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package metrics
import (
// ExporterName is used as namespace for exposing prometheus metrics
const ExporterName = "grafana"
var (
// MInstanceStart is a metric counter for started instances
MInstanceStart prometheus.Counter
// MPageStatus is a metric page http response status
MPageStatus *prometheus.CounterVec
// MApiStatus is a metric api http response status
MApiStatus *prometheus.CounterVec
// MProxyStatus is a metric proxy http response status
MProxyStatus *prometheus.CounterVec
// MHttpRequestTotal is a metric http request counter
MHttpRequestTotal *prometheus.CounterVec
// MHttpRequestSummary is a metric http request summary
MHttpRequestSummary *prometheus.SummaryVec
// MApiUserSignUpStarted is a metric amount of users who started the signup flow
MApiUserSignUpStarted prometheus.Counter
// MApiUserSignUpCompleted is a metric amount of users who completed the signup flow
MApiUserSignUpCompleted prometheus.Counter
// MApiUserSignUpInvite is a metric amount of users who have been invited
MApiUserSignUpInvite prometheus.Counter
// MApiDashboardSave is a metric summary for dashboard save duration
MApiDashboardSave prometheus.Summary
// MApiDashboardGet is a metric summary for dashboard get duration
MApiDashboardGet prometheus.Summary
// MApiDashboardSearch is a metric summary for dashboard search duration
MApiDashboardSearch prometheus.Summary
// MApiAdminUserCreate is a metric api admin user created counter
MApiAdminUserCreate prometheus.Counter
// MApiLoginPost is a metric api login post counter
MApiLoginPost prometheus.Counter
// MApiLoginOAuth is a metric api login oauth counter
MApiLoginOAuth prometheus.Counter
// MApiLoginSAML is a metric api login SAML counter
MApiLoginSAML prometheus.Counter
// MApiOrgCreate is a metric api org created counter
MApiOrgCreate prometheus.Counter
// MApiDashboardSnapshotCreate is a metric dashboard snapshots created
MApiDashboardSnapshotCreate prometheus.Counter
// MApiDashboardSnapshotExternal is a metric external dashboard snapshots created
MApiDashboardSnapshotExternal prometheus.Counter
// MApiDashboardSnapshotGet is a metric loaded dashboards
MApiDashboardSnapshotGet prometheus.Counter
// MApiDashboardInsert is a metric dashboards inserted
MApiDashboardInsert prometheus.Counter
// MAlertingResultState is a metric alert execution result counter
MAlertingResultState *prometheus.CounterVec
// MAlertingNotificationSent is a metric counter for how many alert notifications been sent
MAlertingNotificationSent *prometheus.CounterVec
// MAlertingNotificationSent is a metric counter for how many alert notifications that failed
MAlertingNotificationFailed *prometheus.CounterVec
// MAwsCloudWatchGetMetricStatistics is a metric counter for getting metric statistics from aws
MAwsCloudWatchGetMetricStatistics prometheus.Counter
// MAwsCloudWatchListMetrics is a metric counter for getting list of metrics from aws
MAwsCloudWatchListMetrics prometheus.Counter
// MAwsCloudWatchGetMetricData is a metric counter for getting metric data time series from aws
MAwsCloudWatchGetMetricData prometheus.Counter
// MDBDataSourceQueryByID is a metric counter for getting datasource by id
MDBDataSourceQueryByID prometheus.Counter
// LDAPUsersSyncExecutionTime is a metric summary for LDAP users sync execution duration
LDAPUsersSyncExecutionTime prometheus.Summary
// MRenderingRequestTotal is a metric counter for image rendering requests
MRenderingRequestTotal *prometheus.CounterVec
// MRenderingQueue is a metric gauge for image rendering queue size
MRenderingQueue prometheus.Gauge
// Timers
var (
// MDataSourceProxyReqTimer is a metric summary for dataproxy request duration
MDataSourceProxyReqTimer prometheus.Summary
// MAlertingExecutionTime is a metric summary of alert execution duration
MAlertingExecutionTime prometheus.Summary
// MRenderingSummary is a metric summary for image rendering request duration
MRenderingSummary *prometheus.SummaryVec
// StatTotals
var (
// MAlertingActiveAlerts is a metric amount of active alerts
MAlertingActiveAlerts prometheus.Gauge
// MStatTotalDashboards is a metric total amount of dashboards
MStatTotalDashboards prometheus.Gauge
// MStatTotalDashboards is a metric total amount of dashboards
MStatTotalFolders prometheus.Gauge
// MStatTotalUsers is a metric total amount of users
MStatTotalUsers prometheus.Gauge
// MStatActiveUsers is a metric number of active users
MStatActiveUsers prometheus.Gauge
// MStatTotalOrgs is a metric total amount of orgs
MStatTotalOrgs prometheus.Gauge
// MStatTotalPlaylists is a metric total amount of playlists
MStatTotalPlaylists prometheus.Gauge
// StatsTotalViewers is a metric total amount of viewers
StatsTotalViewers prometheus.Gauge
// StatsTotalEditors is a metric total amount of editors
StatsTotalEditors prometheus.Gauge
// StatsTotalAdmins is a metric total amount of admins
StatsTotalAdmins prometheus.Gauge
// StatsTotalActiveViewers is a metric total amount of viewers
StatsTotalActiveViewers prometheus.Gauge
// StatsTotalActiveEditors is a metric total amount of active editors
StatsTotalActiveEditors prometheus.Gauge
// StatsTotalActiveAdmins is a metric total amount of active admins
StatsTotalActiveAdmins prometheus.Gauge
// StatsTotalDataSources is a metric total number of defined datasources, labeled by pluginId
StatsTotalDataSources *prometheus.GaugeVec
// StatsTotalAnnotations is a metric of total number of annotations stored in Grafana.
StatsTotalAnnotations prometheus.Gauge
// StatsTotalDashboardVersions is a metric of total number of dashboard versions stored in Grafana.
StatsTotalDashboardVersions prometheus.Gauge
// grafanaBuildVersion is a metric with a constant '1' value labeled by version, revision, branch, and goversion from which Grafana was built
grafanaBuildVersion *prometheus.GaugeVec
grafanaPluginBuildInfoDesc *prometheus.GaugeVec
func init() {
httpStatusCodes := []string{"200", "404", "500", "unknown"}
objectiveMap := map[float64]float64{0.5: 0.05, 0.9: 0.01, 0.99: 0.001}
MInstanceStart = prometheus.NewCounter(prometheus.CounterOpts{
Name: "instance_start_total",
Help: "counter for started instances",
Namespace: ExporterName,
MPageStatus = newCounterVecStartingAtZero(
Name: "page_response_status_total",
Help: "page http response status",
Namespace: ExporterName,
}, []string{"code"}, httpStatusCodes...)
MApiStatus = newCounterVecStartingAtZero(
Name: "api_response_status_total",
Help: "api http response status",
Namespace: ExporterName,
}, []string{"code"}, httpStatusCodes...)
MProxyStatus = newCounterVecStartingAtZero(
Name: "proxy_response_status_total",
Help: "proxy http response status",
Namespace: ExporterName,
}, []string{"code"}, httpStatusCodes...)
MHttpRequestTotal = prometheus.NewCounterVec(
Name: "http_request_total",
Help: "http request counter",
[]string{"handler", "statuscode", "method"},
MHttpRequestSummary = prometheus.NewSummaryVec(
Name: "http_request_duration_milliseconds",
Help: "http request summary",
Objectives: objectiveMap,
[]string{"handler", "statuscode", "method"},
MApiUserSignUpStarted = newCounterStartingAtZero(prometheus.CounterOpts{
Name: "api_user_signup_started_total",
Help: "amount of users who started the signup flow",
Namespace: ExporterName,
MApiUserSignUpCompleted = newCounterStartingAtZero(prometheus.CounterOpts{
Name: "api_user_signup_completed_total",
Help: "amount of users who completed the signup flow",
Namespace: ExporterName,
MApiUserSignUpInvite = newCounterStartingAtZero(prometheus.CounterOpts{
Name: "api_user_signup_invite_total",
Help: "amount of users who have been invited",
Namespace: ExporterName,
MApiDashboardSave = prometheus.NewSummary(prometheus.SummaryOpts{
Name: "api_dashboard_save_milliseconds",
Help: "summary for dashboard save duration",
Objectives: objectiveMap,
Namespace: ExporterName,
MApiDashboardGet = prometheus.NewSummary(prometheus.SummaryOpts{
Name: "api_dashboard_get_milliseconds",
Help: "summary for dashboard get duration",
Objectives: objectiveMap,
Namespace: ExporterName,
MApiDashboardSearch = prometheus.NewSummary(prometheus.SummaryOpts{
Name: "api_dashboard_search_milliseconds",
Help: "summary for dashboard search duration",
Objectives: objectiveMap,
Namespace: ExporterName,
MApiAdminUserCreate = newCounterStartingAtZero(prometheus.CounterOpts{
Name: "api_admin_user_created_total",
Help: "api admin user created counter",
Namespace: ExporterName,
MApiLoginPost = newCounterStartingAtZero(prometheus.CounterOpts{
Name: "api_login_post_total",
Help: "api login post counter",
Namespace: ExporterName,
MApiLoginOAuth = newCounterStartingAtZero(prometheus.CounterOpts{
Name: "api_login_oauth_total",
Help: "api login oauth counter",
Namespace: ExporterName,
MApiLoginSAML = newCounterStartingAtZero(prometheus.CounterOpts{
Name: "api_login_saml_total",
Help: "api login saml counter",
Namespace: ExporterName,
MApiOrgCreate = newCounterStartingAtZero(prometheus.CounterOpts{
Name: "api_org_create_total",
Help: "api org created counter",
Namespace: ExporterName,
MApiDashboardSnapshotCreate = newCounterStartingAtZero(prometheus.CounterOpts{
Name: "api_dashboard_snapshot_create_total",
Help: "dashboard snapshots created",
Namespace: ExporterName,
MApiDashboardSnapshotExternal = newCounterStartingAtZero(prometheus.CounterOpts{
Name: "api_dashboard_snapshot_external_total",
Help: "external dashboard snapshots created",
Namespace: ExporterName,
MApiDashboardSnapshotGet = newCounterStartingAtZero(prometheus.CounterOpts{
Name: "api_dashboard_snapshot_get_total",
Help: "loaded dashboards",
Namespace: ExporterName,
MApiDashboardInsert = newCounterStartingAtZero(prometheus.CounterOpts{
Name: "api_models_dashboard_insert_total",
Help: "dashboards inserted ",
Namespace: ExporterName,
MAlertingResultState = prometheus.NewCounterVec(prometheus.CounterOpts{
Name: "alerting_result_total",
Help: "alert execution result counter",
Namespace: ExporterName,
}, []string{"state"})
MAlertingNotificationSent = prometheus.NewCounterVec(prometheus.CounterOpts{
Name: "alerting_notification_sent_total",
Help: "counter for how many alert notifications have been sent",
Namespace: ExporterName,
}, []string{"type"})
MAlertingNotificationFailed = prometheus.NewCounterVec(prometheus.CounterOpts{
Name: "alerting_notification_failed_total",
Help: "counter for how many alert notifications have failed",
Namespace: ExporterName,
}, []string{"type"})
MAwsCloudWatchGetMetricStatistics = newCounterStartingAtZero(prometheus.CounterOpts{
Name: "aws_cloudwatch_get_metric_statistics_total",
Help: "counter for getting metric statistics from aws",
Namespace: ExporterName,
MAwsCloudWatchListMetrics = newCounterStartingAtZero(prometheus.CounterOpts{
Name: "aws_cloudwatch_list_metrics_total",
Help: "counter for getting list of metrics from aws",
Namespace: ExporterName,
MAwsCloudWatchGetMetricData = newCounterStartingAtZero(prometheus.CounterOpts{
Name: "aws_cloudwatch_get_metric_data_total",
Help: "counter for getting metric data time series from aws",
Namespace: ExporterName,
MDBDataSourceQueryByID = newCounterStartingAtZero(prometheus.CounterOpts{
Name: "db_datasource_query_by_id_total",
Help: "counter for getting datasource by id",
Namespace: ExporterName,
LDAPUsersSyncExecutionTime = prometheus.NewSummary(prometheus.SummaryOpts{
Name: "ldap_users_sync_execution_time",
Help: "summary for LDAP users sync execution duration",
Objectives: objectiveMap,
Namespace: ExporterName,
MRenderingRequestTotal = prometheus.NewCounterVec(
Name: "rendering_request_total",
Help: "counter for image rendering requests",
Namespace: ExporterName,
MRenderingSummary = prometheus.NewSummaryVec(
Name: "rendering_request_duration_milliseconds",
Help: "summary of image rendering request duration",
Objectives: objectiveMap,
Namespace: ExporterName,
MRenderingQueue = prometheus.NewGauge(prometheus.GaugeOpts{
Name: "rendering_queue_size",
Help: "size of image rendering queue",
Namespace: ExporterName,
MDataSourceProxyReqTimer = prometheus.NewSummary(prometheus.SummaryOpts{
Name: "api_dataproxy_request_all_milliseconds",
Help: "summary for dataproxy request duration",
Objectives: objectiveMap,
Namespace: ExporterName,
MAlertingExecutionTime = prometheus.NewSummary(prometheus.SummaryOpts{
Name: "alerting_execution_time_milliseconds",
Help: "summary of alert execution duration",
Objectives: objectiveMap,
Namespace: ExporterName,
MAlertingActiveAlerts = prometheus.NewGauge(prometheus.GaugeOpts{
Name: "alerting_active_alerts",
Help: "amount of active alerts",
Namespace: ExporterName,
MStatTotalDashboards = prometheus.NewGauge(prometheus.GaugeOpts{
Name: "stat_totals_dashboard",
Help: "total amount of dashboards",
Namespace: ExporterName,
MStatTotalFolders = prometheus.NewGauge(prometheus.GaugeOpts{
Name: "stat_totals_folder",
Help: "total amount of folders",
Namespace: ExporterName,
MStatTotalUsers = prometheus.NewGauge(prometheus.GaugeOpts{
Name: "stat_total_users",
Help: "total amount of users",
Namespace: ExporterName,
MStatActiveUsers = prometheus.NewGauge(prometheus.GaugeOpts{
Name: "stat_active_users",
Help: "number of active users",
Namespace: ExporterName,
MStatTotalOrgs = prometheus.NewGauge(prometheus.GaugeOpts{
Name: "stat_total_orgs",
Help: "total amount of orgs",
Namespace: ExporterName,
MStatTotalPlaylists = prometheus.NewGauge(prometheus.GaugeOpts{
Name: "stat_total_playlists",
Help: "total amount of playlists",
Namespace: ExporterName,
StatsTotalViewers = prometheus.NewGauge(prometheus.GaugeOpts{
Name: "stat_totals_viewers",
Help: "total amount of viewers",
Namespace: ExporterName,
StatsTotalEditors = prometheus.NewGauge(prometheus.GaugeOpts{
Name: "stat_totals_editors",
Help: "total amount of editors",
Namespace: ExporterName,
StatsTotalAdmins = prometheus.NewGauge(prometheus.GaugeOpts{
Name: "stat_totals_admins",
Help: "total amount of admins",
Namespace: ExporterName,
StatsTotalActiveViewers = prometheus.NewGauge(prometheus.GaugeOpts{
Name: "stat_totals_active_viewers",
Help: "total amount of viewers",
Namespace: ExporterName,
StatsTotalActiveEditors = prometheus.NewGauge(prometheus.GaugeOpts{
Name: "stat_totals_active_editors",
Help: "total amount of active editors",
Namespace: ExporterName,
StatsTotalActiveAdmins = prometheus.NewGauge(prometheus.GaugeOpts{
Name: "stat_totals_active_admins",
Help: "total amount of active admins",
Namespace: ExporterName,
StatsTotalDataSources = prometheus.NewGaugeVec(prometheus.GaugeOpts{
Name: "stat_totals_datasource",
Help: "total number of defined datasources, labeled by pluginId",
Namespace: ExporterName,
}, []string{"plugin_id"})
grafanaBuildVersion = prometheus.NewGaugeVec(prometheus.GaugeOpts{
Name: "build_info",
Help: "A metric with a constant '1' value labeled by version, revision, branch, and goversion from which Grafana was built",
Namespace: ExporterName,
}, []string{"version", "revision", "branch", "goversion", "edition"})
grafanaPluginBuildInfoDesc = prometheus.NewGaugeVec(prometheus.GaugeOpts{
Name: "plugin_build_info",
Help: "A metric with a constant '1' value labeled by pluginId, pluginType and version from which Grafana plugin was built",
Namespace: ExporterName,
}, []string{"plugin_id", "plugin_type", "version"})
StatsTotalDashboardVersions = prometheus.NewGauge(prometheus.GaugeOpts{
Name: "stat_totals_dashboard_versions",
Help: "total amount of dashboard versions in the database",
Namespace: ExporterName,
StatsTotalAnnotations = prometheus.NewGauge(prometheus.GaugeOpts{
Name: "stat_totals_annotations",
Help: "total amount of annotations in the database",
Namespace: ExporterName,
// SetBuildInformation sets the build information for this binary
func SetBuildInformation(version, revision, branch string) {
edition := "oss"
if setting.IsEnterprise {
edition = "enterprise"
grafanaBuildVersion.WithLabelValues(version, revision, branch, runtime.Version(), edition).Set(1)
// SetEnvironmentInformation exposes environment values provided by the operators as an `_info` metric.
// If there are no environment metrics labels configured, this metric will not be exposed.
func SetEnvironmentInformation(labels map[string]string) error {
if len(labels) == 0 {
return nil
grafanaEnvironmentInfo := prometheus.NewGauge(prometheus.GaugeOpts{
Name: "environment_info",
Help: "A metric with a constant '1' value labeled by environment information about the running instance.",
Namespace: ExporterName,
ConstLabels: labels,
return nil
func SetPluginBuildInformation(pluginID, pluginType, version string) {
grafanaPluginBuildInfoDesc.WithLabelValues(pluginID, pluginType, version).Set(1)
func initMetricVars() {
func newCounterVecStartingAtZero(opts prometheus.CounterOpts, labels []string, labelValues ...string) *prometheus.CounterVec {
counter := prometheus.NewCounterVec(opts, labels)
for _, label := range labelValues {
return counter
func newCounterStartingAtZero(opts prometheus.CounterOpts, labelValues ...string) prometheus.Counter {
counter := prometheus.NewCounter(opts)
return counter