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synced 2025-02-16 18:34:52 -06:00
According to the stackoverflow answer below, it is recommended to not include a trailing / in cookies' path. By removing the trailing / for our cookies path value, people's browsers visiting grafana will pass the cookie not only to /grafana/ sub paths but also to /grafana sub paths. This commit avoids the situation where a user would visit http://localhost/grafana, get redirected to http://localhost/grafana/login, and following login get redirected back to http://localhost/grafana, but since the grafana_session cookie isn't passed along get redirected back once more to http://localhost/grafana/login. ref: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/36131023/setting-a-slash-on-cookie-path/53784228#53784228 ref: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6265#section-5.1.4
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package middleware
import (
. "github.com/smartystreets/goconvey/convey"
authproxy "github.com/grafana/grafana/pkg/middleware/auth_proxy"
const errorTemplate = "error-template"
func mockGetTime() {
var timeSeed int64
getTime = func() time.Time {
fakeNow := time.Unix(timeSeed, 0)
return fakeNow
func resetGetTime() {
getTime = time.Now
func TestMiddleWareSecurityHeaders(t *testing.T) {
setting.ERR_TEMPLATE_NAME = errorTemplate
Convey("Given the grafana middleware", t, func() {
middlewareScenario(t, "middleware should get correct x-xss-protection header", func(sc *scenarioContext) {
setting.XSSProtectionHeader = true
sc.fakeReq("GET", "/api/").exec()
So(sc.resp.Header().Get("X-XSS-Protection"), ShouldEqual, "1; mode=block")
middlewareScenario(t, "middleware should not get x-xss-protection when disabled", func(sc *scenarioContext) {
setting.XSSProtectionHeader = false
sc.fakeReq("GET", "/api/").exec()
So(sc.resp.Header().Get("X-XSS-Protection"), ShouldBeEmpty)
middlewareScenario(t, "middleware should add correct Strict-Transport-Security header", func(sc *scenarioContext) {
setting.StrictTransportSecurity = true
setting.Protocol = setting.HTTPS
setting.StrictTransportSecurityMaxAge = 64000
sc.fakeReq("GET", "/api/").exec()
So(sc.resp.Header().Get("Strict-Transport-Security"), ShouldEqual, "max-age=64000")
setting.StrictTransportSecurityPreload = true
sc.fakeReq("GET", "/api/").exec()
So(sc.resp.Header().Get("Strict-Transport-Security"), ShouldEqual, "max-age=64000; preload")
setting.StrictTransportSecuritySubDomains = true
sc.fakeReq("GET", "/api/").exec()
So(sc.resp.Header().Get("Strict-Transport-Security"), ShouldEqual, "max-age=64000; preload; includeSubDomains")
func TestMiddlewareContext(t *testing.T) {
setting.ERR_TEMPLATE_NAME = errorTemplate
Convey("Given the grafana middleware", t, func() {
middlewareScenario(t, "middleware should add context to injector", func(sc *scenarioContext) {
sc.fakeReq("GET", "/").exec()
So(sc.context, ShouldNotBeNil)
middlewareScenario(t, "Default middleware should allow get request", func(sc *scenarioContext) {
sc.fakeReq("GET", "/").exec()
So(sc.resp.Code, ShouldEqual, 200)
middlewareScenario(t, "middleware should add Cache-Control header for requests to API", func(sc *scenarioContext) {
sc.fakeReq("GET", "/api/search").exec()
So(sc.resp.Header().Get("Cache-Control"), ShouldEqual, "no-cache")
So(sc.resp.Header().Get("Pragma"), ShouldEqual, "no-cache")
So(sc.resp.Header().Get("Expires"), ShouldEqual, "-1")
middlewareScenario(t, "middleware should not add Cache-Control header for requests to datasource proxy API", func(sc *scenarioContext) {
sc.fakeReq("GET", "/api/datasources/proxy/1/test").exec()
So(sc.resp.Header().Get("Cache-Control"), ShouldBeEmpty)
So(sc.resp.Header().Get("Pragma"), ShouldBeEmpty)
So(sc.resp.Header().Get("Expires"), ShouldBeEmpty)
middlewareScenario(t, "middleware should add Cache-Control header for requests with html response", func(sc *scenarioContext) {
sc.handler(func(c *models.ReqContext) {
data := &dtos.IndexViewData{
User: &dtos.CurrentUser{},
Settings: map[string]interface{}{},
NavTree: []*dtos.NavLink{},
c.HTML(200, "index-template", data)
sc.fakeReq("GET", "/").exec()
So(sc.resp.Code, ShouldEqual, 200)
So(sc.resp.Header().Get("Cache-Control"), ShouldEqual, "no-cache")
So(sc.resp.Header().Get("Pragma"), ShouldEqual, "no-cache")
So(sc.resp.Header().Get("Expires"), ShouldEqual, "-1")
middlewareScenario(t, "middleware should add X-Frame-Options header with deny for request when not allowing embedding", func(sc *scenarioContext) {
sc.fakeReq("GET", "/api/search").exec()
So(sc.resp.Header().Get("X-Frame-Options"), ShouldEqual, "deny")
middlewareScenario(t, "middleware should not add X-Frame-Options header for request when allowing embedding", func(sc *scenarioContext) {
setting.AllowEmbedding = true
sc.fakeReq("GET", "/api/search").exec()
So(sc.resp.Header().Get("X-Frame-Options"), ShouldBeEmpty)
middlewareScenario(t, "Invalid api key", func(sc *scenarioContext) {
sc.apiKey = "invalid_key_test"
sc.fakeReq("GET", "/").exec()
Convey("Should not init session", func() {
So(sc.resp.Header().Get("Set-Cookie"), ShouldBeEmpty)
Convey("Should return 401", func() {
So(sc.resp.Code, ShouldEqual, 401)
So(sc.respJson["message"], ShouldEqual, errStringInvalidAPIKey)
middlewareScenario(t, "Valid api key", func(sc *scenarioContext) {
keyhash, err := util.EncodePassword("v5nAwpMafFP6znaS4urhdWDLS5511M42", "asd")
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
bus.AddHandler("test", func(query *models.GetApiKeyByNameQuery) error {
query.Result = &models.ApiKey{OrgId: 12, Role: models.ROLE_EDITOR, Key: keyhash}
return nil
sc.fakeReq("GET", "/").withValidApiKey().exec()
Convey("Should return 200", func() {
So(sc.resp.Code, ShouldEqual, 200)
Convey("Should init middleware context", func() {
So(sc.context.IsSignedIn, ShouldEqual, true)
So(sc.context.OrgId, ShouldEqual, 12)
So(sc.context.OrgRole, ShouldEqual, models.ROLE_EDITOR)
middlewareScenario(t, "Valid api key, but does not match db hash", func(sc *scenarioContext) {
keyhash := "Something_not_matching"
bus.AddHandler("test", func(query *models.GetApiKeyByNameQuery) error {
query.Result = &models.ApiKey{OrgId: 12, Role: models.ROLE_EDITOR, Key: keyhash}
return nil
sc.fakeReq("GET", "/").withValidApiKey().exec()
Convey("Should return api key invalid", func() {
So(sc.resp.Code, ShouldEqual, 401)
So(sc.respJson["message"], ShouldEqual, errStringInvalidAPIKey)
middlewareScenario(t, "Valid api key, but expired", func(sc *scenarioContext) {
defer resetGetTime()
keyhash, err := util.EncodePassword("v5nAwpMafFP6znaS4urhdWDLS5511M42", "asd")
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
bus.AddHandler("test", func(query *models.GetApiKeyByNameQuery) error {
// api key expired one second before
expires := getTime().Add(-1 * time.Second).Unix()
query.Result = &models.ApiKey{OrgId: 12, Role: models.ROLE_EDITOR, Key: keyhash,
Expires: &expires}
return nil
sc.fakeReq("GET", "/").withValidApiKey().exec()
Convey("Should return 401", func() {
So(sc.resp.Code, ShouldEqual, 401)
So(sc.respJson["message"], ShouldEqual, "Expired API key")
middlewareScenario(t, "Non-expired auth token in cookie which not are being rotated", func(sc *scenarioContext) {
bus.AddHandler("test", func(query *models.GetSignedInUserQuery) error {
query.Result = &models.SignedInUser{OrgId: 2, UserId: 12}
return nil
sc.userAuthTokenService.LookupTokenProvider = func(ctx context.Context, unhashedToken string) (*models.UserToken, error) {
return &models.UserToken{
UserId: 12,
UnhashedToken: unhashedToken,
}, nil
sc.fakeReq("GET", "/").exec()
Convey("Should init context with user info", func() {
So(sc.context.IsSignedIn, ShouldBeTrue)
So(sc.context.UserId, ShouldEqual, 12)
So(sc.context.UserToken.UserId, ShouldEqual, 12)
So(sc.context.UserToken.UnhashedToken, ShouldEqual, "token")
Convey("Should not set cookie", func() {
So(sc.resp.Header().Get("Set-Cookie"), ShouldEqual, "")
middlewareScenario(t, "Non-expired auth token in cookie which are being rotated", func(sc *scenarioContext) {
bus.AddHandler("test", func(query *models.GetSignedInUserQuery) error {
query.Result = &models.SignedInUser{OrgId: 2, UserId: 12}
return nil
sc.userAuthTokenService.LookupTokenProvider = func(ctx context.Context, unhashedToken string) (*models.UserToken, error) {
return &models.UserToken{
UserId: 12,
UnhashedToken: "",
}, nil
sc.userAuthTokenService.TryRotateTokenProvider = func(ctx context.Context, userToken *models.UserToken, clientIP, userAgent string) (bool, error) {
userToken.UnhashedToken = "rotated"
return true, nil
maxAgeHours := (time.Duration(setting.LoginMaxLifetimeDays) * 24 * time.Hour)
maxAge := (maxAgeHours + time.Hour).Seconds()
sameSitePolicies := []http.SameSite{
for _, sameSitePolicy := range sameSitePolicies {
setting.CookieSameSiteMode = sameSitePolicy
expectedCookiePath := "/"
if len(setting.AppSubUrl) > 0 {
expectedCookiePath = setting.AppSubUrl
expectedCookie := &http.Cookie{
Name: setting.LoginCookieName,
Value: "rotated",
Path: expectedCookiePath,
HttpOnly: true,
MaxAge: int(maxAge),
Secure: setting.CookieSecure,
SameSite: sameSitePolicy,
sc.fakeReq("GET", "/").exec()
Convey(fmt.Sprintf("Should init context with user info and setting.SameSite=%v", sameSitePolicy), func() {
So(sc.context.IsSignedIn, ShouldBeTrue)
So(sc.context.UserId, ShouldEqual, 12)
So(sc.context.UserToken.UserId, ShouldEqual, 12)
So(sc.context.UserToken.UnhashedToken, ShouldEqual, "rotated")
Convey(fmt.Sprintf("Should set cookie with setting.SameSite=%v", sameSitePolicy), func() {
So(sc.resp.Header().Get("Set-Cookie"), ShouldEqual, expectedCookie.String())
Convey("Should not set cookie with SameSite attribute when setting.CookieSameSiteDisabled is true", func() {
setting.CookieSameSiteDisabled = true
setting.CookieSameSiteMode = http.SameSiteLaxMode
expectedCookiePath := "/"
if len(setting.AppSubUrl) > 0 {
expectedCookiePath = setting.AppSubUrl
expectedCookie := &http.Cookie{
Name: setting.LoginCookieName,
Value: "rotated",
Path: expectedCookiePath,
HttpOnly: true,
MaxAge: int(maxAge),
Secure: setting.CookieSecure,
sc.fakeReq("GET", "/").exec()
So(sc.resp.Header().Get("Set-Cookie"), ShouldEqual, expectedCookie.String())
middlewareScenario(t, "Invalid/expired auth token in cookie", func(sc *scenarioContext) {
sc.userAuthTokenService.LookupTokenProvider = func(ctx context.Context, unhashedToken string) (*models.UserToken, error) {
return nil, models.ErrUserTokenNotFound
sc.fakeReq("GET", "/").exec()
Convey("Should not init context with user info", func() {
So(sc.context.IsSignedIn, ShouldBeFalse)
So(sc.context.UserId, ShouldEqual, 0)
So(sc.context.UserToken, ShouldBeNil)
middlewareScenario(t, "When anonymous access is enabled", func(sc *scenarioContext) {
setting.AnonymousEnabled = true
setting.AnonymousOrgName = "test"
setting.AnonymousOrgRole = string(models.ROLE_EDITOR)
bus.AddHandler("test", func(query *models.GetOrgByNameQuery) error {
So(query.Name, ShouldEqual, "test")
query.Result = &models.Org{Id: 2, Name: "test"}
return nil
sc.fakeReq("GET", "/").exec()
Convey("Should init context with org info", func() {
So(sc.context.UserId, ShouldEqual, 0)
So(sc.context.OrgId, ShouldEqual, 2)
So(sc.context.OrgRole, ShouldEqual, models.ROLE_EDITOR)
Convey("context signed in should be false", func() {
So(sc.context.IsSignedIn, ShouldBeFalse)
Convey("auth_proxy", func() {
setting.AuthProxyEnabled = true
setting.AuthProxyWhitelist = ""
setting.AuthProxyAutoSignUp = true
setting.LDAPEnabled = true
setting.AuthProxyHeaderName = "X-WEBAUTH-USER"
setting.AuthProxyHeaderProperty = "username"
setting.AuthProxyHeaders = map[string]string{"Groups": "X-WEBAUTH-GROUPS"}
name := "markelog"
group := "grafana-core-team"
middlewareScenario(t, "Should not sync the user if it's in the cache", func(sc *scenarioContext) {
bus.AddHandler("test", func(query *models.GetSignedInUserQuery) error {
query.Result = &models.SignedInUser{OrgId: 4, UserId: query.UserId}
return nil
key := fmt.Sprintf(authproxy.CachePrefix, authproxy.HashCacheKey(name+"-"+group))
err := sc.remoteCacheService.Set(key, int64(33), 0)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
sc.fakeReq("GET", "/")
sc.req.Header.Add(setting.AuthProxyHeaderName, name)
sc.req.Header.Add("X-WEBAUTH-GROUPS", group)
Convey("Should init user via cache", func() {
So(sc.context.IsSignedIn, ShouldBeTrue)
So(sc.context.UserId, ShouldEqual, 33)
So(sc.context.OrgId, ShouldEqual, 4)
middlewareScenario(t, "Should respect auto signup option", func(sc *scenarioContext) {
setting.LDAPEnabled = false
setting.AuthProxyAutoSignUp = false
var actualAuthProxyAutoSignUp *bool = nil
bus.AddHandler("test", func(cmd *models.UpsertUserCommand) error {
actualAuthProxyAutoSignUp = &cmd.SignupAllowed
return login.ErrInvalidCredentials
sc.fakeReq("GET", "/")
sc.req.Header.Add(setting.AuthProxyHeaderName, name)
assert.False(t, *actualAuthProxyAutoSignUp)
assert.Equal(t, sc.resp.Code, 407)
assert.Nil(t, sc.context)
middlewareScenario(t, "Should create an user from a header", func(sc *scenarioContext) {
setting.LDAPEnabled = false
setting.AuthProxyAutoSignUp = true
bus.AddHandler("test", func(query *models.GetSignedInUserQuery) error {
if query.UserId > 0 {
query.Result = &models.SignedInUser{OrgId: 4, UserId: 33}
return nil
return models.ErrUserNotFound
bus.AddHandler("test", func(cmd *models.UpsertUserCommand) error {
cmd.Result = &models.User{Id: 33}
return nil
sc.fakeReq("GET", "/")
sc.req.Header.Add(setting.AuthProxyHeaderName, name)
Convey("Should create user from header info", func() {
So(sc.context.IsSignedIn, ShouldBeTrue)
So(sc.context.UserId, ShouldEqual, 33)
So(sc.context.OrgId, ShouldEqual, 4)
middlewareScenario(t, "Should get an existing user from header", func(sc *scenarioContext) {
setting.LDAPEnabled = false
bus.AddHandler("test", func(query *models.GetSignedInUserQuery) error {
query.Result = &models.SignedInUser{OrgId: 2, UserId: 12}
return nil
bus.AddHandler("test", func(cmd *models.UpsertUserCommand) error {
cmd.Result = &models.User{Id: 12}
return nil
sc.fakeReq("GET", "/")
sc.req.Header.Add(setting.AuthProxyHeaderName, name)
Convey("Should init context with user info", func() {
So(sc.context.IsSignedIn, ShouldBeTrue)
So(sc.context.UserId, ShouldEqual, 12)
So(sc.context.OrgId, ShouldEqual, 2)
middlewareScenario(t, "Should allow the request from whitelist IP", func(sc *scenarioContext) {
setting.AuthProxyWhitelist = ", 2001::0/120"
setting.LDAPEnabled = false
bus.AddHandler("test", func(query *models.GetSignedInUserQuery) error {
query.Result = &models.SignedInUser{OrgId: 4, UserId: 33}
return nil
bus.AddHandler("test", func(cmd *models.UpsertUserCommand) error {
cmd.Result = &models.User{Id: 33}
return nil
sc.fakeReq("GET", "/")
sc.req.Header.Add(setting.AuthProxyHeaderName, name)
sc.req.RemoteAddr = "[2001::23]:12345"
Convey("Should init context with user info", func() {
So(sc.context.IsSignedIn, ShouldBeTrue)
So(sc.context.UserId, ShouldEqual, 33)
So(sc.context.OrgId, ShouldEqual, 4)
middlewareScenario(t, "Should not allow the request from whitelist IP", func(sc *scenarioContext) {
setting.AuthProxyWhitelist = ""
setting.LDAPEnabled = false
bus.AddHandler("test", func(query *models.GetSignedInUserQuery) error {
query.Result = &models.SignedInUser{OrgId: 4, UserId: 33}
return nil
bus.AddHandler("test", func(cmd *models.UpsertUserCommand) error {
cmd.Result = &models.User{Id: 33}
return nil
sc.fakeReq("GET", "/")
sc.req.Header.Add(setting.AuthProxyHeaderName, name)
sc.req.RemoteAddr = "[2001::23]:12345"
Convey("Should return 407 status code", func() {
So(sc.resp.Code, ShouldEqual, 407)
So(sc.context, ShouldBeNil)
middlewareScenario(t, "Should return 407 status code if LDAP says no", func(sc *scenarioContext) {
bus.AddHandler("LDAP", func(cmd *models.UpsertUserCommand) error {
return errors.New("Do not add user")
sc.fakeReq("GET", "/")
sc.req.Header.Add(setting.AuthProxyHeaderName, name)
Convey("Should return 407 status code", func() {
So(sc.resp.Code, ShouldEqual, 407)
So(sc.context, ShouldBeNil)
middlewareScenario(t, "Should return 407 status code if there is cache mishap", func(sc *scenarioContext) {
bus.AddHandler("Do not have the user", func(query *models.GetSignedInUserQuery) error {
return errors.New("Do not add user")
sc.fakeReq("GET", "/")
sc.req.Header.Add(setting.AuthProxyHeaderName, name)
Convey("Should return 407 status code", func() {
So(sc.resp.Code, ShouldEqual, 407)
So(sc.context, ShouldBeNil)
func middlewareScenario(t *testing.T, desc string, fn scenarioFunc) {
Convey(desc, func() {
defer bus.ClearBusHandlers()
setting.LoginCookieName = "grafana_session"
setting.LoginMaxLifetimeDays = 30
sc := &scenarioContext{}
viewsPath, err := filepath.Abs("../../public/views")
require.NoError(t, err)
sc.m = macaron.New()
Directory: viewsPath,
Delims: macaron.Delims{Left: "[[", Right: "]]"},
sc.userAuthTokenService = auth.NewFakeUserAuthTokenService()
sc.remoteCacheService = remotecache.NewFakeStore(t)
sc.m.Use(GetContextHandler(sc.userAuthTokenService, sc.remoteCacheService, nil))
sc.defaultHandler = func(c *models.ReqContext) {
sc.context = c
if sc.handlerFunc != nil {
} else {
sc.m.Get("/", sc.defaultHandler)
func TestDontRotateTokensOnCancelledRequests(t *testing.T) {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
reqContext, _, err := initTokenRotationTest(ctx)
require.NoError(t, err)
tryRotateCallCount := 0
uts := &auth.FakeUserAuthTokenService{
TryRotateTokenProvider: func(ctx context.Context, token *models.UserToken, clientIP, userAgent string) (bool, error) {
return false, nil
token := &models.UserToken{AuthToken: "oldtoken"}
fn := rotateEndOfRequestFunc(reqContext, uts, token)
assert.Equal(t, 0, tryRotateCallCount, "Token rotation was attempted")
func TestTokenRotationAtEndOfRequest(t *testing.T) {
reqContext, rr, err := initTokenRotationTest(context.Background())
require.NoError(t, err)
uts := &auth.FakeUserAuthTokenService{
TryRotateTokenProvider: func(ctx context.Context, token *models.UserToken, clientIP, userAgent string) (bool, error) {
newToken, err := util.RandomHex(16)
require.NoError(t, err)
token.AuthToken = newToken
return true, nil
token := &models.UserToken{AuthToken: "oldtoken"}
rotateEndOfRequestFunc(reqContext, uts, token)(reqContext.Resp)
foundLoginCookie := false
for _, c := range rr.Result().Cookies() {
if c.Name == "login_token" {
foundLoginCookie = true
require.NotEqual(t, token.AuthToken, c.Value, "Auth token is still the same")
assert.True(t, foundLoginCookie, "Could not find cookie")
func initTokenRotationTest(ctx context.Context) (*models.ReqContext, *httptest.ResponseRecorder, error) {
setting.LoginCookieName = "login_token"
setting.LoginMaxLifetimeDays = 7
rr := httptest.NewRecorder()
req, err := http.NewRequestWithContext(ctx, "", "", nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
reqContext := &models.ReqContext{
Context: &macaron.Context{
Req: macaron.Request{
Request: req,
Logger: log.New("testlogger"),
mw := mockWriter{rr}
reqContext.Resp = mw
return reqContext, rr, nil
type mockWriter struct {
func (mw mockWriter) Flush() {}
func (mw mockWriter) Status() int { return 0 }
func (mw mockWriter) Size() int { return 0 }
func (mw mockWriter) Written() bool { return false }
func (mw mockWriter) Before(macaron.BeforeFunc) {}