mirror of
synced 2025-02-25 18:55:37 -06:00
* Add AuthModule to token API * Add badge to UserSessions * Change idp label rendering * Render IdP label for User Profile page * Add i18n labels
2939 lines
117 KiB
2939 lines
117 KiB
"_comment": "The code is the source of truth for English phrases. They should be updated in the components directly, and additional plurals specified in this file.",
"access-control": {
"add-permission": {
"role-label": "Role",
"serviceaccount-label": "Service Account",
"team-label": "Team",
"title": "Add permission for",
"user-label": "User"
"add-permissions": {
"save": "Save"
"permission-list": {
"permission": "Permission"
"permissions": {
"add-label": "Add a permission",
"no-permissions": "There are no permissions",
"permissions-change-warning": "This will change permissions for this folder and all its descendants. In total, this will affect:",
"role": "Role",
"serviceaccount": "Service Account",
"team": "Team",
"title": "Permissions",
"user": "User"
"alert-labels": {
"button": {
"hide": "Hide common labels",
"show": {
"tooltip": "Show common labels"
"alert-rule-form": {
"evaluation-behaviour": {
"info-help": {
"text": "Define the alert behavior when the evaluation fails or the query returns no data."
"pending-period": "Pending period"
"evaluation-behaviour-description1": "Evaluation groups are containers for evaluating alert and recording rules.",
"evaluation-behaviour-description2": "An evaluation group defines an evaluation interval - how often a rule is evaluated. Alert rules within the same evaluation group are evaluated over the same evaluation interval.",
"evaluation-behaviour-description3": "Pending period specifies how long the threshold condition must be met before the alert starts firing. This option helps prevent alerts from being triggered by temporary issues.",
"evaluation-behaviour-for": {
"error-parsing": "Failed to parse duration",
"validation": "Pending period must be greater than or equal to the evaluation interval."
"evaluation-behaviour-group": {
"text": "All rules in the selected group are evaluated every {{evaluateEvery}}."
"pause": {
"alerting": "Turn on to pause evaluation for this alert rule.",
"label": "Pause evaluation",
"recording": "Turn on to pause evaluation for this recording rule."
"alerting": {
"alert-recording-rule-form": {
"evaluation-behaviour": {
"description": {
"text": "Define how the recording rule is evaluated."
"alert-rule-form": {
"evaluation-behaviour": {
"description": {
"text": "Define how the alert rule is evaluated."
"alertform": {
"labels": {
"alerting": "Add labels to your rule for searching, silencing, or routing to a notification policy.",
"recording": "Add labels to your rule."
"annotations": {
"description": "Add more context to your alert notifications.",
"title": "Configure notification message"
"central-alert-history": {
"details": {
"error": "Error loading rule for this event.",
"header": {
"alert-rule": "Alert rule",
"instance": "Instance",
"state": "State",
"timestamp": "Timestamp"
"loading": "Loading...",
"no-recognized-state": "No recognized state",
"no-values": "No values",
"not-found": "Rule not found for this event.",
"number-transitions": "State transitions for selected period:",
"state": {
"alerting": "Alerting",
"error": "Error",
"no-data": "No data",
"normal": "Normal",
"pending": "Pending"
"state-transitions": "State transition",
"unknown-event-state": "Unknown",
"unknown-rule": "Unknown",
"value-in-transition": "Value in transition"
"error": "Something went wrong loading the alert state history",
"filter": {
"clear": "Clear filters",
"info": {
"label1": "Filter events using label querying without spaces, ex:",
"label2": "Invalid use of spaces:",
"label3": "Valid use of spaces:",
"label4": "Filter alerts using label querying without braces, ex:"
"filterBy": "Filter by:",
"too-many-events": {
"text": "The selected time period has too many events to display. Diplaying the latest 5000 events. Try using a shorter time period.",
"title": "Unable to display all events"
"common": {
"cancel": "Cancel",
"delete": "Delete",
"edit": "Edit",
"export": "Export",
"export-all": "Export all",
"view": "View"
"contact-point": "Contact Point",
"contact-points": {
"create": "Create contact point",
"delete-reasons": {
"heading": "Contact point cannot be deleted for the following reasons:",
"no-permissions": "You do not have the required permission to delete this contact point",
"policies": "Contact point is referenced by one or more notification policies",
"provisioned": "Contact point is provisioned and cannot be deleted via the UI",
"rules": "Contact point is referenced by one or more alert rules"
"delivery-duration": "Last delivery took <1></1>",
"empty-state": {
"title": "You don't have any contact points yet"
"last-delivery-attempt": "Last delivery attempt",
"last-delivery-failed": "Last delivery attempt failed",
"no-delivery-attempts": "No delivery attempts",
"no-integrations": "No integrations configured",
"only-firing": "Delivering <1>only firing</1> notifications",
"telegram": {
"parse-mode-warning-body": "If you use a <1>parse_mode</1> option other than <3>None</3>, truncation may result in an invalid message, causing the notification to fail. For longer messages, we recommend using an alternative contact method.",
"parse-mode-warning-title": "Telegram messages are limited to 4096 UTF-8 characters."
"used-by_one": "Used by {{ count }} notification policy",
"used-by_other": "Used by {{ count }} notification policies",
"used-by-rules_one": "Used by {{ count }} alert rule",
"used-by-rules_other": "Used by {{ count }} alert rules"
"contactPointFilter": {
"label": "Contact point"
"folderAndGroup": {
"evaluation": {
"modal": {
"text": {
"alerting": "Create a new evaluation group to use for this alert rule.",
"recording": "Create a new evaluation group to use for this recording rule."
"text": {
"alerting": "Define how often the alert rule is evaluated.",
"recording": "Define how often the recording rule is evaluated."
"list-view": {
"empty": {
"new-alert-rule": "New alert rule",
"new-recording-rule": "New recording rule",
"provisioning": "You can also define rules through file provisioning or Terraform. <2>Learn more</2>"
"section": {
"dataSourceManaged": {
"title": "Data source-managed"
"grafanaManaged": {
"export-rules": "Export rules",
"loading": "Loading...",
"new-recording-rule": "New recording rule",
"title": "Grafana-managed"
"manage-permissions": {
"button": "Manage permissions",
"title": "Manage permissions"
"mute_timings": {
"error-loading": {
"description": "Could not load mute timings. Please try again later.",
"title": "Error loading mute timings"
"mute-timings": {
"save": "Save mute timing",
"saving": "Saving mute timing"
"policies": {
"default-policy": {
"description": "All alert instances will be handled by the default policy if no other matching policies are found.",
"title": "Default policy"
"generated-policies": "Auto-generated policies",
"metadata": {
"active-time": "Active when",
"delivered-to": "Delivered to",
"grouped-by": "Grouped by",
"grouping": {
"none": "Not grouping",
"single-group": "Single group"
"inherited": "Inherited",
"mute-time": "Muted when",
"n-instances_one": "instance",
"n-instances_other": "instances",
"timingOptions": {
"groupInterval": {
"description": "How long to wait before sending a notification about new alerts that are added to a group of alerts for which an initial notification has already been sent.",
"label": "Wait <1></1> before sending updates"
"groupWait": {
"description": "How long to initially wait to send a notification for a group of alert instances.",
"label": "Wait <1></1> to group instances"
"repeatInterval": {
"description": "How often notifications are sent if the group of alerts has not changed since the last notification.",
"label": "Repeated every <1></1>"
"n-more-policies_one": "{{count}} additional policy",
"n-more-policies_other": "{{count}} additional policies",
"new-child": "New child policy",
"new-policy": "Add new policy",
"no-matchers": "No matchers"
"provisioning": {
"badge-tooltip-provenance": "This resource has been provisioned via {{provenance}} and cannot be edited through the UI",
"badge-tooltip-standard": "This resource has been provisioned and cannot be edited through the UI"
"queryAndExpressionsStep": {
"disableAdvancedOptions": {
"text": "The selected queries and expressions cannot be converted to default. If you deactivate advanced options, your query and condition will be reset to default settings."
"preview": "Preview",
"previewCondition": "Preview alert rule condition"
"rule-groups": {
"delete": {
"success": "Successfully deleted rule group"
"move": {
"success": "Successfully moved rule group"
"rename": {
"success": "Successfully renamed rule group"
"update": {
"success": "Successfully updated rule group"
"rule-state": {
"creating": "Creating",
"deleting": "Deleting",
"paused": "Paused",
"recording-rule": "Recording rule"
"rule-viewer": {
"prometheus-consistency-check": {
"alert-message": "Alert rule has been updated. Changes may take up to a minute to appear on the Alert rules list view.",
"alert-title": "Update in progress"
"rules": {
"add-rule": {
"success": "Rule added successfully"
"delete-rule": {
"success": "Rule successfully deleted"
"pause-rule": {
"success": "Rule evaluation paused"
"resume-rule": {
"success": "Rule evaluation resumed"
"update-rule": {
"success": "Rule updated successfully"
"search": {
"property": {
"data-source": "Data source",
"evaluation-group": "Evaluation group",
"labels": "Labels",
"namespace": "Folder / Namespace",
"rule-health": "Health",
"rule-name": "Alerting rule name",
"rule-type": "Type",
"state": "State"
"save-query": "Save current search"
"simpleCondition": {
"alertCondition": "Alert condition",
"ofQuery": {
"To": "TO"
"templates": {
"misconfigured-badge-text": "Misconfigured",
"misconfigured-warning": "This template is misconfigured.",
"misconfigured-warning-details": "Templates must be defined in both the <1></1> and <4></4> sections of your alertmanager configuration."
"annotations": {
"empty-state": {
"button-title": "Add annotation query",
"info-box-content": "<0>Annotations provide a way to integrate event data into your graphs. They are visualized as vertical lines and icons on all graph panels. When you hover over an annotation icon you can get event text & tags for the event. You can add annotation events directly from grafana by holding CTRL or CMD + click on graph (or drag region). These will be stored in Grafana's annotation database.</0>",
"info-box-content-2": "Checkout the <2>Annotations documentation</2> for more information.",
"title": "There are no custom annotation queries added yet"
"api-keys": {
"empty-state": {
"message": "No API keys found"
"bookmarks-page": {
"empty": {
"message": "It looks like you haven’t created any bookmarks yet",
"tip": "Hover over any item in the nav menu and click on the bookmark icon to add it here."
"bouncing-loader": {
"label": "Loading"
"browse-dashboards": {
"action": {
"cancel-button": "Cancel",
"cannot-move-folders": "Folders cannot be moved",
"confirmation-text": "Delete",
"delete-button": "Delete",
"delete-modal-invalid-text": "One or more folders contain library panels or alert rules. Delete these first in order to proceed.",
"delete-modal-invalid-title": "Cannot delete folder",
"delete-modal-restore-dashboards-text": "This action will delete the selected folders immediately but the selected dashboards will be marked for deletion in 30 days. Your organization administrator can restore the dashboards anytime before the 30 days expire. Folders cannot be restored.",
"delete-modal-text": "This action will delete the following content:",
"delete-modal-title": "Delete",
"deleting": "Deleting...",
"manage-permissions-button": "Manage permissions",
"move-button": "Move",
"move-modal-alert": "Moving this item may change its permissions.",
"move-modal-field-label": "Folder name",
"move-modal-text": "This action will move the following content:",
"move-modal-title": "Move",
"moving": "Moving...",
"new-folder-name-required-phrase": "Folder name is required."
"actions": {
"button-to-recently-deleted": "Recently deleted"
"counts": {
"alertRule_one": "{{count}} alert rule",
"alertRule_other": "{{count}} alert rules",
"dashboard_one": "{{count}} dashboard",
"dashboard_other": "{{count}} dashboards",
"folder_one": "{{count}} folder",
"folder_other": "{{count}} folders",
"libraryPanel_one": "{{count}} library panel",
"libraryPanel_other": "{{count}} library panels",
"total_one": "{{count}} item",
"total_other": "{{count}} items"
"dashboards-tree": {
"collapse-folder-button": "Collapse folder {{title}}",
"expand-folder-button": "Expand folder {{title}}",
"name-column": "Name",
"select-all-header-checkbox": "Select all",
"select-checkbox": "Select",
"tags-column": "Tags"
"empty-state": {
"button-title": "Create dashboard",
"pro-tip": "Add/move dashboards to your folder at <2>Browse dashboards</2>",
"title": "You haven't created any dashboards yet",
"title-folder": "This folder doesn't have any dashboards yet"
"folder-actions-button": {
"delete": "Delete",
"folder-actions": "Folder actions",
"manage-permissions": "Manage permissions",
"move": "Move"
"folder-picker": {
"accessible-label": "Select folder: {{ label }} currently selected",
"button-label": "Select folder",
"clear-selection": "Clear selection",
"empty-message": "No folders found",
"error-title": "Error loading folders",
"search-placeholder": "Search folders",
"unknown-error": "Unknown error"
"hard-delete": {
"success": "Dashboard {{name}} deleted"
"manage-folder-nav": {
"alert-rules": "Alert rules",
"dashboards": "Dashboards",
"panels": "Panels"
"new-folder-form": {
"cancel-label": "Cancel",
"create-label": "Create",
"name-label": "Folder name"
"no-results": {
"clear": "Clear search and filters",
"text": "No results found for your query"
"soft-delete": {
"success": "Dashboard {{name}} moved to Recently deleted"
"clipboard-button": {
"inline-toast": {
"success": "Copied"
"combobox": {
"clear": {
"title": "Clear value"
"custom-value": {
"create": "Create custom value"
"command-palette": {
"action": {
"change-theme": "Change theme...",
"dark-theme": "Dark",
"light-theme": "Light"
"empty-state": {
"message": "No results found"
"search-box": {
"placeholder": "Search or jump to..."
"section": {
"actions": "Actions",
"dashboard-search-results": "Dashboards",
"folder-search-results": "Folders",
"pages": "Pages",
"preferences": "Preferences",
"recent-dashboards": "Recent dashboards"
"common": {
"apply": "Apply",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"clear": "Clear",
"close": "Close",
"locale": {
"default": "Default"
"save": "Save",
"search": "Search"
"configuration-tracker": {
"config-card": {
"complete": "complete"
"connections": {
"connect-data": {
"category-header-label": "Data sources",
"empty-message": "No results matching your query were found",
"request-data-source": "Request a new data source",
"roadmap": "View roadmap"
"search": {
"placeholder": "Search all"
"correlations": {
"add-new": "Add new",
"alert": {
"error-message": "An unknown error occurred while fetching correlation data. Please try again.",
"title": "Error fetching correlation data"
"basic-info-form": {
"description-description": "Optional description with more information about the link",
"description-label": "Description",
"label-description": "This name will be used as the label for the correlation. This will show as button text, a menu item, or hover text on a link.",
"label-label": "Label",
"label-placeholder": "e.g. Tempo traces",
"label-required": "This field is required.",
"sub-text": "<0>Define text that will describe the correlation.</0>",
"title": "Define correlation label (Step 1 of 3)"
"empty-state": {
"button-title": "Add correlation",
"pro-tip": "You can also define correlations via datasource provisioning",
"title": "You haven't defined any correlations yet"
"list": {
"delete": "delete correlation",
"label": "Label",
"loading": "loading...",
"read-only": "Read only",
"source": "Source",
"target": "Target"
"navigation-form": {
"add-button": "Add",
"back-button": "Back",
"next-button": "Next",
"save-button": "Save"
"page-content": "To enable Correlations, add it in the Grafana config:",
"page-heading": "Correlations are disabled",
"query-editor": {
"control-rules": "The selected target data source must export a query editor.",
"data-source-text": "Please select a target data source first.",
"data-source-title": "No data source selected",
"error-text": "The selected data source could not be loaded.",
"error-title": "Error loading data source",
"loading": "Loading query editor...",
"query-description": "Define the query that is run when the link is clicked. You can use <2>variables</2> to access specific field values.",
"query-editor-title": "Data source does not export a query editor.",
"query-label": "Query"
"source-form": {
"control-required": "This field is required.",
"description": "A data point needs to provide values to all variables as fields or as transformations output to make the correlation button appear in the visualization.<1></1>Note: Not every variable needs to be explicitly defined below. A transformation such as <4>logfmt</4> will create variables for every key/value pair.",
"description-external-pre": "You have used following variables in the target URL:",
"description-query-pre": "You have used following variables in the target query:",
"external-title": "Configure the data source that will use the URL (Step 3 of 3)",
"heading-external": "Variables used in the target URL",
"heading-query": "Variables used in the target query",
"query-title": "Configure the data source that will link to {{dataSourceName}} (Step 3 of 3)",
"results-description": "The link will be shown next to the value of this field",
"results-label": "Results field",
"results-required": "This field is required.",
"source-description": "Results from selected source data source have links displayed in the panel",
"source-label": "Source",
"sub-text": "<0>Define what data source will display the correlation, and what data will replace previously defined variables.</0>"
"sub-title": "Define how data living in different data sources relates to each other. Read more in the <2>documentation<1></1></2>",
"target-form": {
"control-rules": "This field is required.",
"sub-text": "<0>Define what the correlation will link to. With the query type, a query will run when the correlation is clicked. With the external type, clicking the correlation will open a URL.</0>",
"target-description-external": "Specify the URL that will open when the link is clicked",
"target-description-query": "Specify which data source is queried when the link is clicked",
"target-label": "Target",
"target-type-description": "Specify the type of correlation",
"title": "Setup the target for the correlation (Step 2 of 3)",
"type-label": "Type"
"trans-details": {
"logfmt-description": "Parse provided field with logfmt to get variables",
"logfmt-label": "Logfmt",
"regex-description": "Field will be parsed with regex. Use named capture groups to return multiple variables, or a single unnamed capture group to add variable to named map value. Regex is case insensitive.",
"regex-expression": "Use capture groups to extract a portion of the field.",
"regex-label": "Regular expression",
"regex-map-values": "Defines the name of the variable if the capture group is not named."
"transform": {
"add-button": "Add transformation",
"heading": "Transformations",
"no-transform": "No transformations defined."
"transform-row": {
"expression-label": "Expression",
"expression-required": "Please define an expression",
"expression-tooltip": "Required for regular expression. The expression the transformation will use. Logfmt does not use further specifications.",
"field-input": "field",
"field-label": "Field",
"field-tooltip": "Optional. The field to transform. If not specified, the transformation will be applied to the results field.",
"map-value-label": "Map value",
"map-value-tooltip": "Optional. Defines the name of the variable. This is currently only valid for regular expressions with a single, unnamed capture group.",
"remove-button": "Remove",
"remove-tooltip": "Remove transformation",
"transform-required": "Please select a transformation type",
"type-label": "Type",
"type-tooltip": "The type of transformation that will be applied to the source data."
"dashboard": {
"add-menu": {
"import": "Import from library",
"paste-panel": "Paste panel",
"row": "Row",
"visualization": "Visualization",
"widget": "Widget"
"alert-rules-drawer": {
"redirect-link": "List in Grafana Alerting",
"subtitle": "Alert rules related to this dashboard"
"empty": {
"add-library-panel-body": "Add visualizations that are shared with other dashboards.",
"add-library-panel-button": "Add library panel",
"add-library-panel-header": "Import panel",
"add-visualization-body": "Select a data source and then query and visualize your data with charts, stats and tables or create lists, markdowns and other widgets.",
"add-visualization-button": "Add visualization",
"add-visualization-header": "Start your new dashboard by adding a visualization",
"add-widget-body": "Create lists, markdowns and other widgets",
"add-widget-button": "Add widget",
"add-widget-header": "Add a widget",
"import-a-dashboard-body": "Import dashboards from files or <1>grafana.com</1>.",
"import-a-dashboard-header": "Import a dashboard",
"import-dashboard-button": "Import dashboard"
"inspect": {
"data-tab": "Data",
"error-tab": "Error",
"json-tab": "JSON",
"meta-tab": "Meta data",
"query-tab": "Query",
"stats-tab": "Stats",
"subtitle": "{{queryCount}} queries with total query time of {{formatted}}",
"title": "Inspect: {{panelTitle}}"
"inspect-data": {
"data-options": "Data options",
"dataframe-aria-label": "Select dataframe",
"dataframe-label": "Show data frame",
"download-csv": "Download CSV",
"download-excel-description": "Adds header to CSV for use with Excel",
"download-excel-label": "Download for Excel",
"download-logs": "Download logs",
"download-service": "Download service graph",
"download-traces": "Download traces",
"excel-header": "Excel header",
"formatted": "Formatted data",
"formatted-data-description": "Table data is formatted with options defined in the Field and Override tabs.",
"formatted-data-label": "Formatted data",
"panel-transforms": "Panel transforms",
"series-to-columns": "Series joined by time",
"transformation": "Series joined by time",
"transformations-description": "Table data is displayed with transformations defined in the panel Transform tab.",
"transformations-label": "Apply panel transformations"
"inspect-json": {
"dataframe-description": "Raw data without transformations and field config applied. ",
"dataframe-label": "DataFrame JSON (from Query)",
"panel-data-description": "The raw model passed to the panel visualization",
"panel-data-label": "Panel data",
"panel-json-description": "The model saved in the dashboard JSON that configures how everything works.",
"panel-json-label": "Panel JSON",
"select-source": "Select source",
"unknown": "Unknown Object: {{show}}"
"inspect-meta": {
"no-inspector": "No Metadata Inspector"
"inspect-stats": {
"data-title": "Data source stats",
"data-traceids": "Trace IDs",
"processing-time": "Data processing time",
"queries": "Number of queries",
"request-time": "Total request time",
"rows": "Total number rows",
"table-title": "Stats"
"toolbar": {
"add": "Add",
"alert-rules": "Alert rules",
"mark-favorite": "Mark as favorite",
"open-original": "Open original dashboard",
"playlist-next": "Go to next dashboard",
"playlist-previous": "Go to previous dashboard",
"playlist-stop": "Stop playlist",
"refresh": "Refresh dashboard",
"save": "Save dashboard",
"settings": "Dashboard settings",
"share": "Share dashboard",
"share-button": "Share",
"unmark-favorite": "Unmark as favorite"
"validation": {
"invalid-dashboard-id": "Could not find a valid Grafana.com ID",
"invalid-json": "Not valid JSON",
"tags-expected-array": "tags expected array",
"tags-expected-strings": "tags expected array of strings"
"dashboard-import": {
"file-dropzone": {
"primary-text": "Upload dashboard JSON file",
"secondary-text": "Drag and drop here or click to browse"
"form-actions": {
"cancel": "Cancel",
"load": "Load"
"gcom-field": {
"label": "Find and import dashboards for common applications at <1></1>",
"load-button": "Load",
"placeholder": "Grafana.com dashboard URL or ID",
"validation-required": "A Grafana dashboard URL or ID is required"
"json-field": {
"label": "Import via dashboard JSON model",
"validation-required": "Need a dashboard JSON model"
"dashboard-links": {
"empty-state": {
"button-title": "Add dashboard link",
"info-box-content": "Dashboard links allow you to place links to other dashboards and web sites directly below the dashboard header. <2>Learn more</2>",
"title": "There are no dashboard links added yet"
"dashboard-settings": {
"annotations": {
"title": "Annotations"
"dashboard-delete-button": "Delete dashboard",
"delete-modal": {
"confirmation-text": "Delete",
"delete-button": "Delete",
"title": "Delete"
"delete-modal-restore-dashboards-text": "This action will mark the dashboard for deletion in 30 days. Your organization administrator can restore it anytime before the 30 days expire.",
"delete-modal-text": "Do you want to delete this dashboard?",
"general": {
"auto-refresh-description": "Define the auto refresh intervals that should be available in the auto refresh list. Use the format '5s' for seconds, '1m' for minutes, '1h' for hours, and '1d' for days (e.g.: '5s,10s,30s,1m,5m,15m,30m,1h,2h,1d').",
"auto-refresh-label": "Auto refresh",
"description-label": "Description",
"editable-description": "Set to read-only to disable all editing. Reload the dashboard for changes to take effect",
"editable-label": "Editable",
"folder-label": "Folder",
"panel-options-graph-tooltip-description": "Controls tooltip and hover highlight behavior across different panels. Reload the dashboard for changes to take effect",
"panel-options-graph-tooltip-label": "Graph tooltip",
"panel-options-label": "Panel options",
"panels-preload-description": "When enabled all panels will start loading as soon as the dashboard has been loaded.",
"panels-preload-label": "Preload panels",
"tags-label": "Tags",
"title": "General",
"title-label": "Title"
"json-editor": {
"save-button": "Save changes",
"subtitle": "The JSON model below is the data structure that defines the dashboard. This includes dashboard settings, panel settings, layout, queries, and so on.",
"title": "JSON Model"
"links": {
"title": "Links"
"permissions": {
"title": "Permissions"
"provisioned-delete-modal": {
"confirm-button": "OK",
"text-1": "This dashboard is managed by Grafana provisioning and cannot be deleted. Remove the dashboard from the config file to delete it.",
"text-2": "See grafana documentation for more information about provisioning. ",
"text-3": "File path: {{provisionedId}}",
"text-link": "Go to docs page",
"title": "Cannot delete provisioned dashboard"
"settings": {
"title": "Settings"
"time-picker": {
"hide-time-picker": "Hide time picker",
"now-delay-description": "Exclude recent data that may be incomplete.",
"now-delay-label": "Now delay",
"refresh-live-dashboards-description": "Continuously re-draw panels where the time range references 'now'",
"refresh-live-dashboards-label": "Refresh live dashboards",
"time-options-label": "Time options",
"time-zone-label": "Time zone",
"week-start-label": "Week start"
"variables": {
"title": "Variables"
"versions": {
"title": "Versions"
"dashboards": {
"panel-edit": {
"angular-deprecation-button-open-panel-json": "Open JSON editor",
"angular-deprecation-description": "Angular panels options can only be edited using the JSON editor.",
"angular-deprecation-heading": "Panel options"
"settings": {
"variables": {
"dependencies": {
"button": "Show dependencies",
"title": "Dependencies"
"data-source-list": {
"empty-state": {
"button-title": "Add data source",
"pro-tip": "You can also define data sources through configuration files. <2>Learn more</2>",
"title": "No data sources defined"
"data-source-picker": {
"add-new-data-source": "Configure a new data source",
"built-in-list": {
"description-dashboard": "Reuse query results from other visualizations",
"description-grafana": "Discover visualizations using mock data",
"description-mixed": "Use multiple data sources"
"list": {
"no-data-source-message": "No data sources found"
"modal": {
"configure-new-data-source": "Open a new tab and configure a data source",
"input-placeholder": "Select data source",
"title": "Select data source"
"open-advanced-button": "Open advanced data source picker"
"data-sources": {
"datasource-add-button": {
"label": "Add new data source"
"empty-state": {
"message": "No data sources found"
"embed": {
"share": {
"time-range-description": "Change the current relative time range to an absolute time range",
"time-range-label": "Lock time range"
"errors": {
"dashboard-settings": {
"annotations": {
"datasource": "The selected data source does not support annotations. Please select a different data source."
"explore": {
"add-to-dashboard": "Add to dashboard",
"logs": {
"maximum-pinned-logs": "Maximum of {{PINNED_LOGS_LIMIT}} pinned logs reached. Unpin a log to add another.",
"no-logs-found": "No logs found.",
"scan-for-older-logs": "Scan for older logs",
"stop-scan": "Stop scan"
"query-library": {
"add-edit-description": "Add/edit description",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"default-description": "Public",
"delete-query": "Delete query",
"delete-query-text": "You're about to remove this query from the query library. This action cannot be undone. Do you want to continue?",
"delete-query-title": "Delete query",
"private": "Private",
"public": "Public",
"query-deleted": "Query deleted",
"query-template-add-error": "Error attempting to save this query to the library",
"query-template-added": "Query successfully saved to the library",
"query-template-edit-error": "Error attempting to edit this query",
"query-template-edited": "Query template successfully edited",
"save": "Save"
"query-template-modal": {
"add-info": "You're about to save this query. Once saved, you can easily access it in the Query Library tab for future use and reference.",
"add-title": "Add query to Query Library",
"auto-star": "Auto-star this query to add it to your starred list in the Query Library.",
"data-source-name": "Data source name",
"description": "Description",
"edit-info": "You're about to edit this query. Once saved, you can easily access it in the Query Library tab for future use and reference.",
"edit-title": "Edit query",
"query": "Query",
"visibility": "Visibility"
"query-template-modall": {
"data-source-type": "Data source type"
"rich-history": {
"close-tooltip": "Close query history",
"datasource-a-z": "Data source A-Z",
"datasource-z-a": "Data source Z-A",
"newest-first": "Newest first",
"oldest-first": "Oldest first",
"query-history": "Query history",
"query-library": "Query library",
"settings": "Settings",
"starred": "Starred"
"rich-history-card": {
"add-comment-form": "Add comment form",
"add-comment-tooltip": "Add comment",
"add-to-library": "Add to library",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"confirm-delete": "Delete",
"copy-query-tooltip": "Copy query to clipboard",
"copy-shortened-link-tooltip": "Copy shortened link to clipboard",
"datasource-icon-label": "Data source icon",
"datasource-name-label": "Data source name",
"datasource-not-exist": "Data source does not exist anymore",
"delete-query-confirmation-title": "Delete",
"delete-query-title": "Delete query",
"delete-query-tooltip": "Delete query",
"delete-starred-query-confirmation-text": "Are you sure you want to permanently delete your starred query?",
"edit-comment-tooltip": "Edit comment",
"optional-description": "An optional description of what the query does.",
"query-comment-label": "Query comment",
"query-text-label": "Query text",
"save-comment": "Save comment",
"star-query-tooltip": "Star query",
"unstar-query-tooltip": "Unstar query",
"update-comment-form": "Update comment form"
"rich-history-container": {
"loading": "Loading..."
"rich-history-notification": {
"query-copied": "Query copied to clipboard",
"query-deleted": "Query deleted"
"rich-history-queries-tab": {
"displaying-partial-queries": "Displaying {{ count }} queries",
"displaying-queries": "{{ count }} queries",
"filter-aria-label": "Filter queries for data sources(s)",
"filter-history": "Filter history",
"filter-placeholder": "Filter queries for data sources(s)",
"history-local": "The history is local to your browser and is not shared with others.",
"loading": "Loading...",
"loading-results": "Loading results...",
"search-placeholder": "Search queries",
"showing-queries": "Showing {{ shown }} of {{ total }} <0>Load more</0>",
"sort-aria-label": "Sort queries",
"sort-placeholder": "Sort queries by"
"rich-history-settings-tab": {
"alert-info": "Grafana will keep entries up to {{optionLabel}}.Starred entries won't be deleted.",
"change-default-tab": "Change the default active tab from “Query history” to “Starred”",
"clear-history-info": "Delete all of your query history, permanently.",
"clear-query-history": "Clear query history",
"clear-query-history-button": "Clear query history",
"delete-confirm": "Delete",
"delete-confirm-text": "Are you sure you want to permanently delete your query history?",
"delete-title": "Delete",
"history-time-span": "History time span",
"history-time-span-description": "Select the period of time for which Grafana will save your query history. Up to {{MAX_HISTORY_ITEMS}} entries will be stored.",
"only-show-active-datasource": "Only show queries for data source currently active in Explore",
"query-history-deleted": "Query history deleted",
"retention-period": {
"1-week": "1 week",
"2-days": "2 days",
"2-weeks": "2 weeks",
"5-days": "5 days"
"rich-history-starred-tab": {
"filter-queries-aria-label": "Filter queries for data sources(s)",
"filter-queries-placeholder": "Filter queries for data sources(s)",
"loading": "Loading...",
"loading-results": "Loading results...",
"local-history-message": "The history is local to your browser and is not shared with others.",
"search-queries-placeholder": "Search queries",
"showing-queries": "Showing {{ shown }} of {{ total }} <0>Load more</0>",
"sort-queries-aria-label": "Sort queries",
"sort-queries-placeholder": "Sort queries by"
"rich-history-utils": {
"a-week-ago": "a week ago",
"days-ago": "{{num}} days ago",
"default-from": "now-1h",
"default-to": "now",
"today": "today",
"two-weeks-ago": "two weeks ago",
"yesterday": "yesterday"
"rich-history-utils-notification": {
"saving-failed": "Saving rich history failed",
"update-failed": "Rich History update failed"
"run-query": {
"left-pane": "Left pane",
"right-pane": "Right pane",
"run-query-button": "Run query",
"switch-datasource-button": "Switch data source and run query"
"secondary-actions": {
"query-add-button": "Add query",
"query-add-button-aria-label": "Add query",
"query-history-button": "Query history",
"query-history-button-aria-label": "Query history",
"query-inspector-button": "Query inspector",
"query-inspector-button-aria-label": "Query inspector"
"table": {
"no-data": "0 series returned",
"title": "Table",
"title-with-name": "Table - {{name}}"
"toolbar": {
"aria-label": "Explore toolbar",
"copy-link": "Copy URL",
"copy-link-abs-time": "Copy absolute URL",
"copy-links-absolute-category": "Time-sync URL links (share with time range intact)",
"copy-links-normal-category": "Normal URL links",
"copy-shortened-link": "Copy shortened URL",
"copy-shortened-link-abs-time": "Copy absolute shortened URL",
"copy-shortened-link-label": "Share",
"copy-shortened-link-menu": "Open copy link options",
"refresh-picker-cancel": "Cancel",
"refresh-picker-run": "Run query",
"split-close": " Close ",
"split-close-tooltip": "Close split pane",
"split-narrow": "Narrow pane",
"split-title": "Split",
"split-tooltip": "Split the pane",
"split-widen": "Widen pane"
"explore-metrics": {
"breakdown": {
"clearFilter": "Clear filter",
"labelSelect": "Select",
"noMatchingValue": "No values found matching; {{filter}}"
"viewBy": "View by"
"export": {
"json": {
"cancel-button": "Cancel",
"copy-button": "Copy to clipboard",
"download-button": "Download file",
"download-successful_toast_message": "Your JSON has been downloaded",
"export-externally-label": "Export the dashboard to use in another instance",
"info-text": "Copy or download a JSON file containing the JSON of your dashboard",
"title": "Export dashboard JSON"
"menu": {
"export-as-json-label": "Export",
"export-as-json-tooltip": "Export"
"folder-picker": {
"loading": "Loading folders..."
"gen-ai": {
"apply-suggestion": "Apply",
"incomplete-request-error": "Sorry, I was unable to complete your request. Please try again.",
"send-custom-feedback": "Send"
"grafana-ui": {
"auto-save-field": {
"saved": "Saved!",
"saving": "Saving <1></1>"
"color-picker-popover": {
"palette-tab": "Colors",
"spectrum-tab": "Custom"
"confirm-button": {
"cancel": "Cancel"
"data-link-editor": {
"info": "With data links you can reference data variables like series name, labels and values. Type CMD+Space, CTRL+Space, or $ to open variable suggestions."
"data-link-editor-modal": {
"cancel": "Cancel",
"save": "Save"
"data-links-inline-editor": {
"add-link": "Add link",
"one-click-link": "One-click link"
"data-links-list-item": {
"compact-explore-disclaimer": "Explore data link may not work in the future. Please edit."
"data-source-http-settings": {
"access-help": "Help <1></1>",
"access-help-details": "Access mode controls how requests to the data source will be handled.<1> <1>Server</1></1> should be the preferred way if nothing else is stated.",
"allowed-cookies": "Allowed cookies",
"auth": "Auth",
"basic-auth": "Basic Auth Details",
"browser-mode-description": "All requests will be made from the browser directly to the data source and may be subject to Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) requirements. The URL needs to be accessible from the browser if you select this access mode.",
"browser-mode-title": "<0>Browser access mode:</0>",
"default-url-tooltip": "Specify a complete HTTP URL (for example http://your_server:8080)",
"direct-url-tooltip": "Your access method is <1>Browser</1>, this means the URL needs to be accessible from the browser.",
"heading": "HTTP",
"proxy-url-tooltip": "Your access method is <1>Server</1>, this means the URL needs to be accessible from the grafana backend/server.",
"server-mode-description": "All requests will be made from the browser to Grafana backend/server which in turn will forward the requests to the data source and by that circumvent possible Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) requirements. The URL needs to be accessible from the grafana backend/server if you select this access mode.",
"server-mode-title": "<0>Server access mode (Default):</0>"
"data-source-settings": {
"alerting-settings-heading": "Alerting",
"cert-key-reset": "Reset",
"custom-headers-add": "Add header",
"custom-headers-title": "Custom HTTP Headers",
"secure-socks-heading": "Secure Socks Proxy",
"tls-heading": "TLS/SSL Auth Details"
"date-time-picker": {
"apply": "Apply",
"cancel": "Cancel"
"drawer": {
"close": "Close"
"field-link-list": {
"external-links-heading": "External links"
"file-dropzone": {
"cancel-upload": "Cancel upload",
"file-too-large": "File is larger than {{size}}"
"filter-input": {
"clear": "Clear"
"modal": {
"close-tooltip": "Close"
"secret-form-field": {
"reset": "Reset"
"segment-async": {
"error": "Failed to load options",
"loading": "Loading options...",
"no-options": "No options found"
"select": {
"default-create-label": "Hit enter to add",
"no-options-label": "No options found",
"placeholder": "Choose"
"spinner": {
"aria-label": "Loading"
"table": {
"copy": "Copy to Clipboard",
"csv-counts": "Rows:{{rows}}, Columns:{{columns}} <5></5>",
"filter-popup-apply": "Ok",
"filter-popup-cancel": "Cancel",
"filter-popup-clear": "Clear filter",
"filter-popup-heading": "Filter by values:",
"no-values-label": "No values",
"pagination-summary": "{{itemsRangeStart}} - {{displayedEnd}} of {{numRows}} rows"
"tags-input": {
"add": "Add"
"user-icon": {
"active-text": "Active last 15m"
"viz-legend": {
"right-axis-indicator": "(right y-axis)"
"viz-tooltip": {
"footer-add-annotation": "Add annotation"
"graph": {
"container": {
"content": "Rendering too many series in a single panel may impact performance and make data harder to read. Consider refining your queries.",
"show-all-series": "Show all {{length}}",
"show-only-series": "Showing only {{MAX_NUMBER_OF_TIME_SERIES}} series",
"title": "Graph"
"help-modal": {
"shortcuts-category": {
"dashboard": "Dashboard",
"focused-panel": "Focused panel",
"global": "Global",
"time-range": "Time range"
"shortcuts-description": {
"change-theme": "Change theme",
"collapse-all-rows": "Collapse all rows",
"copy-time-range": "Copy time range",
"dashboard-settings": "Dashboard settings",
"duplicate-panel": "Duplicate Panel",
"exit-edit/setting-views": "Exit edit/setting views",
"expand-all-rows": "Expand all rows",
"go-to-dashboards": "Go to Dashboards",
"go-to-explore": "Go to Explore",
"go-to-home-dashboard": "Go to Home Dashboard",
"go-to-profile": "Go to Profile",
"make-time-range-permanent": "Make time range absolute/permanent",
"move-time-range-back": "Move time range back",
"move-time-range-forward": "Move time range forward",
"open-search": "Open search",
"open-shared-modal": "Open Panel Share Modal",
"paste-time-range": "Paste time range",
"refresh-all-panels": "Refresh all panels",
"remove-panel": "Remove Panel",
"save-dashboard": "Save dashboard",
"show-all-shortcuts": "Show all keyboard shortcuts",
"toggle-active-mode": "Toggle in-active / view mode",
"toggle-all-panel-legends": "Toggle all panel legends",
"toggle-auto-fit": "Toggle auto fit panels (experimental feature)",
"toggle-exemplars": "Toggle exemplars in all panel",
"toggle-graph-crosshair": "Toggle shared graph crosshair",
"toggle-kiosk": "Toggle kiosk mode (hides top nav)",
"toggle-panel-edit": "Toggle panel edit view",
"toggle-panel-fullscreen": "Toggle panel fullscreen view",
"toggle-panel-legend": "Toggle panel legend",
"zoom-out-time-range": "Zoom out time range"
"title": "Shortcuts"
"help-wizard": {
"download-snapshot": "Download snapshot",
"github-comment": "Copy Github comment",
"support-bundle": "You can also retrieve a support bundle containing information concerning your Grafana instance and configured datasources in the <1>support bundles section</1>.",
"troubleshooting-help": "To request troubleshooting help, send a snapshot of this panel to Grafana Labs Technical Support. The snapshot contains query response data and panel settings."
"inspector": {
"query": {
"collapse-all": "Collapse all",
"copy-to-clipboard": "Copy to clipboard",
"description": "Query inspector allows you to view raw request and response. To collect this data Grafana needs to issue a new query. Click refresh button below to trigger a new query.",
"expand-all": "Expand all",
"no-data": "No request and response collected yet. Hit refresh button",
"refresh": "Refresh"
"ldap-drawer": {
"attributes-section": {
"description": "Specify the LDAP attributes that map to the user's given name, surname, and email address, ensuring the application correctly retrieves and displays user information.",
"email-label": "Email",
"label": "Attributes",
"member-of-label": "Member Of",
"name-label": "Name",
"surname-label": "Surname",
"username-label": "Username"
"extra-security-section": {
"client-cert-label": "Client certificate path",
"client-cert-placeholder": "/path/to/client_cert.pem",
"client-cert-value-label": "Client certificate content",
"client-cert-value-placeholder": "Client certificate content in base64",
"client-key-label": "Client key path",
"client-key-placeholder": "/path/to/client_key.pem",
"client-key-value-label": "Client key content",
"client-key-value-placeholder": "Client key content in base64",
"encryption-provider-base-64": "Base64-encoded content",
"encryption-provider-description": "X.509 certificate provides the public part, while the private key issued in a PKCS#8 format provides the private part of the asymmetric encryption.",
"encryption-provider-file-path": "Path to files",
"encryption-provider-label": "Encryption key and certificate provision specification.",
"label": "Extra security measures",
"min-tls-version-description": "This is the minimum TLS version allowed. Accepted values are: TLS1.2, TLS1.3.",
"min-tls-version-label": "Min TLS version",
"root-ca-cert-label": "Root CA certificate path",
"root-ca-cert-placeholder": "/path/to/root_ca_cert.pem",
"root-ca-cert-value-label": "Root CA certificate content",
"root-ca-cert-value-placeholder": "example: LS0tLS1CRUdJTiBDRVJUSUZJQ0FURS0tLS0t",
"start-tls-description": "If set to true, use LDAP with STARTTLS instead of LDAPS",
"start-tls-label": "Start TLS",
"tls-ciphers-label": "TLS ciphers",
"tls-ciphers-placeholder": "example: TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384",
"use-ssl-description": "Set to true if LDAP server should use TLS connection (either with STARTTLS or LDAPS)",
"use-ssl-label": "Use SSL",
"use-ssl-tooltip": "For a complete list of supported ciphers and TLS versions, refer to:"
"group-mapping": {
"grafana-admin": {
"description": "If enabled, all users from this group will be Grafana Admins",
"label": "Grafana Admin"
"group-dn": {
"description": "The name of the key used to extract the ID token from the returned OAuth2 token.",
"label": "Group DN"
"org-id": {
"description": "The Grafana organization database id. Default org (ID 1) will be used if left out",
"label": "Org ID"
"org-role": {
"label": "Org role *"
"remove": {
"button": "Remove group mapping"
"group-mapping-section": {
"add": {
"button": "Add group mapping"
"description": "Map LDAP groups to Grafana org roles",
"group-search-base-dns-label": "Group search base DNS",
"group-search-base-dns-placeholder": "example: ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com",
"group-search-filter-description": "Used to filter and identify group entries within the directory",
"group-search-filter-label": "Group search filter",
"group-search-filter-user-attribute-description": "Identifies users within group entries for filtering purposes",
"group-search-filter-user-attribute-label": "Group name attribute",
"label": "Group mapping",
"skip-org-role-sync-description": "Prevent synchronizing users’ organization roles from your IdP",
"skip-org-role-sync-label": "Skip organization role sync"
"misc-section": {
"allow-sign-up-descrition": "If not enabled, only existing Grafana users can log in using LDAP",
"allow-sign-up-label": "Allow sign-up",
"label": "Misc",
"port-description": "Default port is 389 without SSL or 636 with SSL",
"port-label": "Port",
"timeout-description": "Timeout in seconds for the connection to the LDAP server",
"timeout-label": "Timeout"
"title": "Advanced settings"
"ldap-settings-page": {
"advanced-settings-section": {
"edit-button": "Edit",
"subtitle": "Mappings, extra security measures, and more.",
"title": "Advanced Settings"
"alert": {
"discard-success": "LDAP settings discarded",
"error-fetching": "Error fetching LDAP settings",
"error-saving": "Error saving LDAP settings",
"error-validate-form": "Error validating LDAP settings",
"feature-flag-disabled": "This page is only accessible by enabling the <1>ssoSettingsLDAP</1> feature flag.",
"saved": "LDAP settings saved"
"bind-dn": {
"description": "Distinguished name of the account used to bind and authenticate to the LDAP server.",
"label": "Bind DN",
"placeholder": "example: cn=admin,dc=grafana,dc=org"
"bind-password": {
"label": "Bind password"
"buttons-section": {
"disable-button": "Disable",
"discard-button": "Discard",
"save-and-enable-button": "Save and enable",
"save-button": "Save"
"documentation": "documentation",
"host": {
"description": "Hostname or IP address of the LDAP server you wish to connect to.",
"error": "Server host is a required field",
"label": "Server host",
"placeholder": "example:"
"login-form-alert": {
"description": "Your LDAP configuration is not working because the basic login form is currently disabled. Please enable the login form to use LDAP authentication. You can enable it on the Authentication page under “Auth settings”.",
"title": "Basic login disabled"
"search_filter": {
"description": "LDAP search filter used to locate specific entries within the directory.",
"error": "Search filter is a required field",
"label": "Search filter",
"placeholder": "example: cn=%s"
"search-base-dns": {
"description": "An array of base dns to search through.",
"error": "Search base DNS is a required field",
"label": "Search base DNS",
"placeholder": "example: dc=grafana,dc=org"
"subtitle": "The LDAP integration in Grafana allows your Grafana users to log in with their LDAP credentials. Find out more in our <2><0>documentation</0></2>.",
"title": "Basic Settings"
"library-panel": {
"add-modal": {
"cancel": "Cancel",
"create": "Create library panel",
"error": "Library panel with this name already exists",
"folder": "Save in folder",
"folder-description": "Library panel permissions are derived from the folder permissions",
"name": "Library panel name"
"add-widget": {
"title": "Add panel from panel library"
"empty-state": {
"message": "You haven't created any library panels yet",
"more-info": "Create a library panel from any existing dashboard panel through the panel context menu. <2>Learn more</2>"
"library-panels": {
"empty-state": {
"message": "No library panels found"
"loading-panel-text": "Loading library panel",
"modal": {
"body_one": "This panel is being used in {{count}} dashboard. Please choose which dashboard to view the panel in:",
"body_other": "This panel is being used in {{count}} dashboard. Please choose which dashboard to view the panel in:",
"button-cancel": "Cancel",
"button-view-panel1": "View panel in {{label}}...",
"button-view-panel2": "View panel in dashboard...",
"panel-not-linked": "Panel is not linked to a dashboard. Add the panel to a dashboard and retry.",
"select-no-options-message": "No dashboards found",
"select-placeholder": "Start typing to search for dashboard",
"title": "View panel in dashboard"
"save": {
"error": "Error saving library panel: \"{{errorMsg}}\"",
"success": "Library panel saved"
"link": {
"share": {
"config-alert-description": "Updating your settings will modify the default copy link to include these changes. Please note that these settings are saved within your current browser scope.",
"config-alert-title": "Link settings",
"config-description": "Create a personalized, direct link to share your dashboard within your organization, with the following customization settings:",
"copy-link-button": "Copy link",
"copy-to-clipboard": "Link copied to clipboard",
"short-url-label": "Shorten link",
"time-range-description": "Change the current relative time range to an absolute time range",
"time-range-label": "Lock time range"
"share-panel": {
"config-description": "Create a personalized, direct link to share your panel within your organization, with the following customization settings:",
"render-image": "Render image"
"login": {
"error": {
"blocked": "You have exceeded the number of login attempts for this user. Please try again later.",
"invalid-user-or-password": "Invalid username or password",
"title": "Login failed",
"unknown": "Unknown error occurred"
"forgot-password": "Forgot your password?",
"form": {
"password-label": "Password",
"password-placeholder": "password",
"password-required": "Password is required",
"submit-label": "Log in",
"submit-loading-label": "Logging in...",
"username-label": "Email or username",
"username-placeholder": "email or username",
"username-required": "Email or username is required"
"services": {
"sing-in-with-prefix": "Sign in with {{serviceName}}"
"signup": {
"button-label": "Sign up",
"new-to-question": "New to Grafana?"
"logs": {
"infinite-scroll": {
"older-logs": "Older logs"
"migrate-to-cloud": {
"build-snapshot": {
"description": "This tool can migrate some resources from this installation to your cloud stack. To get started, you'll need to create a snapshot of this installation. Creating a snapshot typically takes less than two minutes. The snapshot is stored alongside this Grafana installation.",
"title": "No snapshot exists",
"when-complete": "Once the snapshot is complete, you will be able to upload it to your cloud stack."
"building-snapshot": {
"description": "We're creating a point-in-time snapshot of the current state of this installation. Once the snapshot is complete. you'll be able to upload it to Grafana Cloud.",
"description-eta": "Creating a snapshot typically takes less than two minutes.",
"title": "Building installation snapshot"
"can-i-move": {
"body": "Once you connect this installation to a cloud stack, you'll be able to upload data sources and dashboards.",
"link-title": "Learn about migrating other settings",
"title": "Can I move this installation to Grafana Cloud?"
"connect-modal": {
"body-cloud-stack": "You'll also need a cloud stack. If you just signed up, we'll automatically create your first stack. If you have an account, you'll need to select or create a stack.",
"body-get-started": "To get started, you'll need a Grafana.com account.",
"body-sign-up": "Sign up for a Grafana.com account",
"body-token": "Your self-managed Grafana installation needs special access to securely migrate content. You'll need to create a migration token on your chosen cloud stack.",
"body-token-field": "Migration token",
"body-token-field-placeholder": "Paste token here",
"body-token-instructions": "Log into your cloud stack and navigate to Administration, General, Migrate to Grafana Cloud. Create a migration token on that screen and paste the token here.",
"body-view-stacks": "View my cloud stacks",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"connect": "Connect to this stack",
"connecting": "Connecting to this stack...",
"title": "Connect to a cloud stack",
"token-error-title": "Error saving token",
"token-errors": {
"instance-request-error": "An error occurred while attempting to verify the cloud instance's connectivity. Please check the network settings or cloud instance status.",
"instance-unreachable": "The cloud instance cannot be reached. Make sure the instance is running and try again.",
"migration-disabled": "Cloud migrations are disabled on this instance.",
"session-creation-failure": "There was an error creating the migration. Please try again.",
"token-invalid": "Token is not valid. Generate a new token on your cloud instance and try again.",
"token-not-saved": "There was an error saving the token. See the Grafana server logs for more details.",
"token-request-error": "An error occurred while validating the token. Please check the Grafana instance logs.",
"token-validation-failure": "Token is not valid. Please ensure the token matches the migration token on your cloud instance."
"token-required-error": "Migration token is required"
"cta": {
"button": "Migrate this instance to Cloud",
"header": "Let us manage your Grafana stack"
"delete-migration-token-confirm": {
"body": "If you've already used this token with a self-managed installation, that installation will no longer be able to upload content.",
"confirm-button": "Delete token",
"error-title": "Error deleting token",
"title": "Delete migration token"
"disconnect-modal": {
"body": "This will remove the migration token from this installation. If you wish to upload more resources in the future, you will need to enter a new migration token.",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"disconnect": "Disconnect",
"disconnecting": "Disconnecting...",
"error": "There was an error disconnecting",
"title": "Disconnect from cloud stack"
"get-started": {
"body": "The migration process must be started from your self-managed Grafana instance.",
"configure-pdc-link": "Configure PDC for this stack",
"link-title": "Learn more about Private Data Source Connect",
"step-1": "Log in to your self-managed instance and navigate to Administration, General, Migrate to Grafana Cloud.",
"step-2": "Select \"Migrate this instance to Cloud\".",
"step-3": "You'll be prompted for a migration token. Generate one from this screen.",
"step-4": "In your self-managed instance, select \"Upload everything\" to upload data sources and dashboards to this cloud stack.",
"step-5": "If some of your data sources will not work over the public internet, you’ll need to install Private Data Source Connect in your self-managed environment.",
"title": "Performing a migration"
"is-it-secure": {
"body": "Grafana Labs is committed to maintaining the highest standards of data privacy and security. By implementing industry-standard security technologies and procedures, we help protect our customers' data from unauthorized access, use, or disclosure.",
"link-title": "Grafana Labs Trust Center",
"title": "Is it secure?"
"migrate-to-this-stack": {
"body": "You can migrate some resources from your self-managed Grafana installation to this cloud stack. To do this securely, you'll need to generate a migration token. Your self-managed instance will use the token to authenticate with this cloud stack.",
"link-title": "View the full migration guide",
"title": "Let us help you migrate to this stack"
"migrated-counts": {
"contact_points": "contact points",
"dashboards": "dashboards",
"datasources": "data sources",
"folders": "folders",
"library_elements": "library elements",
"mute_timings": "mute timings",
"notification_policies": "notification policies",
"notification_templates": "notification templates"
"migration-token": {
"delete-button": "Delete token",
"delete-modal-body": "If you've already used this token with a self-managed installation, that installation will no longer be able to upload content.",
"delete-modal-cancel": "Cancel",
"delete-modal-confirm": "Delete",
"delete-modal-deleting": "Deleting...",
"delete-modal-title": "Delete migration token",
"error-body": "Unable to generate a migration token. Please try again later.",
"error-title": "Something went wrong",
"generate-button": "Generate a migration token",
"generate-button-loading": "Generating a migration token...",
"modal-close": "Close",
"modal-copy-and-close": "Copy to clipboard and close",
"modal-copy-button": "Copy to clipboard",
"modal-field-description": "Copy the token now as you will not be able to see it again. Losing a token requires creating a new one.",
"modal-field-label": "Token",
"modal-title": "Migration token created",
"status": "Current status: <2></2>"
"onprem": {
"cancel-snapshot-error-title": "Error cancelling creating snapshot",
"create-snapshot-error-title": "Error creating snapshot",
"disconnect-error-title": "Error disconnecting",
"error-see-server-logs": "See the Grafana server logs for more details",
"get-session-error-title": "Error loading migration configuration",
"get-snapshot-error-title": "Error loading snapshot",
"migration-finished-with-caveat-title": "Resource migration complete",
"migration-finished-with-errors-body": "The migration has completed, but some items could not be migrated to the cloud stack. Check the failed resources for more details",
"migration-finished-with-warnings-body": "The migration has completed with some warnings. Check individual resources for more details",
"snapshot-error-status-body": "There was an error creating the snapshot or starting the migration process. See the Grafana server logs for more details",
"snapshot-error-status-title": "Error migrating resources",
"success-message": "Successfully migrated {{successCount}} {{types, list}} to your Grafana Cloud instance.",
"success-message-generic": "Successfully migrated {{successCount}} resources to your Grafana Cloud instance.",
"success-title": "Migration completed!",
"upload-snapshot-error-title": "Error uploading snapshot"
"pdc": {
"body": "Exposing your data sources to the internet can raise security concerns. Private data source connect (PDC) allows Grafana Cloud to access your existing data sources over a secure network tunnel.",
"link-title": "Learn about PDC",
"title": "Not all my data sources are on the public internet"
"pricing": {
"body": "Grafana Cloud has a generous free plan and a 14 day unlimited usage trial. After your trial expires, you'll be billed based on usage over the free plan limits.",
"link-title": "Grafana Cloud pricing",
"title": "How much does it cost?"
"public-preview": {
"button-text": "Give feedback",
"message": "No SLAs are available yet. <2>Visit our docs</2> to learn more about this feature!",
"title": "Migrate to Grafana Cloud is in public preview"
"resource-details": {
"dismiss-button": "OK",
"error-messages": {
"dashboard-already-managed": "Dashboard is already provisioned and managed by Grafana in the cloud instance. We recommend using the provisioned dashboard going forward. If you still wish to copy the dashboard to the cloud instance, then change the dashboard ID in the dashboard JSON, save a new snapshot and upload again.",
"datasource-name-conflict": "There is a data source with the same name in the target instance. Rename one of them and try again.",
"generic-error": "There has been an error while migrating. Please check the cloud migration logs for more information.",
"internal-service-error": "There has been an error while migrating. Please check the Grafana server logs for more details.",
"library-element-name-conflict": "There is a library element with the same name in the target instance. Rename one of them and try again.",
"only-core-data-sources": "Only core data sources are supported. Please ensure the plugin is installed on the cloud stack.",
"resource-conflict": "There is a resource conflict with the target instance. Please check the Grafana server logs for more details.",
"unexpected-error": "There has been an error while migrating. Please check the Grafana server logs for more details.",
"unsupported-data-type": "Migration of this data type is not currently supported."
"error-title": "Unable to migrate this resource:",
"generic-title": "Resource migration details:",
"missing-message": "No message provided.",
"resource-summary": "{{refId}} ({{typeName}})",
"title": "Migration resource details",
"warning-title": "Resource migrated with a warning:"
"resource-status": {
"error-details-button": "Details",
"failed": "Error",
"migrated": "Uploaded to cloud",
"migrating": "Uploading...",
"not-migrated": "Not yet uploaded",
"unknown": "Unknown",
"warning": "Uploaded with warning",
"warning-details-button": "Details"
"resource-table": {
"dashboard-load-error": "Unable to load dashboard",
"error-library-element-sub": "Library Element {uid}",
"error-library-element-title": "Unable to load library element",
"unknown-datasource-title": "Data source {{datasourceUID}}",
"unknown-datasource-type": "Unknown data source"
"resource-type": {
"contact_point": "Contact Point",
"dashboard": "Dashboard",
"datasource": "Data source",
"folder": "Folder",
"library_element": "Library Element",
"mute_timing": "Mute Timing",
"notification_policy": "Notification Policy",
"notification_template": "Notification Template",
"unknown": "Unknown"
"summary": {
"cancel-snapshot": "Cancel snapshot",
"disconnect": "Disconnect",
"errored-resource-count": "Errors",
"page-loading": "Loading...",
"rebuild-snapshot": "Rebuild snapshot",
"snapshot-date": "Snapshot timestamp",
"snapshot-not-created": "Not yet created",
"start-migration": "Build snapshot",
"successful-resource-count": "Successfully migrated",
"target-stack-title": "Uploading to",
"total-resource-count": "Total resources",
"upload-migration": "Upload snapshot"
"support-types-disclosure": {
"text": "Dashboards, Folders, and built-in core data sources are migrated to your Grafana Cloud stack. <2>Learn about migrating other settings.</2>"
"token-status": {
"active": "Token created and active",
"no-active": "No active token",
"unknown": "Unknown",
"unknown-error": "Error retrieving token"
"what-is-cloud": {
"body": "Grafana cloud is a fully managed cloud-hosted observability platform ideal for cloud native environments. It's everything you love about Grafana without the overhead of maintaining, upgrading, and supporting an installation.",
"link-title": "Learn about cloud features",
"title": "What is Grafana Cloud?"
"why-host": {
"body": "In addition to the convenience of managed hosting, Grafana Cloud includes many cloud-exclusive features like SLOs, incident management, machine learning, and powerful observability integrations.",
"link-title": "More questions? Talk to an expert",
"title": "Why host with Grafana?"
"nav": {
"add-new-connections": {
"title": "Add new connection"
"admin": {
"subtitle": "Manage server-wide settings and access to resources such as organizations, users, and licenses",
"title": "Server admin"
"alert-list-legacy": {
"title": "Alert rules"
"alerting": {
"subtitle": "Learn about problems in your systems moments after they occur",
"title": "Alerting"
"alerting-admin": {
"subtitle": "Manage Alertmanager configurations",
"title": "Settings"
"alerting-am-routes": {
"subtitle": "Determine how alerts are routed to contact points",
"title": "Notification policies"
"alerting-channels": {
"title": "Notification channels"
"alerting-groups": {
"subtitle": "See grouped alerts with active notifications",
"title": "Active notifications"
"alerting-home": {
"title": "Home"
"alerting-legacy": {
"title": "Alerting (legacy)"
"alerting-list": {
"subtitle": "Rules that determine whether an alert will fire",
"title": "Alert rules"
"alerting-receivers": {
"subtitle": "Choose how to notify your contact points when an alert instance fires",
"title": "Contact points"
"alerting-silences": {
"subtitle": "Stop notifications from one or more alerting rules",
"title": "Silences"
"alerting-upgrade": {
"subtitle": "Upgrade your existing legacy alerts and notification channels to the new Grafana Alerting",
"title": "Alerting upgrade"
"alerts-and-incidents": {
"subtitle": "Alerting and incident management apps",
"title": "Alerts & IRM"
"api-keys": {
"subtitle": "Manage and create API keys that are used to interact with Grafana HTTP APIs",
"title": "API keys"
"application": {
"title": "Application"
"apps": {
"subtitle": "App plugins that extend the Grafana experience",
"title": "More apps"
"authentication": {
"title": "Authentication"
"bookmarks": {
"title": "Bookmarks"
"bookmarks-empty": {
"title": "Bookmark pages for them to appear here"
"collector": {
"title": "Collector"
"config": {
"title": "Administration"
"config-access": {
"subtitle": "Configure access for individual users, teams, and service accounts",
"title": "Users and access"
"config-general": {
"subtitle": "Manage default preferences and settings across Grafana",
"title": "General"
"config-plugins": {
"subtitle": "Install plugins and define the relationships between data",
"title": "Plugins and data"
"connect-data": {
"title": "Connect data"
"connections": {
"subtitle": "Browse and create new connections",
"title": "Connections"
"correlations": {
"subtitle": "Add and configure correlations",
"title": "Correlations"
"create": {
"title": "Create"
"create-alert": {
"title": "New alert rule"
"create-dashboard": {
"title": "Dashboard"
"create-folder": {
"title": "Folder"
"create-import": {
"title": "Import dashboard"
"dashboards": {
"subtitle": "Create and manage dashboards to visualize your data",
"title": "Dashboards"
"data-sources": {
"subtitle": "View and manage your connected data source connections",
"title": "Data sources"
"datasources": {
"subtitle": "Add and configure data sources",
"title": "Data sources"
"detect": {
"title": "Detect"
"explore": {
"title": "Explore"
"frontend": {
"subtitle": "Gain real user monitoring insights",
"title": "Frontend"
"frontend-app": {
"title": "Frontend"
"global-orgs": {
"subtitle": "Isolated instances of Grafana running on the same server",
"title": "Organizations"
"global-users": {
"subtitle": "Manage users in Grafana",
"title": "Users"
"grafana-quaderno": {
"title": "Grafana Quaderno"
"groupsync": {
"subtitle": "Manage mappings of Identity Provider groups to Grafana Roles"
"help": {
"title": "Help"
"help/community": "Community",
"help/documentation": "Documentation",
"help/keyboard-shortcuts": "Keyboard shortcuts",
"help/support": "Support",
"home": {
"title": "Home"
"incidents": {
"title": "Incident"
"infrastructure": {
"subtitle": "Understand your infrastructure's health",
"title": "Infrastructure"
"integrations": {
"title": "Integrations"
"k6": {
"title": "Performance"
"kubernetes": {
"title": "Kubernetes"
"library-panels": {
"subtitle": "Reusable panels that can be added to multiple dashboards",
"title": "Library panels"
"machine-learning": {
"title": "Machine learning"
"manage-folder": {
"subtitle": "Manage folder dashboards and permissions"
"migrate-to-cloud": {
"subtitle": "Copy configuration from your self-managed installation to a cloud stack",
"title": "Migrate to Grafana Cloud"
"monitoring": {
"subtitle": "Out-of-the-box observability solutions",
"title": "Observability"
"new": {
"title": "New"
"new-dashboard": {
"title": "New dashboard"
"new-folder": {
"title": "New folder"
"observability": {
"title": "Observability"
"oncall": {
"title": "OnCall"
"org-settings": {
"subtitle": "Manage preferences across an organization",
"title": "Default preferences"
"playlists": {
"subtitle": "Groups of dashboards that are displayed in a sequence",
"title": "Playlists"
"plugins": {
"subtitle": "Extend the Grafana experience with plugins",
"title": "Plugins"
"private-data-source-connections": {
"subtitle": "Query data that lives within a secured network without opening the network to inbound traffic from Grafana Cloud. Learn more in our docs.",
"title": "Private data source connect"
"profile/notifications": {
"title": "Notification history"
"profile/password": {
"title": "Change password"
"profile/settings": {
"title": "Profile"
"profiles": {
"title": "Profiles"
"public": {
"title": "Public dashboards"
"recently-deleted": {
"subtitle": "Any items listed here for more than 30 days will be automatically deleted.",
"title": "Recently deleted"
"recorded-queries": {
"title": "Recorded queries"
"reporting": {
"title": "Reporting"
"scenes": {
"title": "Scenes"
"search": {
"placeholderCommandPalette": "Search or jump to..."
"search-dashboards": {
"title": "Search dashboards"
"server-settings": {
"subtitle": "View the settings defined in your Grafana config",
"title": "Settings"
"service-accounts": {
"subtitle": "Use service accounts to run automated workloads in Grafana",
"title": "Service accounts"
"setup-guide": {
"title": "Setup guide"
"shared-dashboard": {
"subtitle": "Manage your organization's externally shared dashboards",
"title": "Shared dashboards"
"sign-out": {
"title": "Sign out"
"slo": {
"title": "SLO"
"snapshots": {
"subtitle": "Interactive, publically available, point-in-time representations of dashboards and panels",
"title": "Snapshots"
"starred": {
"title": "Starred"
"starred-empty": {
"title": "Your starred dashboards will appear here"
"statistics-and-licensing": {
"title": "Statistics and licensing"
"storage": {
"subtitle": "Manage file storage",
"title": "Storage"
"support-bundles": {
"subtitle": "Download support bundles",
"title": "Support bundles"
"synthetics": {
"title": "Synthetics"
"teams": {
"subtitle": "Groups of users that have common dashboard and permission needs",
"title": "Teams"
"testing-and-synthetics": {
"subtitle": "Optimize performance with k6 and Synthetic Monitoring insights",
"title": "Testing & synthetics"
"upgrading": {
"title": "Stats and license"
"users": {
"subtitle": "Invite and assign roles to users",
"title": "Users"
"navigation": {
"item": {
"add-bookmark": "Add to Bookmarks",
"remove-bookmark": "Remove from Bookmarks"
"kiosk": {
"tv-alert": "Press ESC to exit kiosk mode"
"megamenu": {
"close": "Close menu",
"dock": "Dock menu",
"list-label": "Navigation",
"open": "Open menu",
"undock": "Undock menu"
"toolbar": {
"close-menu": "Close menu",
"enable-kiosk": "Enable kiosk mode",
"open-menu": "Open menu",
"toggle-search-bar": "Toggle top search bar"
"news": {
"drawer": {
"close": "Close Drawer"
"title": "Latest from the blog"
"notifications": {
"empty-state": {
"description": "Notifications you have received will appear here",
"title": "You're all caught up!"
"starred-dashboard": "Dashboard starred",
"unstarred-dashboard": "Dashboard unstarred"
"oauth": {
"form": {
"server-discovery-action-button": "Enter OpenID Connect Discovery URL",
"server-discovery-modal-close": "Close",
"server-discovery-modal-loading": "Loading...",
"server-discovery-modal-submit": "Submit"
"login": {
"error": "Login provider denied login request"
"panel": {
"header-menu": {
"copy": "Copy",
"create-library-panel": "Create library panel",
"duplicate": "Duplicate",
"edit": "Edit",
"explore": "Explore",
"get-help": "Get help",
"hide-legend": "Hide legend",
"inspect": "Inspect",
"inspect-data": "Data",
"inspect-json": "Panel JSON",
"more": "More...",
"new-alert-rule": "New alert rule",
"query": "Query",
"remove": "Remove",
"replace-library-panel": "Replace library panel",
"share": "Share",
"show-legend": "Show legend",
"unlink-library-panel": "Unlink library panel",
"view": "View"
"panel-search": {
"no-matches": "No matches found",
"unsupported-layout": "Unsupported layout"
"playlist-edit": {
"error-prefix": "Error loading playlist:",
"form": {
"add-tag-label": "Add by tag",
"add-tag-placeholder": "Select a tag",
"add-title-label": "Add by title",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"heading": "Add dashboards",
"interval-label": "Interval",
"interval-placeholder": "5m",
"interval-required": "Interval is required",
"name-label": "Name",
"name-placeholder": "Name",
"name-required": "Name is required",
"save": "Save",
"table-delete": "Delete playlist item",
"table-drag": "Drag and drop to reorder",
"table-empty": "Playlist is empty. Add dashboards below.",
"table-heading": "Dashboards"
"sub-title": "A playlist rotates through a pre-selected list of dashboards. A playlist can be a great way to build situational awareness, or just show off your metrics to your team or visitors.",
"title": "Edit playlist"
"playlist-page": {
"card": {
"delete": "Delete playlist",
"edit": "Edit playlist",
"start": "Start playlist",
"tooltip": "Share playlist"
"create-button": {
"title": "New playlist"
"delete-modal": {
"body": "Are you sure you want to delete {{name}} playlist?",
"confirm-text": "Delete"
"empty": {
"button": "Create playlist",
"pro-tip": "You can use playlists to cycle dashboards on TVs without user control. <2>Learn more</2>",
"title": "There are no playlists created yet"
"playlists": {
"empty-state": {
"message": "No playlists found"
"plugins": {
"catalog": {
"update-all": {
"all-plugins-updated": "All plugins updated!",
"available-header": "Available",
"button": "Update all",
"cloud-update-message": "* It may take a few minutes for the plugins to be available for usage.",
"error": "Error updating plugin:",
"error-status-text": "failed - see error messages",
"header": "The following plugins have update available",
"installed-header": "Installed",
"modal-confirmation": "Update",
"modal-dismiss": "Close",
"modal-in-progress": "Updating...",
"modal-title": "Update Plugins",
"name-header": "Name",
"update-header": "Update",
"update-status-text": "plugins updated"
"details": {
"labels": {
"contactGrafanaLabs": "Contact Grafana Labs",
"dependencies": "Dependencies",
"downloads": "Downloads",
"from": "From",
"links": "Links ",
"reportAbuse": "Report a concern ",
"signature": "Signature",
"status": "Status",
"updatedAt": "Last updated: ",
"version": "Version"
"empty-state": {
"message": "No plugins found"
"profile": {
"change-password": {
"cancel-button": "Cancel",
"cannot-change-password-message": "Password cannot be changed here.",
"change-password-button": "Change Password",
"confirm-password-label": "Confirm password",
"confirm-password-required": "New password confirmation is required",
"ldap-auth-proxy-message": "You cannot change password when signed in with LDAP or auth proxy.",
"new-password-label": "New password",
"new-password-required": "New password is required",
"new-password-same-as-old": "New password can't be the same as the old one.",
"old-password-label": "Old password",
"old-password-required": "Old password is required",
"passwords-must-match": "Passwords must match",
"strong-password-validation-register": "Password does not comply with the strong password policy"
"public-dashboard": {
"acknowledgment-checkboxes": {
"ack-title": "Before you make the dashboard public, acknowledge the following:",
"data-src-ack-desc": "Publishing currently only works with a subset of data sources*",
"data-src-ack-tooltip": "Learn more about public datasources",
"public-ack-desc": "Your entire dashboard will be public*",
"public-ack-tooltip": "Learn more about public dashboards",
"usage-ack-desc": "Making a dashboard public will cause queries to run each time it is viewed, which may increase costs*",
"usage-ack-desc-tooltip": "Learn more about query caching"
"config": {
"can-view-dashboard-radio-button-label": "Can view dashboard",
"copy-button": "Copy",
"dashboard-url-field-label": "Dashboard URL",
"email-share-type-option-label": "Only specified people",
"pause-sharing-dashboard-label": "Pause sharing dashboard",
"public-share-type-option-label": "Anyone with a link",
"revoke-public-URL-button": "Revoke public URL",
"revoke-public-URL-button-title": "Revoke public URL",
"settings-title": "Settings"
"configuration": {
"display-annotations-description": "Present annotations on this dashboard",
"display-annotations-label": "Display annotations",
"enable-time-range-description": "Allow people to change time range",
"enable-time-range-label": "Enable time range",
"settings-label": "Settings",
"success-pause": "Your dashboard access has been paused",
"success-resume": "Your dashboard access has been resumed",
"success-update": "Settings have been successfully updated",
"success-update-old": "Public dashboard updated!",
"time-range-label": "Time range",
"time-range-tooltip": "The shared dashboard uses the default time range settings of the dashboard"
"create-page": {
"generate-public-url-button": "Generate public URL",
"unsupported-features-desc": "Currently, we don’t support template variables or frontend data sources",
"welcome-title": "Welcome to public dashboards!"
"delete-modal": {
"revoke-body-text": "Are you sure you want to revoke this URL? The dashboard will no longer be public.",
"revoke-title": "Revoke public URL"
"email-sharing": {
"accept-button": "Accept",
"alert-text": "Sharing dashboards by email is billed per user for the duration of the 30-day token, regardless of how many dashboards are shared. Billing stops after 30 days unless you renew the token.",
"bill-ack": "I understand that adding users requires payment.*",
"cancel-button": "Cancel",
"input-invalid-email-text": "Invalid email",
"input-required-email-text": "Email is required",
"invite-button": "Invite",
"invite-field-desc": "Invite people by email",
"invite-field-label": "Invite",
"learn-more-button": "Learn more",
"recipient-email-placeholder": "Email",
"recipient-invalid-email-text": "Invalid email",
"recipient-invitation-button": "Invite",
"recipient-invitation-description": "Invite someone by email",
"recipient-invitation-tooltip": "This dashboard contains sensitive data. By using this feature you will be sharing with external people.",
"recipient-list-description": "Only people you've directly invited can access this dashboard",
"recipient-list-title": "People with access",
"recipient-required-email-text": "Email is required",
"resend-button": "Resend",
"resend-button-title": "Resend",
"resend-invite-label": "Resend invite",
"revoke-access-label": "Revoke access",
"revoke-button": "Revoke",
"revoke-button-title": "Revoke",
"success-creation": "Your dashboard is ready for external sharing",
"success-share-type-change": "Dashboard access updated: Only specific people can now access with the link"
"modal-alerts": {
"no-upsert-perm-alert-desc": "Contact your admin to get permission to {{mode}} public dashboards",
"no-upsert-perm-alert-title": "You don’t have permission to {{ mode }} a public dashboard",
"save-dashboard-changes-alert-title": "Please save your dashboard changes before updating the public configuration",
"unsupport-data-source-alert-readmore-link": "Read more about supported data sources",
"unsupported-data-source-alert-desc": "There are data sources in this dashboard that are unsupported for public dashboards. Panels that use these data sources may not function properly: {{unsupportedDataSources}}.",
"unsupported-data-source-alert-title": "Unsupported data sources",
"unsupported-template-variable-alert-desc": "This public dashboard may not work since it uses template variables",
"unsupported-template-variable-alert-title": "Template variables are not supported"
"public-sharing": {
"accept-button": "Accept",
"alert-text": "Sharing this dashboard externally makes it entirely accessible to anyone with the link.",
"cancel-button": "Cancel",
"learn-more-button": "Learn more",
"public-ack": "I understand that this entire dashboard will be public.*",
"success-creation": "Your dashboard is now publicly accessible",
"success-share-type-change": "Dashboard access updated: Anyone with the link can now access"
"settings-bar-header": {
"collapse-settings-tooltip": "Collapse settings",
"expand-settings-tooltip": "Expand settings"
"settings-configuration": {
"default-time-range-label": "Default time range",
"default-time-range-label-desc": "The public dashboard uses the default time range settings of the dashboard",
"show-annotations-label": "Show annotations",
"show-annotations-label-desc": "Show annotations on public dashboard",
"time-range-picker-label": "Time range picker enabled",
"time-range-picker-label-desc": "Allow viewers to change time range"
"settings-summary": {
"annotations-hide-text": "Annotations = hide",
"annotations-show-text": "Annotations = show",
"time-range-picker-disabled-text": "Time range picker = disabled",
"time-range-picker-enabled-text": "Time range picker = enabled",
"time-range-text": "Time range = "
"share": {
"success-delete": "Your dashboard is no longer shareable",
"success-delete-old": "Public dashboard deleted!"
"share-configuration": {
"share-type-label": "Link access"
"share-externally": {
"copy-link-button": "Copy external link",
"email-share-type-option-description": "Only people with the link can access dashboard",
"email-share-type-option-label": "Only specific people",
"no-upsert-perm-alert-desc": "Contact your admin to get permission to {{mode}} shared dashboards",
"no-upsert-perm-alert-title": "You don’t have permission to {{ mode }} a shared dashboard",
"pause-access-button": "Pause access",
"pause-access-tooltip": "Pausing will temporarily disable access to this dashboard for all users",
"public-share-type-option-description": "Anyone with the link can access dashboard",
"public-share-type-option-label": "Anyone with the link",
"resume-access-button": "Resume access",
"revoke-access-button": "Revoke access",
"revoke-access-description": "Are you sure you want to revoke this access? The dashboard can no longer be shared.",
"unsupported-data-source-alert-desc": "There are data sources in this dashboard that are unsupported for shared dashboards. Panels that use these data sources may not function properly: {{unsupportedDataSources}}."
"sharing": {
"success-creation": "Dashboard is public!"
"public-dashboard-list": {
"button": {
"config-button-tooltip": "Configure public dashboard",
"revoke-button-text": "Revoke public URL",
"revoke-button-tooltip": "Revoke public dashboard URL",
"view-button-tooltip": "View public dashboard"
"empty-state": {
"message": "You haven't created any public dashboards yet",
"more-info": "Create a public dashboard from any existing dashboard through the <1>Share</1> modal. <4>Learn more</4>"
"toggle": {
"pause-sharing-toggle-text": "Pause sharing"
"public-dashboard-users-access-list": {
"dashboard-modal": {
"external-link": "External link",
"loading-text": "Loading...",
"open-dashboard-list-text": "Open dashboards list",
"public-dashboard-link": "Public dashboard URL",
"public-dashboard-setting": "Public dashboard settings",
"sharing-setting": "Sharing settings"
"delete-user-modal": {
"delete-user-button-text": "Delete user",
"delete-user-cancel-button": "Cancel",
"delete-user-revoke-access-button": "Revoke access",
"revoke-access-title": "Revoke access",
"revoke-user-access-modal-desc-line1": "Are you sure you want to revoke access for {{email}}?",
"revoke-user-access-modal-desc-line2": "This action will immediately revoke {{email}}'s access to all public dashboards."
"delete-user-shared-dashboards-modal": {
"revoke-user-access-modal-desc-line2": "This action will immediately revoke {{email}}'s access to all shared dashboards."
"modal": {
"dashboard-modal-title": "Public dashboards",
"shared-dashboard-modal-title": "Shared dashboards"
"table-header": {
"activated-label": "Activated",
"activated-tooltip": "Earliest time user has been an active user to a dashboard",
"email-label": "Email",
"last-active-label": "Last active",
"origin-label": "Origin",
"role-label": "Role"
"query-library": {
"datasource-names": "Datasource name(s):",
"delete-query-button": "Delete query",
"query-template-get-error": "Error attempting to get query template from the library: {{error}}",
"search": "Search by data source, query content or description",
"user-info-get-error": "Error attempting to get user info from the library: {{error}}",
"user-names": "User name(s):"
"query-operation": {
"header": {
"collapse-row": "Collapse query row",
"datasource-help": "Show data source help",
"drag-and-drop": "Drag and drop to reorder",
"duplicate-query": "Duplicate query",
"expand-row": "Expand query row",
"hide-response": "Hide response",
"remove-query": "Remove query",
"save-to-query-library": "Save to query library",
"show-response": "Show response",
"toggle-edit-mode": "Toggle text edit mode"
"query-editor-not-exported": "Data source plugin does not export any Query Editor component"
"recently-deleted": {
"buttons": {
"delete": "Delete permanently",
"restore": "Restore"
"page": {
"no-deleted-dashboards": "You haven't deleted any dashboards recently.",
"no-deleted-dashboards-text": "When you delete a dashboard, it will appear here for 30 days before being permanently deleted. Your organization administrator can restore recently-deleted dashboards.",
"no-search-result": "No results found for your query"
"permanently-delete-modal": {
"confirm-text": "Delete",
"delete-button": "Delete",
"delete-loading": "Deleting...",
"text_one": "This action will delete {{numberOfDashboards}} dashboard.",
"text_other": "This action will delete {{numberOfDashboards}} dashboards.",
"title": "Permanently Delete Dashboards"
"restore-modal": {
"folder-picker-text_one": "Please choose a folder where your dashboard will be restored.",
"folder-picker-text_other": "Please choose a folder where your dashboards will be restored.",
"restore-button": "Restore",
"restore-loading": "Restoring...",
"text_one": "This action will restore {{numberOfDashboards}} dashboard.",
"text_other": "This action will restore {{numberOfDashboards}} dashboards.",
"title": "Restore Dashboards"
"recentlyDeleted": {
"filter": {
"placeholder": "Search for dashboards"
"refresh-picker": {
"aria-label": {
"choose-interval": "Auto refresh turned off. Choose refresh time interval",
"duration-selected": "Choose refresh time interval with current interval {{durationAriaLabel}} selected"
"auto-option": {
"aria-label": "",
"label": ""
"live-option": {
"aria-label": "Turn on live streaming",
"label": "Live"
"off-option": {
"aria-label": "Turn off auto refresh",
"label": "Off"
"tooltip": {
"interval-selected": "Set auto refresh interval",
"turned-off": "Auto refresh off"
"return-to-previous": {
"button": {
"label": "Back to {{title}}"
"dismissable-button": "Close"
"save-dashboards": {
"name-exists": {
"message-info": "A dashboard with the same name in the selected folder already exists, including recently deleted dashboards.",
"message-suggestion": "Please choose a different name or folder.",
"title": "Dashboard name already exists"
"scopes": {
"dashboards": {
"collapse": "Collapse",
"expand": "Expand",
"loading": "Loading dashboards",
"noResultsForFilter": "No results found for your query",
"noResultsForFilterClear": "Clear search",
"noResultsForScopes": "No dashboards found for the selected scopes",
"noResultsNoScopes": "No scopes selected",
"search": "Search",
"toggle": {
"collapse": "Collapse suggested dashboards list",
"disabled": "Suggested dashboards list is disabled due to read only mode",
"expand": "Expand suggested dashboards list"
"selector": {
"apply": "Apply",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"input": {
"placeholder": "Select scopes...",
"removeAll": "Remove all scopes"
"title": "Select scopes"
"tree": {
"collapse": "Collapse",
"expand": "Expand",
"headline": {
"noResults": "No results found for your query",
"recommended": "Recommended",
"results": "Results"
"search": "Search"
"search": {
"actions": {
"include-panels": "Include panels",
"remove-datasource-filter": "Datasource: {{datasource}}",
"sort-placeholder": "Sort",
"starred": "Starred",
"view-as-folders": "View by folders",
"view-as-list": "View as list"
"dashboard-actions": {
"import": "Import",
"new": "New",
"new-dashboard": "New dashboard",
"new-folder": "New folder"
"results-table": {
"datasource-header": "Data source",
"deleted-less-than-1-min": "< 1 min",
"deleted-remaining-header": "Time remaining",
"location-header": "Location",
"name-header": "Name",
"tags-header": "Tags",
"type-dashboard": "Dashboard",
"type-folder": "Folder",
"type-header": "Type"
"search-input": {
"include-panels-placeholder": "Search for dashboards, folders, and panels",
"placeholder": "Search for dashboards and folders"
"select": {
"select-menu": {
"selected-count": "Selected "
"service-accounts": {
"empty-state": {
"button-title": "Add service account",
"message": "No services accounts found",
"more-info": "Remember, you can provide specific permissions for API access to other applications",
"title": "You haven't created any service accounts yet"
"share-dashboard": {
"menu": {
"export-json-title": "Export as JSON",
"share-externally-title": "Share externally",
"share-internally-title": "Share internally",
"share-snapshot-title": "Share snapshot"
"share-button": "Share",
"share-button-tooltip": "Copy link"
"share-drawer": {
"confirm-action": {
"back-arrow-button": "Back button",
"cancel-button": "Cancel"
"share-modal": {
"dashboard": {
"title": "Share"
"embed": {
"copy": "Copy to clipboard",
"html": "Embed HTML",
"html-description": "The HTML code below can be pasted and included in another web page. Unless anonymous access is enabled, the users viewing that page need to be signed into Grafana for the graph to load.",
"info": "Generate HTML for embedding an iframe with this panel",
"time-range": "Lock time range"
"export": {
"back-button": "Back to export config",
"cancel-button": "Cancel",
"info-text": "Export this dashboard.",
"save-button": "Save to file",
"share-externally-label": "Export for sharing externally",
"view-button": "View JSON"
"library": {
"info": "Create library panel."
"link": {
"copy-link-button": "Copy",
"info-text": "Create a direct link to this dashboard or panel, customized with the options below.",
"link-url": "Link URL",
"render-alert": "Image renderer plugin not installed",
"render-instructions": "To render a panel image, you must install the <2>Grafana image renderer plugin</2>. Please contact your Grafana administrator to install the plugin.",
"rendered-image": "Direct link rendered image",
"save-alert": "Dashboard is not saved",
"save-dashboard": "To render a panel image, you must save the dashboard first.",
"shorten-url": "Shorten URL",
"time-range-description": "Transforms the current relative time range to an absolute time range",
"time-range-label": "Lock time range"
"panel": {
"title": "Share Panel"
"snapshot": {
"cancel-button": "Cancel",
"copy-link-button": "Copy",
"delete-button": "Delete snapshot.",
"deleted-message": "The snapshot has been deleted. If you have already accessed it once, then it might take up to an hour before before it is removed from browser caches or CDN caches.",
"expire": "Expire",
"expire-day": "1 Day",
"expire-hour": "1 Hour",
"expire-never": "Never",
"expire-week": "1 Week",
"info-text-1": "A snapshot is an instant way to share an interactive dashboard publicly. When created, we strip sensitive data like queries (metric, template, and annotation) and panel links, leaving only the visible metric data and series names embedded in your dashboard.",
"info-text-2": "Keep in mind, your snapshot <1>can be viewed by anyone</1> that has the link and can access the URL. Share wisely.",
"local-button": "Publish Snapshot",
"mistake-message": "Did you make a mistake? ",
"name": "Snapshot name",
"timeout": "Timeout (seconds)",
"timeout-description": "You might need to configure the timeout value if it takes a long time to collect your dashboard metrics.",
"url-label": "Snapshot URL"
"tab-title": {
"embed": "Embed",
"export": "Export",
"library-panel": "Library panel",
"link": "Link",
"panel-embed": "Embed",
"public-dashboard": "Public Dashboard",
"public-dashboard-title": "Public dashboard",
"snapshot": "Snapshot"
"theme-picker": {
"current": "Current",
"dark": "Dark",
"field-name": "Theme",
"light": "Light"
"view-json": {
"copy-button": "Copy to Clipboard"
"share-panel": {
"drawer": {
"new-library-panel-title": "New library panel",
"share-embed-title": "Share embed",
"share-link-title": "Link settings"
"menu": {
"new-library-panel-title": "New library panel",
"share-embed-title": "Share embed",
"share-link-title": "Share link",
"share-snapshot-title": "Share snapshot"
"new-library-panel": {
"cancel-button": "Cancel",
"create-button": "Create library panel"
"share-playlist": {
"checkbox-description": "Panel heights will be adjusted to fit screen size",
"checkbox-label": "Autofit",
"copy-link-button": "Copy",
"link-url-label": "Link URL",
"mode": "Mode",
"mode-kiosk": "Kiosk",
"mode-normal": "Normal",
"mode-tv": "TV",
"title": "Share playlist"
"shared": {
"preferences": {
"theme": {
"dark-label": "Dark",
"light-label": "Light",
"system-label": "System preference"
"shared-dashboard": {
"delete-modal": {
"revoke-body-text": "Are you sure you want to revoke this access? The dashboard can no longer be shared.",
"revoke-title": "Revoke access"
"fields": {
"timezone-label": "Timezone"
"shared-dashboard-list": {
"button": {
"config-button-tooltip": "Configure shared dashboard",
"revoke-button-text": "Revoke access",
"revoke-button-tooltip": "Revoke access",
"view-button-tooltip": "View shared dashboard"
"empty-state": {
"message": "You haven't created any shared dashboards yet",
"more-info": "Create a shared dashboard from any existing dashboard through the <1>Share</1> modal. <4>Learn more</4>"
"toggle": {
"pause-sharing-toggle-text": "Pause access"
"shared-preferences": {
"fields": {
"home-dashboard-label": "Home Dashboard",
"home-dashboard-placeholder": "Default dashboard",
"locale-label": "Language",
"locale-placeholder": "Choose language",
"theme-label": "Interface theme",
"week-start-label": "Week start"
"theme": {
"default-label": "Default"
"title": "Preferences"
"silences": {
"empty-state": {
"button-title": "Create silence",
"title": "You haven't created any silences yet"
"table": {
"add-silence-button": "Add Silence",
"edit-button": "Edit",
"expired-silences": "Expired silences are automatically deleted after 5 days.",
"no-matching-silences": "No matching silences found;",
"noConfig": "Create a new contact point to create a configuration using the default values or contact your administrator to set up the Alertmanager.",
"recreate-button": "Recreate",
"unsilence-button": "Unsilence"
"silences-table": {
"header": {
"alert-name": "Alert name",
"state": "State"
"snapshot": {
"empty-state": {
"message": "You haven't created any snapshots yet",
"more-info": "You can create a snapshot of any dashboard through the <1>Share</1> modal. <4>Learn more</4>"
"external-badge": "External",
"name-column-header": "Name",
"share": {
"cancel-button": "Cancel",
"copy-link-button": "Copy link",
"delete-button": "Delete snapshot",
"delete-description": "Are you sure you want to delete this snapshot?",
"delete-title": "Delete snapshot",
"deleted-alert": "Snapshot deleted. It could take an hour to be cleared from CDN caches.",
"expiration-label": "Expires in",
"info-alert": "A Grafana dashboard snapshot publicly shares a dashboard while removing sensitive data such as queries and panel links, leaving only visible metrics and series names. Anyone with the link can access the snapshot.",
"learn-more-button": "Learn more",
"local-button": "Publish snapshot",
"name-label": "Snapshot name",
"new-snapshot-button": "New snapshot",
"success-creation": "Your snapshot has been created",
"success-delete": "Your snapshot has been deleted",
"view-all-button": "View all snapshots"
"share-panel": {
"info-alert": "A Grafana panel snapshot publicly shares a panel while removing sensitive data such as queries and panel links, leaving only visible metrics and series names. Anyone with the link can access the snapshot."
"url-column-header": "Snapshot url",
"view-button": "View"
"tag-filter": {
"loading": "Loading...",
"no-tags": "No tags found",
"placeholder": "Filter by tag"
"teams": {
"empty-state": {
"button-title": "New team",
"message": "No teams found",
"pro-tip": "Assign folder and dashboard permissions to teams instead of users to ease administration. <2>Learn more</2>",
"title": "You haven't created any teams yet"
"time-picker": {
"absolute": {
"recent-title": "Recently used absolute ranges",
"title": "Absolute time range"
"calendar": {
"apply-button": "Apply time range",
"cancel-button": "Cancel",
"close": "Close calendar",
"next-month": "Next month",
"previous-month": "Previous month",
"select-time": "Select a time range"
"content": {
"empty-recent-list-docs": "<0><0>Read the documentation</0><1> to find out more about how to enter custom time ranges.</1></0>",
"empty-recent-list-info": "It looks like you haven't used this time picker before. As soon as you enter some time intervals, recently used intervals will appear here.",
"filter-placeholder": "Search quick ranges"
"copy-paste": {
"copy-success-message": "Time range copied to clipboard",
"default-error-message": "{{error}} is not a valid time range",
"default-error-title": "Invalid time range",
"tooltip-copy": "Copy time range to clipboard",
"tooltip-paste": "Paste time range"
"footer": {
"change-settings-button": "Change time settings",
"fiscal-year-option": "Fiscal year",
"fiscal-year-start": "Fiscal year start month",
"time-zone-option": "Time zone",
"time-zone-selection": "Time zone selection"
"range-content": {
"apply-button": "Apply time range",
"default-error": "Please enter a past date or \"now\"",
"fiscal-year": "Fiscal year",
"from-input": "From",
"open-input-calendar": "Open calendar",
"range-error": "\"From\" can't be after \"To\"",
"to-input": "To"
"range-picker": {
"backwards-time-aria-label": "Move time range backwards",
"current-time-selected": "Time range selected: {{currentTimeRange}}",
"forwards-time-aria-label": "Move time range forwards",
"to": "to",
"zoom-out-button": "Zoom out time range",
"zoom-out-tooltip": "Time range zoom out <1></1> CTRL+Z"
"time-range": {
"apply": "Apply time range",
"aria-role": "Time range selection",
"default-title": "Time ranges",
"example": "Example: to select a time range from 10 minutes ago to now",
"example-details": "From: now-10m To: now",
"example-title": "Example time ranges",
"from-to": "{{timeOptionFrom}} to {{timeOptionTo}}",
"more-info": "For more information see <2>docs <1></1></2>.",
"specify": "Specify time range <1></1>",
"supported-formats": "Supported formats: <1>now-[digit]s/m/h/d/w</1>"
"zone": {
"select-aria-label": "Time zone picker",
"select-search-input": "Type to search (country, city, abbreviation)"
"trails": {
"bookmarks": {
"empty-state": "You haven't created any bookmarks yet. Use the Explore Metrics bookmarks feature to save your panels as bookmarks."
"metric-overview": {
"description-label": "Description",
"labels": "Labels",
"metric-attributes": "Metric attributes",
"no-description": "No description available",
"type-label": "Type",
"unit-label": "Unit",
"unknown-type": "Unknown"
"metric-select": {
"filter-by": "Filter by",
"otel-switch": "This switch enables filtering by OTel resources for OTel native data sources."
"settings": {
"always-keep-selected-metric-graph-in-view": "Always keep selected metric graph in-view",
"show-previews-of-metric-graphs": "Show previews of metric graphs"
"transformations": {
"empty": {
"add-transformation-body": "Transformations allow data to be changed in various ways before your visualization is shown.<1></1>This includes joining data together, renaming fields, making calculations, formatting data for display, and more.",
"add-transformation-header": "Start transforming data"
"user-orgs": {
"current-org-button": "Current",
"name-column": "Name",
"role-column": "Role",
"select-org-button": "Select organisation",
"title": "Organizations"
"user-profile": {
"fields": {
"email-error": "Email is required",
"email-label": "Email",
"name-error": "Name is required",
"name-label": "Name",
"username-label": "Username"
"tabs": {
"general": "General"
"user-session": {
"auth-module-column": "Identity Provider",
"browser-column": "Browser & OS",
"created-at-column": "Logged on",
"identity-provider-column": "Identity Provider",
"ip-column": "IP address",
"revoke": "Revoke user session",
"seen-at-column": "Last seen"
"user-sessions": {
"loading": "Loading sessions..."
"users": {
"empty-state": {
"message": "No users found"
"users-access-list": {
"tabs": {
"public-dashboard-users-tab-title": "Public dashboard users",
"shared-dashboard-users-tab-title": "Shared dashboard users"
"variable": {
"adhoc": {
"placeholder": "Select value"
"dropdown": {
"placeholder": "Enter variable value"
"picker": {
"link-all": "All",
"option-all": "All",
"option-selected-values": "Selected",
"option-tooltip": "Clear selections"
"textbox": {
"placeholder": "Enter variable value"
"variables": {
"empty-state": {
"button-title": "Add variable",
"info-box-content": "Variables enable more interactive and dynamic dashboards. Instead of hard-coding things like server or sensor names in your metric queries you can use variables in their place. Variables are shown as list boxes at the top of the dashboard. These drop-down lists make it easy to change the data being displayed in your dashboard.",
"info-box-content-2": "Check out the <2>Templates and variables documentation</2> for more information.",
"title": "There are no variables added yet"