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synced 2025-02-25 18:55:37 -06:00
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453 lines
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package pyroscope
import (
type queryModel struct {
WithStreaming bool
type dsJsonModel struct {
MinStep string `json:"minStep"`
const (
queryTypeProfile = string(dataquery.PyroscopeQueryTypeProfile)
queryTypeMetrics = string(dataquery.PyroscopeQueryTypeMetrics)
queryTypeBoth = string(dataquery.PyroscopeQueryTypeBoth)
// query processes single Pyroscope query transforming the response to data.Frame packaged in DataResponse
func (d *PyroscopeDatasource) query(ctx context.Context, pCtx backend.PluginContext, query backend.DataQuery) backend.DataResponse {
ctx, span := tracing.DefaultTracer().Start(ctx, "datasource.pyroscope.query", trace.WithAttributes(attribute.String("query_type", query.QueryType)))
defer span.End()
var qm queryModel
response := backend.DataResponse{}
err := json.Unmarshal(query.JSON, &qm)
if err != nil {
span.SetStatus(codes.Error, err.Error())
response.Error = fmt.Errorf("error unmarshaling query model: %v", err)
return response
responseMutex := sync.Mutex{}
g, gCtx := errgroup.WithContext(ctx)
if query.QueryType == queryTypeMetrics || query.QueryType == queryTypeBoth {
g.Go(func() error {
var dsJson dsJsonModel
err = json.Unmarshal(pCtx.DataSourceInstanceSettings.JSONData, &dsJson)
if err != nil {
span.SetStatus(codes.Error, err.Error())
return fmt.Errorf("error unmarshaling datasource json model: %v", err)
parsedInterval := time.Second * 15
if dsJson.MinStep != "" {
parsedInterval, err = gtime.ParseDuration(dsJson.MinStep)
if err != nil {
parsedInterval = time.Second * 15
logger.Error("Failed to parse the MinStep using default", "MinStep", dsJson.MinStep, "function", logEntrypoint())
logger.Debug("Sending SelectSeriesRequest", "queryModel", qm, "function", logEntrypoint())
seriesResp, err := d.client.GetSeries(
math.Max(query.Interval.Seconds(), parsedInterval.Seconds()),
if err != nil {
span.SetStatus(codes.Error, err.Error())
logger.Error("Querying SelectSeries()", "err", err, "function", logEntrypoint())
return err
// add the frames to the response.
response.Frames = append(response.Frames, seriesToDataFrames(seriesResp)...)
return nil
if query.QueryType == queryTypeProfile || query.QueryType == queryTypeBoth {
g.Go(func() error {
var profileResp *ProfileResponse
if len(qm.SpanSelector) > 0 {
logger.Debug("Calling GetSpanProfile", "queryModel", qm, "function", logEntrypoint())
prof, err := d.client.GetSpanProfile(gCtx, qm.ProfileTypeId, qm.LabelSelector, qm.SpanSelector, query.TimeRange.From.UnixMilli(), query.TimeRange.To.UnixMilli(), qm.MaxNodes)
if err != nil {
span.SetStatus(codes.Error, err.Error())
logger.Error("Error GetSpanProfile()", "err", err, "function", logEntrypoint())
return err
profileResp = prof
} else {
logger.Debug("Calling GetProfile", "queryModel", qm, "function", logEntrypoint())
prof, err := d.client.GetProfile(gCtx, qm.ProfileTypeId, qm.LabelSelector, query.TimeRange.From.UnixMilli(), query.TimeRange.To.UnixMilli(), qm.MaxNodes)
if err != nil {
span.SetStatus(codes.Error, err.Error())
logger.Error("Error GetProfile()", "err", err, "function", logEntrypoint())
return err
profileResp = prof
var frame *data.Frame
if profileResp != nil {
frame = responseToDataFrames(profileResp)
// If query called with streaming on then return a channel
// to subscribe on a client-side and consume updates from a plugin.
// Feel free to remove this if you don't need streaming for your datasource.
if qm.WithStreaming {
channel := live.Channel{
Scope: live.ScopeDatasource,
Namespace: pCtx.DataSourceInstanceSettings.UID,
Path: "stream",
frame.SetMeta(&data.FrameMeta{Channel: channel.String()})
} else {
// We still send empty data frame to give feedback that query really run, just didn't return any data.
frame = getEmptyDataFrame()
response.Frames = append(response.Frames, frame)
return nil
if err := g.Wait(); err != nil {
span.SetStatus(codes.Error, err.Error())
response.Error = g.Wait()
return response
// responseToDataFrames turns Pyroscope response to data.Frame. We encode the data into a nested set format where we have
// [level, value, label] columns and by ordering the items in a depth first traversal order we can recreate the whole
// tree back.
func responseToDataFrames(resp *ProfileResponse) *data.Frame {
tree := levelsToTree(resp.Flamebearer.Levels, resp.Flamebearer.Names)
return treeToNestedSetDataFrame(tree, resp.Units)
// START_OFFSET is offset of the bar relative to previous sibling
const START_OFFSET = 0
// VALUE_OFFSET is value or width of the bar
const VALUE_OFFSET = 1
// SELF_OFFSET is self value of the bar
const SELF_OFFSET = 2
// NAME_OFFSET is index into the names array
const NAME_OFFSET = 3
// ITEM_OFFSET Next bar. Each bar of the profile is represented by 4 number in a flat array.
const ITEM_OFFSET = 4
type ProfileTree struct {
Start int64
Value int64
Self int64
Level int
Name string
Nodes []*ProfileTree
// levelsToTree converts flamebearer format into a tree. This is needed to then convert it into nested set format
// dataframe. This should be temporary, and ideally we should get some sort of tree struct directly from Pyroscope API.
func levelsToTree(levels []*Level, names []string) *ProfileTree {
if len(levels) == 0 {
return nil
tree := &ProfileTree{
Start: 0,
Value: levels[0].Values[VALUE_OFFSET],
Self: levels[0].Values[SELF_OFFSET],
Level: 0,
Name: names[levels[0].Values[0]],
parentsStack := []*ProfileTree{tree}
currentLevel := 1
// Cycle through each level
for {
if currentLevel >= len(levels) {
// If we still have levels to go, this should not happen. Something is probably wrong with the flamebearer data.
if len(parentsStack) == 0 {
logger.Error("ParentsStack is empty but we are not at the last level", "currentLevel", currentLevel, "function", logEntrypoint())
var nextParentsStack []*ProfileTree
currentParent := parentsStack[:1][0]
parentsStack = parentsStack[1:]
itemIndex := 0
// cumulative offset as items in flamebearer format have just relative to prev item
offset := int64(0)
// Cycle through bar in a level
for {
if itemIndex >= len(levels[currentLevel].Values) {
itemStart := levels[currentLevel].Values[itemIndex+START_OFFSET] + offset
itemValue := levels[currentLevel].Values[itemIndex+VALUE_OFFSET]
selfValue := levels[currentLevel].Values[itemIndex+SELF_OFFSET]
itemEnd := itemStart + itemValue
parentEnd := currentParent.Start + currentParent.Value
if itemStart >= currentParent.Start && itemEnd <= parentEnd {
// We have an item that is in the bounds of current parent item, so it should be its child
treeItem := &ProfileTree{
Start: itemStart,
Value: itemValue,
Self: selfValue,
Level: currentLevel,
Name: names[levels[currentLevel].Values[itemIndex+NAME_OFFSET]],
// Add to parent
currentParent.Nodes = append(currentParent.Nodes, treeItem)
// Add this item as parent for the next level
nextParentsStack = append(nextParentsStack, treeItem)
itemIndex += ITEM_OFFSET
// Update offset for next item. This is changing relative offset to absolute one.
offset = itemEnd
} else {
// We went out of parents bounds so lets move to next parent. We will evaluate the same item again, but
// we will check if it is a child of the next parent item in line.
if len(parentsStack) == 0 {
logger.Error("ParentsStack is empty but there are still items in current level", "currentLevel", currentLevel, "itemIndex", itemIndex, "function", logEntrypoint())
currentParent = parentsStack[:1][0]
parentsStack = parentsStack[1:]
parentsStack = nextParentsStack
return tree
type Function struct {
FunctionName string
FileName string // optional
Line int64 // optional
func (f Function) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s:%d", f.FileName, f.FunctionName, f.Line)
func (pt *ProfileTree) String() string {
type branch struct {
nodes []*ProfileTree
tree := treeprint.New()
for _, n := range []*ProfileTree{pt} {
b := tree.AddBranch(fmt.Sprintf("%s: level %d self %d total %d", n.Name, n.Level, n.Self, n.Value))
remaining := append([]*branch{}, &branch{nodes: n.Nodes, Tree: b})
for len(remaining) > 0 {
current := remaining[0]
remaining = remaining[1:]
for _, n := range current.nodes {
if len(n.Nodes) > 0 {
remaining = append(remaining,
nodes: n.Nodes, Tree: current.Tree.AddBranch(fmt.Sprintf("%s: level %d self %d total %d", n.Name, n.Level, n.Self, n.Value)),
} else {
current.Tree.AddNode(fmt.Sprintf("%s: level %d self %d total %d", n.Name, n.Level, n.Self, n.Value))
return tree.String()
func getEmptyDataFrame() *data.Frame {
var emptyProfileDataFrame = data.NewFrame("response")
emptyProfileDataFrame.Meta = &data.FrameMeta{PreferredVisualization: "flamegraph"}
emptyProfileDataFrame.Fields = data.Fields{
data.NewField("level", nil, []int64{}),
data.NewField("value", nil, []int64{}),
data.NewField("self", nil, []int64{}),
data.NewField("label", nil, []string{}),
return emptyProfileDataFrame
type CustomMeta struct {
ProfileTypeID string
// treeToNestedSetDataFrame walks the tree depth first and adds items into the dataframe. This is a nested set format
// where ordering the items in depth first order and knowing the level/depth of each item we can recreate the
// parent - child relationship without explicitly needing parent/child column, and we can later just iterate over the
// dataFrame to again basically walking depth first over the tree/profile.
func treeToNestedSetDataFrame(tree *ProfileTree, unit string) *data.Frame {
frame := data.NewFrame("response")
frame.Meta = &data.FrameMeta{PreferredVisualization: "flamegraph"}
levelField := data.NewField("level", nil, []int64{})
valueField := data.NewField("value", nil, []int64{})
selfField := data.NewField("self", nil, []int64{})
// profileTypeID should encode the type of the profile with unit being the 3rd part
valueField.Config = &data.FieldConfig{Unit: unit}
selfField.Config = &data.FieldConfig{Unit: unit}
frame.Fields = data.Fields{levelField, valueField, selfField}
labelField := NewEnumField("label", nil)
// Tree can be nil if profile was empty, we can still send empty frame in that case
if tree != nil {
walkTree(tree, func(tree *ProfileTree) {
frame.Fields = append(frame.Fields, labelField.GetField())
return frame
type EnumField struct {
field *data.Field
valuesMap map[string]data.EnumItemIndex
counter data.EnumItemIndex
func NewEnumField(name string, labels data.Labels) *EnumField {
return &EnumField{
field: data.NewField(name, labels, []data.EnumItemIndex{}),
valuesMap: make(map[string]data.EnumItemIndex),
func (e *EnumField) Append(value string) {
if valueIndex, ok := e.valuesMap[value]; ok {
} else {
e.valuesMap[value] = e.counter
func (e *EnumField) GetField() *data.Field {
s := make([]string, len(e.valuesMap))
for k, v := range e.valuesMap {
s[v] = k
TypeConfig: &data.FieldTypeConfig{
Enum: &data.EnumFieldConfig{
Text: s,
return e.field
func walkTree(tree *ProfileTree, fn func(tree *ProfileTree)) {
stack := tree.Nodes
for {
if len(stack) == 0 {
if stack[0].Nodes != nil {
stack = append(stack[0].Nodes, stack[1:]...)
} else {
stack = stack[1:]
func seriesToDataFrames(resp *SeriesResponse) []*data.Frame {
frames := make([]*data.Frame, 0, len(resp.Series))
for _, series := range resp.Series {
// We create separate data frames as the series may not have the same length
frame := data.NewFrame("series")
frame.Meta = &data.FrameMeta{PreferredVisualization: "graph"}
fields := make(data.Fields, 0, 2)
timeField := data.NewField("time", nil, []time.Time{})
fields = append(fields, timeField)
labels := make(map[string]string)
for _, label := range series.Labels {
labels[label.Name] = label.Value
valueField := data.NewField(resp.Label, labels, []float64{})
valueField.Config = &data.FieldConfig{Unit: resp.Units}
for _, point := range series.Points {
fields = append(fields, valueField)
frame.Fields = fields
frames = append(frames, frame)
return frames