mirror of
synced 2025-02-15 01:53:33 -06:00
grafana-plugin-model is legacy and is replaced by new backend plugins SDK and architecture. Renderer is not part of SDK and we want to keep it that way for now since it's highly unlikely there will be more than one kind of renderer plugin. So this PR adds support for renderer plugin v2. Also adds support sending a Device Scale Factor parameter to the plugin v2 remote rendering service and by that replaces #22474. Adds support sending a Headers parameter to the plugin v2 and remote rendering service which for now only include Accect-Language header (the user locale in browser when using Grafana), ref grafana/grafana-image-renderer#45. Fixes health check json details response. Adds image renderer plugin configuration settings in defaults.ini and sample.ini. Co-Authored-By: Arve Knudsen <arve.knudsen@gmail.com>
181 lines
5.5 KiB
181 lines
5.5 KiB
## This is a self-documented Makefile. For usage information, run `make help`:
## For more information, refer to https://suva.sh/posts/well-documented-makefiles/
-include local/Makefile
.PHONY: all deps-go deps-js deps build-go build-server build-cli build-js build build-docker-dev build-docker-full lint-go gosec revive golangci-lint go-vet test-go test-js test run run-frontend clean devenv devenv-down revive-alerting protobuf help
GO = GO111MODULE=on go
GO_FILES ?= ./pkg/...
SH_FILES ?= $(shell find ./scripts -name *.sh)
all: deps build
##@ Dependencies
deps-go: ## Install backend dependencies.
$(GO) run build.go setup
deps-js: node_modules ## Install frontend dependencies.
deps: deps-js ## Install all dependencies.
node_modules: package.json yarn.lock ## Install node modules.
@echo "install frontend dependencies"
yarn install --pure-lockfile --no-progress
##@ Building
build-go: ## Build all Go binaries.
@echo "build go files"
$(GO) run build.go build
build-server: ## Build Grafana server.
@echo "build server"
$(GO) run build.go build-server
build-cli: ## Build Grafana CLI application.
@echo "build in CI environment"
$(GO) run build.go build-cli
build-js: ## Build frontend assets.
@echo "build frontend"
yarn run build
build: build-go build-js ## Build backend and frontend.
scripts/go/bin/bra: scripts/go/go.mod
@cd scripts/go; \
$(GO) build -o ./bin/bra github.com/unknwon/bra
run: scripts/go/bin/bra ## Build and run web server on filesystem changes.
@GO111MODULE=on scripts/go/bin/bra run
run-frontend: deps-js ## Fetch js dependencies and watch frontend for rebuild
yarn start
##@ Testing
test-go: ## Run tests for backend.
@echo "test backend"
$(GO) test -v ./pkg/...
test-js: ## Run tests for frontend.
@echo "test frontend"
yarn test
test: test-go test-js ## Run all tests.
##@ Linting
scripts/go/bin/revive: scripts/go/go.mod
@cd scripts/go; \
$(GO) build -o ./bin/revive github.com/mgechev/revive
revive: scripts/go/bin/revive
@echo "lint via revive"
@scripts/go/bin/revive \
-formatter stylish \
-config ./scripts/go/configs/revive.toml \
revive-alerting: scripts/go/bin/revive
@echo "lint alerting via revive"
@scripts/go/bin/revive \
-formatter stylish \
-config ./scripts/go/configs/revive-strict.toml \
./pkg/services/alerting/... \
./pkg/services/provisioning/datasources/... \
scripts/go/bin/golangci-lint: scripts/go/go.mod
@cd scripts/go; \
$(GO) build -o ./bin/golangci-lint github.com/golangci/golangci-lint/cmd/golangci-lint
golangci-lint: scripts/go/bin/golangci-lint
@echo "lint via golangci-lint"
@scripts/go/bin/golangci-lint run \
--config ./scripts/go/configs/.golangci.yml \
scripts/go/bin/gosec: scripts/go/go.mod
@cd scripts/go; \
$(GO) build -o ./bin/gosec github.com/securego/gosec/cmd/gosec
# TODO recheck the rules and leave only necessary exclusions
gosec: scripts/go/bin/gosec
@echo "lint via gosec"
@scripts/go/bin/gosec -quiet \
-exclude=G104,G107,G108,G201,G202,G204,G301,G304,G401,G402,G501 \
-conf=./scripts/go/configs/gosec.json \
@echo "lint via go vet"
@$(GO) vet $(GO_FILES)
lint-go: go-vet golangci-lint revive revive-alerting gosec ## Run all code checks for backend.
# with disabled SC1071 we are ignored some TCL,Expect `/usr/bin/env expect` scripts
shellcheck: $(SH_FILES) ## Run checks for shell scripts.
@docker run --rm -v "$$PWD:/mnt" koalaman/shellcheck:stable \
$(SH_FILES) -e SC1071 -e SC2162
##@ Docker
build-docker-dev: ## Build Docker image for development (fast).
@echo "build development container"
@echo "\033[92mInfo:\033[0m the frontend code is expected to be built already."
$(GO) run build.go -goos linux -pkg-arch amd64 ${OPT} build pkg-archive latest
cp dist/grafana-latest.linux-x64.tar.gz packaging/docker
cd packaging/docker && docker build --tag grafana/grafana:dev .
build-docker-full: ## Build Docker image for development.
@echo "build docker container"
docker build --tag grafana/grafana:dev .
##@ Services
# create docker-compose file with provided sources and start them
# example: make devenv sources=postgres,openldap
ifeq ($(sources),)
@printf 'You have to define sources for this command \nexample: make devenv sources=postgres,openldap\n'
devenv: devenv-down ## Start optional services, e.g. postgres, prometheus, and elasticsearch.
$(eval targets := $(shell echo '$(sources)' | tr "," " "))
@cd devenv; \
./create_docker_compose.sh $(targets) || \
(rm -rf {docker-compose.yaml,conf.tmp,.env}; exit 1)
@cd devenv; \
docker-compose up -d --build
devenv-down: ## Stop optional services.
@cd devenv; \
test -f docker-compose.yaml && \
docker-compose down || exit 0;
##@ Helpers
# We separate the protobuf generation because most development tasks on
# Grafana do not involve changing protobuf files and protoc is not a
# go-gettable dependency and so getting it installed can be inconvenient.
# If you are working on changes to protobuf interfaces you may either use
# this target or run the individual scripts below directly.
protobuf: ## Compile protobuf definitions
bash scripts/protobuf-check.sh
bash pkg/plugins/backendplugin/pluginextensionv2/generate.sh
clean: ## Clean up intermediate build artifacts.
@echo "cleaning"
rm -rf node_modules
rm -rf public/build
help: ## Display this help.
@awk 'BEGIN {FS = ":.*##"; printf "\nUsage:\n make \033[36m<target>\033[0m\n"} /^[a-zA-Z_-]+:.*?##/ { printf " \033[36m%-15s\033[0m %s\n", $$1, $$2 } /^##@/ { printf "\n\033[1m%s\033[0m\n", substr($$0, 5) } ' $(MAKEFILE_LIST)