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synced 2025-02-25 18:55:37 -06:00
* Simple replace of State.Resolved with State.ResolvedAt * Retain ResolvedAt time between Normal->Normal transition * Introduce ResolvedRetention to keep sending recently resolved alerts * Make ResolvedRetention configurable with resolved_alert_retention * Tick-based LastSentAt for testing of ResendDelay and ResolvedRetention * Do not reset ResolvedAt during Normal->Pending transition Initially this was done to be inline with Prom ruler. However, Prom ruler doesn't keep track of Inactive->Pending/Alerting using the same alert instance, so it's more understandable that they choose not to retain ResolvedAt. In our case, since we use the same cached instance to represent the transition, it makes more sense to retain it. This should help alleviate some odd situations where temporarily entering Pending will stop future resolved notifications that would have happened because of ResolvedRetention. * Pointers for ResolvedAt & LastSentAt To avoid awkward time.Time{}.Unix() defaults on persist
352 lines
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package state
import (
alertingModels "github.com/grafana/alerting/models"
ngModels "github.com/grafana/grafana/pkg/services/ngalert/models"
func Test_StateToPostableAlert(t *testing.T) {
appURL := &url.URL{
Scheme: "http:",
Host: fmt.Sprintf("host-%d", rand.Int()),
Path: fmt.Sprintf("path-%d", rand.Int()),
testCases := []struct {
name string
state eval.State
name: "when state is Normal",
state: eval.Normal,
name: "when state is Alerting",
state: eval.Alerting,
name: "when state is Pending",
state: eval.Pending,
name: "when state is NoData",
state: eval.NoData,
name: "when state is Error",
state: eval.Error,
for _, tc := range testCases {
t.Run(tc.name, func(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("it generates proper URL", func(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("to alert rule", func(t *testing.T) {
alertState := randomTransition(eval.Normal, tc.state)
alertState.Labels[alertingModels.RuleUIDLabel] = alertState.AlertRuleUID
result := StateToPostableAlert(alertState, appURL)
u := *appURL
u.Path = u.Path + "/alerting/grafana/" + alertState.AlertRuleUID + "/view"
require.Equal(t, u.String(), result.Alert.GeneratorURL.String())
t.Run("app URL as is if rule UID is not specified", func(t *testing.T) {
alertState := randomTransition(eval.Normal, tc.state)
alertState.Labels[alertingModels.RuleUIDLabel] = ""
result := StateToPostableAlert(alertState, appURL)
require.Equal(t, appURL.String(), result.Alert.GeneratorURL.String())
delete(alertState.Labels, alertingModels.RuleUIDLabel)
result = StateToPostableAlert(alertState, appURL)
require.Equal(t, appURL.String(), result.Alert.GeneratorURL.String())
t.Run("empty string if app URL is not provided", func(t *testing.T) {
alertState := randomTransition(eval.Normal, tc.state)
alertState.Labels[alertingModels.RuleUIDLabel] = alertState.AlertRuleUID
result := StateToPostableAlert(alertState, nil)
require.Equal(t, "", result.Alert.GeneratorURL.String())
t.Run("Start and End timestamps should be the same", func(t *testing.T) {
alertState := randomTransition(eval.Normal, tc.state)
result := StateToPostableAlert(alertState, appURL)
require.Equal(t, strfmt.DateTime(alertState.StartsAt), result.StartsAt)
require.Equal(t, strfmt.DateTime(alertState.EndsAt), result.EndsAt)
t.Run("should copy annotations", func(t *testing.T) {
alertState := randomTransition(eval.Normal, tc.state)
alertState.Annotations = randomMapOfStrings()
result := StateToPostableAlert(alertState, appURL)
require.Equal(t, models.LabelSet(alertState.Annotations), result.Annotations)
t.Run("add __value_string__ if it has results", func(t *testing.T) {
alertState := randomTransition(eval.Normal, tc.state)
alertState.Annotations = randomMapOfStrings()
expectedValueString := util.GenerateShortUID()
alertState.LastEvaluationString = expectedValueString
result := StateToPostableAlert(alertState, appURL)
expected := make(models.LabelSet, len(alertState.Annotations)+1)
for k, v := range alertState.Annotations {
expected[k] = v
expected["__value_string__"] = expectedValueString
require.Equal(t, expected, result.Annotations)
// even overwrites
alertState.Annotations["__value_string__"] = util.GenerateShortUID()
result = StateToPostableAlert(alertState, appURL)
require.Equal(t, expected, result.Annotations)
t.Run("add __alertImageToken__ if there is an image token", func(t *testing.T) {
alertState := randomTransition(eval.Normal, tc.state)
alertState.Annotations = randomMapOfStrings()
alertState.Image = &ngModels.Image{Token: "test_token"}
result := StateToPostableAlert(alertState, appURL)
expected := make(models.LabelSet, len(alertState.Annotations)+1)
for k, v := range alertState.Annotations {
expected[k] = v
expected["__alertImageToken__"] = alertState.Image.Token
require.Equal(t, expected, result.Annotations)
t.Run("don't add __alertImageToken__ if there's no image token", func(t *testing.T) {
alertState := randomTransition(eval.Normal, tc.state)
alertState.Annotations = randomMapOfStrings()
alertState.Image = &ngModels.Image{}
result := StateToPostableAlert(alertState, appURL)
expected := make(models.LabelSet, len(alertState.Annotations)+1)
for k, v := range alertState.Annotations {
expected[k] = v
require.Equal(t, expected, result.Annotations)
t.Run("should add state reason annotation if not empty", func(t *testing.T) {
alertState := randomTransition(eval.Normal, tc.state)
alertState.StateReason = "TEST_STATE_REASON"
result := StateToPostableAlert(alertState, appURL)
require.Equal(t, alertState.StateReason, result.Annotations[ngModels.StateReasonAnnotation])
switch tc.state {
case eval.NoData:
t.Run("should keep existing labels and change name", func(t *testing.T) {
alertState := randomTransition(eval.Normal, tc.state)
alertState.Labels = randomMapOfStrings()
alertName := util.GenerateShortUID()
alertState.Labels[model.AlertNameLabel] = alertName
result := StateToPostableAlert(alertState, appURL)
expected := make(models.LabelSet, len(alertState.Labels)+1)
for k, v := range alertState.Labels {
expected[k] = v
expected[model.AlertNameLabel] = NoDataAlertName
expected[Rulename] = alertName
require.Equal(t, expected, result.Labels)
t.Run("should not backup original alert name if it does not exist", func(t *testing.T) {
alertState := randomTransition(eval.Normal, tc.state)
alertState.Labels = randomMapOfStrings()
delete(alertState.Labels, model.AlertNameLabel)
result := StateToPostableAlert(alertState, appURL)
require.Equal(t, NoDataAlertName, result.Labels[model.AlertNameLabel])
require.NotContains(t, result.Labels[model.AlertNameLabel], Rulename)
case eval.Error:
t.Run("should keep existing labels and change name", func(t *testing.T) {
alertState := randomTransition(eval.Normal, tc.state)
alertState.Labels = randomMapOfStrings()
alertName := util.GenerateShortUID()
alertState.Labels[model.AlertNameLabel] = alertName
result := StateToPostableAlert(alertState, appURL)
expected := make(models.LabelSet, len(alertState.Labels)+1)
for k, v := range alertState.Labels {
expected[k] = v
expected[model.AlertNameLabel] = ErrorAlertName
expected[Rulename] = alertName
require.Equal(t, expected, result.Labels)
t.Run("should not backup original alert name if it does not exist", func(t *testing.T) {
alertState := randomTransition(eval.Normal, tc.state)
alertState.Labels = randomMapOfStrings()
delete(alertState.Labels, model.AlertNameLabel)
result := StateToPostableAlert(alertState, appURL)
require.Equal(t, ErrorAlertName, result.Labels[model.AlertNameLabel])
require.NotContains(t, result.Labels[model.AlertNameLabel], Rulename)
t.Run("should copy labels as is", func(t *testing.T) {
alertState := randomTransition(eval.Normal, tc.state)
alertState.Labels = randomMapOfStrings()
result := StateToPostableAlert(alertState, appURL)
require.Equal(t, models.LabelSet(alertState.Labels), result.Labels)
func TestStateToPostableAlertFromNodataError(t *testing.T) {
appURL := &url.URL{
Scheme: "http:",
Host: fmt.Sprintf("host-%d", rand.Int()),
Path: fmt.Sprintf("path-%d", rand.Int()),
standardLabels := models.LabelSet{model.AlertNameLabel: "name"}
noDataLabels := models.LabelSet{Rulename: "name", model.AlertNameLabel: NoDataAlertName}
errorLabels := models.LabelSet{Rulename: "name", model.AlertNameLabel: ErrorAlertName}
testCases := []struct {
name string
resolved bool
from eval.State
to eval.State
expectedLabels models.LabelSet
// These are the important cases.
{name: "from NoData to Normal resolved", resolved: true, from: eval.NoData, to: eval.Normal, expectedLabels: noDataLabels},
{name: "from Error to Normal resolved", resolved: true, from: eval.Error, to: eval.Normal, expectedLabels: errorLabels},
// Regressions.
{name: "from NoData to Normal unresolved", resolved: false, from: eval.NoData, to: eval.Normal, expectedLabels: standardLabels},
{name: "from Error to Normal unresolved", resolved: false, from: eval.Error, to: eval.Normal, expectedLabels: standardLabels},
{name: "from NoData to Alerting unresolved", resolved: false, from: eval.NoData, to: eval.Alerting, expectedLabels: standardLabels},
{name: "from Error to Alerting unresolved", resolved: false, from: eval.Error, to: eval.Alerting, expectedLabels: standardLabels},
{name: "from NoData to Pending unresolved", resolved: false, from: eval.NoData, to: eval.Pending, expectedLabels: standardLabels},
{name: "from Error to Pending unresolved", resolved: false, from: eval.Error, to: eval.Pending, expectedLabels: standardLabels},
{name: "from NoData to NoData unresolved", resolved: false, from: eval.NoData, to: eval.NoData, expectedLabels: noDataLabels},
{name: "from Error to NoData unresolved", resolved: false, from: eval.Error, to: eval.NoData, expectedLabels: noDataLabels},
{name: "from NoData to Error unresolved", resolved: false, from: eval.NoData, to: eval.Error, expectedLabels: errorLabels},
{name: "from Error to Error unresolved", resolved: false, from: eval.Error, to: eval.Error, expectedLabels: errorLabels},
for _, tc := range testCases {
t.Run(tc.name, func(t *testing.T) {
alertState := randomTransition(tc.from, tc.to)
if tc.resolved {
alertState.ResolvedAt = &alertState.LastEvaluationTime
alertState.Labels = data.Labels(standardLabels)
result := StateToPostableAlert(alertState, appURL)
require.Equal(t, tc.expectedLabels, result.Labels)
func Test_FromAlertsStateToStoppedAlert(t *testing.T) {
appURL := &url.URL{
Scheme: "http:",
Host: fmt.Sprintf("host-%d", rand.Int()),
Path: fmt.Sprintf("path-%d", rand.Int()),
evalStates := [...]eval.State{eval.Normal, eval.Alerting, eval.Pending, eval.Error, eval.NoData}
states := make([]StateTransition, 0, len(evalStates)*len(evalStates))
for _, to := range evalStates {
for _, from := range evalStates {
states = append(states, randomTransition(from, to))
clk := clock.NewMock()
expected := make([]models.PostableAlert, 0, len(states))
for _, s := range states {
if !(s.PreviousState == eval.Alerting || s.PreviousState == eval.Error || s.PreviousState == eval.NoData) {
alert := StateToPostableAlert(s, appURL)
alert.EndsAt = strfmt.DateTime(clk.Now())
expected = append(expected, *alert)
result := FromAlertsStateToStoppedAlert(states, appURL, clk)
require.Equal(t, expected, result.PostableAlerts)
func randomMapOfStrings() map[string]string {
max := 5
result := make(map[string]string, max)
for i := 0; i < max; i++ {
result[util.GenerateShortUID()] = util.GenerateShortUID()
return result
func randomDuration() time.Duration {
return time.Duration(rand.Int63n(599)+1) * time.Second
func randomTimeInFuture() time.Time {
return time.Now().Add(randomDuration())
func randomTimeInPast() time.Time {
return time.Now().Add(-randomDuration())
func randomTransition(from, to eval.State) StateTransition {
return StateTransition{
PreviousState: from,
State: &State{
State: to,
AlertRuleUID: util.GenerateShortUID(),
StartsAt: time.Now(),
EndsAt: randomTimeInFuture(),
LastEvaluationTime: randomTimeInPast(),
EvaluationDuration: randomDuration(),
LastSentAt: util.Pointer(randomTimeInPast()),
Annotations: make(map[string]string),
Labels: make(map[string]string),
Values: make(map[string]float64),