mirror of
synced 2025-02-25 18:55:37 -06:00
804 lines
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804 lines
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/*jshint globalstrict:true */
/*global angular:true */
/*global Blob:false*/
'use strict';
angular.module('kibana.services', [])
.service('eventBus', function($rootScope) {
// An array of registed types
var _types = [];
this.broadcast = function(from,to,type,data) {
if(_.isUndefined(data)) {
data = from;
var packet = {
time: new Date(),
type: type,
from: from,
to: to,
data: data
if(_.contains(_types,'$kibana_debug')) {
from: from,
to: to,
data: data
// This sets up an $on listener that checks to see if the event (packet) is
// addressed to the scope in question and runs the registered function if it
// is.
this.register = function(scope,type,fn) {
_types = _.union(_types,[type]);
var _id = scope.$id;
var _to = packet.to;
var _from = packet.from;
var _type = packet.type;
var _time = packet.time;
var _group = (!(_.isUndefined(scope.panel))) ? scope.panel.group : ["NONE"];
if(!(_.isArray(_to))) {
_to = [_to];
if(!(_.isArray(_group))) {
_group = [_group];
// Transmit event only if the sender is not the receiver AND one of the following:
// 1) Receiver has group in _to 2) Receiver's $id is in _to
// 3) Event is addressed to ALL 4) Receiver is in ALL group
if((_.intersection(_to,_group).length > 0 ||
_.indexOf(_to,_id) > -1 ||
_.indexOf(_group,'ALL') > -1 ||
_.indexOf(_to,'ALL') > -1) &&
_from !== _id
) {
Service: fields
Provides a global list of all seen fields for use in editor panels
.factory('fields', function($rootScope) {
var fields = {
list : []
$rootScope.$on('fields', function(event,f) {
fields.list = _.union(f.data.all,fields.list);
return fields;
.service('kbnIndex',function($http) {
// returns a promise containing an array of all indices matching the index
// pattern that exist in a given range
this.indices = function(from,to,pattern,interval) {
var possible = [];
return all_indices().then(function(p) {
var indices = _.intersection(possible,p);
return indices;
// returns a promise containing an array of all indices in an elasticsearch
// cluster
function all_indices() {
var something = $http({
url: config.elasticsearch + "/_aliases",
method: "GET"
}).error(function(data, status, headers, config) {
// Handle error condition somehow?
return something.then(function(p) {
var indices = [];
_.each(p.data, function(v,k) {
// Also add the aliases. Could be expensive on systems with a lot of them
_.each(v.aliases, function(v, k) {
return indices;
// this is stupid, but there is otherwise no good way to ensure that when
// I extract the date from an object that I get the UTC date. Stupid js.
// I die a little inside every time I call this function.
// Update: I just read this again. I died a little more inside.
// Update2: More death.
function fake_utc(date) {
date = moment(date).clone().toDate();
return moment(new Date(date.getTime() + date.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000));
// Create an array of date objects by a given interval
function expand_range(start, end, interval) {
if(_.contains(['hour','day','week','month','year'],interval)) {
var range;
start = moment(start).clone();
range = [];
while (start.isBefore(end)) {
switch (interval) {
case 'hour':
case 'day':
case 'week':
case 'month':
case 'year':
return range;
} else {
return false;
.service('timer', function($timeout) {
// This service really just tracks a list of $timeout promises to give us a
// method for cancelling them all when we need to
var timers = [];
this.register = function(promise) {
return promise;
this.cancel = function(promise) {
timers = _.without(timers,promise);
this.cancel_all = function() {
_.each(timers, function(t){
timers = [];
.service('querySrv', function(dashboard, ejsResource) {
// Create an object to hold our service state on the dashboard
dashboard.current.services.query = dashboard.current.services.query || {};
idQueue : [],
list : {},
ids : [],
// For convenience
var ejs = ejsResource(config.elasticsearch);
var _q = dashboard.current.services.query;
this.colors = [
"#7EB26D","#EAB839","#6ED0E0","#EF843C","#E24D42","#1F78C1","#BA43A9","#705DA0", //1
"#508642","#CCA300","#447EBC","#C15C17","#890F02","#0A437C","#6D1F62","#584477", //2
"#B7DBAB","#F4D598","#70DBED","#F9BA8F","#F29191","#82B5D8","#E5A8E2","#AEA2E0", //3
"#629E51","#E5AC0E","#64B0C8","#E0752D","#BF1B00","#0A50A1","#962D82","#614D93", //4
"#9AC48A","#F2C96D","#65C5DB","#F9934E","#EA6460","#5195CE","#D683CE","#806EB7", //5
"#3F6833","#967302","#2F575E","#99440A","#58140C","#052B51","#511749","#3F2B5B", //6
"#E0F9D7","#FCEACA","#CFFAFF","#F9E2D2","#FCE2DE","#BADFF4","#F9D9F9","#DEDAF7" //7
// Save a reference to this
var self = this;
this.init = function() {
_q = dashboard.current.services.query;
self.list = dashboard.current.services.query.list;
self.ids = dashboard.current.services.query.ids;
if (self.ids.length === 0) {
// This is used both for adding queries and modifying them. If an id is passed, the query at that id is updated
this.set = function(query,id) {
if(!_.isUndefined(id)) {
if(!_.isUndefined(self.list[id])) {
return id;
} else {
return false;
} else {
var _id = nextId();
var _query = {
query: '*',
alias: '',
color: colorAt(_id),
pin: false,
id: _id,
type: 'lucene'
self.list[_id] = query;
return _id;
this.remove = function(id) {
if(!_.isUndefined(self.list[id])) {
delete self.list[id];
// This must happen on the full path also since _.without returns a copy
self.ids = dashboard.current.services.query.ids = _.without(self.ids,id);
return v-k;
return true;
} else {
return false;
this.getEjsObj = function(id) {
return self.toEjsObj(self.list[id]);
this.toEjsObj = function (q) {
case 'lucene':
return ejs.QueryStringQuery(q.query || '*');
return _.isUndefined(q.query) ? false : ejs.QueryStringQuery(q.query || '*');
this.findQuery = function(queryString) {
return _.findWhere(self.list,{query:queryString});
this.idsByMode = function(config) {
case 'all':
return self.ids;
case 'pinned':
return _.pluck(_.where(self.list,{pin:true}),'id');
case 'selected':
return _.intersection(self.ids,config.ids);
return self.ids;
var nextId = function() {
if(_q.idQueue.length > 0) {
return _q.idQueue.shift();
} else {
return self.ids.length;
var colorAt = function(id) {
return self.colors[id % self.colors.length];
.service('filterSrv', function(dashboard, ejsResource) {
// Create an object to hold our service state on the dashboard
dashboard.current.services.filter = dashboard.current.services.filter || {};
idQueue : [],
list : {},
ids : []
// For convenience
var ejs = ejsResource(config.elasticsearch);
var _f = dashboard.current.services.filter;
// Save a reference to this
var self = this;
// Call this whenever we need to reload the important stuff
this.init = function() {
// Accessors
self.list = dashboard.current.services.filter.list;
self.ids = dashboard.current.services.filter.ids;
_f = dashboard.current.services.filter;
_.each(self.getByType('time',true),function(time) {
self.list[time.id].from = new Date(time.from);
self.list[time.id].to = new Date(time.to);
// This is used both for adding filters and modifying them.
// If an id is passed, the filter at that id is updated
this.set = function(filter,id) {
filter.active = true;
if(!_.isUndefined(id)) {
if(!_.isUndefined(self.list[id])) {
return id;
} else {
return false;
} else {
if(_.isUndefined(filter.type)) {
return false;
} else {
var _id = nextId();
var _filter = {
alias: '',
id: _id
self.list[_id] = filter;
return _id;
this.getBoolFilter = function(ids) {
// A default match all filter, just in case there are no other filters
var bool = ejs.BoolFilter().must(ejs.MatchAllFilter());
var either_bool = ejs.BoolFilter().must(ejs.MatchAllFilter());
_.each(ids,function(id) {
if(self.list[id].active) {
case 'mustNot':
bool = bool.mustNot(self.getEjsObj(id));
case 'either':
either_bool = either_bool.should(self.getEjsObj(id));
bool = bool.must(self.getEjsObj(id));
return bool.must(either_bool);
this.getEjsObj = function(id) {
return self.toEjsObj(self.list[id]);
this.toEjsObj = function (filter) {
if(!filter.active) {
return false;
case 'time':
return ejs.RangeFilter(filter.field)
case 'range':
return ejs.RangeFilter(filter.field)
case 'querystring':
return ejs.QueryFilter(ejs.QueryStringQuery(filter.query)).cache(true);
case 'terms':
return ejs.TermsFilter(filter.field,filter.value);
case 'exists':
return ejs.ExistsFilter(filter.field);
case 'missing':
return ejs.MissingFilter(filter.field);
return false;
this.getByType = function(type,inactive) {
return _.pick(self.list,self.idsByType(type,inactive));
this.removeByType = function(type) {
var ids = self.idsByType(type);
_.each(ids,function(id) {
return ids;
this.idsByType = function(type,inactive) {
var _require = inactive ? {type:type} : {type:type,active:true};
return _.pluck(_.where(self.list,_require),'id');
// This special function looks for all time filters, and returns a time range according to the mode
this.timeRange = function(mode) {
var _t = _.where(self.list,{type:'time',active:true});
if(_t.length === 0) {
return false;
switch(mode) {
case "min":
return {
from: new Date(_.max(_.pluck(_t,'from'))),
to: new Date(_.min(_.pluck(_t,'to')))
case "max":
return {
from: new Date(_.min(_.pluck(_t,'from'))),
to: new Date(_.max(_.pluck(_t,'to')))
return false;
this.remove = function(id) {
if(!_.isUndefined(self.list[id])) {
delete self.list[id];
// This must happen on the full path also since _.without returns a copy
self.ids = dashboard.current.services.filter.ids = _.without(self.ids,id);
_f.idQueue.sort(function(v,k){return v-k;});
return true;
} else {
return false;
var nextId = function() {
if(_f.idQueue.length > 0) {
return _f.idQueue.shift();
} else {
return self.ids.length;
// Now init
.service('dashboard', function($routeParams, $http, $rootScope, $injector, ejsResource, timer, kbnIndex) {
// A hash of defaults to use when loading a dashboard
var _dash = {
title: "",
editable: true,
rows: [],
services: {},
index: {
interval: 'none',
pattern: '_all',
default: '_all'
// An elasticJS client to use
var ejs = ejsResource(config.elasticsearch);
var gist_pattern = /(^\d{5,}$)|(^[a-z0-9]{10,}$)|(gist.github.com(\/*.*)\/[a-z0-9]{5,}\/*$)/;
// Store a reference to this
var self = this;
var filterSrv,querySrv;
this.current = {};
this.last = {};
// Clear the current dashboard to prevent reloading
self.current = {};
self.indices = [];
var route = function() {
// Is there a dashboard type and id in the URL?
if(!(_.isUndefined($routeParams.type)) && !(_.isUndefined($routeParams.id))) {
var _type = $routeParams.type;
var _id = $routeParams.id;
switch(_type) {
case ('elasticsearch'):
case ('temp'):
case ('file'):
// No dashboard in the URL
} else {
// Check if browser supports localstorage, and if there's a dashboard
if (window.Modernizr.localstorage &&
!(_.isUndefined(window.localStorage['dashboard'])) &&
window.localStorage['dashboard'] !== ''
) {
var dashboard = JSON.parse(window.localStorage['dashboard']);
// No? Ok, grab default.json, its all we have now
} else {
// Since the dashboard is responsible for index computation, we can compute and assign the indices
// here before telling the panels to refresh
this.refresh = function() {
if(self.current.index.interval !== 'none') {
if(filterSrv.idsByType('time').length > 0) {
var _range = filterSrv.timeRange('min');
).then(function (p) {
if(p.length > 0) {
self.indices = p;
} else {
self.indices = [self.current.index.default];
} else {
// This is not optimal, we should be getting the entire index list here, or at least every
// index that possibly matches the pattern
self.indices = [self.current.index.default];
} else {
self.indices = [self.current.index.default];
this.dash_load = function(dashboard) {
// Cancel all timers
// If not using time based indices, use the default index
if(dashboard.index.interval === 'none') {
self.indices = [dashboard.index.default];
self.current = _.clone(dashboard);
// Ok, now that we've setup the current dashboard, we can inject our services
querySrv = $injector.get('querySrv');
filterSrv = $injector.get('filterSrv');
// Make sure these re-init
if(dashboard.index.interval !== 'none' && filterSrv.idsByType('time').length === 0) {
return true;
this.gist_id = function(string) {
if(self.is_gist(string)) {
return string.match(gist_pattern)[0].replace(/.*\//, '');
this.is_gist = function(string) {
if(!_.isUndefined(string) && string !== '' && !_.isNull(string.match(gist_pattern))) {
return string.match(gist_pattern).length > 0 ? true : false;
} else {
return false;
this.to_file = function() {
var blob = new Blob([angular.toJson(self.current,true)], {type: "application/json;charset=utf-8"});
// from filesaver.js
window.saveAs(blob, self.current.title+"-"+new Date().getTime());
return true;
this.set_default = function(dashboard) {
if (window.Modernizr.localstorage) {
window.localStorage['dashboard'] = angular.toJson(dashboard || self.current);
return true;
} else {
return false;
this.purge_default = function() {
if (window.Modernizr.localstorage) {
window.localStorage['dashboard'] = '';
return true;
} else {
return false;
// TOFIX: Pretty sure this breaks when you're on a saved dashboard already
this.share_link = function(title,type,id) {
return {
location : window.location.href.replace(window.location.hash,""),
type : type,
id : id,
link : window.location.href.replace(window.location.hash,"")+"#dashboard/"+type+"/"+id,
title : title
this.file_load = function(file) {
return $http({
url: "dashboards/"+file,
method: "GET",
}).then(function(result) {
var _dashboard = result.data;
return true;
},function(result) {
return false;
this.elasticsearch_load = function(type,id) {
var request = ejs.Request().indices(config.kibana_index).types(type);
var results = request.query(
return results.then(function(results) {
if(_.isUndefined(results)) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
this.elasticsearch_save = function(type,title,ttl) {
// Clone object so we can modify it without influencing the existing obejct
var save = _.clone(self.current);
var id;
// Change title on object clone
if (type === 'dashboard') {
id = save.title = _.isUndefined(title) ? self.current.title : title;
// Create request with id as title. Rethink this.
var request = ejs.Document(config.kibana_index,type,id).source({
user: 'guest',
group: 'guest',
title: save.title,
dashboard: angular.toJson(save)
request = type === 'temp' && ttl ? request.ttl(ttl) : request;
// TOFIX: Implement error handling here
return request.doIndex(
// Success
function(result) {
return result;
// Failure
function(result) {
return false;
this.elasticsearch_delete = function(id) {
return ejs.Document(config.kibana_index,'dashboard',id).doDelete(
// Success
function(result) {
return result;
// Failure
function(result) {
return false;
this.elasticsearch_list = function(query,count) {
var request = ejs.Request().indices(config.kibana_index).types('dashboard');
return request.query(
ejs.QueryStringQuery(query || '*')
// Success
function(result) {
return result;
// Failure
function(result) {
return false;
// TOFIX: Gist functionality
this.save_gist = function(title,dashboard) {
var save = _.clone(dashboard || self.current);
save.title = title || self.current.title;
return $http({
url: "https://api.github.com/gists",
method: "POST",
data: {
"description": save.title,
"public": false,
"files": {
"kibana-dashboard.json": {
"content": angular.toJson(save,true)
}).then(function(data, status, headers, config) {
return data.data.html_url;
}, function(data, status, headers, config) {
return false;
this.gist_list = function(id) {
return $http.jsonp("https://api.github.com/gists/"+id+"?callback=JSON_CALLBACK"
).then(function(response) {
var files = [];
_.each(response.data.data.files,function(v,k) {
try {
var file = JSON.parse(v.content);
} catch(e) {
// Nothing?
return files;
}, function(data, status, headers, config) {
return false;
}); |