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synced 2025-02-13 00:55:47 -06:00
* wip * finish script * limit by message * fix filter message * Add template * improve template * codeowners devdep
149 lines
4.0 KiB
149 lines
4.0 KiB
import { betterer, BettererFileIssues } from '@betterer/betterer';
import Codeowners from 'codeowners';
import { readFile, writeFile } from 'fs/promises';
import { template } from 'lodash';
import path from 'path';
import { hideBin } from 'yargs/helpers';
import yargs from 'yargs/yargs';
const argv = yargs(hideBin(process.argv))
.option('template', {
demandOption: true,
alias: 't',
describe: 'Path to a template to use for each issue. See source bettererIssueTemplate.md for an example',
type: 'string',
default: './scripts/cli/bettererIssueTemplate.md',
.option('output', {
demandOption: true,
alias: 'o',
describe: 'Path to directory to save issues to',
type: 'string',
.option('test', {
demandOption: true,
alias: 'b',
describe: 'Name of the betterer test to produce the report for',
type: 'string',
.option('test-message', {
alias: 'm',
describe: 'Filter issues containing this message',
type: 'string',
.option('single-owner', {
type: 'boolean',
alias: 's',
describe: 'Only use first owner for files with multiple owners',
default: false,
.usage('Usage: yarn betterer:issues -t [path] -o [path] -b [string]')
interface FileDetails {
fileName: string;
issueCount: number;
issues: BettererFileIssues;
// really dumb and simple pluralize function. not meant to be exhaustive
function plural(word: string, count: number) {
if (count === 0 || count > 1) {
return word + 's';
return word;
async function main() {
const args = await argv;
const templatePath = path.resolve(args.template);
const outputPath = path.resolve(args.output);
const templateString = (await readFile(templatePath)).toString();
const owners = new Codeowners();
const results = await betterer.results();
const filesByOwner: Record<string, FileDetails[]> = {};
for (const testResults of results.resultSummaries) {
if (testResults.name !== args.test) {
if (typeof testResults.details === 'string') {
for (const _fileName in testResults.details) {
const fileName = _fileName.replace(process.cwd() + '/', '');
const _details = testResults.details[_fileName];
let ownersForFile = owners.getOwner(fileName);
if (args.singleOwner) {
ownersForFile = [ownersForFile[0]];
const filterByMessage = args.testMessage?.length ? args.testMessage.toLowerCase() : undefined;
const filteredDetails = filterByMessage
? _details.filter((v) => v.message.toLowerCase().includes(filterByMessage))
: _details;
const numberOfIssues = filteredDetails.length;
if (numberOfIssues === 0) {
for (const owner of ownersForFile) {
if (!filesByOwner[owner]) {
filesByOwner[owner] = [];
issueCount: numberOfIssues,
issues: filteredDetails,
const contexts = Object.entries(filesByOwner).map(([owner, files]) => {
const fileCount = files.length;
const totalIssueCount = files.reduce((acc, v) => acc + v.issueCount, 0);
return {
issueFilter: args.test,
issueMessageFilter: args.testMessage,
const compiledTemplate = template(templateString, { imports: { plural } });
for (const context of contexts) {
const fileSafeOwner = context.owner.replace(/[^a-z0-9-]/gi, '_');
const fileSafeTestName = args.test.replace(/[^a-z0-9-]/gi, '_');
const outputFilePath = path.join(outputPath, `${fileSafeTestName}_${fileSafeOwner}.txt`);
const printed = compiledTemplate(context);
await writeFile(outputFilePath, printed);
const indented = printed
.map((v) => `\t${v}`)
console.log(`Printed issue for owner`, context.owner, 'to', outputFilePath);