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synced 2025-02-11 16:15:42 -06:00
346 lines
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346 lines
9.3 KiB
import _ from 'lodash';
import { colors, TimeSeries } from '@grafana/ui';
import { getThemeColor } from 'app/core/utils/colors';
* Mapping of log level abbreviation to canonical log level.
* Supported levels are reduce to limit color variation.
export enum LogLevel {
emerg = 'critical',
alert = 'critical',
crit = 'critical',
critical = 'critical',
warn = 'warning',
warning = 'warning',
err = 'error',
eror = 'error',
error = 'error',
info = 'info',
notice = 'info',
dbug = 'debug',
debug = 'debug',
trace = 'trace',
unkown = 'unkown',
export const LogLevelColor = {
[LogLevel.critical]: colors[7],
[LogLevel.warning]: colors[1],
[LogLevel.error]: colors[4],
[LogLevel.info]: colors[0],
[LogLevel.debug]: colors[5],
[LogLevel.trace]: colors[2],
[LogLevel.unkown]: getThemeColor('#8e8e8e', '#dde4ed'),
export interface LogSearchMatch {
start: number;
length: number;
text: string;
export interface LogRowModel {
duplicates?: number;
entry: string;
key: string; // timestamp + labels
labels: LogsStreamLabels;
logLevel: LogLevel;
searchWords?: string[];
timestamp: string; // ISO with nanosec precision
timeFromNow: string;
timeEpochMs: number;
timeLocal: string;
uniqueLabels?: LogsStreamLabels;
export interface LogLabelStatsModel {
active?: boolean;
count: number;
proportion: number;
value: string;
export enum LogsMetaKind {
export interface LogsMetaItem {
label: string;
value: string | number | LogsStreamLabels;
kind: LogsMetaKind;
export interface LogsModel {
id: string; // Identify one logs result from another
meta?: LogsMetaItem[];
rows: LogRowModel[];
series?: TimeSeries[];
export interface LogsStream {
labels: string;
entries: LogsStreamEntry[];
search?: string;
parsedLabels?: LogsStreamLabels;
uniqueLabels?: LogsStreamLabels;
export interface LogsStreamEntry {
line: string;
ts: string;
// Legacy, was renamed to ts
timestamp?: string;
export interface LogsStreamLabels {
[key: string]: string;
export enum LogsDedupDescription {
none = 'No de-duplication',
exact = 'De-duplication of successive lines that are identical, ignoring ISO datetimes.',
numbers = 'De-duplication of successive lines that are identical when ignoring numbers, e.g., IP addresses, latencies.',
signature = 'De-duplication of successive lines that have identical punctuation and whitespace.',
export enum LogsDedupStrategy {
none = 'none',
exact = 'exact',
numbers = 'numbers',
signature = 'signature',
export interface LogsParser {
* Value-agnostic matcher for a field label.
* Used to filter rows, and first capture group contains the value.
buildMatcher: (label: string) => RegExp;
* Returns all parsable substrings from a line, used for highlighting
getFields: (line: string) => string[];
* Gets the label name from a parsable substring of a line
getLabelFromField: (field: string) => string;
* Gets the label value from a parsable substring of a line
getValueFromField: (field: string) => string;
* Function to verify if this is a valid parser for the given line.
* The parser accepts the line unless it returns undefined.
test: (line: string) => any;
const LOGFMT_REGEXP = /(?:^|\s)(\w+)=("[^"]*"|\S+)/;
export const LogsParsers: { [name: string]: LogsParser } = {
buildMatcher: label => new RegExp(`(?:{|,)\\s*"${label}"\\s*:\\s*"?([\\d\\.]+|[^"]*)"?`),
getFields: line => {
const fields = [];
try {
const parsed = JSON.parse(line);
_.map(parsed, (value, key) => {
const fieldMatcher = new RegExp(`"${key}"\\s*:\\s*"?${_.escapeRegExp(JSON.stringify(value))}"?`);
const match = line.match(fieldMatcher);
if (match) {
} catch {}
return fields;
getLabelFromField: field => (field.match(/^"(\w+)"\s*:/) || [])[1],
getValueFromField: field => (field.match(/:\s*(.*)$/) || [])[1],
test: line => {
try {
return JSON.parse(line);
} catch (error) {}
logfmt: {
buildMatcher: label => new RegExp(`(?:^|\\s)${label}=("[^"]*"|\\S+)`),
getFields: line => {
const fields = [];
line.replace(new RegExp(LOGFMT_REGEXP, 'g'), substring => {
return '';
return fields;
getLabelFromField: field => (field.match(LOGFMT_REGEXP) || [])[1],
getValueFromField: field => (field.match(LOGFMT_REGEXP) || [])[2],
test: line => LOGFMT_REGEXP.test(line),
export function calculateFieldStats(rows: LogRowModel[], extractor: RegExp): LogLabelStatsModel[] {
// Consider only rows that satisfy the matcher
const rowsWithField = rows.filter(row => extractor.test(row.entry));
const rowCount = rowsWithField.length;
// Get field value counts for eligible rows
const countsByValue = _.countBy(rowsWithField, row => (row as LogRowModel).entry.match(extractor)[1]);
const sortedCounts = _.chain(countsByValue)
.map((count, value) => ({ count, value, proportion: count / rowCount }))
return sortedCounts;
export function calculateLogsLabelStats(rows: LogRowModel[], label: string): LogLabelStatsModel[] {
// Consider only rows that have the given label
const rowsWithLabel = rows.filter(row => row.labels[label] !== undefined);
const rowCount = rowsWithLabel.length;
// Get label value counts for eligible rows
const countsByValue = _.countBy(rowsWithLabel, row => (row as LogRowModel).labels[label]);
const sortedCounts = _.chain(countsByValue)
.map((count, value) => ({ count, value, proportion: count / rowCount }))
return sortedCounts;
const isoDateRegexp = /\d{4}-[01]\d-[0-3]\dT[0-2]\d:[0-5]\d:[0-6]\d[,\.]\d+([+-][0-2]\d:[0-5]\d|Z)/g;
function isDuplicateRow(row: LogRowModel, other: LogRowModel, strategy: LogsDedupStrategy): boolean {
switch (strategy) {
case LogsDedupStrategy.exact:
// Exact still strips dates
return row.entry.replace(isoDateRegexp, '') === other.entry.replace(isoDateRegexp, '');
case LogsDedupStrategy.numbers:
return row.entry.replace(/\d/g, '') === other.entry.replace(/\d/g, '');
case LogsDedupStrategy.signature:
return row.entry.replace(/\w/g, '') === other.entry.replace(/\w/g, '');
return false;
export function dedupLogRows(logs: LogsModel, strategy: LogsDedupStrategy): LogsModel {
if (strategy === LogsDedupStrategy.none) {
return logs;
const dedupedRows = logs.rows.reduce((result: LogRowModel[], row: LogRowModel, index, list) => {
const previous = result[result.length - 1];
if (index > 0 && isDuplicateRow(row, previous, strategy)) {
} else {
row.duplicates = 0;
return result;
}, []);
return {
rows: dedupedRows,
export function getParser(line: string): LogsParser {
let parser;
try {
if (LogsParsers.JSON.test(line)) {
parser = LogsParsers.JSON;
} catch (error) {}
if (!parser && LogsParsers.logfmt.test(line)) {
parser = LogsParsers.logfmt;
return parser;
export function filterLogLevels(logs: LogsModel, hiddenLogLevels: Set<LogLevel>): LogsModel {
if (hiddenLogLevels.size === 0) {
return logs;
const filteredRows = logs.rows.reduce((result: LogRowModel[], row: LogRowModel, index, list) => {
if (!hiddenLogLevels.has(row.logLevel)) {
return result;
}, []);
return {
rows: filteredRows,
export function makeSeriesForLogs(rows: LogRowModel[], intervalMs: number): TimeSeries[] {
// currently interval is rangeMs / resolution, which is too low for showing series as bars.
// need at least 10px per bucket, so we multiply interval by 10. Should be solved higher up the chain
// when executing queries & interval calculated and not here but this is a temporary fix.
// intervalMs = intervalMs * 10;
// Graph time series by log level
const seriesByLevel = {};
const bucketSize = intervalMs * 10;
const seriesList = [];
for (const row of rows) {
let series = seriesByLevel[row.logLevel];
if (!series) {
seriesByLevel[row.logLevel] = series = {
lastTs: null,
datapoints: [],
alias: row.logLevel,
color: LogLevelColor[row.logLevel],
// align time to bucket size
const time = Math.round(row.timeEpochMs / bucketSize) * bucketSize;
// Entry for time
if (time === series.lastTs) {
series.datapoints[series.datapoints.length - 1][0]++;
} else {
series.datapoints.push([1, time]);
series.lastTs = time;
// add zero to other levels to aid stacking so each level series has same number of points
for (const other of seriesList) {
if (other !== series && other.lastTs !== time) {
other.datapoints.push([0, time]);
other.lastTs = time;
return seriesList.map(series => {
series.datapoints.sort((a, b) => {
return a[1] - b[1];
return { datapoints: series.datapoints, target: series.alias, color: series.color };