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synced 2025-02-25 18:55:37 -06:00
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package cloudwatch
import (
const (
tagValueCacheExpiration = time.Hour * 24
// headerFromExpression is used by datasources to identify expression queries
headerFromExpression = "X-Grafana-From-Expr"
// headerFromAlert is used by datasources to identify alert queries
headerFromAlert = "FromAlert"
type DataQueryJson struct {
Type string `json:"type,omitempty"`
type DataSource struct {
Settings models.CloudWatchSettings
HTTPClient *http.Client
sessions SessionCache
tagValueCache *cache.Cache
ProxyOpts *proxy.Options
const (
defaultRegion = "default"
logsQueryMode = "Logs"
// QueryTypes
annotationQuery = "annotationQuery"
logAction = "logAction"
timeSeriesQuery = "timeSeriesQuery"
func ProvideService(httpClientProvider *httpclient.Provider) *CloudWatchService {
logger := backend.NewLoggerWith("logger", "tsdb.cloudwatch")
executor := newExecutor(
return &CloudWatchService{
Executor: executor,
type CloudWatchService struct {
Executor *cloudWatchExecutor
type SessionCache interface {
GetSession(c awsds.SessionConfig) (*session.Session, error)
func newExecutor(im instancemgmt.InstanceManager, logger log.Logger) *cloudWatchExecutor {
e := &cloudWatchExecutor{
im: im,
logger: logger,
e.resourceHandler = httpadapter.New(e.newResourceMux())
return e
func NewInstanceSettings(httpClientProvider *httpclient.Provider) datasource.InstanceFactoryFunc {
return func(ctx context.Context, settings backend.DataSourceInstanceSettings) (instancemgmt.Instance, error) {
instanceSettings, err := models.LoadCloudWatchSettings(ctx, settings)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error reading settings: %w", err)
opts, err := settings.HTTPClientOptions(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
httpClient, err := httpClientProvider.New(opts)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error creating http client: %w", err)
return DataSource{
Settings: instanceSettings,
HTTPClient: httpClient,
tagValueCache: cache.New(tagValueCacheExpiration, tagValueCacheExpiration*5),
sessions: awsds.NewSessionCache(),
// this is used to build a custom dialer when secure socks proxy is enabled
ProxyOpts: opts.ProxyOptions,
}, nil
// cloudWatchExecutor executes CloudWatch requests
type cloudWatchExecutor struct {
im instancemgmt.InstanceManager
logger log.Logger
resourceHandler backend.CallResourceHandler
// instrumentContext adds plugin key-values to the context; later, logger.FromContext(ctx) will provide a logger
// that adds these values to its output.
// TODO: move this into the sdk (see https://github.com/grafana/grafana/issues/82033)
func instrumentContext(ctx context.Context, endpoint string, pCtx backend.PluginContext) context.Context {
p := []any{"endpoint", endpoint, "pluginId", pCtx.PluginID}
if pCtx.DataSourceInstanceSettings != nil {
p = append(p, "dsName", pCtx.DataSourceInstanceSettings.Name)
p = append(p, "dsUID", pCtx.DataSourceInstanceSettings.UID)
if pCtx.User != nil {
p = append(p, "uname", pCtx.User.Login)
return log.WithContextualAttributes(ctx, p)
func (e *cloudWatchExecutor) getRequestContext(ctx context.Context, pluginCtx backend.PluginContext, region string) (models.RequestContext, error) {
r := region
instance, err := e.getInstance(ctx, pluginCtx)
if region == defaultRegion {
if err != nil {
return models.RequestContext{}, err
r = instance.Settings.Region
ec2Client, err := e.getEC2Client(ctx, pluginCtx, defaultRegion)
if err != nil {
return models.RequestContext{}, err
sess, err := instance.newSession(r)
if err != nil {
return models.RequestContext{}, err
return models.RequestContext{
OAMAPIProvider: NewOAMAPI(sess),
MetricsClientProvider: clients.NewMetricsClient(NewMetricsAPI(sess), instance.Settings.GrafanaSettings.ListMetricsPageLimit),
LogsAPIProvider: NewLogsAPI(sess),
EC2APIProvider: ec2Client,
Settings: instance.Settings,
Logger: e.logger.FromContext(ctx),
}, nil
// getRequestContextOnlySettings is useful for resource endpoints that are called before auth has been configured such as external-id that need access to settings but nothing else
func (e *cloudWatchExecutor) getRequestContextOnlySettings(ctx context.Context, pluginCtx backend.PluginContext, _ string) (models.RequestContext, error) {
instance, err := e.getInstance(ctx, pluginCtx)
if err != nil {
return models.RequestContext{}, err
return models.RequestContext{
OAMAPIProvider: nil,
MetricsClientProvider: nil,
LogsAPIProvider: nil,
EC2APIProvider: nil,
Settings: instance.Settings,
Logger: e.logger.FromContext(ctx),
}, nil
func (e *cloudWatchExecutor) CallResource(ctx context.Context, req *backend.CallResourceRequest, sender backend.CallResourceResponseSender) error {
ctx = instrumentContext(ctx, "callResource", req.PluginContext)
return e.resourceHandler.CallResource(ctx, req, sender)
func (e *cloudWatchExecutor) QueryData(ctx context.Context, req *backend.QueryDataRequest) (*backend.QueryDataResponse, error) {
ctx = instrumentContext(ctx, "queryData", req.PluginContext)
q := req.Queries[0]
var model DataQueryJson
err := json.Unmarshal(q.JSON, &model)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
_, fromAlert := req.Headers[headerFromAlert]
fromExpression := req.GetHTTPHeader(headerFromExpression) != ""
// Public dashboard queries execute like alert queries, i.e. they execute on the backend, therefore, we need to handle them synchronously.
// Since `model.Type` is set during execution on the frontend by the query runner and isn't saved with the query, we are checking here is
// missing the `model.Type` property and if it is a log query in order to determine if it is a public dashboard query.
fromPublicDashboard := (model.Type == "" && model.QueryMode == logsQueryMode)
isSyncLogQuery := ((fromAlert || fromExpression) && model.QueryMode == logsQueryMode) || fromPublicDashboard
if isSyncLogQuery {
return executeSyncLogQuery(ctx, e, req)
var result *backend.QueryDataResponse
switch model.Type {
case annotationQuery:
result, err = e.executeAnnotationQuery(ctx, req.PluginContext, model, q)
case logAction:
result, err = e.executeLogActions(ctx, req)
case timeSeriesQuery:
result, err = e.executeTimeSeriesQuery(ctx, req)
return result, err
func (e *cloudWatchExecutor) CheckHealth(ctx context.Context, req *backend.CheckHealthRequest) (*backend.CheckHealthResult, error) {
ctx = instrumentContext(ctx, "checkHealth", req.PluginContext)
status := backend.HealthStatusOk
metricsTest := "Successfully queried the CloudWatch metrics API."
logsTest := "Successfully queried the CloudWatch logs API."
err := e.checkHealthMetrics(ctx, req.PluginContext)
if err != nil {
status = backend.HealthStatusError
metricsTest = fmt.Sprintf("CloudWatch metrics query failed: %s", err.Error())
err = e.checkHealthLogs(ctx, req.PluginContext)
if err != nil {
status = backend.HealthStatusError
logsTest = fmt.Sprintf("CloudWatch logs query failed: %s", err.Error())
return &backend.CheckHealthResult{
Status: status,
Message: fmt.Sprintf("1. %s\n2. %s", metricsTest, logsTest),
}, nil
func (e *cloudWatchExecutor) checkHealthMetrics(ctx context.Context, pluginCtx backend.PluginContext) error {
namespace := "AWS/Billing"
metric := "EstimatedCharges"
params := &cloudwatch.ListMetricsInput{
Namespace: &namespace,
MetricName: &metric,
instance, err := e.getInstance(ctx, pluginCtx)
if err != nil {
return err
session, err := instance.newSession(defaultRegion)
if err != nil {
return err
metricClient := clients.NewMetricsClient(NewMetricsAPI(session), instance.Settings.GrafanaSettings.ListMetricsPageLimit)
_, err = metricClient.ListMetricsWithPageLimit(ctx, params)
return err
func (e *cloudWatchExecutor) checkHealthLogs(ctx context.Context, pluginCtx backend.PluginContext) error {
session, err := e.newSessionFromContext(ctx, pluginCtx, defaultRegion)
if err != nil {
return err
logsClient := NewLogsAPI(session)
_, err = logsClient.DescribeLogGroupsWithContext(ctx, &cloudwatchlogs.DescribeLogGroupsInput{Limit: aws.Int64(1)})
return err
func (ds *DataSource) newSession(region string) (*session.Session, error) {
if region == defaultRegion {
if len(ds.Settings.Region) == 0 {
return nil, models.ErrMissingRegion
region = ds.Settings.Region
sess, err := ds.sessions.GetSession(awsds.SessionConfig{
// https://github.com/grafana/grafana/issues/46365
// HTTPClient: instance.HTTPClient,
Settings: awsds.AWSDatasourceSettings{
Profile: ds.Settings.Profile,
Region: region,
AuthType: ds.Settings.AuthType,
AssumeRoleARN: ds.Settings.AssumeRoleARN,
ExternalID: ds.Settings.ExternalID,
Endpoint: ds.Settings.Endpoint,
DefaultRegion: ds.Settings.Region,
AccessKey: ds.Settings.AccessKey,
SecretKey: ds.Settings.SecretKey,
UserAgentName: aws.String("Cloudwatch"),
AuthSettings: &ds.Settings.GrafanaSettings,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// work around until https://github.com/grafana/grafana/issues/39089 is implemented
if ds.Settings.GrafanaSettings.SecureSocksDSProxyEnabled && ds.Settings.SecureSocksProxyEnabled {
// only update the transport to try to avoid the issue mentioned here https://github.com/grafana/grafana/issues/46365
// also, 'sess' is cached and reused, so the first time it might have the transport not set, the following uses it will
if sess.Config.HTTPClient.Transport == nil {
// following go standard library logic (https://pkg.go.dev/net/http#Client), if no Transport is provided,
// then we use http.DefaultTransport
defTransport, ok := http.DefaultTransport.(*http.Transport)
if !ok {
// this should not happen but validating just in case
return nil, errors.New("default http client transport is not of type http.Transport")
sess.Config.HTTPClient.Transport = defTransport.Clone()
err = proxy.New(ds.ProxyOpts).ConfigureSecureSocksHTTPProxy(sess.Config.HTTPClient.Transport.(*http.Transport))
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error configuring Secure Socks proxy for Transport: %w", err)
return sess, nil
func (e *cloudWatchExecutor) newSessionFromContext(ctx context.Context, pluginCtx backend.PluginContext, region string) (*session.Session, error) {
instance, err := e.getInstance(ctx, pluginCtx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return instance.newSession(region)
func (e *cloudWatchExecutor) getInstance(ctx context.Context, pluginCtx backend.PluginContext) (*DataSource, error) {
i, err := e.im.Get(ctx, pluginCtx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
instance := i.(DataSource)
return &instance, nil
func (e *cloudWatchExecutor) getCWClient(ctx context.Context, pluginCtx backend.PluginContext, region string) (cloudwatchiface.CloudWatchAPI, error) {
sess, err := e.newSessionFromContext(ctx, pluginCtx, region)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return NewCWClient(sess), nil
func (e *cloudWatchExecutor) getCWLogsClient(ctx context.Context, pluginCtx backend.PluginContext, region string) (cloudwatchlogsiface.CloudWatchLogsAPI, error) {
sess, err := e.newSessionFromContext(ctx, pluginCtx, region)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
logsClient := NewCWLogsClient(sess)
return logsClient, nil
func (e *cloudWatchExecutor) getEC2Client(ctx context.Context, pluginCtx backend.PluginContext, region string) (models.EC2APIProvider, error) {
sess, err := e.newSessionFromContext(ctx, pluginCtx, region)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return NewEC2Client(sess), nil
func (e *cloudWatchExecutor) getRGTAClient(ctx context.Context, pluginCtx backend.PluginContext, region string) (resourcegroupstaggingapiiface.ResourceGroupsTaggingAPIAPI,
error) {
sess, err := e.newSessionFromContext(ctx, pluginCtx, region)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return newRGTAClient(sess), nil
func isTerminated(queryStatus string) bool {
return queryStatus == "Complete" || queryStatus == "Cancelled" || queryStatus == "Failed" || queryStatus == "Timeout"