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package sqlstore
import (
m "github.com/grafana/grafana/pkg/models"
. "github.com/smartystreets/goconvey/convey"
func mockTimeNow() {
var timeSeed int64
timeNow = func() time.Time {
fakeNow := time.Unix(timeSeed, 0)
timeSeed += 1
return fakeNow
func resetTimeNow() {
timeNow = time.Now
func TestAlertingDataAccess(t *testing.T) {
defer resetTimeNow()
Convey("Testing Alerting data access", t, func() {
testDash := insertTestDashboard("dashboard with alerts", 1, 0, false, "alert")
items := []*m.Alert{
PanelId: 1,
DashboardId: testDash.Id,
OrgId: testDash.OrgId,
Name: "Alerting title",
Message: "Alerting message",
Settings: simplejson.New(),
Frequency: 1,
cmd := m.SaveAlertsCommand{
Alerts: items,
DashboardId: testDash.Id,
OrgId: 1,
UserId: 1,
err := SaveAlerts(&cmd)
Convey("Can create one alert", func() {
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
Convey("Can set new states", func() {
Convey("new state ok", func() {
cmd := &m.SetAlertStateCommand{
AlertId: 1,
State: m.AlertStateOK,
err = SetAlertState(cmd)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
alert, _ := getAlertById(1)
stateDateBeforePause := alert.NewStateDate
Convey("can pause all alerts", func() {
Convey("cannot updated paused alert", func() {
cmd := &m.SetAlertStateCommand{
AlertId: 1,
State: m.AlertStateOK,
err = SetAlertState(cmd)
So(err, ShouldNotBeNil)
Convey("pausing alerts should update their NewStateDate", func() {
alert, _ = getAlertById(1)
stateDateAfterPause := alert.NewStateDate
So(stateDateBeforePause, ShouldHappenBefore, stateDateAfterPause)
Convey("unpausing alerts should update their NewStateDate again", func() {
alert, _ = getAlertById(1)
stateDateAfterUnpause := alert.NewStateDate
So(stateDateBeforePause, ShouldHappenBefore, stateDateAfterUnpause)
Convey("Can read properties", func() {
alertQuery := m.GetAlertsQuery{DashboardId: testDash.Id, PanelId: 1, OrgId: 1, User: &m.SignedInUser{OrgRole: m.ROLE_ADMIN}}
err2 := HandleAlertsQuery(&alertQuery)
alert := alertQuery.Result[0]
So(err2, ShouldBeNil)
So(alert.Name, ShouldEqual, "Alerting title")
So(alert.State, ShouldEqual, "pending")
Convey("Viewer cannot read alerts", func() {
alertQuery := m.GetAlertsQuery{DashboardId: testDash.Id, PanelId: 1, OrgId: 1, User: &m.SignedInUser{OrgRole: m.ROLE_VIEWER}}
err2 := HandleAlertsQuery(&alertQuery)
So(err2, ShouldBeNil)
So(alertQuery.Result, ShouldHaveLength, 0)
Convey("Alerts with same dashboard id and panel id should update", func() {
modifiedItems := items
modifiedItems[0].Name = "Name"
modifiedCmd := m.SaveAlertsCommand{
DashboardId: testDash.Id,
OrgId: 1,
UserId: 1,
Alerts: modifiedItems,
err := SaveAlerts(&modifiedCmd)
Convey("Can save alerts with same dashboard and panel id", func() {
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
Convey("Alerts should be updated", func() {
query := m.GetAlertsQuery{DashboardId: testDash.Id, OrgId: 1, User: &m.SignedInUser{OrgRole: m.ROLE_ADMIN}}
err2 := HandleAlertsQuery(&query)
So(err2, ShouldBeNil)
So(len(query.Result), ShouldEqual, 1)
So(query.Result[0].Name, ShouldEqual, "Name")
Convey("Alert state should not be updated", func() {
So(query.Result[0].State, ShouldEqual, "pending")
Convey("Updates without changes should be ignored", func() {
err3 := SaveAlerts(&modifiedCmd)
So(err3, ShouldBeNil)
Convey("Multiple alerts per dashboard", func() {
multipleItems := []*m.Alert{
DashboardId: testDash.Id,
PanelId: 1,
Name: "1",
OrgId: 1,
Settings: simplejson.New(),
DashboardId: testDash.Id,
PanelId: 2,
Name: "2",
OrgId: 1,
Settings: simplejson.New(),
DashboardId: testDash.Id,
PanelId: 3,
Name: "3",
OrgId: 1,
Settings: simplejson.New(),
cmd.Alerts = multipleItems
err = SaveAlerts(&cmd)
Convey("Should save 3 dashboards", func() {
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
queryForDashboard := m.GetAlertsQuery{DashboardId: testDash.Id, OrgId: 1, User: &m.SignedInUser{OrgRole: m.ROLE_ADMIN}}
err2 := HandleAlertsQuery(&queryForDashboard)
So(err2, ShouldBeNil)
So(len(queryForDashboard.Result), ShouldEqual, 3)
Convey("should updated two dashboards and delete one", func() {
missingOneAlert := multipleItems[:2]
cmd.Alerts = missingOneAlert
err = SaveAlerts(&cmd)
Convey("should delete the missing alert", func() {
query := m.GetAlertsQuery{DashboardId: testDash.Id, OrgId: 1, User: &m.SignedInUser{OrgRole: m.ROLE_ADMIN}}
err2 := HandleAlertsQuery(&query)
So(err2, ShouldBeNil)
So(len(query.Result), ShouldEqual, 2)
Convey("When dashboard is removed", func() {
items := []*m.Alert{
PanelId: 1,
DashboardId: testDash.Id,
Name: "Alerting title",
Message: "Alerting message",
cmd := m.SaveAlertsCommand{
Alerts: items,
DashboardId: testDash.Id,
OrgId: 1,
UserId: 1,
err = DeleteDashboard(&m.DeleteDashboardCommand{
OrgId: 1,
Id: testDash.Id,
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
Convey("Alerts should be removed", func() {
query := m.GetAlertsQuery{DashboardId: testDash.Id, OrgId: 1, User: &m.SignedInUser{OrgRole: m.ROLE_ADMIN}}
err2 := HandleAlertsQuery(&query)
So(testDash.Id, ShouldEqual, 1)
So(err2, ShouldBeNil)
So(len(query.Result), ShouldEqual, 0)
func TestPausingAlerts(t *testing.T) {
defer resetTimeNow()
Convey("Given an alert", t, func() {
testDash := insertTestDashboard("dashboard with alerts", 1, 0, false, "alert")
alert, _ := insertTestAlert("Alerting title", "Alerting message", testDash.OrgId, testDash.Id, simplejson.New())
stateDateBeforePause := alert.NewStateDate
stateDateAfterPause := stateDateBeforePause
Convey("when paused", func() {
pauseAlert(testDash.OrgId, 1, true)
Convey("the NewStateDate should be updated", func() {
alert, _ := getAlertById(1)
stateDateAfterPause = alert.NewStateDate
So(stateDateBeforePause, ShouldHappenBefore, stateDateAfterPause)
Convey("when unpaused", func() {
pauseAlert(testDash.OrgId, 1, false)
Convey("the NewStateDate should be updated again", func() {
alert, _ := getAlertById(1)
stateDateAfterUnpause := alert.NewStateDate
So(stateDateAfterPause, ShouldHappenBefore, stateDateAfterUnpause)
func pauseAlert(orgId int64, alertId int64, pauseState bool) (int64, error) {
cmd := &m.PauseAlertCommand{
OrgId: orgId,
AlertIds: []int64{alertId},
Paused: pauseState,
err := PauseAlert(cmd)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
return cmd.ResultCount, err
func insertTestAlert(title string, message string, orgId int64, dashId int64, settings *simplejson.Json) (*m.Alert, error) {
items := []*m.Alert{
PanelId: 1,
DashboardId: dashId,
OrgId: orgId,
Name: title,
Message: message,
Settings: settings,
Frequency: 1,
cmd := m.SaveAlertsCommand{
Alerts: items,
DashboardId: dashId,
OrgId: orgId,
UserId: 1,
err := SaveAlerts(&cmd)
return cmd.Alerts[0], err
func getAlertById(id int64) (*m.Alert, error) {
q := &m.GetAlertByIdQuery{
Id: id,
err := GetAlertById(q)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
return q.Result, err
func pauseAllAlerts(pauseState bool) error {
cmd := &m.PauseAllAlertCommand{
Paused: pauseState,
err := PauseAllAlerts(cmd)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
return err