Andrej Ocenas 73e66d97a5
Tempo: Add error metric to service graph (#40774)
* Add typings

* Query error metric for service graph
2021-10-22 16:37:41 +02:00

311 lines
11 KiB

import { from, merge, Observable, of, throwError } from 'rxjs';
import { catchError, map, mergeMap, toArray } from 'rxjs/operators';
import {
} from '@grafana/data';
import { TraceToLogsOptions } from 'app/core/components/TraceToLogsSettings';
import { BackendSrvRequest, DataSourceWithBackend, getBackendSrv } from '@grafana/runtime';
import { serializeParams } from 'app/core/utils/fetch';
import { getDatasourceSrv } from 'app/features/plugins/datasource_srv';
import { identity, pick, pickBy, groupBy, startCase } from 'lodash';
import Prism from 'prismjs';
import { LokiOptions, LokiQuery } from '../loki/types';
import { PrometheusDatasource } from '../prometheus/datasource';
import { PromQuery } from '../prometheus/types';
import { mapPromMetricsToServiceMap, serviceMapMetrics } from './graphTransform';
import {
transformFromOTLP as transformFromOTEL,
} from './resultTransformer';
import { tokenizer } from './syntax';
import { NodeGraphOptions } from 'app/core/components/NodeGraphSettings';
// search = Loki search, nativeSearch = Tempo search for backwards compatibility
export type TempoQueryType = 'search' | 'traceId' | 'serviceMap' | 'upload' | 'nativeSearch';
export interface TempoJsonData extends DataSourceJsonData {
tracesToLogs?: TraceToLogsOptions;
serviceMap?: {
datasourceUid?: string;
search?: {
hide?: boolean;
nodeGraph?: NodeGraphOptions;
export type TempoQuery = {
query: string;
// Query to find list of traces, e.g., via Loki
linkedQuery?: LokiQuery;
search: string;
queryType: TempoQueryType;
serviceName?: string;
spanName?: string;
minDuration?: string;
maxDuration?: string;
limit?: number;
} & DataQuery;
export const DEFAULT_LIMIT = 20;
export class TempoDatasource extends DataSourceWithBackend<TempoQuery, TempoJsonData> {
tracesToLogs?: TraceToLogsOptions;
serviceMap?: {
datasourceUid?: string;
search?: {
hide?: boolean;
nodeGraph?: NodeGraphOptions;
uploadedJson?: string | ArrayBuffer | null = null;
constructor(private instanceSettings: DataSourceInstanceSettings<TempoJsonData>) {
this.tracesToLogs = instanceSettings.jsonData.tracesToLogs;
this.serviceMap = instanceSettings.jsonData.serviceMap; =;
this.nodeGraph = instanceSettings.jsonData.nodeGraph;
query(options: DataQueryRequest<TempoQuery>): Observable<DataQueryResponse> {
const subQueries: Array<Observable<DataQueryResponse>> = [];
const filteredTargets = options.targets.filter((target) => !target.hide);
const targets: { [type: string]: TempoQuery[] } = groupBy(filteredTargets, (t) => t.queryType || 'traceId');
// Run search queries on linked datasource
if (this.tracesToLogs?.datasourceUid && > 0) {
const dsSrv = getDatasourceSrv();
mergeMap((linkedDatasource: DataSourceApi) => {
// Wrap linked query into a data request based on original request
const linkedRequest: DataQueryRequest = { ...options, targets: => t.linkedQuery!) };
// Find trace matchers in derived fields of the linked datasource that's identical to this datasource
const settings: DataSourceInstanceSettings<LokiOptions> = (linkedDatasource as any).instanceSettings;
const traceLinkMatcher: string[] =
?.filter((field) => field.datasourceUid === this.uid && field.matcherRegex)
.map((field) => field.matcherRegex) || [];
if (!traceLinkMatcher || traceLinkMatcher.length === 0) {
return throwError(
() =>
new Error(
'No Loki datasource configured for search. Set up Derived Fields for traces in a Loki datasource settings and link it to this Tempo datasource.'
} else {
return (linkedDatasource.query(linkedRequest) as Observable<DataQueryResponse>).pipe(
map((response) =>
response.error ? response : transformTraceList(response, this.uid,, traceLinkMatcher)
if (targets.nativeSearch?.length) {
try {
const searchQuery = this.buildSearchQuery(targets.nativeSearch[0]);
this._request('/api/search', searchQuery).pipe(
map((response) => {
return {
data: [createTableFrameFromSearch(, this.instanceSettings)],
catchError((error) => {
return of({ error: { message: }, data: [] });
} catch (error) {
return of({ error: { message: error.message }, data: [] });
if (targets.upload?.length) {
if (this.uploadedJson) {
const otelTraceData = JSON.parse(this.uploadedJson as string);
if (!otelTraceData.batches) {
subQueries.push(of({ error: { message: 'JSON is not valid OpenTelemetry format' }, data: [] }));
} else {
subQueries.push(of(transformFromOTEL(otelTraceData.batches, this.nodeGraph?.enabled)));
} else {
subQueries.push(of({ data: [], state: LoadingState.Done }));
if (this.serviceMap?.datasourceUid && targets.serviceMap?.length > 0) {
subQueries.push(serviceMapQuery(options, this.serviceMap.datasourceUid));
if (targets.traceId?.length > 0) {
const traceRequest: DataQueryRequest<TempoQuery> = { ...options, targets: targets.traceId };
map((response) => {
if (response.error) {
return response;
return transformTrace(response, this.nodeGraph?.enabled);
return merge(...subQueries);
async metadataRequest(url: string, params = {}) {
return await this._request(url, params, { method: 'GET', hideFromInspector: true }).toPromise();
private _request(apiUrl: string, data?: any, options?: Partial<BackendSrvRequest>): Observable<Record<string, any>> {
const params = data ? serializeParams(data) : '';
const url = `${this.instanceSettings.url}${apiUrl}${params.length ? `?${params}` : ''}`;
const req = { ...options, url };
return getBackendSrv().fetch(req);
async testDatasource(): Promise<any> {
const options: BackendSrvRequest = {
headers: {},
method: 'GET',
url: `${this.instanceSettings.url}/api/echo`,
const response = await getBackendSrv().fetch<any>(options).toPromise();
if (response?.ok) {
return { status: 'success', message: 'Data source is working' };
getQueryDisplayText(query: TempoQuery) {
if (query.queryType === 'nativeSearch') {
let result = [];
for (const key of ['serviceName', 'spanName', 'search', 'minDuration', 'maxDuration', 'limit']) {
if (query.hasOwnProperty(key) && query[key as keyof TempoQuery]) {
result.push(`${startCase(key)}: ${query[key as keyof TempoQuery]}`);
return result.join(', ');
return query.query;
buildSearchQuery(query: TempoQuery) {
const tokens = ? Prism.tokenize(, tokenizer) : [];
// Build key value pairs
let tagsQuery: Array<{ [key: string]: string }> = [];
for (let i = 0; i < tokens.length - 1; i++) {
const token = tokens[i];
const lookupToken = tokens[i + 2];
// Ensure there is a valid key value pair with accurate types
if (
token &&
lookupToken &&
typeof token !== 'string' &&
token.type === 'key' &&
typeof token.content === 'string' &&
typeof lookupToken !== 'string' &&
lookupToken.type === 'value' &&
typeof lookupToken.content === 'string'
) {
tagsQuery.push({ [token.content]: lookupToken.content });
let tempoQuery = pick(query, ['minDuration', 'maxDuration', 'limit']);
// Remove empty properties
tempoQuery = pickBy(tempoQuery, identity);
if (query.serviceName) {
tagsQuery.push({ ['']: query.serviceName });
if (query.spanName) {
tagsQuery.push({ ['name']: query.spanName });
// Set default limit
if (!tempoQuery.limit) {
tempoQuery.limit = DEFAULT_LIMIT;
// Validate query inputs and remove spaces if valid
if (tempoQuery.minDuration) {
if (!isValidGoDuration(tempoQuery.minDuration)) {
throw new Error('Please enter a valid min duration.');
tempoQuery.minDuration = tempoQuery.minDuration.replace(/\s/g, '');
if (tempoQuery.maxDuration) {
if (!isValidGoDuration(tempoQuery.maxDuration)) {
throw new Error('Please enter a valid max duration.');
tempoQuery.maxDuration = tempoQuery.maxDuration.replace(/\s/g, '');
if (!Number.isInteger(tempoQuery.limit) || tempoQuery.limit <= 0) {
throw new Error('Please enter a valid limit.');
const tagsQueryObject = tagsQuery.reduce((tagQuery, item) => ({ ...tagQuery, ...item }), {});
return { ...tagsQueryObject, ...tempoQuery };
function queryServiceMapPrometheus(request: DataQueryRequest<PromQuery>, datasourceUid: string) {
return from(getDatasourceSrv().get(datasourceUid)).pipe(
mergeMap((ds) => {
return (ds as PrometheusDatasource).query(request);
function serviceMapQuery(request: DataQueryRequest<TempoQuery>, datasourceUid: string) {
return queryServiceMapPrometheus(makePromServiceMapRequest(request), datasourceUid).pipe(
// Just collect all the responses first before processing into node graph data
map((responses: DataQueryResponse[]) => {
const errorRes = responses.find((res) => !!res.error);
if (errorRes) {
throw new Error(errorRes.error!.message);
return {
data: mapPromMetricsToServiceMap(responses, request.range),
state: LoadingState.Done,
function makePromServiceMapRequest(options: DataQueryRequest<TempoQuery>): DataQueryRequest<PromQuery> {
return {
targets: => {
return {
refId: metric,
expr: `delta(${metric}[$__range])`,
instant: true,