Josh Hunt 3c6e0e8ef8
Chore: ESlint import order (#44959)
* Add and configure eslint-plugin-import

* Fix the lint:ts npm command

* Autofix + prettier all the files

* Manually fix remaining files

* Move jquery code in jest-setup to external file to safely reorder imports

* Resolve issue caused by circular dependencies within Prometheus

* Update .betterer.results

* Fix missing // @ts-ignore

* ignore iconBundle.ts

* Fix missing // @ts-ignore
2022-04-22 14:33:13 +01:00

72 lines
3.2 KiB

import { initialState } from '../../dashboard/state/reducers';
import { variableAdapters } from '../adapters';
import { createConstantVariableAdapter } from '../constant/adapter';
import { initialConstantVariableModelState } from '../constant/reducer';
import * as inspectUtils from '../inspect/utils';
import { constantBuilder, customBuilder } from '../shared/testing/builders';
import { initialKeyedVariablesState, toKeyedAction } from '../state/keyedVariablesReducer';
import * as selectors from '../state/selectors';
import { addVariable } from '../state/sharedReducer';
import { getNextAvailableId, switchToListMode, switchToNewMode } from './actions';
import { setIdInEditor } from './reducer';
describe('getNextAvailableId', () => {
describe('when called with a custom type and there is already 2 variables', () => {
it('then the correct id should be created', () => {
const custom1 = customBuilder().withId('custom0').withName('custom0').build();
const constant1 = constantBuilder().withId('custom1').withName('custom1').build();
const variables = [custom1, constant1];
const type = 'custom';
const result = getNextAvailableId(type, variables);
describe('switchToNewMode', () => {
variableAdapters.setInit(() => [createConstantVariableAdapter()]);
it('should dispatch with the correct rootStateKey', () => {
jest.spyOn(selectors, 'getVariablesByKey').mockReturnValue([]);
jest.spyOn(selectors, 'getNewVariableIndex').mockReturnValue(0);
const mockId = 'constant0';
const mockGetState = jest.fn().mockReturnValue({ templating: initialKeyedVariablesState });
const mockDispatch = jest.fn();
const model = { ...initialConstantVariableModelState, name: mockId, id: mockId, rootStateKey: 'null' };
switchToNewMode(null, 'constant')(mockDispatch, mockGetState, undefined);
toKeyedAction('null', addVariable({ data: { global: false, index: 0, model }, type: 'constant', id: mockId }))
expect(mockDispatch.mock.calls[1][0]).toEqual(toKeyedAction('null', setIdInEditor({ id: mockId })));
describe('switchToListMode', () => {
variableAdapters.setInit(() => [createConstantVariableAdapter()]);
it('should dispatch with the correct rootStateKey', () => {
jest.spyOn(selectors, 'getEditorVariables').mockReturnValue([]);
jest.spyOn(inspectUtils, 'createUsagesNetwork').mockReturnValue({ usages: [], unUsed: [] });
jest.spyOn(inspectUtils, 'transformUsagesToNetwork').mockReturnValue([]);
const mockGetState = jest.fn().mockReturnValue({ templating: initialKeyedVariablesState, dashboard: initialState });
const mockDispatch = jest.fn();
switchToListMode(null)(mockDispatch, mockGetState, undefined);
const keyedAction = {
type: expect.any(String),
payload: {
key: 'null',
action: expect.any(Object),