alerting {
s.Resolved = true
image, err := takeImage(ctx, st.images, alertRule)
if err != nil {
logger.Warn("Failed to take an image",
"dashboard", alertRule.GetDashboardUID(),
"panel", alertRule.GetPanelID(),
"error", err)
} else if image != nil {
s.Image = image
record := StateTransition{
State: s,
PreviousState: oldState,
PreviousStateReason: oldReason,
resolvedStates = append(resolvedStates, record)
return resolvedStates
func stateIsStale(evaluatedAt time.Time, lastEval time.Time, intervalSeconds int64) bool {
return !lastEval.Add(2 * time.Duration(intervalSeconds) * time.Second).After(evaluatedAt)