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package service
import (
dashmodels "github.com/grafana/grafana/pkg/models"
// FindAnnotations returns annotations for a public dashboard
func (pd *PublicDashboardServiceImpl) FindAnnotations(ctx context.Context, reqDTO models.AnnotationsQueryDTO, accessToken string) ([]models.AnnotationEvent, error) {
pub, dash, err := pd.FindPublicDashboardAndDashboardByAccessToken(ctx, accessToken)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if !pub.AnnotationsEnabled {
return []models.AnnotationEvent{}, nil
annoDto, err := UnmarshalDashboardAnnotations(dash.Data)
if err != nil {
return nil, models.ErrInternalServerError.Errorf("FindAnnotations: failed to unmarshal dashboard annotations: %w", err)
anonymousUser := buildAnonymousUser(ctx, dash)
uniqueEvents := make(map[int64]models.AnnotationEvent, 0)
for _, anno := range annoDto.Annotations.List {
// skip annotations that are not enabled or are not a grafana datasource
if !anno.Enable || (*anno.Datasource.Uid != grafanads.DatasourceUID && *anno.Datasource.Uid != grafanads.DatasourceName) {
annoQuery := &annotations.ItemQuery{
From: reqDTO.From,
To: reqDTO.To,
OrgId: dash.OrgId,
DashboardId: dash.Id,
DashboardUid: dash.Uid,
Limit: anno.Target.Limit,
MatchAny: anno.Target.MatchAny,
SignedInUser: anonymousUser,
if anno.Target.Type == "tags" {
annoQuery.DashboardId = 0
annoQuery.Tags = anno.Target.Tags
annotationItems, err := pd.AnnotationsRepo.Find(ctx, annoQuery)
if err != nil {
return nil, models.ErrInternalServerError.Errorf("FindAnnotations: failed to find annotations: %w", err)
for _, item := range annotationItems {
event := models.AnnotationEvent{
Id: item.Id,
DashboardId: item.DashboardId,
Tags: item.Tags,
IsRegion: item.TimeEnd > 0 && item.Time != item.TimeEnd,
Text: item.Text,
Color: *anno.IconColor,
Time: item.Time,
TimeEnd: item.TimeEnd,
Source: anno,
// We want dashboard annotations to reference the panel they're for. If no panelId is provided, they'll show up on all panels
// which is only intended for tag and org annotations.
if anno.Type == "dashboard" {
event.PanelId = item.PanelId
// We want events from tag queries to overwrite existing events
_, has := uniqueEvents[event.Id]
if !has || (has && anno.Target.Type == "tags") {
uniqueEvents[event.Id] = event
var results []models.AnnotationEvent
for _, result := range uniqueEvents {
results = append(results, result)
return results, nil
// GetMetricRequest returns a metric request for the given panel and query
func (pd *PublicDashboardServiceImpl) GetMetricRequest(ctx context.Context, dashboard *dashmodels.Dashboard, publicDashboard *models.PublicDashboard, panelId int64, queryDto models.PublicDashboardQueryDTO) (dtos.MetricRequest, error) {
err := validation.ValidateQueryPublicDashboardRequest(queryDto)
if err != nil {
return dtos.MetricRequest{}, err
metricReqDTO, err := pd.buildMetricRequest(
if err != nil {
return dtos.MetricRequest{}, err
return metricReqDTO, nil
// GetQueryDataResponse returns a query data response for the given panel and query
func (pd *PublicDashboardServiceImpl) GetQueryDataResponse(ctx context.Context, skipCache bool, queryDto models.PublicDashboardQueryDTO, panelId int64, accessToken string) (*backend.QueryDataResponse, error) {
publicDashboard, dashboard, err := pd.FindPublicDashboardAndDashboardByAccessToken(ctx, accessToken)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
metricReq, err := pd.GetMetricRequest(ctx, dashboard, publicDashboard, panelId, queryDto)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if len(metricReq.Queries) == 0 {
return nil, models.ErrPanelQueriesNotFound.Errorf("GetQueryDataResponse: failed to extract queries from panel")
anonymousUser := buildAnonymousUser(ctx, dashboard)
res, err := pd.QueryDataService.QueryData(ctx, anonymousUser, skipCache, metricReq)
reqDatasources := metricReq.GetUniqueDatasourceTypes()
if err != nil {
LogQueryFailure(reqDatasources, pd.log, err)
return nil, err
LogQuerySuccess(reqDatasources, pd.log)
return res, nil
// buildMetricRequest merges public dashboard parameters with dashboard and returns a metrics request to be sent to query backend
func (pd *PublicDashboardServiceImpl) buildMetricRequest(ctx context.Context, dashboard *dashmodels.Dashboard, publicDashboard *models.PublicDashboard, panelId int64, reqDTO models.PublicDashboardQueryDTO) (dtos.MetricRequest, error) {
// group queries by panel
queriesByPanel := groupQueriesByPanelId(dashboard.Data)
queries, ok := queriesByPanel[panelId]
if !ok {
return dtos.MetricRequest{}, models.ErrPanelNotFound.Errorf("buildMetricRequest: public dashboard panel not found")
ts := publicDashboard.BuildTimeSettings(dashboard)
// determine safe resolution to query data at
safeInterval, safeResolution := pd.getSafeIntervalAndMaxDataPoints(reqDTO, ts)
for i := range queries {
queries[i].Set("intervalMs", safeInterval)
queries[i].Set("maxDataPoints", safeResolution)
return dtos.MetricRequest{
From: ts.From,
To: ts.To,
Queries: queries,
}, nil
// buildAnonymousUser creates a user with permissions to read from all datasources used in the dashboard
func buildAnonymousUser(ctx context.Context, dashboard *dashmodels.Dashboard) *user.SignedInUser {
datasourceUids := getUniqueDashboardDatasourceUids(dashboard.Data)
// Create a user with blank permissions
anonymousUser := &user.SignedInUser{OrgID: dashboard.OrgId, Permissions: make(map[int64]map[string][]string)}
// Scopes needed for Annotation queries
annotationScopes := []string{accesscontrol.ScopeAnnotationsTypeDashboard}
// Need to access all dashboards since tags annotations span across all dashboards
dashboardScopes := []string{dashboards.ScopeDashboardsProvider.GetResourceAllScope()}
// Scopes needed for datasource queries
queryScopes := make([]string, 0)
readScopes := make([]string, 0)
for _, uid := range datasourceUids {
scope := datasources.ScopeProvider.GetResourceScopeUID(uid)
queryScopes = append(queryScopes, scope)
readScopes = append(readScopes, scope)
// Apply all scopes to the actions we need the user to be able to perform
permissions := make(map[string][]string)
permissions[datasources.ActionQuery] = queryScopes
permissions[datasources.ActionRead] = readScopes
permissions[accesscontrol.ActionAnnotationsRead] = annotationScopes
permissions[dashboards.ActionDashboardsRead] = dashboardScopes
anonymousUser.Permissions[dashboard.OrgId] = permissions
return anonymousUser
func getUniqueDashboardDatasourceUids(dashboard *simplejson.Json) []string {
var datasourceUids []string
exists := map[string]bool{}
for _, panelObj := range dashboard.Get("panels").MustArray() {
panel := simplejson.NewFromAny(panelObj)
uid := getDataSourceUidFromJson(panel)
// if uid is for a mixed datasource, get the datasource uids from the targets
if uid == "-- Mixed --" {
for _, target := range panel.Get("targets").MustArray() {
target := simplejson.NewFromAny(target)
datasourceUid := target.Get("datasource").Get("uid").MustString()
if _, ok := exists[datasourceUid]; !ok {
datasourceUids = append(datasourceUids, datasourceUid)
exists[datasourceUid] = true
} else {
if _, ok := exists[uid]; !ok {
datasourceUids = append(datasourceUids, uid)
exists[uid] = true
return datasourceUids
func groupQueriesByPanelId(dashboard *simplejson.Json) map[int64][]*simplejson.Json {
result := make(map[int64][]*simplejson.Json)
for _, panelObj := range dashboard.Get("panels").MustArray() {
panel := simplejson.NewFromAny(panelObj)
var panelQueries []*simplejson.Json
for _, queryObj := range panel.Get("targets").MustArray() {
query := simplejson.NewFromAny(queryObj)
if hideAttr, exists := query.CheckGet("hide"); !exists || !hideAttr.MustBool() {
// We dont support exemplars for public dashboards currently
// if query target has no datasource, set it to have the datasource on the panel
if _, ok := query.CheckGet("datasource"); !ok {
uid := getDataSourceUidFromJson(panel)
datasource := map[string]interface{}{"type": "public-ds", "uid": uid}
query.Set("datasource", datasource)
panelQueries = append(panelQueries, query)
result[panel.Get("id").MustInt64()] = panelQueries
return result
func getDataSourceUidFromJson(query *simplejson.Json) string {
uid := query.Get("datasource").Get("uid").MustString()
// before 8.3 special types could be sent as datasource (expr)
if uid == "" {
uid = query.Get("datasource").MustString()
return uid
func sanitizeMetadataFromQueryData(res *backend.QueryDataResponse) {
for k := range res.Responses {
frames := res.Responses[k].Frames
for i := range frames {
if frames[i].Meta != nil {
frames[i].Meta.ExecutedQueryString = ""
frames[i].Meta.Custom = nil