kay delaney 64bbb7a7ce
Chore: Update and enforce usage of typed react-redux hooks (#55349)
* Chore: Update and enforce usage of typed react-redux hooks
2022-09-19 10:49:35 +01:00

39 lines
1.4 KiB

import hoistNonReactStatics from 'hoist-non-react-statics';
import React, { ComponentType, FunctionComponent, useEffect } from 'react';
import { connect, MapDispatchToPropsParam, MapStateToPropsParam } from 'react-redux';
import { useDispatch } from 'app/types';
import { cleanUpAction, CleanUpAction } from '../actions/cleanUp';
export const connectWithCleanUp =
<TStateProps extends {} = {}, TDispatchProps = {}, TOwnProps = {}, State = {}, Statics = {}>(
mapStateToProps: MapStateToPropsParam<TStateProps, TOwnProps, State>,
mapDispatchToProps: MapDispatchToPropsParam<TDispatchProps, TOwnProps>,
cleanupAction: CleanUpAction
) =>
(Component: ComponentType<any>) => {
const ConnectedComponent = connect(
// @ts-ignore
const ConnectedComponentWithCleanUp: FunctionComponent = (props) => {
const dispatch = useDispatch();
useEffect(() => {
return function cleanUp() {
dispatch(cleanUpAction({ cleanupAction: cleanupAction }));
}, [dispatch]);
// @ts-ignore
return <ConnectedComponent {...props} />;
ConnectedComponentWithCleanUp.displayName = `ConnectWithCleanUp(${ConnectedComponent.displayName})`;
hoistNonReactStatics(ConnectedComponentWithCleanUp, Component);
type Hoisted = typeof ConnectedComponentWithCleanUp & Statics;
return ConnectedComponentWithCleanUp as Hoisted;