mirror of
synced 2025-02-25 18:55:37 -06:00
* Add GraphView component * Add service map panel * Add more metadata visuals * Add context menu on click * Add context menu for services * Fix service map in dashboard * Add field proxy in explore linkSupplier * Refactor the link creation * Remove test file * Fix scale change when view is panned * Fix node centering * Don't show context menu if no links * Fix service map containers * Add collapsible around the service map * Fix stats computation * Remove debug log * Fix time stats * Allow string timestamp * Make panning bounded * Add zooming by mouse wheel * Clean up the colors * Fix stats for single trace graph * Don't show debug config * Add more complex layout * Update layout with better fixing of the root nodes * Code cleanup * Change how we pass in link creation function and some more cleanup * Refactor the panel section into separate render methods * Make the edge hover more readable * Move stats computation to data source * Put edge labels to front * Simplify layout for better multi graph layout * Update for dark theme * Move function to utils * Visual improvements * Improve context menu detail * Allow custom details * Rename to NodeGraph * Remove unused dependencies * Use named color palette and add some fallbacks for missing data * Add test data scenario * Rename plugin * Switch scroll zoom direction to align with google maps * Do some perf optimisations and rise the node limit * Update alert styling * Rename function * Add tests * Add more tests * Change data frame column mapping to use column names * Fix test * Fix type errors * Don't show context menu without links * Add beta status to panel * Fix tests * Changed function to standard methods * Fix typing * Clean up yarn.lock * Add some UI improvements - better styling of the zoom buttons - disable buttons when max reached * Fix panel references after rename * Add panel icon
320 lines
11 KiB
320 lines
11 KiB
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