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package api
import (
var validAccessToken, _ = tokens.GenerateAccessToken()
func TestRequiresExistingAccessToken(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
Name string
Path string
AccessTokenExists bool
AccessTokenExistsErr error
AccessToken string
ExpectedResponseCode int
Name: "Returns 200 when public dashboard with access token exists",
Path: "/api/public/ma/events/myAccesstoken",
AccessTokenExists: true,
AccessTokenExistsErr: nil,
AccessToken: validAccessToken,
ExpectedResponseCode: http.StatusOK,
Name: "Returns 400 when access token is empty",
Path: "/api/public/ma/events/",
AccessTokenExists: false,
AccessTokenExistsErr: nil,
AccessToken: "",
ExpectedResponseCode: http.StatusBadRequest,
Name: "Returns 400 when invalid access token",
Path: "/api/public/ma/events/myAccesstoken",
AccessTokenExists: false,
AccessTokenExistsErr: nil,
AccessToken: "invalidAccessToken",
ExpectedResponseCode: http.StatusBadRequest,
Name: "Returns 404 when public dashboard with access token does not exist",
Path: "/api/public/ma/events/myAccesstoken",
AccessTokenExists: false,
AccessTokenExistsErr: nil,
AccessToken: validAccessToken,
ExpectedResponseCode: http.StatusNotFound,
Name: "Returns 500 when public dashboard service gives an error",
Path: "/api/public/ma/events/myAccesstoken",
AccessTokenExists: false,
AccessTokenExistsErr: fmt.Errorf("error not found"),
AccessToken: validAccessToken,
ExpectedResponseCode: http.StatusInternalServerError,
for _, tt := range tests {
t.Run(tt.Name, func(t *testing.T) {
publicdashboardService := &publicdashboards.FakePublicDashboardService{}
publicdashboardService.On("ExistsEnabledByAccessToken", mock.Anything, mock.Anything).Return(tt.AccessTokenExists, tt.AccessTokenExistsErr)
params := map[string]string{":accessToken": tt.AccessToken}
mw := RequiresExistingAccessToken(publicdashboardService)
_, resp := runMw(t, nil, "GET", tt.Path, params, mw)
require.Equal(t, tt.ExpectedResponseCode, resp.Code)
func TestSetPublicDashboardOrgIdOnContext(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
Name string
AccessToken string
OrgIdResp int64
ErrorResp error
ExpectedOrgId int64
Name: "Adds orgId for enabled public dashboard",
AccessToken: validAccessToken,
OrgIdResp: 7,
ErrorResp: nil,
ExpectedOrgId: 7,
Name: "Does not set orgId or fail with invalid accessToken",
AccessToken: "invalidAccessToken",
OrgIdResp: 0,
ErrorResp: nil,
ExpectedOrgId: 0,
Name: "Does not set orgId or fail with disabled public dashboard",
AccessToken: validAccessToken,
OrgIdResp: 0,
ErrorResp: nil,
ExpectedOrgId: 0,
Name: "Does not set orgId or fail with error querying public dashboard",
AccessToken: validAccessToken,
OrgIdResp: 0,
ErrorResp: errors.New("database error of some sort"),
ExpectedOrgId: 0,
Name: "Does not set orgId or fail with missing public dashboard",
AccessToken: validAccessToken,
OrgIdResp: 0,
ErrorResp: nil,
ExpectedOrgId: 0,
for _, tt := range tests {
t.Run(tt.Name, func(t *testing.T) {
publicdashboardService := &publicdashboards.FakePublicDashboardService{}
publicdashboardService.On("GetOrgIdByAccessToken", mock.Anything, tt.AccessToken).Return(
params := map[string]string{":accessToken": tt.AccessToken}
mw := SetPublicDashboardOrgIdOnContext(publicdashboardService)
ctx, _ := runMw(t, nil, "GET", "/public-dashboard/myaccesstoken", params, mw)
assert.Equal(t, tt.ExpectedOrgId, ctx.OrgID)
func TestSetPublicDashboardFlag(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("Adds context.IsPublicDashboardView=true to request", func(t *testing.T) {
ctx := &models.ReqContext{}
assert.True(t, ctx.IsPublicDashboardView)
// This is a helper to test middleware. It handles creating a
// proper models.ReqContext, setting web parameters, executing middleware, and
// returning a response. Response will default to result of
// httptest.NewRecorder() return value and will only change if modified by the
// middlware as this will no accept a handler method
func runMw(t *testing.T, ctx *models.ReqContext, httpmethod string, path string, webparams map[string]string, mw func(c *models.ReqContext)) (*models.ReqContext, *httptest.ResponseRecorder) {
// create valid request context and set 0 values if they don't exist
if ctx == nil {
ctx = &models.ReqContext{}
if ctx.Context == nil {
ctx.Context = &web.Context{}
if ctx.SignedInUser == nil {
ctx.SignedInUser = &user.SignedInUser{}
// create request and add params
request, err := http.NewRequest(httpmethod, path, nil)
require.NoError(t, err)
request = web.SetURLParams(request, webparams)
ctx.Req = request
// setup response recorder to return
response := httptest.NewRecorder()
ctx.Context.Resp = web.NewResponseWriter("GET", response)
// run middleware
// return result
return ctx, response